Showing posts with label mcp - master of kung fu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mcp - master of kung fu. Show all posts
Thursday, September 10, 2020
MCP #4 - Master of Kung Fu
Marvel Comics Presents #4 (Master of Kung Fu)
"Crossing Lines, Part 4 of 8: Water"
Writer - Doug Moench
Pencils - Tom Grindberg
Inks - Dave Cockrum
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Petra Scotese
Assistant Edits - Michael Rockwitz
Edits - Terry Kavanagh
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Another evening visit with MCP here at the humble blog. I say this as though when someone discovers this post sometime in the future, they'll care that this post was published in the PM!
Let's Shang-Chi!
We open with Shang-Chi, Reston, and Black Jack Tarr conferring to plan how they may go about rescuing the kidnapped (or, as they put it in this story "kidnaped") and newly one-handed, Leiku Wu. They're assuming she was napped/naped by a one-handed fella called Argus. It's a pretty contentious chat... with neither Chi nor Tarr really seeing eye-to-eye as to how they go about it. Ya see, Chi wants to leave Tarr and Reston behind... which, causes Jack to flip out... it's really quite an annoying little scene that kills a few too many panels in my opinion.
Shang-Chi assures the fellas that, while he doesn't want them to accompany him, that doesn't mean he's going alone. He's got frenemies (oof, I can't believe I actually used that word. Stop me if I do so again) in low places... and so, we are introduced to Shen Kuei... the Cat. I've never seen this dude before, but it seems as though he and Chi have had a tussle or two in their time... even had a few women come between them, one of them Leiko Wu herself! Upon learning that she is in trouble, the Cat agrees to help out.
Speaking of Ms. Wu, we join her as she's been tied to a chair by... none other than Argus. During her... uh, interrogation (?), she manages to break free... but is quickly kayoed with a (literal) right-hook to the mush.
We shift scenes to a boat (called The Junk), where Tarr is giving Chi and the Cat the quick and dirty on their mission. He tries making it far more complex than it needs to be, but what it all boils down to is... Chi and Kuei are both Asian... and they're going to replace some Yakuza weapon-buyers in order to get in close to Argus. Once they're inside, they'll assume the roles of "Red Wolves", whoever they are.
Chi and Kuei think the first part of the plan is solid... but, that second-half... they're not so sure. They all board a little rowboat to head back to the docks from The Junk. Just as they arrive on dry land, however, The Junk is blown sky-high. Game on.
I have this little... hmm... problem with "Part 4's". If you've listened to any of my audio exploits, I'm sure you've heard me mention it a time or two. In today's decompressed comics landscape, "Part 4 of 6" pretty much means you're in for a garbage issue... full of poorly-told recaps, with the teensiest bit of momentum toward the climax.
Now, this chapter wasn't recappy in the slightest... but, it felt like quite the time-killer. Which is kind of a shame, as I've been kinda digging on this story up to this point. Hopefully this was just a lull... and next time out, we'll be back to business as usual. I don't wanna be too hard on it, going by the "three chapters = one issue" model we've been using... I suppose this was decent enough "first third" of an issue.
Perhaps if I had any familiarity or attachment to Shang-Chi and his crew, I'd be a bit more excited seeing folks like The Cat.
Tomorrow: Fear Bug... take four!
Thursday, August 27, 2020
MCP #3 - Master of Kung Fu
Marvel Comics Presents #3 (Master of Kung Fu)
"Crossing Lines, Part 3 of 8: Fish"
Writer - Doug Moench
Pencils - Tom Grindberg
Inks - Dave Cockrum
Letters - Agustin Mas
Colors - Petra Scotese
Assistant Edits - Michael Rockwitz
Edits - Terry Kavanagh
Chief - Tom DeFalco
We're back at our... for whatever reason... most popular feature! Not sure what it is, but for two-weeks in a row, Master of Kung Fu is really gettin' those clicks! Whether these are actual readers or bot-squatters, I haven't the foggiest... but, in this game... we take what we can get!
Let's do it.
We pick up three days after the attack on Xiao's home and the abduction of Leiko. Our man, Shang-Chi is pounding the pavement looking for answers... but ain't getting none. He doesn't seem overly trusting of the Hong Kong citizens... nor should he, the answers he gets seem dodgy at best here. He next heads up a hill to Xiao's final resting place. Black Jack Tarr is there paying his respects... and openly questions whether or not he's got it in him to be a leader of this little group of anti-radicals, or whatever. Shang-Chi takes a seat and they begin a weird, and somewhat contentious chat. Tarr takes this odd tack of trying to get Shang-Chi to work for him... by more or less blaming him for everything that's gone down during the past couple of chapters.
Our hero doesn't really initially address the accusation... he's still lost in thoughts of Leiko. Here, Tarr, finally gives us the meat-and-potatoes of this whole deal. Ya see, Hong Kong will soon no longer be under British Protectorate... and, as such, rival terrorist organizations have combined forces to kind of stake their claim(s) on the place. We also learn that Tarr n' the Gang are doing this job gratis. Xiao came to them with a story... but no shekels. Since these mercs really believed in this endeavor, they took the gig for free.
Shang-Chi doesn't agree to help just yet... but, they head back home anyway. There, Reston... that geek who started smoking to look Hong Kong Cool last chapter, is a few bottles deep... and is wielding a pistol. After nearly shooting Tarr and Chi, he reveals that someone dropped off a package for the latter.
In it... well, some fish. Also... a hand. Leiko's hand! With Xiao's ring still on its finger! Our hero is unphased, and rather than freaking out at the sight of the woman he loves' severed mitt, he just asks Tarr if Leiko and Xiao were lovers! Dude's got tunnel-vision... though, I guess I "get it".
We wrap up with our hero finally deciding to at least hear out Tarr's plan. He isn't "all in" with the mission... but, if their gig intertwines with his hunt for Leiko... they may as well have each others' backs.
A very "tawky" third chapter... but, I tell ya what... this story needed exactly this!
I remember early on in our Action Comics Daily coverage... when a given eight-pager didn't make much sense, I would try and wait until we got three-chapters in before making any sort of of sweeping quality-leveling judgment. Way I looked at it, three anthology chapters were akin to a single issue's worth of a story. 24 pages, give or take.
Here we are, 24 pages (or one single issue) in on our Master of Kung Fu serial... and, ya know... this is pretty good stuff! These three chapters would fit nicely into a single issue... get us through all the preliminary exposition... address the threat... give us some tension... set us a goal. These together would make a fine first issue! Unlike Man-Thing which sorta leaves us with more questions (and less interest in finding answers), Master of Kung Fu lays a firm foundation to build upon.
Shang-Chi's obsession with Leiko is interesting... and really helps to depict him as conflicted in his mission. Really, as we open this chapter, he doesn't even have a mission, per say. He's just looking for Leiko... and screw Black Jack's gig. His inability to purge feelings of worry and jealousy aside to focus was really well done as well. Feeling bad that Xiao was murdered... before remembering that he died at Leiko's bedside. Seeing Leiko's severed hand... and only really being able to see Xiao's ring upon its finger. Really good stuff here.
Overall... I'd be more than happy if the subsequent chapters of this feature took a similar "tawky" and "internalized" tone. This was a pleasure to read... and I'm happy we finally got a little backstory to our setting.
Tomorrow: Revoltin' Developments wit' da Fear Bug...
Thursday, August 20, 2020
MCP #2 - Master of Kung Fu
Marvel Comics Presents #2 (Master of Kung Fu)
"Crossing Lines, Part 2 of 8: Bait"
Writer - Doug Moench
Pencils - Tom Grindberg
Inks - Dave Cockrum
Letters - Agustin Mas
Colors - Petra Scotese
Assistant Edits - Michael Rockwitz
Edits - Terry Kavanagh & Michael Higgins
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Hey, hey, hey... WHAT is going on here? < / belding > We're only one issue in, and Doug Moench and Steve Gerber have already swapped features???
I already made that "joke", didn't I? What can I say... I figured it probably went over so well yesterday, what's the harm of doing it again. Also, I'm a rather uncreative fellow.
Today we're going to hop back into Shang-Chi's "return" to... wherever he's returning to, from... wherever he's returning from. This feature was a surprise hit last week... garnering the most views out of any of the four MCP stories. Not sure if there's any rhyme or reason for that... does ol' Shang have a Netflix series out or something?
Oh well, whatever the case... who's ready for some more fish references?
We open with Shang-Chi, having been reunited with some of his old running buddies, getting suited up. Reston suggests that his new costume would do Bruce Lee proud. Our hero hasn't the foggiest idea who "Bruce Li" is. Is that funny? I think that's supposed to be funny. Anyhoo, once dressed, Black Jack Tarr gives us the quick 'n dirty on how he got into his new position. Having zero familiarity with any of this, I suppose this is kind of helpful. Then again, since I do have no familiarity with this, it comes across as pretty meaningless. As Tarr bloviates, Shang notices how chummy Xiao and Leiko have grown... more on that later.
After Jack shuts his trap, Shang notices that Reston has taken up the old past-time of... smoking! He questions him on this decision, leading to our fair-haired boy nearly hacking out a lung. I think this was supposed to be funny as well. Anyhoo, Tarr suggests that with Shang's return, everything will go back to the way it used to be. This causes our hero to kind of flip out. He didn't return just to repeat the past, you see. He dramatically throws up his fist... then stomps out of the room like an eight year old girl whose parents wouldn't buy her a pony.
Shang hangs out in the courtyard... for like hours, it seems. Thankfully there's a pond/pool out there, so he could make more fish references. We definitely haven't seen enough of those yet! After awhile, he grows tired of this... Lord knows I am... and decides to, uh... try and get a li'l alone time with Leiko? She turns him down, promising to explain everything the following morning. Shang-Chi... De-Nied.
We follow our hero to bed... where he's awakened by nightmares of demons or something... probably has something to do with his old title. It's a darn good thing our man does wake up, however, because the compound is under attack! Shang's friends are bein' sliced and diced... and so, he springs to action - but is held off by a ninja with a gun.
The baddies ultimately flee... and it looks like they've taken Leiko with them! Tarr, Reston, and Shang reconnoiter, and we learn that Xiao did not survive the attack. We also learn that Xiao and Leiko were recently engaged... ya see, Shang noticed that the ring Leiko was wearing (which we saw in that attempted booty call panel) was new.
Much like yesterday's Man-Thing chapter, I didn't love this... nor did I hate it. Despite knowing next to nothing about them, I'm kinda digging these characters. I guess where I'm struggling a bit is with the threat. I don't know that's it's really been established properly... especially for folks who are new to this property.
Are we just to assume that Shang-Chi will be attacked by a group of ninjas every night? Is there going to be some big reveal that the old man Tarr took over for is behind this? If you're new to Shang-Chi (or even if you're familiar with his adventures), will that even "move the needle"? I dunno. It feels like the obvious route to take... but that doesn't make it any more interesting, does it?
For this story... I thought the character bits during the first half were pretty strong, especially those coming from Shang's sorta-kinda displaced point of view. He gets this weird melancholy feeling that... despite the fact that he was "away", life for everyone else went on. I've been in a similar situation as that... and, lemme tell ya, that's a tough pill to swallow. The realization that the world, and even your friends' lives don't necessarily "revolve around you" is a humbling, and almost spirit-crushing sensation.
Shang sees that Xiao and Leiko have moved on... together. Black Jack Tarr has taken over whatever the hell organization he's taken over. Reston... uh, started smoking. Life goes on... with or without our involvement. Trying to reconcile that, with Jack's suggestion that, with Shang back, everything could go "back to the way it was", was too much for our hero to handle... leading to his odd (and, assumedly out-of-character) emotional outburst. Sure, I had a little fun with it during the synopsis... but, it was very effective if you stop and think about it.
Overall... this was a bit of an uneven chapter... could've done without the ninja attack, though, it couldn't be avoided if we want to move the story along. I'm sure we'll talk more about Xiao and Leiko as we move forward through the serial. I'm definitely looking forward to more!
Tomorrow: The Captain
Thursday, August 13, 2020
MCP #1 - Master of Kung Fu
Marvel Comics Presents #1 (Master of Kung Fu)
"Crossing Lines, Part 1 of 8: Ripples"
Writer - Steve Gerber
Art - Tom Sutton
Letters - Agustin Mas
Colors - Petra Scotese
Assistant Edits - Michael Rockwitz
Edits - Terry Kavanagh & Michael Higgins
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Here's another character I don't have all that much familiarity with. Never really got into Shang-Chi... or, honestly, martial arts comics in general. Sure, I've giggled at an odd issue or two of Richard Dragon Kung-Fu Fighter... but, that might just be more for the novelty of its outlandish title than anything else.
I'm not sure how prevalent Shang-Chi is in the "current year" Marvel Universe... but, I'm sure he's kicking around somewhere... uh, no pun intended.
This is going to be interesting. I'm looking forward to attending Master of Kung Fu 101! If anyone reading is more familiar with this fella, please help keep me on track!
We open with a man arriving to Hong Kong via boat. He's waxing fairly philosophical about the lives and times of... fish. As he walks the fairly cluttered streets a bomb goes off (huh?), our hero then proclaims that he has "returned to the world". From where? Haven't the foggiest... I might only assume this is a reference to an old Bronze Age tale? Anyhoo, our man keeps walking and philosophizing until he reaches, what he calls, a flophouse. He settles in, removing his tunic... revealing that he is (duh) Shang-Chi, and before long the entire place is swarming with warriors!
Shang-Chi appeared to be expecting these goofs... he even refers to himself as "bait". It doesn't take him long to beat the baddies... however, one manages to give him the slip. Our Kung Fu Master gives chase.
He follows the shadowy escapee back down the Hong Kong streets, and winds up at the Oriental Expediters Ltd. Building... which, is apparently a front for a "murder agency" based out of London. I apologize, I'm not following. Whatever the case, Shang-Chi enters... and makes his way through to the back side of the building. There, a man smoking a cigarette notes his presence, and announces that "he's here".
There's also a pool back there, where a woman named Leiko is having a late night dip. Gotta take a dip myself... into the Marvel Comics Wiki... one sec. Okay, Leiko is a Bronze Age character, and so it's not too strange that she and Shang-Chi already know each other. In fact, she beckons our hero into the pool with her... which facilitates him making even more fish metaphors!
Leiko reveals that a Xiao was instructed to bring Shang to them... which, I mean... there are probably worse fates. So, was the flophouse raid all part of this? In the pool they exchange chlorinated fluids... before emerging in front of a mustachioed gentleman named Black Jack Tarr. We wrap up with Jack informing Shang that it's time for "Games of Deceit and Death, Part II"... izzat a Bruce Lee reference? I suppose we'll find out!
Okay... here's a weird question... which might sound somewhat reminiscent if you've been with me since the Action Comics Daily days. Let's say, you're a kid... teen-ager... whatever, who's buying this first issue of Marvel Comics Presents because (duh) it's got Wolverine in it. Now, if you were that kid... what would you make of this story?
Let's not get it twisted... this isn't a bad story... and despite the fact that I had trouble following it, I rather enjoyed it. But, this is kind of an odd "entry point" for a (relatively) obscure character such as Shang-Chi. At this point, he hasn't been seen in five years. That's a long while. I mean, this isn't quite Secret Six levels of obscure... but, still. Add to the fact that we're steeped in continuity here (which, again... don't get me wrong, I love)... it's just a bit of a toughie to follow along with.
I mean, let's compare the way this rolls out with the way Claremont kicked off the Wolverine feature... Wolverine, a wildly popular character... still gets an introduction. We get the bit about the "unbreakable bones" and "mutant healing factor"... heck, he even mentions his nationality. Here, Gerber doesn't give us any of that. I suppose we could argue that Steve wasn't "talking down to the audience"... but, I tells ya what... when the audience (me) isn't quite sure what they're looking at, ya got a little bit of a problem!
I think there's definitely a middle ground between too much exposition and absolutely none... and Gerber would've done well to maybe drop a breadcrumb or two for us in this opening chapter. We gotta assume that this story was a lot of folks' first Master of Kung Fu story, no?
Anyhoo... the art was nice... Sutton really captured the grimy aesthetic of the Hong Kong streets... and gave us both a really nice fight scene, and an interesting pool make-out scene.
I'm looking forward to more.
Tomorrow: Let's go Surfin' now... everybody's learning how
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