Showing posts with label mike w. barr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mike w. barr. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Mazelighting, Episode 1 - The Maze Agency #1 (1988)

Mazelighting, Episode One

The Maze Agency #1 (December, 1988)
"The Adventure of the Rogue's Gallery"
Writer - Mike W. Barr
Pencils - Adam Hughes
Inks - Rick Magyar
Letters - Deborah Marks
Colors - Julia Lacquement
Edits - Michael Eury
From COMICO: The Comics Company
Cover Price: $1.95 USD / $2.50 CAN

Welcome, friends to an all-new program -- one that's been in the works for quite a while now!  Join Ed and I as we explore a TRUE hidden gem in comics history... Mike W. Barr's wonderfully fun detective, romance, dramedy: THE MAZE AGENCY!

For this first episode, we will discuss how and when we first discovered this series, we'll dig into some of the history surrounding it and it's creators, and we'll dig though the issue cover-to-cover.  Our story is a whodunit that we hope YOU can solve before WE (and Jen and Gabe) do!

On top of that, we've got some of the gestalty goodness you've come to expect from this channel, as we take a look at what else Comico (how DO you pronounce that word anyway?!) had to offer during the Winter of 1988/89!  Did someone say "Elementals Sex Specials"???, cuz... while those ain't out yet... we're gonna talk a little bit about 'em!

We hope you enjoy our look at this series... and would love to hear your thoughts as we go along!

Leave us a Voicemail! 623-396-JERK

Friday, January 3, 2020

BONUS BOOK - Batman and the Outsiders (1983)

BONUS BOOK - Batman and the Outsiders (July, 1983)
Writer - Mike W. Barr
Art - Jim Aparo
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Editor - Len Wein

Today we're going to take a look at the other Insert Preview I mistakenly believed I owned and had to run around town to find the other day.  This one though... kinda made me nervous.

I Googled the issue just to get a look at the cover, and saw it listed as the first appearance of Halo, Geo-Force, and now-DC Superhero Girls star, Katana.  I figured this one probably wouldn't be coming cheap.  I decided to see what the "going rate" was online... and, hoo-boy, this one looked pretty spendy.  Here, take a look:

That's definitely more money than I was interested in spending on this... even on the low-end of the above pricing-spectrum!  And, while I'd never push the "Buy it Now" button, in my experience, the online prices are (generally speaking) lower than what you might expect to pay in-store for "key" books.  What's worse, I recognized the cover immediately as a book that I had actually seen in dollar bins throughout the years.

Right then, I figured that I'd have to end the first-half of the BONUS BOOKS feature... one book short.  Even if I could actually manage to track this bugger down, I was pretty sure it would be tagged way out of my price range.

And so, I hit up some of my normal haunts... some of the "healthier" cheap-o bins, a couple used book stores, a few used record stores... and, came up empty.  Couldn't even find the Justice League of America issue we discussed yesterday.

Then, I remembered that one of our local shops has a pretty neat consignment program... where folks can sell their comics through the store, and they're sometimes tagged below normal "asking" price.  Lo and behold, I pop in... and managed to find both of the missing books... for just a couple bucks a piece!  Like, less than what I'd pay for a new comic!  In really good condition, to boot!  That's a Vartox-Week sized miracle, if you ask me!

Let's get right to it!


We open at the Gotham City Hospital, where Commissioner Gordon is trying to get some information out of a suicidal terrorist called Miklos.  This dude ain't interested one bit in talking... and was even willing to kill himself to avoid betraying his cause.  Gordon looks at his watch, realizes this is going to be one heckuva long evening... and wishes Batman were around.  Just then, a delivery van pulls up outside the hospital... except, the only thing they look to be trying to deliver is... bullets into the chest of the poor Security Guard on duty!  They're the bad guys, ya see.  They rush into the hospital on a sorta-kinda "double suicide" mission.  They're all planning to die tonight, though, not before doing Miklos the favor of killing him too.

Inside the hospital, a young Candy-Striper is bringing some cups of water to various patients.  She is approached by a man who appears to have an eye for her.  He asks her out to a Clash concert... which, she doesn't seem to understand.  How can "Clash" be a concert, when it's defined as "a conflict of some sort"?  Hmm...

Anyhoo, a terrorist with a flame-thrower strapped to his back bursts in the room... prompting our Candy-Striper to slink off to change her clothes.  Folks, this is the first appearance of: Halo!  She uses her powers to chase away the flame-thrower, while protecting the patients.

The flame-thrower fella rushes into the hallway, where he finds himself caught up in a Metamorpho-sized candle-snuffer!  For good measure, Rex fills the snuffer with Hydrogen... which doesn't work out so good for the baddie.

Meanwhile, in the Recovery Ward, several terrorists (wielding both guns and... swords?) have corralled some patients.  One, appearing to be an old woman, removes her rubber mask... revealing herself to be: Katana... in her first appearance!

Using the distraction from his teammate, a nearby Jefferson Pierce takes the opportunity to change into his "work clothes".  Black Lightning is in the house.

Katana is squared off having a sword-fight with one of the terrorists... who warns her that she has nothing to lose, as this is an actual suicide mission.  Katana replies that she doesn't have a problem with that... in fact, she'll save the suicidal-terrorist the trouble and kill her where she stands!  Turns out this was all it took to call the baddie's bluff.

The heroes continue fighting the terrorists... and we shift over to, the man of the hour: Batman.  He's doing some sorta-kinda detective work, in the form of counting how many sets of footprints entered the place.  He can account for five baddies his team has already caught... however, there is a sixth set of prints!  He deduces that the first five were just a diversion... and, it looks like he's right.

Up in Miklos' room, the sixth man bursts in... and this fella is completely strapped with 'splosives.  The Outsiders follow him in... with Halo almost referring to Batman as "Mr. ... something".  Hmm... I didn't know the Outsiders knew Batman's secret identity?  Perhaps they changed their mind on this early on.  Anyhoo, the Bomber pushes the button, blowing the heck out of the hospital room.  On the ground outside, a trench-coated fellow looks on.

This fellow is: Geo-Force, making his first appearance!  Batman kept him outside, just in case he was needed for crowd-control or anything of the sort... and it's a good thing, too!  He is able to use his Earth-born powers to take care of any and all falling debris.

Once that's out of the way, he heads into the hole in the hospital... only to find his teammates alive and healthy.  Metamorpho was able to stretch himself out to deflect the blast, and protect his partners.  The only casualties were the terrorists.

Gordon is thankful... even though, by the looks of it, Miklos is dead too.  I thought the whole point of this thing was keeping him alive long enough to talk?  Oh well, I guess we take our victories wherever we can.  Anyhoo, Batman informs the Commish that he's no longer with the Justice League... and that he's running with a new crowd.  And thus, begins the legend of Batman and the Outsiders!


Not a bad little introduction to the Outsiders "franchise".  I think we might assume that this story could be slid in right after the opening arc (first three issues) of the ongoing Batman and the Outsiders series... since, ya know, they're already a team... and they all appear to know one another.  We've already discussed the first... and third issues of the ongoing.  Not sure how or why I skipped #2... but, whattayagonnado?

Batman and the Outsiders was always a series that I'd kinda give "side-eye" to when I'd happen across issues of it in the wild.  I've mentioned a time or two before that when I'm digging for comics, I've come to expect something of a "Batman Tax" (in current year, we can add a "Harley Quinn Tax" and a "Joker Tax" into the mix).  What I mean by that, if it's not blatantly obvious, is anytime I'd come across a comic that was tangentially Bat-Adjacent... you'd have to pay more for the privilege of owning the thing.

This has popped up again and again, even if it's just Batman making a cover appearance on an issue of Action Comics or something!  You could flip through the bargain bins... and you'll find every issue before and after the Bat-one... and they'll be a quarter or fifty-cents, each.  That Bat-issue, however... that's a "folding money" book.  And so, for the longest time, Batman and the Outsiders (outside of an issues here and there) was a series that fell just outside of my grasp.

I think, in my addled-mind, this lent to my both over-valuing it... and subconsciously under-valuing it, if that makes any sense?  I assumed it would be worth more than I wanted to spend... while at the same time, convincing myself it wasn't worth the effort to track it down on the cheap.  That was, until... just like with All-Star Squadron... I came across an awesome run of the things for a quarter-a-pop at a local used-bookstore.  Heck, it might've been the same day... I know it was around the same time period!

Anyhoo, so I got the books... read the books... loved the books.  Not since the first time I read New Teen Titans did I fall so quickly for a DC title.  It was superheroey, soapy, they seemed to put out Christmas issues every single year... it was just a really good time.  A very special book, indeed.

This here introduction "prevue" works well in giving all of the characters enough time to "get their stuff in".  New characters and old, everyone gets a chance to shine.  Though, for this piece, I want to pay special attention to those making their grand debut.

Halo, as written, is very interesting.  She appears to be completely lost... and, ya know, sorta inhuman.  She takes everything literally... and, at one point, even needs her memory jogged to recall what part of the body a "leg" is.  I'm not too sure about her knowing Batman's secret identity... though, in fairness all she says is "Mr."  I don't know if she was going to follow that up with "Wayne"... or "Smith".  We don't know how the Bat introduced himself... so, maybe it's best not to assume.

Katana is pretty awesome here.  She comes across as ruthless and willing to cross any line in order to meet her goals.  I really enjoyed her calling the terrorist's bluff... which, I mean... just feels so human.  Here's a follower of Miklos, supposedly prepared to meet her end, when... Katana offers to expedite the process.  This causes the terrorist to actually realize what's going on... seeing her fate right before her eyes.  It really makes ya stop and think.

Geo-Force is kind of an also-ran here... but plays his part well.  He gets the opportunity to show his stuff, while protecting dozens of looky-loos outside the hospital.  It's not like he'd have been able to truly "cut loose" with his powers in the hallways of the hospital... so, this was probably the best role for him here.

Overall... this was just a joy to (finally) read.  It's kind of familiar... so, I might've read it in passing in the SHOWCASE Presents volume... but, whatever the case... this was a lot of fun.  The art, as you might expect, was also pretty fantastic.  I'm glad to have this in my collection... finally "completing" my run of Batman and the Outsiders!


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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Outsiders (vol.2) #1Ω (1993)

Outsiders (vol.2) #1Ω (November, 1993)
"Ashes & Blood"
Writer - Mike W. Barr
Pencils - Paul Pelletier
Inks - Robert Campanella
Letters - Ken Bruzenak
Colors - Stuart Chaifetz
Editor - Bill Kaplan
Cover Price: $1.75

Well, yesterday we closed out a year with an "alpha" issue... so, today we'll ring in the new one with an "omega"... why not, right?  Who we hurtin'?

While we're talkin' bout it... Happy New Year friends!  Welcome to perhaps the only place on the internet where the only mention of anything Gregorian will be Geo-Force's nephew, the Crown Prince of Markovia!  Don't worry though, I won't try and impress upon you that he doesn't matter (while coming across all smug and self-satisfied)... although, as far as this story is concerned, he really doesn't.


We open with Katana in a Markovian hotel room she's sharing with Halo... who happens to be in an iron lung.  I'm not exactly sure the whens, whys and hows of Halo's current condition... but, it'll be a moot point by the end of the issue (or, if you've already read Outsiders (vol.2) #1α, it already is!).  Anyhoo, they're in town... er, country, for the Christening of the Crown Prince of Markovia, Gregor Markov II!  They're not the only ones either!  The Briggs's's's (that's Looker and her husband, natch) are also present and accounted for!  We see them enjoying themselves while chatting up Brion's ladyfriend, Denise.

The Christening goes off without a hitch, Queen Ilona presents the child, and he is Christened.  With what we know from the α issue, you'd figure she'd wanna be kept as far away from Holy Water as possible, am I right?  Anyhoo... everything goes swimmingly, and the Royal Family retires back to the Palace.

Brion and Ilona chat for a bit, before Geo-Force heads back to the festivities.  Once he's gone from sight, our man Roderick shows his ugly mug.  We get a little insight as to the collusion between he and the Queen... and learn that she will eventually be made immortal (don't bank on that!).

Brion rejoins his ladyfriend, Denise... and sorta-kinda asks her to marry him in the most casual way possible.  Before she can answer, however, he receives a phone call from Gardner Grayle, the Atomic Knight!  He's working on a way to help restore Gaby to normal(ish).

We shift scenes back to the Queen, as she addresses her council.  She intends to share the news of Prince Brion's betrayal on television... and they're not entirely on board with this decision, probably because it's bunk.  No matter though, she does the thing anyway.

Katana is watching this unfold on television while eating her dinner.  Once the bombshell is dropped, she realizes that she's "on the clock".  It's a good thing she decides to "arm up" too... as she's immediately attacked by a group of (what else?) vampires!  Meanwhile back at the Palace, we see that Roddy has taken care of the Councilmen.

While Katana beats back the horde (gotta say, Pelletier delivers an awesome-looking Tatsu!), the Briggs's's are also attacked by the vampies!  After getting slammed into a wall, Lia Briggs transforms into... Looker, and she goes absolutely ape!  Another wonderfully-drawn scene... this Pelletier guy, I tell ya.

Looker, who is with Greg Briggs and Brion's maybe-sorta-fiance Denise, uses her powers to get them to leave... making them think they're all leaving together.  This sequence wasn't the clearest to follow, but not nearly as confusing as it could've been.

Looker rendezvous with Katana and helps her finish off the last of the vampires... one of which is carrying an automatic gun of sorts!  Gotta remember, this was the 90's.  Anyhoo, some of the errant gunfire happens to hit Gaby's iron lung.  Okay, that there was a sentence I never thought I'd write... and one that has stopped this piece in its tracks while I giggle uncontrollably.  Apologies to anyone currently in an iron lung.

Tatsu freaks out that Gaby will suffocate without the artificial oxygen... but Looker ain't all that worried.  She lifts Gaby out of the device, makes her look into her eyes and... bingo-bango, she's all good again... she just looks like a member of Power Pack now.

The ladies suit up and head off into action... which brings us right up to that scene we saw yesterday, where Geo-Force and the three newbies break in under the castle walls... only to be interrupted by Roderick.

You know what's coming next, a big ol' Outsider on Vampire skirmish... this time out, however, we follow Looker inside the castle... where she runs into Roderick who had just done the televised neck-snapping thing.

We wrap up with Roddy... plunging his fangs into Lia's neck, which brings us right to the same exact ending as in the α issue!


Okay, I know I was pretty down on this one yesterday... and I still kinda am.  I mean, the story isn't any great shakes... but there's something about these characters that just draws me in.  Though, I'm sure the fantastic art is doing at least some of the heavy-lifting.

Let's touch on the "gimmick" for a second.  While yesterday's α issue was definitely an "incomplete package", I feel like it gave a more "complete" look at what was going on.  Like, if you had to choose only one of these to read, the α issue would/should likely be the one.

This one provides a good amount of flavor... but, outside of the Halo recovery and Lia getting bit... it's not terribly necessary.  They could have (and perhaps should have... for narrative sake) just made Outsiders (vol.2) #1 an over-sized issue and tacked an extra 50-cents onto the cover price.  Of course, that's not going to juice sales like the α/Ω gimmick... but, it would sure read a lot better!

I'm not even sure how well this performed on the market.  I'm missing the issue of Wizard that would have had the Top 100 the month this came out... but in subsequent months Outsiders (vol.2) doesn't even chart!  That is to say, there were at least 100 better-selling comics on the market.  Not a great way to kick off a new series... though, the market was a strange and interesting thing back in the long ago.

Narratively speaking, I can only really compare this to the storytelling method in the final season of Lost... that "flash-sideways" or whatever the called it.  We're getting bits and pieces... but, it's not so much exposition or background information... we're getting the same amount of info, just in a really odd (and unsatisfying) way.

Really, the best thing about this issue... and I hate to go all gushy-fanboy here, but... it's Paul Pelletier's art!  It's crazy to consider, dude was so good back in 1993... and has only gotten better!  I'd say if you came across this in the bins, it'd be worth a look for the art alone.  The fact that it's a gimmicky 90's relic... well, it might be worth grabbing for novelty's sake as well.  Like I said yesterday, this is available digitally from DC... and it's an all-in-one (α/Ω)!  Also like I said yesterday, I'm actually tempted to grab it, if only to see if they played around with the pagination... though, I couldn't imagine that they would.


The α and Ω of Covers:

covers by Travis Charest 


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Monday, December 31, 2018

Outsiders (vol.2) #1α (1993)

Outsiders (vol.2) #1α (November, 1993)
"Blood & Ashes"
Writer - Mike W. Barr
Pencils - Paul Pelletier
Inks - Robert Campanella
Letters - Ken Bruzenak
Colors - Stuart Chaifetz
Editor - Bill Kaplan
Cover Price: $1.75

Happy New Year's Eve, friends!

We're going to be doing things a little oppositty here at the blog... we're going to close out 2018 with an "Alpha" issue, and ringing in 2019 with an "Omega" issue!  That's right, back in ye old 1993, DC decided to release two different versions of Outsiders (vol.2) #1!  Oddly enough, this happened two years before the Marvel event I usually blame for the Alpha/Omega issues, Age of Apocalypse!  Good on ya, DC, rolling out the irritating stunts first!

Now, it is New Years... so, we do have a decision to make.  Are we going to be more annoyed tomorrow by people quoting Neil Whatshisface Tyson about how "New Years Day is meaningless" or are we going to be more annoyed by the people who express outrage at those quoters?

Makes me wonder, before we had social media... how could we so effortlessly and carelessly attempt to ruin other peoples' good time?  That's what we in the biz call "Progress", my friends!

Anyhoo, let's knock this one out... I've got about 18 hours of Twilight Zone episodes I've seen skatey-eight hundred times before waiting for me.


We open in Markovia, where a vampire has decided that his next feast will be on the Outsiders.  He wanders passed a cave, where he gets the attention of a rather large bear... who decides its next feast will be on the vampire.  A man (who we'll meet in a bit) watches the whole thing go down, and seems more than pleased to see the vampire get his.

The following morning, we head to a different part of the country, where a pair of fellas named Barron and Wylde are visiting in order to try and sell the Markovian Royal Family some security.  They are greeted by Brion (Geo-Force) Markov... who hands over a gift as a sign of a warm welcome.  There's a bit of a hiccup here, as Barron's assistant, Wylde slaps the package away... just as it explodes!  Wylde says that it looked different from the other packages he wrapped... which would imply that they brought it with them, though here, it's clearly Brion giving it to them.

Inside the palace, the security salesmen meet Queen Ilona... wife to Brion's late-brother, Gregor Markov.  She is wheelchair-bound, and recently gave birth to Brion's nephew, Gregor, Jr.  The salesmen show their stuff... and it's a pretty unimpressive-looking suit.  Upon seeing the suit, Brion shoots them down.  Ilona isn't pleased with being upstaged in front of the salesmen, and reams him out in the next room.  She says he "contradicted her", which I didn't see happen... maybe that's a scene from the Ω issue?

Anyhoo, Queen Ilona decides it might be best for Brion to have some "time away", and he doesn't seem all that bothered by that.  After he leaves, we see that this dialogue has been witnessed by a vampire named Roderick.  It's revealed that they (Roddy and Ilona) were behind the bomb in the package... which, again, makes me wonder how Wylde noticed it?  Anyhoo, they realize they want Brion out of the picture, and figure they'll have an "accident" befall him during his time away.

We jump over to Brion as he unpacks at his Summer cottage (complete with armed-guard at the door).  The place is attacked by a swarm of vampires!  Brion is able to hold his own, and even winds up staking a few!  Before the last one "dies", it tells its would-be target that vampires have infiltrated the country... and it's already too late.  Brion suits up.

Back at a hotel, Charlie Barron is trying on the "Technocrat" suit, when he receives a call from his wife.  The phone cuts out, and so he and Wylde decide to have a look around to see what's up.  Once outside, they find themselves pursued by bear!  Wylde unloads his pistol into its gut... which doesn't do much to slow it down.  The bear rips away at his belly, at which time Wylde jabs a knife into its throat... killing it.  But, ya know... he's probably going to die from his injuries anyway...

... or is he?  Enter: that dude from the beginning of the issue.  We learn that this man goes by the name Faust... as in Sebastian Faust, son of Felix.  This is his first appearance, so... bags and boards at the ready!  Anyhoo, Faust says it isn't too late to save Wylde, and gets to work with the hoo-doo.

The result is a disturbing amalgamation of Wylde and the killer bear.  Before our man-beast can get a good look at himself, the trio are descended upon by... vampires!  Technocrat is able to take them out with some electrified darts.

Back at the Castle, Roderick prepares Ilona for her upcoming appearance on Markovian television... where she will announce that Brion Markov is a traitor to their people.

Speaking of Brion, once he enters the area, he finds himself attacked by vampires Wylde!  It's a short-lived skirmish, and they are able to straighten things out pretty quickly... like in a matter of a panel or two.

The now-foursome heads toward Castle Markovia, and digs themselves in under the walls.  Once inside they meet... the rest of the Outsiders!  That's Halo, Katana, and Looker.  If we wanna know how they got here, we're going to have to check out Outsiders (vol.2) #1 Ω... which we will, tomorrow.  Anyhoo, they're reunion is interrupted by the pontification of Roderick!

He sends some vampires out... which means we get a couple of pages of Outsider on Vampire action... including holy water!  While this goes down, Brion gives chase to Roddy... who leads him right into Castle Markovia's in-house TV/Media center!

Now here's where it gets clever.  Roderick wraps his hands around Ilona's throat... Brion rushes over to pull him off of her... just as he does, however, Roderick snaps Ilona's neck!  Now, what's so clever about that?  Well... Roderick's a vampire, and so he isn't picked up by cameras... which means, all of Markovia just saw Geo-Force snap the neck of their beloved Queen!

Roderick takes advantage of the shocked Brion, and smacks him around a bit before taking his leave.  When Geo-Force comes to, he heads into the hallway, where he is greeted by the rest of the Outsiders... who inform him that Looker has been killed!  The following day, news of the apparent assassination has spread globally!


Ya know, I talked about a choice we have to make up in the preamble... and now, I'm met with another.  What's more boring?  A whole lotta vampires... or a whole lotta zombies?  Luckily, that one can (and will) end in a tie.

Gotta say, up to the very end of this issue, I just wasn't feeling it.  It was written in a rather confusing way... which, I mean, we could "write off" as being fleshed out in the Ω issue.  That is, if some of these boggling bits actually are!  I get that this is a gimmick, and I understand why they did this... I mean, during the early-to-mid 90's, DC figured out a way to release two #1 issues in a month (week, even!).  It's a great way to juice sales, but that doesn't make it a satisfying read.

We can look at the torrent of Team Titans #1's... each with a variant origin story.  Scuzzy move?  Sure... but, you didn't need to buy all five to keep up with the ongoing narrative... the origin bits were just added flavor to flesh out characters who (I'm guessing) DC assumed would be around for a long time.  With this stunt, we're losing out on half the story... and, I mean... there are footnotes saying "Confused?  Well, you wouldn't be if you read the other half of this story!"  That's kinda lame, innit?

Okay, enough of the gimmick... what about the issue itself?  Markovian intrigue never really rocked my socks, but the way this one wrapped up was incredibly clever!  It really took me aback for a moment there... the entire world thinks Geo-Force snapped the Queen's neck!  Really well-done, and really compelling.

The new characters we meet here are... fine.  Faust, Technocrat, and Wylde... decent enough, I guess.  The latter two won't really get much play outside of this title... which might be for the best.  I will say that it is refreshing to see new (non-derivative) characters introduced any-which-way-we-can though!  We don't get enough of that anymore.

I'd be remiss not to mention that (despite the Image-looking cover) this issue is drawn by my main man, Paul Pelletier!  Just love his work... though, his Halo kinda looks like she should be starring in Power Pack at this point.  Everything else though, is tops!

Overall... this is a bargain-bin book at this point, and one that shouldn't be too terribly hard to track down.  I always look at this volume as the "forgotten" one.  It doesn't get all that much play.  I'd say this is worth checking out for the art, and the twist ending!  This issue (α and Ω together in one file) is available digitally.  I'm almost tempted to grab it myself to see how it's paginated!

I'll close out today by being just the latest person to wish you a Happy and Safe New Year.  There'll be a lotta jerks on the roads tonight... don't add to their number!


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