Showing posts with label new teen titans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new teen titans. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2019

BONUS BOOK - New Teen Titans (1980)

BONUS BOOK - New Teen Titans (October, 1980)
"Where Nightmares Begin!"
Writer - Marv Wolfman
Pencils - George Perez
Inks - Dick Giordano
Letters - Ben Oda
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Editor - Len Wein

I had planned to cover a different book today... considering it's my... yeesh, 40th Birthday.  I think I remember there being an issue of Green Arrow where he deals with the fact that he's approaching/approached middle-age...

But, ya know what?  I'm just not feeling it.  There's no need to malaise over the fact that time moves forward... because, heck... being old enough to turn 40 definitely beats the alternative, doesn't it?

Anyhoo, today we're going to continue looking at "Bonus Books" or "Insert Previews" or whatever we wanna call it... I use the terms interchangeably.  Today, we're going to look at the Insert that kicked 'em all off... the first appearance of the NEW Teen Titans from 1980.

This insert appeared in DC Comics Presents #26 (October, 1980), and was one that eluded me for quite some time.  It was actually one that I flat-out just assumed I'd never get.  Online speculation, CGC slabbing, and ridiculous streaming-TV tie-ins have really done a number on many collect-ability aspects of the hobby.  Folks who never gave a second thought to comics are suddenly "buying in" on whatever they assume the latest "hot book" is gonna be.

Hrmm... in my now advanced age, I could swear we already went through something like this... and barely made it out the other side.  Ah, I'm probably just talkin' nonsense.

Anyhoo, I said all of that so that I might say this... earlier this year (April, 2019) I actually came across a copy of this very issue at a record store!  In near perfect condition (I don't use terms like "mint" because, c'mon... that's subjective as hell)... for ONE American Dollar... and Ninety-Nine American Cents!  A buck'99!  I nearly fell out.

So yeah, I now have this issue... so, it's fair game to actually talk about.  Only problem there is, I kind of already discussed this story when I looked at Tales of the Teen Titans #59 (November, 1985) where it was reprinted!  Oh well... there ain't no rules to none of this... and, let's face it... barely anybody reads this blog anymore as it is... so, chances are, this is new-to-you!



We open with Robin stood before S.T.A.R. Labs being filled in by a couple of police officers about a terrorist stand-off going on inside.  They're threatening to detonate a bomb if their demands aren't met... and so, Robin goes to rush on inside... only, he's overcome with a most strange sensation.  He suddenly finds himself stirred back to "reality" by Wonder Girl... and he's now stood before the... never before seen - Titans Tower!  He doesn't have a clue what's going on... and I'd wager most of the folks reading this at the time felt the same way!

They head inside, where Dick is reunited with Beast Boy (now going by Changeling) and introduced to a couple of brand-new faces: Starfire and Cyborg!  Dick hasn't ever seen these people before... but they definitely know him.

Wally speeds on to the scene a moment later, and Robin's just happy to see another familiar face.  Everybody looks at Dick like he's got three-heads... because he really shouldn't be this confused.  After all, they're teammates!

Finally, Raven arrives.  This is another brand-new face to both Dick and the original readers of DC Comics Presents #26.

She comes with the dire news that a certain scientist managed to open a portal into another universe.  Now, if you think that sounds like a really bad idea... you're right.  From this portal oozes a gelatinous beast that overcomes the scientist.

The Titans (?) decide to hop-to and see if they can't topple this terror.  Gar attempts to rally the troops by doing a little Titans-Rah-Rah.  The best he can come up with is... "Titans--Let 'er Rip!", which I'm sad didn't catch on.

The team heads out, and finds the Flan-Beast atop a high-rise building.  Raven sends her soul-self into the monster... and finds herself immediately separated from it.  Even in her first appearance, Raven was so over-powered that she had to be kayoed within the first couple of beats of battle!  Worth noting that Wally is particularly protective of Raven... which is neat, considering their upcoming arc.

The rest of the Titans try and take the fight to the Pudding-Horror, however, all of their offense proves to be ineffective.  Then... Robin "wakes up".  He's back outside S.T.A.R. Labs, where one of the Police Officers informs him that he had to shove him down out of the way of a terrorist bullet!

Robin shakes off the weirdness, and decides to attempt to infiltrate S.T.A.R. Labs via his "rocket grappler".  No sooner does he scale the building than he is thrown back into that other reality... where he's battling the Custard-Critter!

The Titans fight the monster for a bit longer... not gaining much in the way of ground.  Then... after Cyborg is able to wound it using some heavy-duty decibels the thing finally attempts to flee.  At this point, Robin has an idea.  He's certain that the Wobbly-Wicket is heading back to its "point of origin", and he has a sneaking suspicion that place is somewhere inside S.T.A.R. Labs.  Upon arrival, Cyborg is none too pleased to head inside.

Robin rushes inside and chats up that scientist that called the thing here in the first place.  He informs him that there's no way they can beat this baddie... and their only hope is to send it back from whence it came.  Since this things primary attack is converting Oxygen to Methane... they realize they're going to have to get this Whopper into an air-tight room.  Starfire volunteers to act as a lure, since she doesn't need to breathe Oxygen anyway.

Then, they do the thing... and everything's hunky-dory.

As the dust settles, Cyborg has words with the scientist... who we learn is actually his father, Silas Stone... also, the man who created Cyborg's mechanical body (though, if we're being technical, he also created his organic one).  It's clear that there's no love lost between the Stone men.

Suddenly... Robin "wakes up" again.  The Officers thank him for ending the terrorist stand-off without a single loss of life.  He hasn't the foggiest idea what any of them are talking about.  Then, he's approached by a most grateful Dr. Silas Stone... which ups the confusion all the more!

We wrap up with Robin heading off, questioning just about everything that just went down.  He ultimately writes it off as a dream/nightmare and decides to just sleep it off.  Raven is nearby, however, to inform him (and us) that this was no dream... the New Titans are his (and our) future!


Unfortunately, it's pretty damned difficult to just "forget" everything that happens after this... and treat it like the (in some cases "literal") brand-new thing that it was when it appeared in DC Comics Presents #26.

I'd love to be able and go back to experience this one the way it was meant to be experienced.  It's just such a strange way to introduce, not only brand-new characters, but a whole new concept for an existing property.  I wonder if there were people who were annoyed by this... if there were any readers who felt this besmirched the "sanctity" of the Teen Titans.  If only I could find USENET posts going back all the way to 1980 (the earliest ones I've found are around 1984)!

The story we get here... uh, I guess you could say it's a bit difficult to follow, perhaps hindered more by our current-day familiarity with the Titans.  Robin not knowing any of the newbies puts us in this strange "is it a dream/nightmare/twilight zone?" mindset which is kind of difficult to shake off, ya know?  That's probably why I usually skip this issue anytime I did a New Teen Titans "re-read project".

I never felt like it added all that much... though, if we can squint enough to view it as a sorta-kinda "flash-forward", there are things to dig here.  We get (some of) the skinny on the tension between Cyborg/Silas.  It's made pretty clear here that Wally and Raven have some sort of connection.  Beast Boy now goes by Changeling.  All things that we will know to be true sooner than later.


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Monday, December 3, 2018

New Teen Titans #37 (1983)

New Teen Titans #37 (December, 1983)
"Light's Out, Everyone!"
Writer - Marv Wolfman
Layouts - George Perez
Embellisher - Romeo Tanghal
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - John Costanza
Co-Plotter - Mike W. Barr
Cover Price: $0.75

I can't believe it's been over two-years since our "Life and Times of Tara Markov" series.  Feels like... well, a while ago, sure... but, two years plus?!  Dang.

Click the image to visit the dedicated page
Back in 2016, I'd left this Titans/Outsiders crossover out of that... as it didn't seem to be as Terra-centric as the other issues I'd chosen to cover.  Though, it is important for her, and the revelation that she and Geo-Force are family... I just didn't think it was Terra-as-Judas focused as the others.

We're going to begin rectifying that... right now!


We open with a shot of Fearsome Five member, Gizmo zipping over to Tri-State Penitentiary, where some of his teammates are currently being held.  Inside, Shimmer is being attended to by a prison guard.  She is being bombarded by a stasis beam which keeps her from using her transmutation powers and escaping... that is, of course, until Gizmo tinkers with security system.  From here, we hop to the men's side of the clink, and find Shimmer's brother, Mammoth punchin' through a wall.  Easy peasy.

As he goes to leave, he runs into the leader (soon to be former leader) of the Fearsome Five... Dr. Light!  Artie begs to be let out, and after being made an offer he couldn't refuse, Mammoth decides to set him free.

Outside, the guards and officers stand by, stiff as statues... how can this be?  Well, enter: Psimon.  Dr. Light tries to pull rank, referring to himself as the leader of the Fearsome Five... and gets put in his place rather quickly.  It's like I always say, if you constantly have to remind people you're the one in charge, you're probably not.

The Five head over to their New Jersey digs, and get cleaned up.  Shimmer flips through the newspaper, and happens across a photo of Dr. Jace, who she recognizes from her (and Mammoth's) childhood in Australia.  Ya see, Jace's studies have to do with infusing super-powers into ordinary folks (like we'd seen with the Markovs).  Psimon suggests that if Jace were to strengthen the Fearsome Five's already present powers, they'd be unstoppable!  Gotta say, probably not the worst plan I'd ever heard.

From here, Marv reminds us that the book we're reading isn't called "The New Fearsome Five", and shifts the story over to Titans Tower.  New member, Terra has been given the "thumbs up", and for the most part, everyone seems to dig having her around.  She begins pressuring the team to give up their secrets, which... isn't the smoothest way to convince people you're trustworthy.  Donna hems and haws, and then... Terra's wrist-communicator thingie starts to go off.  She chooses not to fill the Titans in on what this means.

We gentle readers, however, will soon learn that beeping is her Dr. Jace alarm.  No kidding.  She runs off, fearful that Jace could spill the beans about how she came to have her powers to the Titans... which would somehow make them realize she's a double-agent.  That's quite the leap of logic, but as a paranoid goofball myself, I'll allow it.

And so, Terra heads in the direction of her wrist-alarm... which leads her right into battle with the Outsiders!

Lucky for her, the Titans decided to follow along... which quickly evens up the odds.  I'd have sworn the Titans were a known entity by this point, and the Outsiders might recognize them and perhaps not be all that keen on fighting them... but, whattayagonnado, it's comics.

The skirmish continues for a little while, until the arrival of... Geo-Force.  It's revealed here that Brion and Tara are brother and sister... and that Tara received her Earthy powers a year before Brion did.

With all the confusion now behind us, we find out that the Outsiders and Terra have the same goal... finding Dr. Jace.  They enter a nearby building, which Jace had been working out of... and see that her laboratory door has been transmuted into lead.  Hmm...

Donna suggests they all settle their tea kettles until they meet with their respective team-leaders.  Speaking of whom... we pop over to stately Wayne Manor, where Bruce and Dick are having a rather contentious conversation.  Dick suggests they end their professional relationship, as their concepts of justice have diverged quite far apart at this point.  Bruce... seems hurt by this, and worries that Dick might want to end their friendship as well.  Worth noting, Jason Todd (pre-Crisis, redhead) asks if he can be the next Robin here.

We rejoin the Fearsome (don't call 'em Fatal) Five... and, whattaya know, they've got Dr. Jace in their clutches.  Psimon mentally tortures her because he wants to know the "results of her investigations"... I thought he just wanted her to amp up his powers?  Oh well.  She doesn't wanna help... but, eventually comes around.  That just goes to show... you can never trust a Manhunter.

We shift next to Titans Tower, where the Titans and Outsiders plan their strategy.  It's... interesting, Batman keeps trying to needle Robin about his methods... seems the big guy might be a bit distracted (and maybe just a bit butt-hurt) here.

The discussion is interrupted by a video-call from Captain Hall.  Batman immediately waves him off, however, Robin asks him to speak.  It's going to be like this the whole time, innit?  Anyhoo, Hall tells of a break in at Bio-Tron Labs, where all of the steel doors had been transmuted into paper... which is kinda Shimmer's thing.  Also, mud-men... which is kinda Jace's Earthy thing.

The heroes head over to take a closer look at the mud-men.  Raven takes the lead and attempts to empathically "link" to one of them.  She is able to see (and project) the Fearsome Five and Dr. Jace in the mud-man's memories.  Worth noting, Jace does appear to be an unwilling accomplice.  Also worth noting, Terra doesn't seem to recognize her... but plays along like she does.

Raven then leads the heroes downtown to a dilapidated Bar at the Bowery.  Inside they meet an Archie Bunker lookalike who tells them about a strange man who came in... and took all of the patrons when he left.  Batman and Robin do a bit of Tec work, and find a trace of Tetryl... Dick links it to Psimon, who had been a physicist before having a window for a head.

Kory recalls reading that Psimon (as a civvie) had worked in a lab on a tiny island off Gotham City... and so, that's our next stop.  Wouldn'tcha know it, she was right!  The Fearsome Five have collected a new bunch of geeks for Dr. Jace to "enhance".  Just as the normies enter the change-chamber, the Titans and Outsiders burst through a nearby wall!  Man, if I had a dime for every wall the Titans have ever burst through...!

Naturally, a fight breaks out.  Raven heads off to procure Dr. Jace... leaving the heroes to fight the Five, and a new gaggle of mud-men.  When all hope looks to be gone for the baddies, Psimon flips a switch... and sinks the tiny island into Gotham Bay!


I know I'm like a broken record sometimes... a lot of the times... all of the times (bound to happen doing this every day), but man... they did not skimp on story back in the 80's!  Had this crossover happened today, it would occupy at least six issues.

Now for me... the strongest part of this issue was that half-page discussion between Bruce and Dick.  You know me though, I'm a big-time sucker for Bat-Family dysfunction.  Thought that scene was very telling... we can see that Bruce and Dick have very different views on their partnership/relationship.

Dick seems like he can view his feelings for Bruce on both a professional and personal level.  Removing one does not necessarily negate the other.  They can still be pals in the "real world", they're just not going to go on patrols anymore.  Bruce doesn't seem to have this ability, and takes this suggested separation personally.  His initial reply has to do with dissolving their friendship!

Just thought that was interesting/telling.  Later scenes depicting Batman trying to undercut/question Robin's authority really illustrates how close to heart he's taking this professional "divorce".  Taking a step back, I thought Jason Todd suggesting he become the next Robin cool to see... I'm not sure I noticed/paid much mind to that during earlier reads.

Terra gets a bit of a spotlight here... but, certainly isn't the focus.  She's still digging for information from the Titans... and is pretty obvious about it at this point.  You'd almost figure the Titans for fools... but, they're just being played up as naive for believing only the best of people.

Terra reuniting with her brother Geo-Force was cool.  I'd like to think this would only cement people's thoughts that she'd eventually "come around" and become a hero.  Though Geo-Force wasn't exactly a tenured character at this point, it still links her to another super-team.

The Fearsome Five... ehh... I've never really been all that big on them, though I will say this was a pretty good showing for them.  Dr. Jace is another character that always bored me... plus, every time I type her name I get the Wheeled Warriors theme playing in my head.

Overall... this was a good time.  Great Bat-Family dysfunction, which, if you ask me... is worth the price of admission all on its own.  Luckily, everything else is quite well done as well.  Perez/Tanghal's take on the Outsiders was super!  This issue/crossover has been collected six ways to Sunday... it is also available digitally.


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Friday, November 2, 2018

New Teen Titans #22 (1982)

New Teen Titans #22 (August, 1982)
"Ashes to Ashes!"
Writer/Co-Creator - Marv Wolfman
Artist/Co-Creator - George Perez
Embellisher - Romeo Tanghal
Letters - Ben Oda
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Editor - Len Wein
Cover Price: $0.60

Today we're going to take a look at a concept that might not have aged all that well... along with one that might be more relevant now than ever before!  Check it out...


We open with Robin, Wonder Girl, Raven and Kid Flash all sprawled before Brother Blood.  He turns to his followers and demands all but Robin be "taken away".  Ya see, he believes Robin has some valuable information, and is instead delivered to "The Confessor" in order to get it out of him.

We stick with Brother Blood as he has a video-conference with a Senator Hardy.  Brother Blood is trying to have the Religion of Blood recognized as a "true" organized religion.  While he's at it, he wants to re-legitimize the home country of the his following, Zandia.  There had recently been a change in President for Zandia... and Blood insists that any of the country's wrongdoings are now behind them... or at least that's what he wants Hardy to tell his fellow Senators when it comes time to vote.  In order to tip the scales even further, Blood decides tonight might be a good time for a televised interview.

Elsewhere, Robin is plopped down before The Confessor... but the Boy Wonder ain't in a talkin' mood!  Baron Blood isn't worried... knowing The Confessor's methods, he's sure it won't be long before Robin either talks... or dies.

Meanwhile, back at Titan's Tower... Cyborg, well... he lifts something heavy.  That's usually what he does in his "off time", isn't it?  Anyhoo, he's ticked that he, Gar, and Kori couldn't take part in the Church of Blood mission... because, ya know... they can't really pass as human.  Vic's really fired up about this, as Brother Blood cost him his girl Marcy (just last issue).  Starfire flies up, and suggests they go anyway.  Just then, Raven's soulself arrives to warn of the danger the Titans are in... and so, it's time to go.

Back at Blood's, Robin is being tortured... but still won't crack.  Finally, Brother Blood goes "screw it", and has Robin tossed into the same dungeon the other Titans are in.  It's a pit, really... and when he hits bottom, he's shocked to see his teammates...

... and also some gigundus spider horror!  Dick manages to dodge the critter long enough to gather his pals... but, that doesn't really mean much when there's no way for them to escape!

We rejoin the others on board a the T-Jet as they approach the Church.  At the same time, reporter and all-around pain in the ass, Bethany Snow is preparing to interview the Baron.  She starts by dropping some knowledge on her viewership... the Religion of Blood isn't a new religion, but actually a very old one.

The Baron begins by addressing the elephant(s) in the room.  First, his too-spooky-by-half name "Baron Blood".  I mean, would you visit a doctor with the last name "Doom"?  Don't answer that.  Anyhoo, he explains that blood (the actual fluid) provides life... fair enough.  Second, he explains his equally spooky costume... or, actually, he just brushes that off.  Whatever.  Finally, he gets to his point... he wants Zandia to take its place among the "free nations" of the world, and by linked with Western Democracy.

Just as he's giving his speech about peace and freedom... the Teen Titans make their usual entrance... bursting through a wall.  It's almost like he'd planned for this to happen.  Hmm...

The Titans cause quite the ruckus... which is all being captured live on television!  The Baron plays the "persecution" card, while Bethany Snow opines (on-air) that the Titans are provoking the Church of Blood.  Gar, of all people, tries to explain that they're being set up... but, c'mon... who ever listens to him?

Back in the down-below, Robin is still playing tag with the giant spider-beast.  Just when it looks like his luck is running out... Raven's soulself returns to lend a hand... or, more accurately, tell Robin to "arouse" Wally so he can whip up a tornado and get them out of the hole.  Now, why didn't he think of that?

We stick with Raven's soulself as it confronts Brother Blood.  She tries using her... empathic (?) powers to engulf him, only to discover that it's far too painful to do so!  She gives up, but does manage to finagle the controls for the dungeon pit-door-thingie.

By this point, Wally has finally been "aroused", and the trapped-Titans are freed!  And so, the combined Titans take their turns beating the hell out of Brother Blood.  Gotta remember, this is all being televised... and it looks like an unprovoked attack... on a church... with a message of peace.  No bueno.

Brother Blood finally breaks away, and flees down a hallway (triggering a big ol' door to drop along the way).  Vic does what he always does... and bursts through the wall in order to pursue.  Unfortunately, he's not quick enough... the Baron has boarded a jet!

No bother... Vic engages his hydraulic legs and launches himself at the jet... catching it by the tail...

... which snaps off, sending the jet plummeting into a nearby mountain.  Boom.  Now it would appear that Brother Blood has not only been attacked... but murdered by the Teen Titans!  Remember, cameras are rollin'!

The followers of the Church of Blood immediately forgive the Titans for their trespass (again, cameras are rollin') and they claim that Brother Blood will rise again.  They've certainly got Ms. Snow's vote!

Of course, we know better... and so does Raven.  She informs the team that Baron Blood was never on that jet.  And indeed he wasn't!  He's actually safe and sound... elsewhere.  He watches Snow's report, and knows that, after today's to-do, Zandia and the Church of Blood are a shoe-in for recognition.

We wrap up with... yawn... Blackfire trying to track down her sister.  Yawn again.


Now this was excellent.

It's got this weird tone to it... where, you could see at it as being both subtle... and terribly unsubtle, depending on how you look at it.  For a story like this though, it works incredibly well.

I think the main theme here is "spin".  Media manipulation to depict an issue from the most "favorable" side.  That's what we get here with noted Titans-non-fan, Bethany Snow.  I mean, she's taken a story about a guy who calls himself "Brother Blood"... who wears a tunic he likely purchased on clearance at Supervillains 'Я' Us... and made him look like the good guy!  At the same time, the Titans... heroes, some of whom have been around forever, come off looking like instigators, bullies... and all-around bad folks.

This is a kinda story that is still pretty relevant today.  It seems like if whatever group you subscribe to is currently out of power, the media is blamed for framing them in a poor light.  It really is a powerful tool in guiding public opinion... which is something that Brother Blood was smart enough to both realize... and utilize.  It really is a brilliant move... and one you might not expect to see in a superhero comic from 1982!  Again, this was really well done!

The only bits of the issue that sorta dragged were Robin's do-si-do in the pit with the spider... that really felt like it was only there to eat up a few pages, and of course... the last couple of pages.  You might know that I'm not a fan of heroes-in-space (be they X-Men or Titans), so Blackfire is a most unwelcome presence.

Overall though... this one is most definitely worth checking out.  If you can put yourself back in ye old 1982, I think you could appreciate just how far ahead of its time this book really was.  This bugger's been collected several times over and is available digitally.


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