Showing posts with label new mutants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new mutants. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 03 - Dawn of X, Volume 2 (2020)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Three

Dawn of X, Volume 2 (2019-2020)
(00:00:00) X-Men (vol.5) #2: "Summoner"
(00:34:40) Excalibur (vol.4) #2: "Verse II: A Tower of Flowers"
(01:08:55) Marauders #2: "The Red Coronation"
(01:37:10) New Mutants (vol.4) #2: "Space Jail"
(02:14:39) X-Force (vol.6) #2: "The Sword of Damacles"
(02:55:02) Fallen Angels (vol.2) #2: "Shoto"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Gerry Duggan, Benjamin Percy, & Bryan Hill
Art - Leinil Francis Yu, Marcus To, Matteo Lolli, Rod Reis, Joshua Cassara, & Szymon Kudranski
Inks - Gerry Alanguilan
Colors - Sunny Gho, Erick Arciniega, Federico Blee, Dean White, & Frank D'Armata
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, Cory Petit, Travis Lanham, Joe Caramagna, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, Robinson, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: March 10, 2020

Welcome back, Trade-Waiters!

For our third compilation/anthology episode - we're taking a look at the difficult second issues of each of our DoX launch books, in which they all sorta go their own way.  I gotta wonder, while incredibly convenient... was this a satisfying read if you were following along via the anthology trades?

Anyways, in the wake of the apparent assassination last time out, Krakoa is... well, I would say "high alert", but nah, they're all still dancing around that bonfire like nothing even happened.

The Summers's's's have an outing that introduces the Creepy Summoner, Betsy is Captain Britain, Call Me Kate gets coronated, the New Mutants annoy the Starjammers, Quentin Quire smells like Axe Bodyspray, and Fallen Angels... exists.

If these compilation episodes are the first time you're diving into the X-Lapsed Universe - I'd love to hear from you!



(00:00:00) X-Men (vol.5) #2: "Summoner"
(00:34:40) Excalibur (vol.4) #2: "Verse II: A Tower of Flowers"
(01:08:55) Marauders #2: "The Red Coronation"
(01:37:10) New Mutants (vol.4) #2: "Space Jail"
(02:14:39) X-Force (vol.6) #2: "The Sword of Damacles"
(02:55:02) Fallen Angels (vol.2) #2: "Shoto"



Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 02 - Dawn of X, Volume 1 (2020)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Two

Dawn of X, Volume 1 (2019-2020)
(00:00:00) X-Men (v.5) #1: "Pax Krakoa"
(00:51:02) Marauders #1: "I'm on a Boat"
(01:40:35) Excalibur (v.4) #1: "Verse I: The Accolade of Betsy Braddock"
(02:10:19) New Mutants (v.4) #1: "The Sextant"
(02:51:47) X-Force (v.6) #1: "Hunting Ground"
(03:42:10) Fallen Angels (v.2) #1: "Bushido"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Tini Howard, Ed Brisson, Benjamin Percy, & Bryan Hill
Art - Leinil Francis Yu, Matteo Lolli, Marcus To, Rod Reis, Joshua Cassara, & Szymon Kudranski
Inks - Gerry Alanguilan
Colors - Sunny Gho, Federico Blee, Erick Arciniega, Dean White, & Frank D'Armata
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, Cory Petit, Travis Lanham, Joe Caramagna, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Amaro, Bissa, Robinson, Shan, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $24.95
On-Sale: February 25, 2020

Wassup, Trade-Waiters!  The Collected X-Lapsed continues its journey through the post-HoX/PoX era with a look at the first volume of the Dawn of X Anthology Collections.  These anthologies are a fantastic way to keep up-to-date on all things (current year) X, and are something your humble host gives Marvel two thumbs up for coming up with (keep in mind, my thumbs up and a dollar might buy you a cuppa coffee at McDonalds).

Today we're diving deep on all of the Dawn of X, Wave One, Number Ones... I hope we survive the x-perience!

If you're new to X-Lapsed, and are using these collected editions to dip your toe in - please reach out, I'd love to hear from you!


Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

Monday, April 19, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 169 - New Mutants #16 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Sixty-Nine

New Mutants (vol.4) #16 (April, 2021)
"One Step Behind"
Writer - Vita Ayala
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 24, 2021

Just when I thought it was safe to look forward to New Mutants... we're taken back into Otherworld!

Many of the story beats of the last few issues that I cared about are squashed into a scant handful of pages so we might engage in yet another romp through the Fair and Foul Kingdoms.  Huzzah?


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Monday, March 29, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 154 - New Mutants #15 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty-Four

New Mutants (vol.4) #15 (March, 2021)
"The Kids Ain't Alright"
Writer - Vita Ayala
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 27, 2021

The new direction for New Mutants is ramping up... causing your humble host to ask so many questions!  This has unexpectedly become one of the "meatiest" books in the line - prompting quite a bit of discussion and analysis.

If earlier New Mutants arcs caused you to drop the title - I'd say it's definitely safe to come back home!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Thursday, March 11, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 142 - New Mutants #14 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Forty-Two

New Mutants (vol.4) #14 (February, 2021)
"Welcome to the Wild Hunt"
Writer - Vita Ayala
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: December 16, 2020

Into the Wild Hunt!

Welcome to a new era for the New Mutants - we've got a new writer, a new direction, and a new threat!  Our Old New Mutants are going to be training a crop of directionless and malaised New New Mutants -- and these newbies are asking some difficult questions... referencing the dearly departed (and never comin' back) Madelyne Pryor!  We got lots to talk about...


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Thursday, February 4, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 117 - New Mutants #13 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Seventeen

New Mutants (vol.4) #13 (December, 2020)
"X of Swords, Chapter 07"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: October 14, 2020

Today we explore the unbearable lightness of being... Doug Ramsay.  Our favorite mutant translator has his hands full with the upcoming Contest of Swords, and we get a front-row seat to his sparring sessions.

We're going to be talking a lot about Doug, Warlock, and Magik today - I hope you'll all be there for the... uh, fun?  Yeah, we'll go with that.

Plus: Great Mailbag action!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Monday, January 11, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 099 - New Mutants #12 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Ninety-Nine

New Mutants (vol.4) #12 (November, 2020)
"Monster Machine"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Marco Failla
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: September 2, 2020

On the eve of #XLapsed100, we're going to be talking about a confrontation that listeners of the show know I've been looking forward to for awhile - it's the New Mutants vs. DOX!

Can this face-off possibly live up to my expectations... or will my uncharacteristic optimism be slapped down!  It's a story of slippery slopes and technicalities... you won't wanna miss it!

Also: Our final "Merry" Mailbag feature (for now), and much begging for #XLapsed100 engagement from your humble host!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Monday, December 7, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 079 - New Mutants #11 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Seventy-Nine

New Mutants (vol.4) #11 (September, 2020)
"Ice Cream Dreams"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Flaviano
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: July 22, 2020

Who's ready for more Carnage in Carnelia?

Who's ready to meet a new Krakoan citizen?

Who's ready for this story arc to be over?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions - well, then I've got an issue for you.  Not much "meat" on the preverbal bone here, but a scene in this issue does facilitate my revisiting a well-worn X-Lapsed topic regarding altering mutants during the resurrection process (and otherwise).

Also: As always, some great and thoughtful listener mail


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 076 - New Mutants #10 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Seventy-Six

New Mutants (vol.4) #10 (June, 2020)
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Flaviano
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: June 10, 2020

Journey with me into the mind of a mania--er, reality warping mutant.

Today, the New Mutants take a walk on the wild side... with, Wildside in order to give "good dreams" to a scared little girl who might just destroy an entire country.  All that, plus our DOX Magazine subplot keeps bubbling away!

Also: An X-Tended Mailbag, full of great analysis and discussion!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 067 - New Mutants #9

X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-Seven

New Mutants (vol.4) #9 (May, 2020)
"Something Rotten In..."
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Flaviano
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: March 11, 2020

Stop me if you heard this one before - in today's issue, our heroes head over to a Russian-ish country that doesn't recognize Krakoa as a sovereign nation.

Yeah, it's that again - but, at least this time out we get a new reality-warping mutant to deal with, and get to see some of the weirdos from the Mutant Liberation Front!

Also: X-Cellent listener mail, including a missive that isn't totally on board with the HoXPoXDoXSoX direction!  Lotsa meat on the bone today - I hope you'll join us for the fun and discussion! 


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Monday, November 9, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 060 - New Mutants #8 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty

New Mutants (vol.4) #8 (April, 2020)
"A-Hunting We Will Go"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Marco Failla
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 26, 2020

We're back with the New Mutants "B" team a/k/a the Amalgamated Young Mutants of Krakoa, LLC for this issue - and what's more, they're taking us all on a trip to Nova Roma.  It's a weird one-and-done, that - in about 10 minutes - you might just forget you've even read!  Let's hope the same can't be said for your listening experience!

Also: Sebastian Shaw does something pretty cool... so, at least there's that!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Saturday, November 7, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 058 - New Mutants #7 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Fifty-Eight

New Mutants (vol.4) #7 (April, 2020)
Writer - Jonathan Hickman
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 19, 2020

We had our fun in space... but, now - let's get these kids home!

Today we wrap up the New Mutants "A" storyline, reuniting bird-person child with (death)bird-person aunt... and finally plant our Krakoan seed in Shi'ar Space!  Also: A strange Dungeons and Dragons-style battle - complete with your humble host rolling virtual dice!  A fun issue... though, depending on your mileage - perhaps a hair too "cute" in the Deadpooly sort of way.  Lemme know your thoughts!

Speaking of letting me know your thoughts - I share a hot-take theory from a listener that might just change the way you look at these books!  Again, lemme know!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Thursday, October 22, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 046 - New Mutants #6 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Forty-Six

New Mutants (vol.4) #6 (March, 2020)
"Not As Hoped"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Flaviano
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 29, 2020

Today we wrap up our time at the Bohusk Farm... and, it gets far bloodier than you might imagine.  We learn a little bit more about the Cartel, DOX... and those creepy grey-skinned black-eyed children.

It's a good time as always... as we head toward the "landmark" fiftieth episode of X-Lapsed (can it really be a landmark, if I'm the only one that cares?  Don't answer that!)


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 039 - New Mutants #5 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Nine

New Mutants (vol.4) #5 (March, 2020)
"Endangered Birds"
Writer - Jonathan Hickman
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 8, 2020

I never thought I'd be so happy to see Deathbird!

Welcome back to Shi'ar Space, fellow NewMu's... it's time for one heck of a fun (farm-less) issue of New Mutants!  Join me as I talk all about how much I enjoy these characters... while at the same time, am growing a bit weary of the tricks of the current DoX landscape.  We've got nothin' happenin' bad guys, and a cliffhanger that threatens with some mutant deaths.  We're just a power-dampening collar away from the "hat trick"!

Also: Great listener feedback... and some more of me rattling off about my reviewing process for far too long!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 33 - New Mutants #4 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Three

New Mutants (vol.4) #4 (February, 2020)
"Fast and Furious"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Marco Failla
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: December 18, 2019

Today, playing to role of Drunk Captain Kate... Boom-Boom!

We return to Pilger, Nebraska... and the Bohusk family farm.  Last issue ended with the arrival of a Cartel of goons who wanted to talk terms.  Today, we find out what they meant by that... and, well... Big Pharma is a pretty "safe" target, right?

Let's make the best of this...


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Friday, October 2, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 28 - New Mutants #3 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Eight

New Mutants (vol.4) #3 (February, 2020)
"To the Grave"
Writer - Ed Brisson
Art - Flaviano
Colors - Carlos Lopez
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: December 11, 2019

And now for something completely different!

While our main cast are still in spaaaaaaace, we're given a weird little story with some of Xorn's Special Class, Armor, and a whole bunch of Mutant-hating hillbillies.  Never have I ever been so disappointed not to see Deathbird!

Also: The concept of a cure-all in comics, a bit of my babbling about my academic career, and a whole lot more


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Saturday, September 26, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 022 - New Mutants #2 (2020)


X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Two

New Mutants (vol.4) #2 (January, 2020)
"Space Jail"
Writer - Jonathan Hickman
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 27, 2019

Order in the court!  (Ham and Cheese)

It's here that the New Mutants have their day in court... will Roberto's wicked space lawyer get them off, or will our young heroes wind up incarcerated by the Shi'ar Empire for life?  Worse yet, will they get stuck hanging out with Cannonball's annoying better half?  Those answers, and a whole lot more... in this very episode!

Also: Losing touch with friends, dealing with the realization that you're no longer a comics' intended audience, and some great listener mail!


@acecomics /

Saturday, September 19, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 016 - New Mutants #1 (2019)

X-Lapsed, Episode 016

New Mutants (vol. 4) #1 (January, 2020)
"The Sextant"
Writers - Ed Brisson & Jonathan Hickman
Art - Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Jonathan Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: November 6, 2019

The Kids are Alright... and they're in SPAAAAAAAAACE!

Today the Dawn of X enters into Shi'ar Space with New Mutants #1! Watch (or listen) as they tick off their ride, and generally make a mess out of everything. It's a fun issue - a good time will be had by all!

Also: Some more great HoX/PoX reaxxions! Have a (non-spoilery) HoX/PoX/DoX hot-take to share? Please, don't hesitate to reach out!


@acecomics /

Saturday, May 2, 2020

New Mutants #18 (1984)

New Mutants #18 (August, 1984)
Writer - Chris Claremont
Art - Bill Sienkiewicz
Colors - Glynis Wein
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Ann Nocenti
Chief - Jim Shooter
Cover Price: $0.60

Welcome back to the Merry Marvel Month of May, here at the humble site!  I'm beyond happy that the sudden shift to the #MarvelMay gimmick month has been positively received!

Today, we're going to look at and discuss, what I'm guessing was probably my first issue of "classic" New Mutants... that is to say, pre-Rob Liefeld New Mutants.  Back in the long ago, when I was "back-filling", these scary Sienkiewicz issues were among my top priority when it came to this title.

This was, ehh, probably the late 90's, so the bottom of the back-issue market hadn't quite dropped out yet... so, these issues were still demanding quite a bit of coin (well, for me anyway).  I managed to snag the entire "Demon Bear" story in this raggedy old dog-eared trade collection I happened across at a used bookstore.

I think I even paid over cover-price for it!  What's more... I was happy to do it, because it meant I'd get to read the whole story!  It's been a long while since I've revisited it... so, without further ado... let's hurdle over those hyphens!


We open with a striking splash page featuring Dani Moonstar huddled under a big blanket, scared out of her wits by the bear that haunts her dreams.  The bear is depicted in the quilt pattern... just awesome stuff.  We don't linger long, however... instead, we hop outside the school grounds where Rachel Summers is hoping to meet up with Professor Xavier.  She flashes back... to the future, well... her childhood in the future.  It makes sense, trust me.  Anyhoo, she thinks back to the time when the government stormed the school...

... and assassinated Professor X!  Rachel is stopped by an officer passing by the grounds, who asks if she's lost.  She just tells him that she's there to see the Prof.  Officer really doesn't seem to care one way or another.  She decides at this point, that it's best that she actually head up to the school and knock on the door.

Inside, we join the New Mutants in a Danger Room Scenario.  New Mutant sessions were always so much more fun than the regular X-Men trainings.  The kids, as we see here, have so much to learn about their powers... and we actually get to watch them sorta "grow into" them.  Here we see Sam, who despite being the oldest member of the team, appears to have the most trouble when it comes to controlling his combustible powers... this time, however, he does okay.

We also see here that Sam's got the old hot-pants for Magma.  He's very protective of her, even though she probably really doesn't need it.  This session is being watched by Dani and Illyana... who have less offensive (ya know, physical "fighty") powers, so they sat this one out.

Illyana can see that Dani's mind is elsewhere, and asks what might be troubling her.  Moonstar sort of dodges the question by alluding to the fact that she's not sure who she can trust anymore.  This is a reference to a recent issue where she and Magik popped one year into the future, to find all of their teammates workin' for the bad guys.  She does not mention anything about the bear in her dreams.

The conversation is interrupted by a ringing of the door bell.  Illyana heads up to check it out... and finds: Rachel.  Rachel, who knew Magik in her time, kinda freaks out... and runs away.

We next jump to a three-page interlude introducing us to techno-organic Sienkiewiczian alien... Warlock!  Oh, also his father, Magus.  We'd learn a whole lot more about him/them over the course of the next little while.

Back at the school, Dani is putting herself through a Danger Room session of her own.  In it, she's honing her archery talent against... you guessed it... a bear!  Illyana asks what's up wit dat... to which, Dani suggests that this will make her a more valuable team member on the battlefield.  When asked "Why a bear?", she laughs and says "Gotta start somewhere.".  Illyana ain't buyin' it... and Dani knows it.

Later that night, Dani feels she's ready to face the bear that killed her parents.  Oh, I don't think I'd mentioned it to this point... but, this Demon Bear killed Dani's folks.  Moonstar heads outside the school, trudging through the snow... to a place where she can summon the beast.

Well, this might be one'a them "be careful what you wish for" sort of situations... What a page!

The battle begins... and, from the looks of things... Dani's holding her own!  She's actually doing some serious damage.  Or so she thinks...

Suddenly, Rahne is shocked awake.  She gathers the rest of the New Mutants to head outside, where they find Danielle... bleeding out in the snow!


Ah... this is still wonderful!

We almost gotta start... with the art.  I'll concede that perhaps Bill Sienkiewicz ain't for everybody.  Personally... I love it!  It's such a weird fit for a "kids team" book, ya know?  I remember the first time I'd ever saw it... and it disturbed me!  Many long-time readers know, I came into the comics fandom via ElfQuest back in the mid-late 80's.  I started collecting the Marvel-Epic run of the book, which... as a Marvel book... was crammed full of Marvel ads.  Stands to reason, right?

Well, I remember coming across a Sienkiewicz New Mutants ad... and, woof... it bothered me.  Like, a lot.  I didn't quite know what to make of it... all I knew, is that it really bothered me.  I never thought that this book would wind up becoming one of my favorites... and that this peculiar artist would eventually be a reason why I'd actually buy a book, and not a reason why I'd avoid one!

Bill's work, perhaps especially here, during Dani's battle with the Demon Bear... is... disturbing, ugly, and beautiful.  Even 30 years later (for me), this art never fails to evoke an almost visceral reaction.  Sienkiewicz shows such amazing versatility between the innocent faces of the children... and the absolute nightmare that is the Demon Bear.  Just amazing... can't help but to gush.  Hard to believe this is the very first time we're discussing his work here on the site!

The story... also very strong.  This totally takes me back to the first time I'd x-perienced Claremont's work.  Not only do we get a great (and fleshed out) chapter of a story here... but, in classic-Claremont form, we're also given a handful of subplots left to bubble in the background, promising to become more and more prevalent as we move forward.  The Rachel scenes, as well as the Warlock interlude really inform us as to "what's to come" in this title (and the X-Men line overall).  I miss things like this... so very much.  There isn't a feeling of padding to fill a collection here.  This is a story being told serially... and, it's just excellent.

Overall... if you haven't read these early-ish issues of the New Mutants... I'd definitely recommend 'em!  If you're "on the fence" about Bill Sienkiewicz (as I know some are), I'd encourage you to give him a shot here!


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