Showing posts with label jim lee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jim lee. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2022

X-Men (v.2) #2 (1991)


X-Men (vol.2) #2 (November, 1991)
By Chris Claremont & Jim Lee
Inks - Scott Williams
Colors - Joe Rosas
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Another day... another dip into the ol' From Claremont to Claremont Archives... strangely enough, folks seem to dig these more than my usual stuff! Maybe it's not so strange after all... who knows? In my six and a half years of doin' this every day, you'd think I'd have figured something out. Oh well.

Here's to happy accidents...


We open with Magneto's big ol' head.  He informs the X-Men that the Acolytes have pledged themselves to him, and he does not intend on abandoning them... and he will decide how to deal with their rather extreme actions.  Ya know, like destroying a city and leveling a hospital last issue.  Cyclops realizes that Magneto's so far gone... sort of stuck in his own head at this point, that he cares very little about what happens to "ordinary human beings"... and well, he's right.  Magneto goes so far as to suggest that Genosha had it coming for being "Mutant Slavers" during that whole X-Tinction Agenda thing.

Magneto is attacked by a Genoshan helicopter... that is mostly made of plastic and other non-ferrous materials.  Magneto just shrugs it off... and plays a little "cause and effect" with the whirlybird.  Just because he can't manipulate it, doesn't mean he can't ram big ol' beams of metal through it!

After Magneto deflects another X-Men attack, we shift scenes to meet up with Fabian Cortez.  Psylocke confronts him, but is easily overwhelmed... and smooched upon by the ginger geek.

Meanwhile, at the United Nations... they're still talkin' about the situation.  A man named Alexyev, who looks like a beta-version of Jacob Marlowe from WildC.A.T.S (he's either very short, or the perspective is all sorts of wonky here), chats up Nick Fury about implementing the aforementioned Magneto Protocols.

Back in Genosha, we rejoin Psylocke.  Her mind is bombarded with the thoughts of the nearby citizens (courtesy of Cortez's kiss)... and boy are they hateful toward mutants.  She actually winds up circled by a bunch, and beaten... until Beast hops in to save the day.  Worth noting, Gambit gives Fabes a whack in da noggin with his quarterstaff.

Then... Magneto returns to pontificate s'more.  He tells the X-Men that they should all be fighting for the same cause... and implores them to join up with him.  Same ol', same ol'.

Back at the Xavier School, Forge is making a frantic call to Storm's Gold Strike Force to assist with the events in Genosha.  Banshee is also there, and is wondering just what these Magneto Protocols might include.  Forge is clueless... and, actually so is Professor X!  We learn that Moira MacTaggert bolted out the place when the alarms started to sound, which gives Charles a bit of a pause.

Back to Genosha... where it's more of the same.  Psylocke is able to pierce into Magneto's head with her psychic knife... again, courtesy of Cortez's kiss.  This victory is rather short-lived, however... as it's here that the patron mutant of 90's comics makes his presence felt!  That's right... this is Chrome!  And he, well... coats the good guys in... chrome!  Now they're worth a few bucks more...

Magneto and the gang retreat back to Asteroid M.  Fabian Cortez reveals to Magnus that when he healed him last issue, he noticed a strange anomaly in his DNA.  Some... genetic engineering, if you wee'll.  Magneto has a sneaking suspicion how it might've gotten there... and we'll soon find out ourselves.  Like... really soon.

But first, the Magneto Protocols!  The Soviet's launch a Plasma Cannon into space... and it's headed toward Asteroid M.

Then, back on Earth, Professor Xavier happens across Moira getting sloshed at the Mansion's boathouse.  They chat briefly, before they are joined by the Master of Magnetism, and whisked away Wizard of Oz style... house and all.

While hovering in Orbit, Magneto demands some answers... or at least validation on his hunch.  Turns out, while he was de-aged into infancy, following a weird issue of the Defenders... 

Here's Magneto's recollection of the event...

... Moira took it upon herself to tinker with Baby Mags' genetic code.  He was just an innocent as a babe... and she intended to keep him that way.  After some prodding, Moira comes clean and cops to the deed.  Magneto... isn't pleased.  Though, this is a really interesting way to kind of handwave his babyface turn of the mid-80s.  It's also a pretty great way of bringing him back to the dark side.

While Magneto has Moira "chromed up" for her misdeeds, we take a brief aside to the Sakhalin Islands just East of the Soviet Union and North of Japan.  We join Matsuo Tsurayaba as he takes advantage of last issue's EM Pulse to swipe something called "Omega".  This ain't Weapon Omega who we'll be meeting in this month's issue of Alpha Flight... but someone else, who we'll meet in the flesh and coils in two-months time.

Back on Asteroid M, Cyclops and his Blue Team chat up Professor X... in order to inform him that, get this, they've joined up with Magneto!  C'mon, get with the 90's old man... "Magneto was right" and all that jazz.

Back at the Mansion, word has traveled fast... Storm's Gold Team is running a simulation of them fighting the Blue Team... and, just like in sales and popularity... they get their butts kicked.

We wrap up with the Goldies geting a holographic visit from Nick Fury.  He informs them of the Magneto Protocol being enacted... and warns that, when it hits... da whole thing's gonna go boom.  So, if they wanna save their Blue buds, it's now or never!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

X-Men Vignettes, Chapter Thirty-Nine (1989)


X-Men Vignettes #39 (1989)
"Briggs' Revenge"
Writer - Ann Nocenti
Pencils - Jim Lee
Inks - Joe Rubenstein
Letters - Jim Novak
Colors - Gregory Wright
Edits - Edelman, Harras, DeFalco
From: Classic X-Men #39 (November, 1989)

Today we've got... say it with me... something weird! Weird in that, it actually feels like any old X-Men story. We've got good guys, bad guys, a conflict... it's so "normal" that it almost feels out of place here in the Vignettes!

It's also got art from a fella who's like two years away from pretty much remaking the entire franchise in his own image... so, there's that too.


We open with Storm flying over the streets and seas of New York City. She is in an amazingly good mood... so much so, that she almost hates to have to settle her feet on the ground -- she just wants to stay soaring. She does, however, land... gotta keep looking the part of an ordinary New Yawka, I suppose. As she sets down, she is spotted by... a creep. Well, maybe that's too harsh... we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, right? Anyway, this cree--err, fella sees Storm land, assumes she's a mutant... and wonders hopefully that she might be able to help him out. Ya see, he too is a mutant... and he doesn't know how to deal with his uncanny abilities. Ororo walks the streets, heading toward the nearest bus stop... and, since she's a six-foot tall supermodel with long, shockingly white hair, all the dudes start to ogle her. Our new creepy pal approaches to chat her up. She takes one look at him, and knows she's gotta get away. She ignores the poor dude. His name is Billy Briggs, by the way.

Billy keeps persisting... until some Tony Stark-looking dude pushes him away. Storm is immediately smitten by this handsome man. Interestingly, and this might just be me, but the "handsome" man looks a lot like a stock Jim Lee-drawn character... which, since this is Jim Lee, probably stands to reason. The "ugly" Billy Briggs... well, he kinda looks like a stock Rob Liefeld character... lotsa lines on his face, and even a bit of the broccoli floret hair! I'm sure I'm just seeing things... but, I tell ya... those are funny things to "see". Billy knows what's up... Storm doesn't have time for chat with some ugly dude in need -- she'd rather talk to a rich handsome dude. Well, way of the world, I guess...

From here we hop over to Xavier's, where Colossus and Wolverine are in the middle of a bet. Logan's bet Piotr that he can't nyoink a tree stump out of the ground... and has a case of beer riding on it. Colossus manages to do it... but struggles. Wow, Colossus struggling while yanking a tree stump out of the ground? Somewhere on dry land, John Byrne is seething! Maybe he'll even quit the book again! Storm arrives on the scene to help out by whisking the mangled root system away.

Wolverine wants to go double or nothing... and claims he can use his Razor-Sharp Adamantium Claws to hack the tree to bits in no time... well, thirty-seconds. And so, Pete and Ro begin to count as he chops away... as we pan back to see that, ol' Billy Briggs... somehow managed to follow Storm back to the school? I mean, it's like an hour and a half drive from Manhattan to North Westchester... and, it doesn't appear that our homeless Mr. Briggs has a car. Google Maps says it'd be a sixteen hour walk! Am I thinking too hard? Yeah, I'm probably thinking too hard. Maybe Briggs skitched the whole way on the back of Ororo's bus? Anyway, Briggs interrupts the proceedings by blowing up the car that Pete and Logan drove out... to the yard. Did they need to actually drive from the house to the yard? I dunno, gang.

Anyway, it's here where B.B. introduces himself... claiming that he has the ability to disintegrate the lot of 'em in a heartbeat... but, here's the thing: he's going to let Storm, the woman who ignored him sixteen and a half hours ago in the city, choose which of her friends he's going to kill -- a decision she'll have to live with for the rest of her entire life! It's a regular Stormy's Choice!

Rather than, ya know, attacking and restraining this clearly unhinged homeless man, Storm actually considers her options! She looks at Peter... who is so sweet and innocent, then Logan... who can survive being hit by a meteor. I mean, all told, it's an easy choice -- but, still... they're giving this baddie a lot of power here. Anyway, she ultimately does choose Wolverine... who, kinda saw it coming, and doesn't appear to be terribly surprised.

From here, Briggs makes like a Sentinel from the cover of Uncanny #142... and lights our Logan up!

In the distraction, Colossus picks up a chunk of tree and smashes the dude in the head with it... killing him. Okay, not really... but, c'mon now, this should have killed him. I mean, it'd kill an elephant. Storm joins in on the fun, whooshing Briggs into the sky, and giving him his first shower in months. She also hits him with lightning... killing him. Okay again, not really... but... it probably should'a! By now, Wolverine is back up and at 'em.

Colossus grabs Briggs, pressing his own hands into his head. It's now time for Wolverine to offer him a choice. He can either go via Razor-Sharp Adamantium death... or, he can use his own disintegration powers on himself. The choice is his. Well, it would'a been -- but, Storm butts in to get everyone to settle their tea kettles. She takes the blame for ignoring a man who was clearly in need... and suggests that the best course of action would be to help him. Worth noting, it looks like Piotr was totally on board with murdering this man... which seems a bit (read: a lot) out of character.

We close out with Storm approaching Wolverine to apologize for, ya know, offering him up to be killed three minutes ago. Logan says it's cool... but, it's clear that it isn't. I mean, it's not like this will ever be mentioned again... so, it's hard to say how deep the hurt-feelings go. Anyway, Billy Briggs sees this tension between Lo and Ro... and smiles sinisterly, knowing that... despite his "loss", he still kinda "won".


Before we get into it... good GRIEF is WordPress being a pain in the ass today. I've been trying to upload these pics for the better part of an hour. Is blogging, regardless of platform, just all-around awful nowadays? I don't remember being a part of that decision.


So, what'd we have here? I mean, we're in full-on X-Men Unlimited territory now... almost to a T. We're introduced to a new mutant, who we'll never, eeeeeeever hear from again. Said new mutant is nearly able to beat/kill some of the A-List X-Men. And, there's some dramatic tension introduced between the characters... which, like our new mutant, will never be mentioned again.

Which, kinda makes it difficult to say a whole lot about. I guess our main takeaway here might be the moral lesson of "don't judge a book..." since Storm was so quick to dismiss ugly Briggs when he approached her in the city. Which, hey -- let's talk about that for a second. That, in and of itself, kinda feels out of character for Storm, doesn't it? She's usually depicted as being (almost too) kind... it's a bit odd seeing her dazzled by the Tony Stark-looking dude while rolling her eyes at the annoying ugly fella, who is clearly in need of some sort of assistance.

Keeping on the topic of acting out of character - I mentioned during the synopsis how strange it was seeing Colossus playing along with Wolverine's threats of murdering Briggs. As still sort of the wide-eyed innocent that Piotr was, you'd think he'd contest such a thing -- but instead, he's there holding this dude's deadly hands up against his dome.

Finally, Wolverine himself -- when Storm was presented with the "Sophie's Choice", you'd almost think that he'd offer himself up, rather than putting Storm in such a position. He would know that, between he and Piotr, that he had the best chances of surviving the attack. That is, of course, assuming that Wolverine would've let this dude unload on either of them before slicing him to ribbons -- which might just be another sorta-kinda "out of character" bit.

I dunno about this one, gang. It's... interesting, just not terribly good. It's an early Jim Lee X-Men story, which I suppose makes it a bit notable? I believe he'd only had a single-issue fill-in on Uncanny to this point (#248 - September, 1989) -- he was just about to hop on full-time. Oh well. This one was what it was...

Saturday, March 6, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 2a - X-Men (vol.2) #2 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 2A

X-Men (vol.2) #2 (November, 1991)
By Chris Claremont & Jim Lee
Inks - Scott Williams
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Colors - Joe Rosas
Edits - Harras & DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Kicking off our second episode (in segmented form) of From Claremont to Claremont, Jody (@regalfan) and I dig right back into X-Men (vol.2) - and talk a whole lot about the debabying of Magneto!  The Many Lives of Moira X have never been quite so scandalous... well, maybe.

Also, Jody sits in for the dreaded "Pod-File" segment, wherein I ask him all of the nutty questions Marvel Staffers used to be asked in the "Pro-File" section of the Bullpen Bulletins of Marvel Comics back in the long ago!  It's a great (and enlightening) chat, and we sure hope you'll join us!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Saturday, January 9, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1b: Uncanny X-Men #281 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 1B

Uncanny X-Men #281 (October, 1991)
"Fresh Upstart"
By Jim Lee, Whilce Portacio, & John Byrne
Inks - Art Thibert
Colors - Joe Rosas
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Continuing our way through the legendary (legendary mean from like a really long time ago, right?) first episode of From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast - and in this segment, I'm joined by my pal Billy (@BiLLYd_licious) to discuss the first issue of the new-look Uncanny X-Men!  The Gold Team is up to their shoulders in trouble... but not quite as much as the poor Hellions (RIP in Pieces Beef!).

Billy will also share with us his X-Fan Secret Origin!  It's a fun conversation, I hope you'll tune in!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Saturday, January 2, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1a: X-Men (vol.2) #1 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 1A

X-Men (vol.2) #1 (October, 1991)
Co-Plot/Writer - Chris Claremont
Co-Plot/Pencils - Jim Lee
Inks - Scott Williams
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Colors - Joe Rosas
Edits - Gaffney, Harras, DeFalco
Cover Price: $3.95/$1.00

Due to popular demand (of a small handful of folks who expressed interest in listening to From Claremont to Claremont, but without the need to fill up their entire device with a 10-14 hour file), I've decided to keep up with our FCTC Segments -- starting with the big one, the Guinness World Record holding X-Men (vol.2) #1 (October, 1991).

For the new book, I'm joined by my friend Jody Yerdon (@regalfan) to discuss all the goings on in and out of the book.  Jody will also share with us his "Secret Origin" both regarding the X-Men and comics in general.

It's a fun conversation... I hope you decide to hop on board the #FCTCXMen train!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Saturday, November 21, 2020

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 3a - X-Men (vol.2) #3 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 3A

X-Men (vol.2) #3 (December, 1991)
By - Chris Claremont & Jim Lee
Inks - Scott Williams
Colors - Joe Rosas
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.00

A little something different for your Saturday!

Your humble host has been long dragging his feet on releasing the next full (12+ hour long) episode of From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast - however, today I'm dropping the segment where Jody Yerdon (@regalfan) and I discuss the final issue of the Chris Claremont run - X-Men (vol.2) #3 (December, 1991).

In addition to covering the issue itself, we also include a bit of a "hook" in that Jody (along with the rest of the FCTC hosts) will share with us the "Soundtrack of Their Life" - It's a very fun conversation - and I hope you all enjoy, and maybe even share some of the songs that would be on your own playlists!

For the handful of folks who even remember that FCTC was even a "thing", I apologize for taking forever to start releasing these!


The First Two Episodes of From Claremont to Claremont:

Episode 1

Episode 2


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Uncanny X-Men #281 (1991)

Uncanny X-Men #281 (October, 1991)
"Fresh Up Start"
Plot - Jim Lee
Plot & Pencils - Whilce Portacio
Script - John Byrne
Inks - Art Thibert
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Colors - Joe Rosas
Editor - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Ages ago following Schism, when Uncanny X-Men had it's first renumbering and "new #1", I concocted a list of times that would've made more sense to dump the legacy numbering.  Schism, wasn't quite as big of a deal as Marvel made it out to be... and was more or less just another Cyclops and Wolverine "falling out".

The issue we'll be looking at today is one of those times where I think Marvel could've "gotten away with" a renumbering.  I wouldn't have liked it... but, I could definitely understand it a bit more than following the nothing-burger that was Schism.

To me, if this book was ever going to be renumbered... it should have been either here, or when the book returned to new content following Giant-Size.

Let's get into it... and try not to feel too bad for poor John Byrne having to script these panels at the 13th hour.


We open in the Australian Outback, where the Reavers are having themselves a good time drinking and chatting.  All's not completely calm, however, as one of 'em is certain he'd heard something stirring from outside their camp.  Donald Pierce tells the fella to shut up... they're too far off the beaten path (and in the middle of a sandstorm) where nobody can find them.  Well, not so fast, kemosabe... just then, a group of rough-looking Sentinels peel the roof off the joint as though it were a can of tuna fish!

Meanwhile, in New York City, the X-Men's Gold Strike Force is attending a party at the Hellfire Club.  Turns out they were asked to come by Emma Frost herself.  Storm laments the fact that she had to wear a "preposterous gown" to the gala... but, it's looks more like a minidress to me.  She, Jean, and Warren are hanging out upstairs... while Bobby and Piotr mingle among the other guests... and members of Frost's own Hellions.

Naturally, there's a bit of friction between the two factions... however, before it can come to blows, Emma Frost hurls some armored woman through a set of double doors.  This is an assassin who had been sent to kill her... and it isn't the first time this happened (this week!).  Just as the cover copy suggests... this is the sorta thing upon which "desperate alliances" are built.

Elsewhere, Shinobi Shaw is being attended to by a whole bunch of scantily clad folks while chatting up a fella who we will soon know as Trevor Fitzroy.  They're comparing notes... and discussing a little "game" their group is currently playing.  Ya see, these two belong to the Upstarts... a group of assassins who try and rack up points by killing mutants... and assorted V.I.P.s.  Shinobi is currently the "king" of this organization... but Fitzroy might just be looking to challenge for the crown.

Back at the party, Frost is about to "peel the psyche" of her would-be assassin.  The X-Men naturally protest this sort of psychic torture, and intervene before it goes too far.

This triggers the Hellions to launch into battle... and before we know it, we're in the middle of a full-blown skirmish!  Remembering that they're there for a reason, Jean sends out a frantic psychic signal to get everyone to stand down.  When the dust settles, Frost reveals that the Hellfire Club is under attack... and suggests that the X-Men might be next.  Therefore, it might be in everybody's best interest for there to be a truce.

The Hellion Jetstream posits that they interrogate the armored assassin in hopes that she'll spill the beans on whoever might be behind these repeated attempts on their lives.  Before he can, however, Trevor Fitzroy pops onto the scene!

Back in the Outback, Donald Pierce is fleeing from his robotic pursuers.  Bashing through a wall, he runs into Lady Deathstrike. She proceeds to attack the Sentinel, slicing off it's arm.  Surprisingly, this Sentinel is able to reattach the lost limb without much in the way of inconvenience!

More Sentinels follow... and Pierce continues his escape.  He runs up a nearby hill, where he finds Gateway... the aboriginal mutant, with teleportation powers.  He demands the fella spin his "bullroarer" and send him to "the one responsible" for this assault.  No sooner does he step through the portal do the Sentinels arrive.  They appear to look at Gateway, but do not attack him.

Back in New York, Fitzroy is just having his way with the Hellions... killing two of their number (Jetstream and... uh, Beef) in as many panels.  Frost and the X-Men go on the offensive, however, the armor the baddie's wearing protects him from any psychic attacks.  Suddenly, Donald Pierce arrives on the scene, popping out of a portal...

... followed by a whole bunch of Sentinels!  The X-Men and Hellions team up to battle back the bots.  In the fracas, however, Emma Frost is struck dead!  Somehow, that is... the art isn't terribly clear.

The X-Hellions alliance continues to fight the good fight while Trevor Fitzroy looks on.  After engaging in a divide and conquer approach, it all comes down to a two-on-one confrontation between a pair of Sentinels and Jean Grey.

With one last desperate attempt, Jean does... something psychic-y (which will make a teensy bit more sense next issue).  The Sentinels confirm her death, and retreat.  Fitzroy looks on satisfied, knowing he just racked up a whole lotta Upstart points.

We wrap up with Colossus carrying Jean's lifeless body out of the Club while Senator Robert Kelly rushes onto the scene to give the heroes some grief.


I feel like when you talk to comics enthusiasts of the long ago, and you ask them which of the Image founders they like the least (insofar as art style), the immediate (almost knee-jerk) go-to is "Rob Liefeld".  For me, however... it's Whilce Portacio.  Fundamentally, he's a good artist, don't get me wrong.  There isn't (as much) wonky anatomy, though there's still a staggering lack of feet (Liefeld might be the least guilty yet most blamed for this phenomenon)... I, for whatever reason, just don't like looking at Whilce's work.

With that out of the way, let's talk story for a bit.

It's not great... but, it has some great elements.  Lemme tell ya, I absolutely love the idea of the Upstarts.  I feel like the X-Offices left money on the table with this concept... and there was just so much more that could have been done with it.  Imagine if this group was allowed to linger in the background for a bit... give them the ol' Claremont "bubbling subplot" treatment over the course of a few years... have them pick off random, perhaps "inconvenient", mutants for points... and finally crescendo into a confrontation.

Such a concept seems right up John Byrne's alley (circa 1991).  Byrne, feeling there were too many mutants to keep track of, was actually petitioning for a second Mutant Massacre around this time (I'll include the interview down below).  So, why not just have the Upstarts "take care" of that?

Well, a handful of reasons... first, John Byrne wasn't long for this era of X-Books.  Citing difficulty in effectively scripting the book due to the lateness of receiving the pages from Whilce and Jim... he'd skedaddle only a couple months into the assignment.  Then, less than a year later, Jim and Whilce would be gonzo from Marvel... then, a year after that, the X-Men had the Legacy Virus foisted upon them, which would more or less do the Upstarts' "job" of thinning the mutant herd, while being somewhat relevant in its analogousness to AIDS.

I'm still a big fan though!  I think the Upstarts could've been great.  Heck, I still do!  Guess it just wasn't in the cards.

Now, the rest of the issue... ya know, the actual "story"... ehh.  It was alright.  Back when I first read this, I didn't know a Hellion from a hole in the head, so I didn't really get how big a deal it was for Fitzroy to wipe them out.  After reading more about the Hellions... that disinterest turned to annoyance, as they really were "jobbed out" here just to establish Fitzroy as a threat.  That's a lot of history to dump just to give the new guy a shine.

The ending, with the apparent deaths of Jean and Emma?  Ehh, again.  I don't think anybody was buyin' it... then again, I don't think a lot of the folks who were literally "buyin'" this issue did so to check out the story in the first place.

Overall... an important issue... but, all told, not a very good one.


John Byrne Interview (from Wizard Magazine #3 - Nov, 1991):

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