Showing posts with label juan frigeri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label juan frigeri. Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 237 - Guardians of the Galaxy #16 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Thirty-Seven

Guardians of the Galaxy (vol.6) #16 (September, 2021) [LGY#178]
"16: Look Upon Me and Know Fear"
Writer - Al Ewing
Art - Juan Frigeri
Colors - Federico Blee
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Anthony Gambino
Edits - Gregorowicz, Shan, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: July 21, 2021

Or, [X]Lapsed Annihilation, Episode 002 if you prefer!

Today we're kicking off the actual Last Annihilation coverage with a look at Guardians #16.  There isn't much of a mutie presence here... but, they do get mentioned a bunch and we even get a scene on MarsArakko!  We're laying the foundation for what's to come before Abigail Brand and S.W.O.R.D. show up to deliver the sass and snark!

Also: Mailbag, This Week in X, and Shout-Outs!


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 225 - Guardians of the Galaxy #15 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Twenty-Five

Guardians of the Galaxy (vol.6) #15 (August, 2021) [LGY#177]
"15: Hope You Survive the Experience"
Writer - Al Ewing
Art - Juan Frigeri
Colors - Federico Blee
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Edits - Kat Gregorowicz, Darren Shan, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: June 23, 2021

Welcome friends, to the milestone 225th Episode of X-Lapsed... or, maybe, considering the subject matter - we dump the [X] from the title, and just call it Lapsed Annihilation, Episode 0?!  Maybe then people will give it a listen?

Today, we're kicking off our look at the upcoming Last Annihilation story, which will run through Guardians of the Galaxy, S.W.O.R.D., and Cable: Reloaded - Ego the Living Planet has been covered with a candy shell... and is about to pop!  What horror lurks below the surface?  You're gonna have to listen to find out - or, ya know, read the issue... or look for spoilers.  Nah, you probably ought to just listen!

Also: Some great (and potentially) thought-provoking Mailbag content!

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