Showing posts with label justiniano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label justiniano. Show all posts

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Human Race #1 (2005)

The Human Race #1 (May, 2005)
"The Awakening, Part One"
Writer/Co-Creator - Ben Raab
Penciller/Co-Creator - Justiniano
Inker - Walden Wong
Letterer - Clem Robins
Colors/Separations - Chris Chuckry
Editor - Joey Cavalieri
Cover Price: $2.99

Here's one from the... huh? Department.  The Human Race is a book I'd never heard of... and when I recently came across it in the cheap-o bin thought it must be some out-of-continuity thing.

My actual initial thoughts were that it must be part of that short-lived DC Focus line... ya know, "superpowers in the real world" or whatever.  Boy was I surprised to learn that this actually takes place in the DC Universe!

So, let's crack this thing open and try and solve it... whatever it is.


We open in Shuster's Glen... a quiet suburb of Metropolis.  It's the morning of Ulysses Adams high school graduation, in which he will be speaking as Valedictorian.  His parents head toward his bedroom to make sure he's getting ready... and find something rather troubling.  Instead of their Son, she finds a disgusting burst cocoon!  It really is gross...

We jump ahead to the graduation ceremony where we learn that Ulysses is kind of a success story at Siegel High School.  He started off a pretty horrible student before dedicating himself to his education.  The Principal (I'm assuming) scans the crowd for him... but he doesn't appear to be present.  There are a few more interested parties there however, and they seem to be just as annoyed with Ulysses absence.

We shift scenes to a Metropolis bus terminal where a young man is boarding a bus bound for Star City.  He is dressed rather warmly for the middle of June, big coat and a winter hat.  He takes a seat next to a techno-loving bad girl.

Along the way, we get a really wonky DC Universe geography lesson.  The bus passes a sign which reads: Gotham City: 113 miles, Star City: 253 miles, and Keystone City: 372 miles.  Huh?  I always pegged Star City as being in the Pacific Northwest... and isn't Keystone supposed to be around St. Louis?  Oh well... just thought it was interesting to mention.

Inside the bus, the young man... we'll just call him Ulysses... is being small-talked-to-death by his new lady-friend.  She is able to get him to discuss how weird his day has been... ya know, waking up in a cocoon for starters.  He lifts his hat and removes his sunglasses to reveal... a rather unpleasant metamorphosis had occurred.

The gal then makes a reveal of her own.  She knows who Ulysses is... and is there to protect him.  She shows this by... er, triggering an explosive that sends a bus-full of people flying into the nearby woods?

In the woods, she tells him he needs to save the people on the bus... which seems really dumb.  He hems and haws, knowing he's not strong enough to do so... but she convinces him nonetheless.  He is surprised to find out that he is much stronger than he thought... tearing through the bus as if it were paper.

Before he can save anybody, however, he is nyoinked away by some unseen force.  These are, of course, the bad guys we met at the Graduation.  They cause his transformation to get even more disgusting... and inform him that he is now property of an organization called the Omega Concern.

Well, not if the good guys have anything to say about it!  It's here that we meet our team... and, lemme tell ya, they're kinda bland.  Like, Sovereign Seven bland.

This triggers a battle to begin... and we learn that one of the members of the "good" side is an artificial intelligence woman named Delphi... which, for all I know will become an important piece of information later.

The third member is a three-hundred year old man called Sensei... who has some sorta plasmatic powers which tap into his Qi.  He pulls Ulysses from his new cocoon.

The battle soon ends... with a bang.  It's revealed that the baddies were Bio-Borgs created at a Eugenics Research Collective (the Omega Concern)... they are led by a man calling himself Paracelsus.  Ulysses is, as you might imagine, quite annoyed by all of this nonsense... and wants to know what this has to do with him.  What he gets instead... is drafted into a war.

It's explained that there is an extinction-level event on the horizon having to do with a Xeno-Virus... heyyy, ya don't think... nahhhh.  Their little group calls themselves Delta Chi Delta... and that gal from the bus (who may or may not have gotten a name here) shows off her fraternity tattoo.

We then get the quick and dirty on Paracelsus... and Ulysses new state of being.  Delta Chi Delta believes he might be something of a "missing link" in evolution... and one that the Omega's wouldn't mind snuffing out.

We close out with Ulysses, realizing he really doesn't have any choice... joining up.


This was... weird.

I didn't go into it with any real expectation... which really helped.

I wanna start by mentioning how happy I am to see Ben Raab get a "number one" issue.  Poor fella always seemed to be brought on a title just as it's circling the drain... resulting in some rather "lame duck" runs.  It's a shame, because I've always dug his work... just seemed to get pigeonholed as the "wrap up guy".

I gotta say, it's unfortunately also affected the way I view his work.  When I'd see him announced as taking over a book... I figured it was just a matter of time before it would be announced as cancelled.  It's really not fair to him... so, I'm happy to see him get to do his own thing here.

... even if, I don't really dig what he does here.  This was... I dunno, bland.  From the threat to the character designs... it just didn't "hook" me.  Looking back, this really doesn't feel like a book from the mid-2000's.  I mean, this hit the very same month as Geoff Johns' Green Lantern #1.  This book does not feel like a contemporary to that.

What this does feel like is a late-90's Marvel book.  From the designs... to the art... hell, even to the paper-stock.  This feels like an anachronistic relic of the previous generation.

I will say... this is the sorta book I had in mind when I started this blog several hundred years days ago.  It's an oddity... and a rarity that I'm taken by surprise by a book's very existence.  So, in that regard... this was pretty fun.  Is it worth tracking down and reading?  Well... if you do come across this, it'll very likely be in a cheap-o bin of varying denomination... and if that's the case, sure... give it a look-see.  I don't think I'd pay cover-or-above though.


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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Flash (vol.2) #½ (2004)

Flash (vol.2) #½ (2004)
"Rogue Wars, Prologue: Tricksters"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Penciller - Justiniano
Inkers - Walden Wong & John Livesay
Colorist - James Sinclair
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor - Michael Siglain
Editor - Joey Cavalieri

I'd forgotten about the Wizard "one-half" issues.  Was doing some organizing in the library today... which is a Sisyphean task at best, when I came across this bugger.  I recall a lot of folks being annoyed by these... especially this one.  Ya see, it acts as a prologue to the much-hyped and long-awaited Rogue Wars story arc.  Not only did you have to buy a copy of Wizard Magazine to get this... you had to mail away for it!  Six-to-eight weeks later (if you were lucky), you'd finally have your hands on your book.  I'm tellin' ya, this was a crusher for completionists like me.  Hell, I would send away for "one-half" issues on series' I wasn't interested in... just in case I one day became interested!

So crazy to think of, considering where the industry is now... just about anything you might wanna read is readily available online.  Don't need to leave home or even lick a stamp.  Funny to think this wasn't all that long ago too!


We open as the new Trickster is fleeing from the police.  He covers his tracks by dropping a few smoke bombs, and after using his x-ray specs to check out a buxom apartment dweller, he is nyoinked by the fasted man in the world, Wally West... the Flash.

The pair tussle for a bit, with the Trickster trying to use his bag o' novelties against the Flash, including a super-charged joy buzzer... which is actually pretty effective.  Of note, this Trickster claims that the "reformed Rogues" are far worse than he is.

It's no matter though, Wally has had just about enough of the Trickster's crap... and so, he grabs him in a headlock and bee-lines it to an Iron Heights cell.  Unfortunately, this cell happens to have a mirror.  A boomerang comes flying out the mirror and cuts Wally's hand.  Amid the confusion, the Trickster escapes through the Mirror Master's reflective portal.

Flash stands there alone... surprised that he didn't catch the boomerang.  He knows something's up... it came at him too fast.  He is approached by Warden Wolfe, who he chews out for allowing mirrors to remain in the cells... and, ya know, the man's got a point.  Wolfe blames the presence of a mirror on "the liberals".

We rejoin the Trickster with the Rogues, Captains Cold and Boomerang along with the Weather Wizard.  Captain Cold is polishing the Stanley Cup, which is pretty neat.  The Captain Boomerang here is Digger's son, Own... and the Trickster has arrived with news about the whereabouts of Digger's body.

We shift to Chicago and meet with the Reformed Rogues... Heatwave, Magenta, Pied Piper and their leader... the old Trickster, James Jesse.  It is pretty much said outright that they either have possession of... or have at the very least have done something with Digger Harkness' body.

Jesse gets a call to inform him he has a visitor...and it is the Flash.  James Jesse, when he's not in costume, works for the F.B.I..  Wally is interested in seeing whether or not he has any info on the new Trickster.  We learn his name is Axel Walker, and he took the Tricky-mantle when he found a bunch of Jesse's old gimmicks.  Wally's not entirely sure he can trust Jesse... 

We wrap up with Linda Park-West as she is getting ready to roll on a hot story about Goldface's expanding of a union.  Suddenly there is a burst of light... and then, Zoom.  He informs Linda that he "still knows".  This is likely a reference to Wally's secret ID having been public until a mind-wipe dealie around issue #200.


They're not kidding calling this a "one-half" issue... story only runs for a dozen pages!

But, I digress...

It's been a long time since I reread the Johns run on Flash, so I can't say with any certainty that that is "required reading".  I mean, to a completionist nut like me it's "required owning", but for normal comics fans, I'm not sure how essential this issue is to the narrative.  That is to say, everything that happens here could be (and might be) condensed into a single page of exposition in Part One of Rogue War in Flash #220.

The new Trickster always kind of annoyed me, though, I'm sure that's kind of the point.  Something I have sort of mixed emotions on is Johns' treatment of the Rogues during his run.  He humanized them... really fleshed them out, especially Captain Cold.  It made it kind of hard to root against them... they were far too likable.  Enter: Nu-Trickster, he ain't likable at all.

I was sort of expecting this to be a more new-reader friendly issue... and it's not.  That's both a good and bad thing, I suppose.  I know I appreciated it not being a "Flash 101" type of thing back when it first came out... though now, a dozen years removed, I could've used a bit of a refresher course.  Even a single page "here's where we're at" would have been nice.

I can't imagine I was satisfied with this back in late '04 or early '05 when I got it.  Imagine spending upwards of eight weeks to get a twelve page story... then again, I was also reading plenty of late-shipping short-delivering Marvel back then too... ba'dum-tish.

Anyhoo, certainly not something I would recommend reading in a vacuum, however, if you're in for the long-Rogue War-haul, it's harmless... and you'll likely get something out of it.  It is part of the Rogue War trade paperback collection (which is pretty spendy on Amazon right now), so if you snag that, you'll get this.  The only thing you'll be missing is the Wizard Certificate of Authenticity.




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