Showing posts with label joe madureira. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joe madureira. Show all posts

Saturday, April 24, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 2h - Marvel Comics Presents #88-89 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 2H

Marvel Comics Presents #88-89 (November, 1991)
"Blood Hungry, Part 4: Four Scents Worth"
"Blood Hungry, Part 5: Five Scents Worth"
"Just Friends, Part 4: Fool for Love"
"Just Friends, Part 5: My Pal Mugsy"
"Hero of the People"
"What's Wrong With this Picture?!"
Writers - Peter David, Scott Lobdell, Eric Fein, James Brock, & Dan Slott
Pencils - Sam Kieth, Jae Lee, Mark Runyan, James Brock, Rita Fagiani, & Joe Madureira
Inks - Sam Kieth, Tim Dzon, Don Hudson, Bob Wiacek, Jim Starlin, & Christopher Ivy
Colors - Pat Garrahy, Mike Thomas, Fred Mendez, Kevin Tinsley, & Dan Slott
Letters - Dave Sharpe, Diana Albers, Todd Klein, & Steve Dutro
Edits - Terry Kavanagh
Cover Price: $1.25/per

It's anthology day at #FCTCXMen - and so, Walt (@waltkneeland) and me are going to take a look at two issues of Marvel Comics Presents!

The Cyber storyline rolls on in Wolverine... the Beast is still looking for love... and we get to discuss the first Marvel work of eventual Uncanny X-Men artist, Joe Madureira!

All that, plus Walt answers the dreaded Pod-File questionnaire! 


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Merry X-Lapsed - Uncanny X-Men #341 (1997)

Merry X-Lapsed!  Day Two

Uncanny X-Men #341 (February, 1997)
"When Strikes a Gladiator!"
Writer - Scott Lobdell
Pencils - Joe Madureira
Inks - Tim Townsend
Letters - Richard Starkings and Comicraft
Colors - Steve Buccellato and Team Bucce!
Edits - Jason Liebig, Mark Powers
Cover Price: $1.95

Our Holiday Week rolls on... and we haven't even left Rockefeller Center yet!  Today's comic, Uncanny X-Men #341 (1997) clearly takes a few of its cues from X-Men #98... just with a bit more turn-of-the-century sorta flare.

We'll talk all about Cannonball's recent promotion - as well as a quick n' dirty catch-up on who in the hell Joseph is... was... whatever!


Other Chris and Reggie Episodes Mentioned:

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 100 - Age of Apocalypse, Part One

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 101 - Age of Apocalypse, Part Two

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 102 - Age of Apocalypse, Part Three

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 103 - Age of Apocalypse, Part Four

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 104 - Age of Apocalypse, Part Five

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 105 - Age of Apocalypse, Part Six

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 40 - X-Men (vol.2) #8 (1992)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 41 - X-Men (vol.2) #45 (1995)

Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 144 - The X-Traitor!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Battle Chasers #1 (1998)

Battle Chasers #1 (April, 1998)
"The Most Dangerous Game"
Story - Joe Madureira & Munier Sharrieff
Pencils - Joe Madureira
Inks - Tom McWeeney
Colors - Liquid!'s Christian Lichtner & Aron Lusen
Letters - Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Letterer - Dave Lanphear
Editor in Chief - Scott Dunbier
Publisher - Jim Lee
Cover Price: $2.50

Welcome to our 750th Daily Discussion!

Was in the mood for something a little different today... and so, I turned to our pals at Wildstorm.  It's been awhile since we chatted up pre-DC-owned Wildstorm... so we're long overdue.

Today we're going to discuss the first issue of Battle Chasers... or as I knew it, the "dead cat bounce" of the comics speculator market.

It was 1998... and the worm had turned.  We no longer had to pay comic shops for the service of holding books for us... in fact, many of the remaining "boom" shops had turned to giving decent discounts for the privilege!  It was during this time that I figured I'd never have to actually "track down" a comic book ever again.

Then Battle Chasers happened.  This book vanished from the shelves just as quickly (and mysteriously) as it arrived!  The first time I actually read Battle Chasers was in trade paperback format... and, a trade I found in the 25-cent bin at that!  Didn't manage to find a copy of my own until... well, not too long ago.

Lucky for us (or, me) that I did... so, we can talk about it here today!


We open with an old man waking from a dream.  It seems to be of the recurring variety involving a condemned man in mystic armor... feeling searing heat.  This time, however, he couldn't see the faces of the (maybe) baddies.  He calls out for Calibretto... whoever that might be.  Elsewhere, at the same time... a young blonde girl is fleeing from something... while protectively clutching a small wooden box.

She looks behind her... and we can see just what she's been running from, lumbering red-eyed werewolves... or wolfmen, not sure if they transform or anything... let's just say lupine humanoids that walk on two legs.  Anyhoo, they want the box!

The girl refuses to hand over the loot, and so the wolves-men let decide to play a little cat-and-mouse with her... allowing her to run into the deserted city of Granok.  She rushes off into the flood-ruined town, and takes refuge in an abandoned house.  Doesn't take long for one of the beasties to discover her.

In attempt to defend herself, she grabs a nearby mattock.  The tool proves to be too heavy for her to lift... well, perhaps too heavy for anybody to lift, because the handle snaps in two!  Before the beastie can nab her, she jabs the broken off handle into its shoulder!  This gives her just enough time to git.

She runs right into a giant man wrapped in a mask and cloak... dropping the box right into his giant left mitt.  Fearing him a threat, she lashes out... 

... and so, he takes aim... and fires!  At a wolf-man, that is.  He's one of the good guys.

The rest of wolves-men surround our new friend... and he is then struck by lightning.  Wow, this just isn't his day, is it?  Anyhoo... the bolt fries his coverings, revealing him to be... well, a steampunk robot... a steambot (well, a Wargolem actually)!  Turns out he absorbed the lightning... and at this point, really needs to release it!

We shift scenes to the appropriately-named Vandalheim, a town swarming with ne'er-do-wells.  It's here that we meet a man named Garrison... as well as a woman named Monika... and her boobs.  Not a complaint, I don't claim to have any kind of moral high-ground when it comes to art, but it's definitely worth mentioning.  Anyhoo, she has an offer for Garrison, involving breaking a man called Ryon Del Soya out of the Skyhold Prison.

Gary refuses, preferring to sit and drink s'more.  She slaps the flagon out of his hand... and suggests he kill himself.  Wow, she don't mess around!

Back to the little blonde and her robot buddy.  They're hiding out in an abandoned wood shed... I guess we can assume they got away from the wolves-men.  We learn here that the girl's name is Gully... and she is the daughter of Aramus... a warrior believed to be dead.  The robot is Calibretto... the selfsame fella the old man called out for at the open!  They talk about planting flowers... and try to open the wooden box, without avail.

Gully also shares her secret origin... Trackers (hired to find Aramus) showed up at her home, and after transforming into beasts, murdered her Nanny.  She's been on the run ever since.

Elsewhere, we rejoin one of the surviving wolf-men... who checks in with a mysterious benefactor.  The wolf-man cites the Wargolem for their failure.  The shadowy man doesn't have time for excuses, and suggests he get back on the hunt... and not screw up again.

After she falls asleep, Calibretto brings Gully to the home of the old man, Knolan.  She wakes up, and shares her story.  We learn here that Knolan is a wizard... who is easily able to open that little wooden box.

We wrap up with the reveal of its contents... the Gauntlets of Aramus!


Well, this was a lot of fun!  Just the trick for a fella who might be facing a little bit of burn-out (don't tell nobody though!).

These days I often find myself too wrapped up in only reading things that "matter" as it pertains to an overall narrative of a shared universe, giving myself little opportunity to broaden my horizons... even if, by broadening, I mean revisiting something I'd already read.  I'm glad I took the day "off" from our regular superhero fare.

The story... well, it's an opening chapter, and as an opening chapter, it's a pretty good one!  We meet several members of our cast... and get just enough backstory and mystery to keep us (or me) engaged.  Our cast of characters is likable enough... and, perhaps more importantly, instantly recognizable.  I don't think I'll forget these folks anytime soon.

This brings us to the designs.  I love 'em!  I'm sure there'll be some folks (probably the ones who use the phrase "present year" without irony) who'll have a problem with Monika's... assets... but whattayagonnado?  It's a striking character design... and, in the Battle Chasers universe doesn't stand out as being too outrageous (that's not to say it isn't outrageous... it's just not too outrageous, ya dig?).  Most of the designs here are just archetypes ratcheted up "to eleven".  I think they're pretty great regardless!

I guess design brings us to art.  And, I mean... what can I say besides "Wow!"?  This is a gorgeous book.  Pencils, inks, colors... the entire package, it's just amazing!  An absolute treat... the production quality here makes my head hurt... it's just so top-notch.

I feel like when people think back to Battle Chasers, one of the things that stands out is... the delays!  This book was very delayed... which only added to the excitement for every release.  At least, at first.  I remember Wizard Magazine making a lot of jokes that Joe Mad was too busy playing whichever Final Fantasy game was currently out for him to work on his next issue.  Whether that's true or not... well, twenty years later (jeeeeeez), I suppose it doesn't really matter.  Worth mentioning (and sort of on that note)... the most recent Battle Chasers bit is... there's a video game?!  That's unexpected, right?  Well, maybe not entirely if what Wizard kept saying was true, right?

Overall... this was a real treat... and oddly enough, just what I needed today.  Well worth tracking down any way you can... for your convenience, it is available digitally.  Before we go... you might have noticed, the cover doesn't have the Battle Chasers logo on it... that's because it was a wrap-around... and the BC logo wound up on the back.  Here it is in all its glory:


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Friday, July 8, 2016

Superman (vol.2) #165 (2001)

Superman (vol.2) #165 (February, 2001)
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Pencillers - Ed McGuinness, Humberto Ramos, Rob Liefeld, Mike Wieringo, Art Adams, Ian Churchill, & Joe Madureira
Inkers - Cam Smith, Wayne Faucher, Norm Rapmund, & Tim Townsend
Letterer - Richard Starkings
Colorists - Tanya & Richard Horie
Editors - Tom Palmer, Jr. & Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.25

This is one of those issues that I would have bought even if I didn't care a whit about Superman... I mean, that cover is just too much!  My tree needs those ornaments on it this Christmas!

I hope folks are enjoying this Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July week.  I've humbled by and grateful for the positive feedback I've received thus far!  I'm having a great time sharing these books... I even broke into the wife's candle stash and lit one of the three-wick Fresh Balsam ones to really get into the holiday spirit!  Take that, 110 degree Arizona Sun!


We open with the Linear Men as they find that Pluto (the planet... yeah, I still call it that!) has been transformed into Warworld.  I'd almost forgotten that DC did away with Pluto around the turn of the century.  I remember that getting a bit of play in Wizard Magazine.  One of the rare times they said anything positive about DC... 

We shift scenes to the JLA Watchtower.  Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Plastic Man are engaging in some relaxation exercises.  We learn that Superman is still fretting over the new President-Elect, Lex Luthor.  

He and J'onn discuss how they have the unique distinction of being aliens... and the levels at which they choose to assimilate into Earth/American culture.  J'onn continues, by stating that as soon as Luthor breaks his first law, Superman can count on him to help take him down.

Plastic Man tries to interject a touch of levity by telling a very "Plas" joke... which garners a smirk.  Superman gives his pals their Christmas gifts, and takes his leave.  Plastic Man gets rubber bands, while J'onn gets himself a box of Chocos.  Boy, Supes... hope ya didn't break the bank here!

Next stop, the North Atlantic... where Superman meets up with an incredibly angry looking Aquaman.  This is the Rob Liefeld section, so I'm not sure if Arthur's meant to be angry or not.  Superman solicits Aquaman's opinion on the Luthor situation, to which, Arthur offers that Lex Luthor is the first Head of State to publicly declare their support for Atlantis.

Superman suggests it was just an empty promise from a politician looking for favors.  Arthur grimaces (again, Liefeld...) and replies that it better not have been.  Superman heads out, but not before giving Aquaman his Christmas gift... a Metropolis snowglobe.  Yeesh... Arthur looks about as impressed as you'd imagine.

Later, in space... Superman meets up with Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner.  They are cleaning up space-waste, and engaging in political discussion.  Clark asks if Kyle votes, to which he replies that he does.  When asked why, the only reason Kyle can muster is the word "hope".  He doesn't say who he voted for, but I'd figure it wasn't Luthor.  Superman gives Kyle his Christmas gift... a small tub of jewelry polish.  Laaaaame....

Next up, Wally.  Superman and the Flash are going on a casual run, from Keystone City to San Francisco... for chocolate (Ghirardelli, perhaps?) .  They too discuss the results of the recent election, and whether or not Wally votes.  "Early and Often" is Wally's reply.  As they continue along, Wally tells Clark that if he wants to drag Luthor out of the Oval Office, just say the word.  Clark thanks him, but says they're going to wait it out.  Wally's gift is... tube socks.  Wonk wonnnnk...

Later in Antarctica, Superman and Wonder Woman are wrestling.  The first thing I notice here is Wonder Woman's hair... yeesh, imagine trying to drag a comb through that!  Painful.  Anyhoo, Superman's mind is elsewhere, resulting in Diana pinning him twice in a row.  Yeah, they're really wrestling here.

Clark and Diana wrap up their match, and discuss the events of the year prior.  Diana suggests that Clark should take some time away... time to just be with Lois.  Before leaving, Clark hands over her Christmas gift... a mjolnir.  A trinket to remember the 1,000 years they'd spent together earlier that year.

Last stop, Gotham City.  Batman and Superman are together on a rooftop... in complete silence.  Finally, Batman speaks... repeats something Clark had told him about putting trust in the American people to ultimately do the right thing.  Superman gives Batman his Christmas gift... a magnifying glass... and claims that it's from Lois.

Batman thanks "Lois" for the gift... and before he leaves, turns to Clark are reassures him that they'll take Luthor down... when the time is right.

We close out the issue with Superman and Lois on a getaway... to the Bottle City of Kandor.


Boy, Superman is a cheapskate.  Talk about some crummy gifts!  All kidding aside, this issue holds a very special place for me as it's among the books that got me reacquainted with the DC Universe after some time away.  I'm not sure I mentioned it here, but there was a time during the late-90's that I kind of fell out of full-time comic collecting.  I never quit cold-turkey or anything, but dropped plenty of books that I could either no longer afford, or those that weren't holding my interest.  Many of my DC books fell into the former.  Superman was going strong, however, with the never-ending battle "triangle numbering" format, it was quite difficult for me to keep up financially.  It just got so overwhelming to try and stay on top of things... and I have kind of an "all or nothing" mentality... where it's easier for me just to drop everything rather than picking and choosing what I'll still pick up.

The turn of the century got me dipping my toe back into the DC Universe... and I quite liked what I was reading.  The Bat-books were going great guns with No Man's Land, JLA was the book... and I found myself wrapped up in Superman once again.  This particular issue afforded me/us the opportunity to just "hang out" with these larger than life characters.  There's no urgent threats, no fighting or squabbling... it's just people, acting like people.  I love it!

I usually don't cotton to "jam" books... that is to say, I generally like it better when there's only one artist in a given book.  Here, however, I appreciate the various takes.  It gives the book a feeling of grandeur (rather than "dreaded deadline doom")... it almost feels as though the disparate segments were plucked from different books.  I think this works really well given the narrative and occasion... and what a mix of artists they've got.  Joe Mad, Mike Wieringo, Art-frickin-Adams... great stuff!  Even Liefeld and Churchill (who seems like he's cribbing a lot of Liefeld here) help set the tone for their particular segments.

The story is also great.  This is only a minor detour from the overarching narrative woven throughout the Superman titles of the vintage... but it's Christmas... life kinda stops for a lot of folks around that time of year... I know it does for me.  The Luthor as President storyline is still addressed and discussed by all members of the Justice League.  We get some great insight here from each member, and find out their opinions on the situation.  You get the impression that Superman's not entirely sure what he wants them to say... as he gets a wide array of replies.  Wally's gung-ho about dragging Lex out, while J'onn is waiting for Luthor to slip up.  Aquaman is playing his cards close to the vest, as he has a special interest in some of Luthor's campaign promises.  This is all very compelling, Superman serves as a sounding board here... and, I'm guessing now he's even more confused and conflicted than he was prior!

All told, I really enjoyed this issue.  From the excellent cover, to everything between... this was a lot of fun.  Definitely keep an eye out for it, if you are so inclined.


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