Deadpool (vol.8) #6 (September, 2020)
Writer - Kelly Thompson
Art - Kevin Libranda
Colors - Chris Sotomayor
Letters - VC's Joe Sabino
Edits - Lindsey Cohick, Jake Thomas, C.B. Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: August 5, 2020
Hello friends - today we take a sorta-kinda pitstop over to a sorta-kinda "unofficial" chapter of Dawn of X... in, of all things, an issue of Deadpool (vol.8)! What happens when Wade feels like he's being left out of the X-Men's reindeer games? Well, he does exactly what your humble host does when he feels the same way - he pouts a bunch!
Trust me, it's a lot funnier than I'm making it sound... this issue is an absolute delight, and if you're following the Dawn of X books - you need this one as part of your "current year" library!
Plus: #XLapsed100 missives and much more in our mailbag!
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