Showing posts with label marauders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marauders. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 34 - Reign of X, Volume 12 (2022)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Four

Reign of X, Volume 12 (2022)
(00:00:00) Marauders #21: "You Are Cordially Invited to the Hellfire Gala" & "Out With the Old"
(00:53:26) X-Force (vol.6) #20: "The Secret Garden"
(01:34:26) Hellions #12: "Gatecrashing"
(02:21:43) Excalibur (vol.4) #21: "Don't Feel Like Dancin"
(03:24:32) X-Men (vol.5) #21: "The Beginning"
Writers - Gerry Duggan, Chris Claremont, Benjamin Percy, Zeb Wells, Tini Howard, & Jonathan Hickman
Art - Matteo Lolli, John Bolton, Joshua Cassara, Stephen Segovia, Marcus To, Nick Dragotta, Russell Dauterman, Lucas Werneck, & Sara Pichelli
Colors - Edgar Delgado, Glynis Oliver, GURU-eFX, David Curiel, Erick Arciniega, Frank Martin, Matthew Wilson, Sunny Gho, & Nolan Woodard
Letters - Tom Orzechowski, VC's Cory Petit, Joe Caramagna, Ariana Maher, & Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Grunwald, Kirschhoffer, Kavanagh, Nocenti, Shooter, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: July 12, 2022

Marvel's finally decided to release the next volume of the Reign of X Anthologies! Darn those supply-chain issues, that DC Comics and all the indies have somehow been able to sidestep! Anyway, we're back -- and we're just in time for the Hellfire Gala! Oh, you didn't know? There's going to be a Gala! If only these books would bother to mention it!

Since Marvel trade paperbacks are suffering the affects of shrinkflation (which we're surely only imagining), we only get the first five issues of the event here. Looks like the Gala will be eating up the next two collected editions as well!

It's over four hours of fun, frivolity... Carnation Abominations, and a fake-ass vote to elect our new (already obsolete) X-Men!



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 32 - Reign of X, Volume 10 (2022)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Two

Reign of X, Volume 10 (2022)
(00:00:00) X-Factor (vol.4) #8: "Suite No. 8: Scio Me Nihil Scire (Tritone Substitution--Jazz Arrangement)"
(00:35:13) Way of X #1: "Way of X"
(01:34:35) Marauders #20: "Windriders"
(02:08:34) X-Corp #1: "Simply Superior"
(02:50:57) X-Factor (vol.4) #9: "Interlude: DJ Mark's Mixtape of Mojoverse Beats to Make Out To"
Writers - Leah Williams, Si Spurrier, Gerry Duggan, & Tini Howard
Art - David Baldeon, Bob Quinn, Stefano Caselli, & Alberto Foche
Colors - Israel Silva, Java Tartaglia, Edgar Delgado, Chris Sotomayor, & Sunny Gho
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna, Clayton Cowles, & Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Thomas, Andrews-Ballesteros, Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: March 16, 2022

This is one'a those "good news/bad news" situations... as, this anthology includes the first issue of the incredible Way of X series, buuuuuuuut it also kicks off X-Corp.

Also, Gerry Duggan remembers that Storm is a part of the Marauders cast just long enough to throw her a going-away party!  Did you know, dear listener, that Storm is just as dangerous without her powers?  Well, if not -- ya will!

Plus, with cancellation on the horizon X-Factor hits heavy truncation mode... doing its damnedest to get its story told... before the mystical axe comes swingin'!

All'at, plus all my usual nonsense!  If you miss my content from a time where I was still delusional enough to think anybody actually wanted it -- the Collecteds are for you! 



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, March 4, 2022

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode 8 - Marauders by Gerry Duggan, Volume 2 (2020)

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip Marauders Duggan 2

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode Eight

Marauders by Gerry Duggan, Volume 2 (2020)
(00:00:00) Marauders #7: "From Emma, with Love"
(00:25:27) Marauders #8: "Furious Anger"
(00:50:51) Marauders #9: "Journey to the Center of Pyro"
(01:58:18) Marauders #10: "Leave None to Tell the Tale"
(02:32:17) Marauders #11: "To Live and Die on Krakoa"
(03:15:40) Marauders #12: "The New Phase"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Stefano Caselli & Matteo Lolli
Colors - Edgar Delgado
Letters - VC's Cory Petit & Joe Caramagna
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Robinson, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: November 11, 2020

The Triple-Dip collection rolls on, with the sophomore outing for Duggan's Marauders.  This time out, we've got a dead Captain, some other "fake-out" deaths, and a whole lotta build-up for X of Swords.

All of my normal nonsense is there for ya as well -- mailbags, tangents, hot-takes, general cynicism... it's all right here waitin' fer ya!



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, February 27, 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode 320 - Marauders Annual #1 (2022)

X-Lapsed Marauders Annual #1

X-Lapsed, Episode Three Hundred Twenty

Marauders Annual #1 (March, 2022)
"Hellfire and Brimstone"
Writer - Steve Orlando
Art - Creees Lee
Colors - Rain Beredo
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Amaro, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: January 26, 2022

Ahoy, Muties... let's put together a new Marauders team!

What's that in the distance?  It's awkward and wildly unnatural dialogue!

What's that even further in the distance?  Well... it's some very interesting ideas I hope to see fleshed out in the next volume!

We've got a bit to talk about...



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, February 20, 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode 315 - Marauders #27 (2022)

X-Lapsed, Episode Three Hundred Fifteen

Marauders #27 (March, 2022)
"Bon Voyage"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Matteo Lolli & Phil Noto
Colors - Rain Beredo & Phil Noto
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: January 12, 2022

Wrapping up volume 1 of the Marauders... with a season/series finale that establishes our status quo moving forward.  It's a bit piecey, and serves as a reminder of how uneven the back-half of this series has been!

It also ends on a cliffhanger... which everybody loves right before we leap into a brand-new #1, right?

Plus: An X-Tended Mailbag, This Week in X, and a look at what's headed our way from Marvel Previews (April, 2022)!



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, February 5, 2022

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode 2 - Marauders by Gerry Duggan, Volume 1 (2020)

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip - Marauders by Duggan Vol 1

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode Two

Marauders by Gerry Duggan, Volume 1 (April, 2020)
(00:00:00) Marauders #1: "I'm on a Boat"
(00:49:33) Marauders #2: "The Red Coronation"
(01:17:49) Marauders #3: "The Bishop in Black"
(01:53:49) Marauders #4: "The Red Bishop"
(02:27:02) Marauders #5: "A Time to Sow"
(02:55:20) Marauders #6: "A Time to Reap"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Matteo Lolli, Michele Bandini, Lucas Werneck,, & Mario Del Pennino
Inks - Elisabetta D'Amico
Colors - Federico Blee & Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Robinson, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: April 22, 2020

Revisiting the next of our Dawn of X opening arcs, with - what started out as the most consistently good book of the post-HoXPoX launch!  Call Me Kate takes center stage, and we're introduced to a very fun team of high-seas sailors... until our creative team forgot about like 80% of them!

For this first arc, though -- it's great stuff!

Is this the first time you've checked out X-Lapsed?  Are you an X-Lapsed-Lapsed listener who may've dropped off after having your pod-feeds slammed by my barrage of content?  Please let me know, I'd love to hear from you all!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Thursday, January 6, 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode 299 - Marauders #26 (2022)

X-Lapsed 299 - Marauders #26 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Ninety-Nine

Marauders #26 (January, 2022)
"Many Happy Returns"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Matteo Lolli
Colors - Rain Beredo
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 24, 2021

As we stand on the precipice of Episode 300 - we're faced with... one'a those "tale of two stories" sorta issues.  We've got some great Hellfire stuff, including the return of Harry Leland... contrasted with some not-so-great "Bobby Drake reaches his potential for the skatey-eight hundredth time" sorta laziness... complete with "dur, hur, dragon in a diaper"!

We also talk a bit about what Episode 300 of X-Lapsed might be (Spoiler Alert: I haven't the foggiest!), plus a deep-dive on the September, 2021 sales charts!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 284 - Marauders #25 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Eighty-Four

Marauders #25 (December, 2021)
"Night of the Comet"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Phil Noto
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: October 27, 2021

It's the milestone twenty-fifth issue of Marauders - the first-ever 25th issue of the post-HoXPoX era!  It's also the penultimate issue of the book, but let's not dwell on that.

So, how do we commemorate this landmark triumph in comics numbering?  Do we get an enhanced cover?  Do we get a big story blowoff?  Do we drop a bunch of shoes?

Well.. no.  What we get is the second-part of the Eden Rixio filler story.  I guess we ARE too smart for those 90's milestone gimmicks... though, somehow we're still falling for the variant cover thing week after week.  Hmmph.

All this plus mailbag and more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 28 - Reign of X, Volume 6 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Eight

Reign of X, Volume 6 (2021)
(00:00:00) X-Force (vol.6) #17: "Omega, Reconsidered"
(00:26:22) Marauders #18: "Saving Face"
(00:58:54) X-Men (vol.5) #18: "Inside the Vault"
(01:32:12) S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #4: "The Krakoan Sun"
(02:34:23) X-Men (vol.5) #19: "Out of the Vault"
(03:10:15) Marauders #19: "Fire & Ice"
Writers - Benjamin Percy, Gerry Duggan, Jonathan Hickman, & Al Ewing
Art - Joshua Cassara, Stefano Caselli, Matteo Lolli, Mahmud Asrar, & Valerio Schiti
Colors - GURU-eFX, Edgar Delgado, Sunny Gho, & Marte Gracia
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna, Cory Petit, Clayton Cowles, & Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Amaro, Basso, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: November 23, 2021

Hey, remember how Laura, Darwin, and Synch were sent into the Vault like a hundred years ago?  I'd almost forgotten myself!  That'll all get cleared up during this compilation episode... also, more King in Black in S.W.O.R.D., more lawless Madripoor in Marauders, and more Quentin Quire corpses in X-Force!

It's fun f'r the whole family!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, November 12, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 27 - Reign of X, Volume 5 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Seven

Reign of X, Volume 5 (2021)
(00:00:00) S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #2: "In the Dark"
(00:34:22) King in Black: Marauders #1: "Queen in Red"
(01:04:57) Excalibur (vol.4) #18: "Mad Women"
(01:40:40) S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #3: "Everywhere Man"
(02:17:24) Excalibur (vol.4) #19: "Wild Violets"
Writers - Al Ewing, Gerry Duggan, & Tini Howard
Art - Valerio Schiti, Luke Ross, Marcus To, Ray-Anthony Height, Bernard Chang, & Nico Leon
Colors - Marte Gracia, Carlos Lopez, & Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher & Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: November 9, 2021

Ya know what these books need MORE of?  Aliens and Otherworld!

Yes folks... that's what we've got on our plates today... Excalibur does the Otherworld thing (when doesn't it?), and three tie-ins to the King in Black event!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 25 - Reign of X, Volume 3 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Five

Reign of X, Volume 3 (2021)
(00:00:00) Wolverine (vol.7) #8: "The Past Ain't Dead"
(00:43:34) Marauders #17: "The Winds of Change"
(01:24:08) Cable (vol.4): "Gritty Days in the City of Brotherly Love"
(01:59:23) New Mutants (vol.4): "The Kids Ain't Alright"
(02:30:41) Wolverine (vol.7) #9: "Bidding War"
Writers - Benjamin Percy, Gerry Duggan, & Vita Ayala
Art - Adam Kubert, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matteo Lolli, Phil Noto, & Rod Reis
Colors - Antonio Fabela, Matthew Wilson, Edgar Delgado, Phil Noto, & Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Cory Petit, Joe Sabino, & Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Basso, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: August 18, 2021

A sorta-kinda themed collection of Reign of X issues for this week's compilation piece!  The watchword is "reunions".  Today we're going to see the rematch between Storm and Callisto in the Crucible, Dani and Xian preparing for some Otherworldly stuff, Cable back on the trail of those missing babies we forgot all about, and (as our cover art suggests) Wolverine reacquainting with his old pal Maverick!

It's a fun show... wherein you can also join me in trying to make sense of the voodoo math Marvel employed to get Wolverine up to his 350th LGY issue!  All that, and 3+ hours of my regular nonsense, right here waitin' for ya!


Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 24 - Reign of X, Volume 2 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Four

Reign of X, Volume 2 (2021)
(00:00:00) Marauders #16: "Consequences"
(00:41:54) New Mutants (vol.4) #14: "Welcome to the Wild Hunt"
(01:18:01) X-Force (vol.6) #15: "Trench Warfare"
(01:48:06) Excalibur (vol.4) #16: "They Keep Killing Braddocks"
(02:30:37) X-Force (vol.6) #16: "Into the Deep"
(03:08:06) X-Men (vol.5) #17: "Empty Nest"
Writers - Gerry Duggan, Vita Ayala, Benjamin Percy, Tini Howard, & Jonathan Hickman
Art - Stefano Caselli, Rod Reis, Joshua Cassara, Marcus To, & Brett Booth
Inks - Adelso Corona
Colors - Edgar Delgado, Rod Reis, GURU-eFX, Erick Arciniega, & Sunny Gho
Letters - VC's Cory Petit, Travis Lanham, Joe Caramagna, Ariana Maher, & Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: July 28, 2021

A kind of all-over-the-place collection of post Ecks of Tens stories... the ongoings appear to be attempting to rediscover their own unique identities after being intertwined in Otherworld for the past several months.

And, once they actually appear to GET their footing... well, then we'll toss a wrench into the works when we begin building to the Hellfire Gala!


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 260 - Marauders #24 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Sixty

Marauders #24 (November, 2021)
"Date Night"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Phil Noto
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: September 15, 2021

Enter Now: The Lame Duck Era!

The once (and still mostly) solid Marauders limps toward its conclusion with what feels like some time-killer filler.  Gotta buy some time before the big shake-up!

Plus: Mailbag, Shout-Outs, and more on Penguin Random House's shipping woes!


Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 22 - X of Swords, Volume 2 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Two

X of Swords, Volume 2 (2021)
(00:00:00) X-Men (vol.5) #14: "X of Swords, Chapter 12"
(00:34:00) Marauders #14: "X of Swords, Chapter 13"
(01:04:39) Marauders #15: "X of Swords, Chapter 14"
(02:01:59) Excalibur (vol.4) #14: "X of Swords, Chapter 15"
(02:32:48) Wolverine (vol.7) #7: "X of Swords, Chapter 16"
(03:09:42) X-Force (vol.6) #14: "X of Swords, Chapter 17"
(03:48:22) Hellions #6: "X of Swords, Chapter 18"
(04:29:45) Cable (vol.4) #6: "X of Swords, Chapter 19"
(05:21:54) Excalibur (vol.4) #15: "X of Swords, Chapter 20"
(06:24:50) X-Men (vol.5) #15: "X of Swords, Chapter 21"
(07:08:53) X of Swords: Destruction #1: "X of Swords, Chapter 22"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Benjamin Percy, Tini Howard, & Zeb Wells
Art - Mahmud Asrar, Leinil Francis Yu, Stefano Caselli, Phil Noto, Joshua Cassara, Carmen Carnero, & Pepe Larraz
Colors - Sunny Gho, Edgar Delgado, Phil Noto, GURU-eFX, David Curiel, Rachelle Rosenberg, & Marte Gracia
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, Cory Petit, Ariana Maher, Joe Caramagna, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $29.99
On-Sale: June 1, 2021

The second-half of the twenty-two chapter X of Swords saga -- in which our heroes engage in a meal with the enemy, and run the gauntlet of her Royal Whyness' ridiculous contests.  It's a long one... weighing in at just shy of eight hours, so - if nothing else, I'll keep ya company throughout an entire work day!

Plus - All the usual X-Lapsed Nonsense!  Mailbag, hot takes, anecdotes and et-cetera!


Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 21 - X of Swords, Volume 1 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-One

X of Swords, Volume 1 (2021)
(00:00:00) Free Comic Book Day 2020: X-Men
(00:37:20) X of Swords: Creation #1: "X of Swords, Part 01"
(01:40:31) X-Factor (vol.4) #4: "X of Swords, Chapter 02"
(02:34:59) Wolverine (vol.7) #6: "X of Swords, Chapter 03"
(03:03:16) X-Force (vol.6) #13: "X of Swords, Chapter 04"
(03:28:18) Marauders #13: "X of Swords, Chapter 05"
(04:19:24) Hellions #5: "X of Swords, Chapter 06"
(04:52:39) New Mutants (vol.4) #13: "X of Swords, Chapter 07"
(05:31:13) Cable (vol.4) #5: "X of Swords, Chapter 08"
(05:53:29) Excalibur (vol.4) #13: "X of Swords, Chapter 09"
(06:31:50) X-Men (vol.5) #13: "X of Swords, Chapter 10"
(07:02:08) X of Swords: Stasis #1: "X of Swords, Chapter 11"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Leah Williams, Benjamin Percy, Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells, Ed Brisson, & Gerry Duggan 
Art - Pepe Larraz, Carlos Gomez, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matteo Lolli, Carmen Carnero, Rod Reis, Phil Noto, R.B. Silva, & Mahmud Asrar
Colors - Marte Gracia, Israel Silva, Matthew Wilson, Edgar Delgado, David Curiel, Rod Reis, Phil Noto, Nolan Woodard, & Sunny Gho
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, Joe Caramagna, Cory Petit, Ariana Maher, Travis Lanham, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, Amaro, Robinson, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $29.99
On-Sale: June 1, 2021

Welcome, friends - to a giant-size installment of The Collected X-Lapsed!

It's time to kick off EcksofTens... and so, let's spend the next eight or so hours tracking down swords we're not going to use!  This episode includes the entire first-half of the... twenty-two part crossover event, plus as a special "bonus", I've included my look at the X-Men Free Comic Book Day 2020 special - so we can see the potential changes that were made to X of Swords during the Covid-hiatus... and also, you can hear me kvetch about what a waste FCBD truly is!

It'll be a good time... or, at the very least I'll help getcha through an entire day of work!


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 247 - Marauders #23 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Forty-Seven

Marauders #23 (October, 2021)
"Time for Tempo"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Ivan Fiorelli
Colors - Rain Beredo
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: August 18, 2021

When the most consistently good book in the line feels like it's "phoning it in", it still makes for a decent issue.  Unfortunately, I've come to x-pect so much more from this book.

This is the tale of two stories... and, feels more like an issue of (original recipe) X-Men Unlimited than an issue of Marauders!

Plus - Mailbag, Shout-Outs, and news about the rumored futures of several of our X-Ongoings come 2022!


Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 18 - Dawn of X, Volume 15 (2021)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Eighteen

Dawn of X, Volume 15 (2021)
(00:00:00) Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex #1: "The World"
(00:43:00) Marauders #11: "To Live and Die on Krakoa"
(01:26:24) New Mutants (vol.4) #12: "Monster Machine"
(01:52:13) Wolverine (vol.7) #5: "Bloodclocks"
(02:36:12) Marauders #12: "The New Phase"
(03:20:20) X-Factor (vol.4) #3: "Suite No. 3: Mojoverse Sonata the 2nd, a Celestial Rondo"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Ed Brisson, Benjamin Percy, & Leah Williams
Art - Rod Reis, Stefano Caselli, Marco Failla, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matteo Lolli, & David Baldeon
Colors - Rod Reis, Edgar Delgado, Carlos Lopez, Matthew Wilson, & Israel Silva
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher, Cory Petit, Travis Lanham, & Joe Caramagna
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, Robinson, Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: May 4, 2021

With the Empyre-sploitation firmly in the rear-view, it's time to rush our stories to a halt... or at least to a semi-organic point where #EcksofTens can effectively put them on hold for a couple'a months.

This compilation also includes the "milestone" One-Hundredth episode of X-Lapsed!  It's chock-full of my regular nonsense - couldn't have done it without you all.  Thanks you!


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 234 - Marauders #22 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Thirty-Four

Marauders #22 (September, 2021)
"The Morning After"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Matteo Lolli & Klaus Janson
Colors - Rain Beredo
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: July 21, 2021

Today we're talking trauma on several fronts - what happened to Wilhelmina?  What happened to Lourdes?  What was Emma forced to do?  We'll find out some of those answers today.  If you're hoping to see any actual Marauders this issue... well, I've got some bad news for ya.

Plus: Your humble host stumbles into some uncomfortable discussion when he questions the wisdom of trying to alienate upwards of half your American audience in current year comics!  Drink in the awkwardness! 

Also: Mailbag and Shout-Outs, oh my!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 10 - Dawn of X, Volume 8

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Ten

Dawn of X, Volume 8 (2020)
(00:00:00) Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost #1: "Into the Storm"
(01:02:19) Marauders #8: "Furious Anger"
(01:27:42) New Mutants (vol.4) #7: "Spoilers"
(01:53:52) X-Force (vol.6) #8: "Game of Dominoes"
(02:33:55) X-Men (vol.5) #7: "Lifedeath"
(03:41:18) Excalibur (vol.4) #8: "The Unspeakable and the Uneatable II"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Benjami Percy, & Tini Howard
Art - Russell Dauterman, Stefano Caselli, Rod Reis, Bazaldua, Leinil Francis Yu, Wilton Santos, & Marcus To
Inks - Sean Parsons, Roberto Poggi, & Victor Nava
Colors - Matthew Wilson, Edgar Delgado, GURU-eFX, Sunny Gho, & Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, Cory Petit, Travis Lanham, Joe Caramagna, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, Robinson, White, Cebulski
Special Thanks - Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: October 20, 2020

This "collected edition" includes, among other things, the first mention of an X-Lapsed favorite: THE CRUCIBLE!  If you're new(er) to the show, and would like to hear where my fascination with the concept began... well, go no further!

Also: An homage to the 'NUFF SAID! issue of New X-Men by Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely, with a bit of a Weird Comics History lesson on exactly what 'NUFF SAID! was, and much much more!

X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 09 - Dawn of X, Volume 7 (2020)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Nine

Dawn of X, Volume 7 (2020)
(00:00:00) Marauders #7: "From Emma, With Love"
(00:25:27) Excalibur (vol.4) #7: "Verse VII: The Unspeakable and the Uneatable"
(01:07:21) X-Force (vol.6) #7: "Domino Has Fallen"
(01:34:25) Wolverine (vol.7) #1: "The Flower Cartel""Catacombs"
Writers - Gerry Duggan, Tini Howard, & Benjamin Percy
Art - Stefano Caselli, Wilton Santos, Oscar Bazaldua, Adam Kubert, & Viktor Bogdanovic
Colors - Edgar Delgado, Erick Arciniega, GURU-eFX, Frank Martin, & Matthew Wilson
Letters - VC's Cory Petit, & Joe Caramagna 
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Robinson, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: September 1, 2020

We knew it wouldn't be too terribly long before we got ourselves a Dawn of X era Wolverine ongoing... and so, here it is!

This compilation episode (and anthology volume) only includes four "issuesodes"... but, that Wolvie ish is a long'un.  But first, the Marauders deal with the fallout of their loss last issue, Excalibur THANKFULLY takes a break from Otherworld to go on a foxhunt, and a Domino-centric issue of X-Force raises some very thought-provoking questions regarding the collectivist nature of Krakoa!

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