Showing posts with label jack sparling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jack sparling. Show all posts

Friday, January 14, 2022

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 7

MasterworX 7 Silver Age X-Men Factor Three Banshee

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Seven

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episodes 29-34
(00:00:00) X-Men #25: "The Power and the Pendant!"
(00:32:02) X-Men #26: "Holocaust!"
(00:56:18) X-Men #27: "Re-Enter: The Mimic!"
(01:21:26) X-Men #28: "The Wail of the Banshee!"
(02:00:00) X-Men #29: "When Titans Clash!"
(02:33:00) X-Men #30: "The Warlock Wakes!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth & Jack Sparling
Inks - Dick Ayers & John Tartaglione
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Colors - ?
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢/per

Our X-Amination of the X-Ploits of the Silver Age X-Men continues... as we recommence our travels down crappy villain corridor... dealing with the likes of El Tigre and the Ogre.  Thankfully, this leads us to an actual direction for our young mutants... plus, a new member (and field leader) in The (not-even-a-mutant... at the time) Mimic!  The direction in question is... well, not a great one, as it's the seemingly interminable FACTOR THREE storyline!  Are you ready for this?  Probably not...


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The All-New, All-Different

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 40 - X-Men #30 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Forty

X-Men #30 (March, 1967)
"The Warlock Wakes!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Guest Pencils - Jack Sparling
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - Ehhh?
Manicurist - Irving Forbush
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Folks, if you thought our run-ins with the Maggia, the Locust, El Tigre, and the Super-Adaptoid were dull... well, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

Today we're meeting the man once known as Merlin the Mad... now, Warlock (not that Warlock... not the other one, either!)  I already can't wait to read the Mutant Mail-Box letters about this one!

Speaking of which, we've got one of those here!  Also, Bullpen Bulletins, the Mighty Marvel Checklist, our own Mailbag... and even a dive into the Voicemail box!


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Welcome Back, Kotter #1 (1976)

Welcome Back, Kotter #1 (November, 1976)
"So Long, Kotter!"
Writer - Elliot S! Maggin
Artists - Jack Sparling & Bob Oskner
Editor - Joe Orlando
Cover Price: $0.30

Taking a brief break from the horror and Halloween books.  Long story short... I had some free time this afternoon, and in an attempt to organize my comics library... sorta-kinda made a bigger mess than I was expecting.  I was going to don some scuba equipment and a headlamp to see if I could perhaps locate the Halloween book I wanted to cover today... buuuut, in the end that just didn't seem like a good use of my time.  I was going to upload a picture of the library's current state of disarray, but if I'm being honest... it would've been kind of embarrassing to do so.

Never fear, however... I did have a few books lying in wait to be discussed here at the humble blog... among them this explosion era DC-TV gem Welcome Back, Kotter #1.  While I cannot say that I was around during this show's initial run (it ended as I started), I do have fond memories of it from my childhood.  I catch it in reruns every now and again... I think it's on MeTV.  Sadly, I always seem to catch ones from the final season where John Travolta and the man himself, Gabe Kaplan are not present.  One of these days I'll remember to DVR it... and enjoy some fun mid-70's TV.

We'll get back to the horror books within the next couple of days.


It's morning in America... and the Kotters' Brooklyn apartment.  The neighborhood has a fine amount of... flavor.  Wrecking balls and crumbling buildings abound.  We go inside to watch as chunks of roof wind up in Mr. and Mrs. Kotter's coffee and cereal.  This sadly doesn't seem like an uncommon occurrence, as Julie phones Superman... err, that is the new Super, man... who uses his powers of deduction to conclude that the ceiling is falling apart.  

With some wifely prodding, Gabe realizes he's about to be late to work, and rushes out of the building. Doing his best Dagwood Bumstead impression, he collides with the mailman whose parcels and missives go flying.  Among them is one addressed to Gabe from the Department of Education.

Letter in hand, he hops on the bus.  Once seated, he learns that his transfer request has been approved.  He and his wife can leave their rotten Brooklyn apartment and move to Manhattan's East Side.  He's so pleased he plants a kiss on the passenger next to him... which buys him a beating via umbrella.  It's all good though, Gabe's spirits are still high enough for him to click his heels and go about his day.

Once in his classroom he continues reading his letter... he says aloud that he will have to go in for a physical examination before the transfer is made final.  His train of thought is interrupted when he hears a stirring in the supply closet.  Why it's Vinnie Barbarino making time with Rosalie "Hotsie" Totsie.  He gives'em both the boot, however without use of the classic Kotter wit.  It seems as though his mind is elsewhere... something that is not lost on young Barbarino.  He reports back to fellow 'Hogs Horshack and Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington (Juan Epstein is absent, but don't worry... I'm sure he's got a note)... and we get the classic sitcom misunderstanding.  The guys think that Mr. Kotter is quite ill, and they plan to "be really cool" with him today.

And so... the class decides to not only behave... but somehow get all their homework and studying done in the fifteen minutes before home room.  Not bad for remedials!  Kotter thinks he's lost his mind... when suddenly Mr. Woodface Woodman enters to congratulate him on his pending medical examination.  The Sweathogs take great offense to this, believing Woodman is celebrating their teacher's fatal illness.  Gabe straightens everything out, and comes clean about his transfer.  In the interest of full disclosure (and not getting jumped by a gaggle of angry 'Hogs) he blames the entire thing on his wife.

Barbarino, Horshack and Washington fearing that a strict teacher would be taking Mr. Kotter's place decide to pop in for a visit with Mrs. Julie Kotter... to try and win her over.  That's truly a terrifying thought... probably one that wouldn't fly these days.  Anyhoo, they... ahem... watch her from the fire escape... which (pardon my 2016) is creepy, right?  They see her in a cloud of dust as she struggles to vacuum the apartment.  The vacuum "bucks like a wild bronco and is sparking electricity all over the place.  Her household chores are interrupted by a ringing at the door.  Why, it's the Sweathogs, and they come bearing the gift of a brand-new (very likely "hot") vacuum cleaner.

After exchanging pleasantries, Vinnie wanders over to the Kotters' open and mostly empty refrigerator.  He offers to go grocery shopping for the busy Julie, and she hands him a tenner for his troubles.  Thirty-minutes later, the 'hogs return with $100 worth of groceries... and $9 change from the money Julie gave them.  I've hoid'a "hot" meals before, but this is ridiculous.

Julie is finally able to get the boys to come clean about why they're being so nice... and they say that Gabe gave'em the ol' "Happy wife, happy life" spiel, and so they want to make sure she's as happy as possible so their favorite teacher won't transfer.  Lucky for the 'hogs, Julie has a plan.  She lets her fingers do the walking, and calls a B. Wayne Pevey... and I don't think that "B" stands for Bruce.

The next morning Gabe happily swaggers into work, singing all the way.  There's an older fellow in his classroom who is helpfully advised of Kotter's arrival by... either Arnold Horshack or a rapture enthusiast standing in the parking lot.  The man shouts Kotter's name, and suddenly it is as though Gabe himself is a Sweathog once more.

After some screwing about, Gabe asks what's going on.  We learn that Pevey was Kotter's high school Social Studies teacher, and that Gabe himself was the founding member of the Sweathogs.  This next bit is funny... rather than stay and, ya know... teach classes today, Gabe asks Pevey if he wants to "do lunch"... and so, the pair leave.  I guess Barbarino and "Hotsie" Totsie can make out all they want this morning!

We follow Kotter and Pevey to the cafeteria, where they indulge in some gloppy mess.  Pevey tells the story of his retirement party, and how it was nearly ruined by a mean-spirited prank by Gabe himself.  The cheerleaders banner was replaced with one that read "Good Riddance".  Kotter admits he was ashamed of that act, and even went as far as chucking the banner into Sheepshead Bay.

The pair part with a newfound respect for one another, and Kotter heads back to his classroom where he finds... Juan Epstein... and wouldn'tcha know it... he's got a note!  Kotter laughs it off and heads over to the window to pull down the blinds.  Uh-oh... the blinds have been rigged by Epstein... and they fall to the floor!  The rest of the Sweathogs get all over poor unknowing Juan about potentially losing Kotter to (figuratively) greener pastures.

Gabe sees that his decision is affecting more people than just him... and so, he picks up his transfer letter and... tears it into tiny little pieces.  I'm not sure that's how transfers work, but I appreciate the sentiment.

We end our visit in Brooklyn with Gabe returning home for the day.  He gets his "sneaky, foxy" wife to admit that she was behind Pevey's arrival... but their smootch session is interrupted by a clattering in the closet... why it's Barbarino and Hotsie makin' it in the cupboard.  Roll the credits and the theme song (seriously), cuz we're out!


Yup... had a lot more fun with this one than I should have.

Yeah, it's silly... and some of the jokes fall flat (it is a comic and not live-action, after all), but dammit... it was fun.  And the art!  Sparling and Oskner craft wonderful likenesses of the cast... everyone is instantly recognizable... hell, even the Kotter apartment and classroom are remarkably on model.

The story is just as though you were watching an episode of the television show.  We get some great Gabe one-liners, some Sweathog shenanigans (including a wonderful sitcom-y misunderstanding), and learn a bit about Gabe's own past as a founding member of the remedial gang... and c'mon, the issue ends with a verse from the show's awesome theme song.  How can you not love that?

Guess my only complaints would be the lack of catch phrases.  I really was expecting an "Up ya nose widda rubba hose" outta one of 'em... but not today.  Not even a "Whuh... Whea?" out of Vinnie or a "Hi there" from Washington.  Guess I'm gonna have to track down the rest of this series if I want any of that.

Doing a bit of research, I learned that this book came out during the second season of the show... which shocked me.  I'd assumed the show had been around far longer than that at this point.  Such a strange thing for DC (or any comics company) to publish.  Out of all the sitcoms of the day... they choose this one.  Don't get me wrong, I think this was as good a choice as any... and as mentioned, a helluva lot of fun... but the question still remains.

Another surprising thing... this book is approved by the Comics Code Authority... and yet, it glorifies juvenile delinquency.  It is heavily implied (though not said outright) that the Sweathogs had stolen both a vacuum cleaner and a hundred bucks worth of groceries... don't get it twisted, I've got no problem with such things in a fictional setting, but just something I was (perhaps foolishly) curious about.

Overall... definitely worth a read... if you can find it.  I've only seen this book in the wild once, and that's the day I bought it!  I don't see this one ever being reprinted, but hell... stranger things have happened, right?  If you're a back issue bin-trawler like I am, maybe peruse the "W" section every now and again to see if any issues of this series pop up.  It shouldn't be too terribly spendy, and definitely worth the few bucks you'll have to shell out.  In closing all that's left to say, in my best Arnold Horshack... "Very Impressive, Mistuh Maggin!"


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Saturday, July 9, 2016

Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1 (1987)

Elvira's House of Mystery Special #1 (1987)
"Elvira's Christmas Carol"
"Oh, What Fun to Laugh and Sing a Slaying Song Tonight!"
"O, Christmas Tree..."
"Twas the Night before X-Mas..."
Writers - Joey Cavalieri, Michael Fleisher, Barbara Randall
Artists - Frank Springer, Jack Sparling, Stephen DeStefano
Inker - Craig Boldman
Letterers - Albert De Guzman, Agustin Mas, Bob Lappan
Colorists - Shelley Eiber, Helen Vesik
Editor - Ed Hannigan
Cover Price: $1.25

As I sit here typing the house smells especially Christmasy.  Not only am I burning that Balsam candle, I've also got a hyooge pot of meatballs cooking.  I always associate Italian food with the holidays... there's a bit of a tradition in my home.  Every Christmas Eve I throw a pretty big dinner party-type'a-thing.  The Italian tradition is called the "Night of the Seven Fishes".

Well, being as though I'm not too big a fan of seafood... and I'm not even Italian (regardless of what Arizona-folk seem to think about anyone who speaks with a New York accent), several years back I'd taken it upon myself to start the "Night of the Seven Dishes"... in which I prepare seven main (Italian) courses, and invite both sides of the family and friends over to partake.  I'm sure as anyone who enjoys cooking knows... the holidays may as well be our Superbowl!  For the Christmas Eve feast there's an incredible mix of anticipation, stress, and excitement that cannot be replicated by any other meal for me... not even by Thanksgiving!

So, in keeping with our Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July motif... this morning I dragged myself out of bed even earlier than usual... and got to turning three pounds of chop meat into several dozen meatballs... and turning a bunch of tomatoes into sauce.  When I commit to a theme... I don't mess around.


Our first tale stars the titular Mistress of the Dark.  Elvira is beat, and just looking for a good nights sleep.  As she turns on the radio to lull her into dreamland, she is enraged to find that all of the stations are playing cheerful Christmas music.  

She vows if she hears just one more Christmas carol, she'll scream... well, cue our old friends Cain and Abel as they've come a'wassailling and hoping to spread holiday cheer.  Elvira gives 'em the what for and tells them to hit the bricks.

Our lady lead collapses on her bed in the midst of a bah-humbug tantrum, only to find herself summoned by an odd apparition claiming to be... now say it with me, the Ghost of Christmas Past.  In order to find out why Elvira hates Christmas so much the Ghost takes her back to her own childhood... and to her one-room schoolhouse alma mater.

We watch as li'l Elvira gets scolded for using all the green construction paper to make... strand of holly?  What's so bad about that?  Looking a bit closer, maybe it's paper bats?  Ehh, who knows?  

Anyhoo, Elvirita gets booted from the school, and so decides to... burn the building to the ground.  Elvira don't mess around.

The Ghost of Christmas Past dumps the Mistress back in her bed, and vanishes... moments later, we got another visitor... the Ghost of Christmas Present.  In order to make Elvira "come correct" about her disdain for the Holiday, he takes her to Manhattan... where she sees an absolute mob of consumerism Hell.  The Ghost concedes that, yeah... the consumer elements of Christmas kinda sucks.

Later, Elvira gets her final visit... the Ghost of Christmas Future.  He stands before her silently, before transporting her into a post-apocalyptic potential future.  It is here that Elvira decides... ya know what, there's worse things out there than Christmas.

A short time later, she wakes up in her bed with a new appreciation for Christmas.  She rushes to the window, and throws it open.  She shouts to a young boy... and offers him a few bucks to go fetch the giant bloodsucking bat that lives on the outskirts of town... and deliver it to Cain and Abel.  The spirit of the season truly lives on in Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.

The next story opens with a crum-bum purse snatcher flees from a police officer.  There's a brief firefight, which the baddie gets the better of.  He continues down an alley and runs into a wasted Salvation Army Santa.  He pistol whips jolly ol' Saint Drunk... and steals his outfit to help elude the police.

In his new gear, our man cockily walks past the pursuing officers, and climbs up a nearby fire escape... and into an open apartment window.  Here he meets a young blind girl... who believes him to be the actual real-deal Santa Claus.  She asks if he'd gotten her letter... and if he's there to give her her sight back.

The scumbag plays along with the poor tot, and loots her house of all its shiny trinkets.  He fashions a sack out of a blanket, and tells the young girl his sight-restoring magicstuffs were on the roof in his sleigh, and makes a run up the fire escape.

At that very moment, the real Santa Claus lands in the fireplace.  He tells the young girl that he's there to restore her sight... and he does!  They embrace, and he climbs back up the chimney.

He hops back in his sleigh, and makes a passing mention at his own sight failing him of late.  As they take off, we see that when he landed on the roof... he also landed... on the thief!

Our third tale features a yuppie couple who cannot find a satisfactory Christmas tree.  The fake ones are "too fake"... the real ones are "too dead"... the only solution for them is driving onto a wilderness preserve and chopping down a tree of their own.

They find the perfect tree, and after a few swipes of the chainsaw... take home their bounty.

We jump to Christmas Eve, where the yuppies are entertaining their yuppie friends.  They share some shallow conversation, and act as though they really couldn't care less about one another... this whole party is just for show.

Following their party, the yuppies retire to their bedroom.  That night, their perfect Christmas tree comes to life... and absolutely fills the house... likely resulting in two dead yuppies.

The next morning, we find that the tree has leveled the home and now stands some six-stories tall.  It gets chopped down, and delivered to the White House where several carolers (including Fred Flintstone) stand around it belting out some Christmas classics.

Our (whew) final story, is something of a poem.  The long and short of it is... this is a Cold War era book... One of the World Superpowers mistook Santa Claus and his reindeer for a nuke... and thus, World War III happened... followed by a planetary autopsy from visiting aliens.  There are no credits on this story, but it feels a touch Giffen-y... can't say for sure though.

We end our visit in the House of Mystery with our Hostess with the Most-est offering us roasted chestnuts... 


Well... kind of a mixed bag, eh?  Horror is a genre that's difficult to "get right", if you ask me.  Most often, I feel as though horror creators fall into the Twilight Zone model where the story ultimately winds up being a twisted morality play.  Like, how many episodes of the Twilight Zone ended with "man" being the truest evil of all?  I mean, there's only so many times you can see an evil "alien" ship... only to find it's tagged with an American flag.

All three stories (barring the opening A Christmas Carol riff) were of that variety.  I am something of a horror-comics neophyte, so I cannot say with any measure of certainty or credibility that this is the standard for books of this genre... though, I hope it's not.  This being a Christmas special, I can forgive the creators leaning on the narrative tool depicting the difference between right and wrong.

Overall, I think I enjoyed it... warts and all.  The Elvira bits were the most fun, just for that wonderful 1980's tone they brought with them.  This run on House of Mystery only lasted about a dozen issues (this Special included), and is most notable for having an issue ship without the Comics Code Authority seal of approval... due to "implied nudity".  Really now?

I wonder if this volume makes Elvira an official character in the DC Universe?  We see her briefly interact with previous "hosts" of DC's horror books Cain and Abel... and as far as I know, they're canon.  

This one's worth seeking out for novelty value alone... you probably won't get a whole lot out of the stories.  If you're down for even more Elvira fun, you can check out a Rad Ads piece I did with Reggie a few months back.  We discussed a mail-away advert for an Elvira t-shirt... one with which you can "turn on" your friends... or yourself!  Yikes.


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