Showing posts with label marvel's voices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marvel's voices. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 288 - Marvel's Voices: Identity #1 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Eighty-Eight

Marvel's Voices: Identity #1 (October, 2021)
"That One Thing"
"Personal Heroes"
"Traditional Pink Sushi"

And from Marvel's Voices: Pride #1: "When a Black Cat Crosses Your Path, You Give Them the Right-of-Way"
Writers - Christina Strain, Alyssa Wong, Ken Niimura, & Leah Williams
Art - Jason Loo, Whilce Portacio, Ken Niimura, & Jan Bazaldua
Colors - Christina Strain, Jay David Ramos, Ken Niimura, & Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Joe Sabino & Ariana Maher
Design - Carlos Lao
Edits - Brunstad, Roche, Gregorowicz, Shan, Cebulski
Cover Price: $5.99
On-Sale : August 25, 2021

Righting the wrong of... forgetting to discuss this Marvel's Voices one-shot back in October!

Today's a "Just the X, ma'am!" look at Marvel's Voices: Identity... covering three stories that are... kinda just there!  Plus, we right a second wrong when I go back to Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 to discuss the Jesse Drake story that I didn't even realize I missed!

Plus, we've got Destiny of X and X-Men Unlimited news... and, as this is the "November Finale", we're deep-diving the Sales of X for August, 2021!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 226 - Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Twenty-Six

Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 (August, 2021)
"Good Judy"
"Early Thaw"
"The Man I Know"
"The Grey Ladies"
"You Deserve"
"Man of His Dreams"
"The Walking Wounded" (From Alpha Flight #106)
Writers - Luciano Vecchio, Mike O'Sullivan, Kieron Gillen, Terry Blas, Anthony Oliveira, J.J. Kirby, Tini Howard, Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, & Scott Lobdell
Art - Luciano Vecchio, Jen Hickman, Paulina Ganucheau, Javier Garron, J.J. Kirby, Samantha Dodge, Joanna Estep, Brittany L. Williams, Claudia Aguirre, & Mark Pacella
Inks - (AF#106) Dan Panosian
Colors - Luciano Vecchio, Brittany Peer, Kendall Goode, David Curiel, J.J. Kirby, Claudia Aguirre, & Bob Sharen
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher & Janice Chiang
Edits - Brunstad, Roche, Bobbie Chase, Chris Cooper, Cebulski
Cover Price: $9.99
On-Sale: June 23, 2021

A most awkward episode in which your humble host stumbles and fumbles his way toward x-plaining how he feels this issue fell a bit short.  Marvel at my ability to ride the fence in attempt to not inadvertently insult anybody!

An important issue and an important discussion... that kinda misses the mark, and is priced WAY out of whack at $10 USD.  For better or worse, we're going to talk all about it.

Also: Mailbag, some news, and (since this IS the July Finale) the X-Book Sales Charts for April, 2021!


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 192 - Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Ninety-Two

Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1 (April, 2021)
"Good Luck Girl"
"Letting Go"
Writers - Tochi Onyebuchi, Saint Bodhi, & Danny Lore
Art - Ken Lashley & Alitha E. Martinez
Colors - Juan Fernandez & Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham & Joe Sabino
Design - Salena Mahina
Edits - Sarah Brunstad, Wil Moss, C.B. Cebulski
Special Thanks - Jon-Michael Ennis
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: February 24, 2021

Anyone out there miss X-Men Unlimited?  No?  How 'bout I pretend you said 'Yes'?

Well, have I got the book for you!  In this "Just the X, ma'am" look at another issue of the Marvel's Voices anthology, we've got some very X-Men stories you'll swear you've already read... at least twice!

First, Domino talks about how lucky she is... then, Storm recruits a young troubled mutant.

All that, plus great Mailbag, and the X-Sales Chart from February, 2021!


Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

Thursday, April 22, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 172 - Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Seventy-Two

Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1 (January, 2021)
"Mirage: Multifaceted"
"Silver Fox: Blue Moon"
Writers - Darcie Little Badger & Stephen Graham Jones
Art - Kyle Charles & David Cutler
Inks - Roberto Poggi
Colors - Felipe Sobriero & Cris Peter
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Salena Mahina
Edits - Sarah Brunstad, Tom Brevoort, C.B. Cebulski
Special Thanks - Angelique Roche
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: November 18, 2020

Welcome to our "Just the X, Ma'am!" look at the Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices Anthology Special!

Today we will be discussing two stories... one featuring Dani Moonstar, the other featuring Silver Fox -- the latter of which gives us the origin story of Old Blue from that crazy "Tracykins" issue of Wolverine (vol.2) we covered during the first episode of From Claremont to Claremont!

Also: Great Listener Mail!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Monday, April 12, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 164 - Marvel's Voices #1 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Sixty-Four

Marvel's Voices #1 ( April, 2020)
"A Diamond's Worth"
"Back to Madripoor"
Writers - Vita Ayala, Anthony Piper, Method Man, Daniel Dominiguez, David F. Walker, & Chuck Brown
Art - Bernard Chang, Anthony Piper, Alitha E. Martinez, & Sanford Greene
Colors - Marcelo Maiolo, Emilio Lopez, Anthony Piper, & Matt Herms
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Special Thanks - Angelique Roche, Sana Amanat, Sarah Amos, Ron Richards, Steve Wacker, Jill Du Boff, Mr. Daniel, Jorge Estrada, & Percia Verlin
Design - Salena Mahina
Edits - Chris Robinson & C.B. Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: February 19, 2020

Stepping slightly off the beaten path today to take a look at a semi-recent Anthology special!  To paraphrase that fella from Dragnet, it's "Just the X, ma'am" as we take a look at four X-Relevant stories that appeared in 2020's Marvel's Voices #1


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

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