Showing posts with label king features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label king features. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 143: Mary Worth - The Aldo Kelrast Saga (2006)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #143

Mary Worth: The Aldo Kelrast Saga
(July 2 - October 20, 2006)
by Karen Moy & Joe Giella
King Features Syndicate

Blogger is still giving me all sorts of grief when I try uploading pictures (or even when I'm just trying to open a new post... the very piece you're hopefully reading right now, took over thirty-seconds to actually open.  Gotta wonder, am I the only person using this platform having these issues?  Rather than attempt at continuing down the path of the Byrne/Mackie Spider-Man Reboot, I decided to share a more personal story today... and also plug a particular episode of the Cosmic Treadmill that is very special to me.

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