Showing posts with label norm breyfogle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label norm breyfogle. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 024 - Batman #556 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Twenty-Four

Batman #556 (July, 1998)
“Help Trapped Money Rescue Ruins”
Writer - Doug Moench
Pencils - Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Joe Rubinstein
Letters - Todd Klein
Colors - Gregory Wright & Android Images
Edits - Gorfinkel & O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.95

Back to the flagship for a (relatively) quiet issue, where we check in on the man behind the mask(s), Bruce Wayne, to see how he's handling the Aftershock Era.  We get a bit of tacked-on action, but this is mostly (thankfully) a character piece!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 019 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #75 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Nineteen

Batman: Shadow of the Bat #75 (June, 1998)
“Aftershock, 1: By Fire… or By Ice?"
"A Long Slow Death"
Script - Alan Grant
Pencils - Mark Buckingham & Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Wayne Faucher & Mark Buckingham
Colors - Pam Rambo & Android Images
Letters - Bill Oakley
Edits - Gorfinkel & O’Neil
Cover Price: $2.95

Kicking off the Aftermath Era, with an extra-sized issue of SotB!  We've got a pair of baddies to TAKE down... and a man who's lost it all to TALK down.  Lotta interesting chatter to be had today!

Also: Chatting up the Alan Grant letters pages! 

Plus: Yet another extra-stuffed NMaiLbag! 

NML Crossing on Youtube

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 36: Batman #458 (1991)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #36

Batman #458 (January, 1991)
"Night Monsters"
Writer - Alan Grant
Pencils - Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Steve Mitchell
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Todd Klein
Assistant Editor - Kelley Puckett
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.00

After an extended absence, the Chris is on Infinite Earths Podcast returns with plenty of housekeeping, some answers to your questions regarding the future, a lot of guilty introspection... and, if you can believe it, a comic book

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Batman #459 (1991)

Batman #459 (February, 1991)
"Saturday Night at the Movies"
Writer - Alan Grant
Pencils - Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Steve Mitchell
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Todd Klein
Assistant Editor - Kelley Puckett
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.00

Had such a good time visiting with Alan and Norm yesterday, that I decided to keep it going today!

FYI: Harold completionists... we do get a sighting here!


We open with a look at the movie listings... looks like there's a whole lotta garbage playing in Gotham theaters, which... hey, I'll hand it to 'em for realism!  We've got blockbusters like the Pre-Teen Karate Cockroaches, and Where Skulks the Skeletoid... Also, howsabout that, it looks like Wild Dog got himself a movie deal!  We pan out and see that it's Jim Gordon and Sarah Essen checking the listings for their night out on the town.  They ultimately decide on The Mark of Zorro... because, of course they do.

Back at the Batcave, it looks like our new friend Harold is getting along just fine.  He's only been there two days, and he's already concocted a hologram projector to further disguise the place from potential passersby.  The way Bruce is smiling, I gotta wonder if he's planning on fitting ol' Harold for a Robin costume.

We pop over to the theater, where a family tries buying three tickets for the Pre-Teen Karate Cockroaches... only, it's sold out!  The bratty son is getting testy... and so, the father suggests that while they're there, they go see The Mark of Zorro.  Peter, the boy, isn't exactly excited at the prospect... and isn't scared to let his folks know.

We rejoin Batman as he... well, does what Batman does.  He descends on a bunch of baddies, and beats them up.  That's how a lot of Batman scenes start, isn't it?  Anyhoo, he winds up saving an out-of-towner named F. Joseph Leonard from a mugging.  Ol' F.J. is appreciative, but is going to hightail it out of Gotham A.S.A.P. as possible.

Batman recognizes the would-be robbers as Spades Mulligan and Freak Curtis... he "interrogates" them in order to get them to spill the beans about their supplier.  Looks like they're quick to squeal.

Back at the theater, Jim and Sarah arrive... and load up on snacks.  Gordon promises that he'll begin his diet... maybe even quit smoking... on Monday.  Yeah, yeah, yeah... if I had a nickel.  They take their seats in the back row... so they can neck a bit.  We can see that Peter and his parents are seated way up front.

We rejoin Batman as he approaches the address given to him by Mulligan.  As he arrives, we can see that the gang is watching a bootleg tape of Where Skulks the Skeletoid... lucky stiffs!  Batman arrives and gasses the geeks.  Unfortunately for him... the big boss isn't in!

Back at the theater, Peter's proving to be a horrible little snot, who is ruining the movie for everyone within earshot.  His parents do the responsible thing, and drag him out by his ear.  Wow... how refreshing!  These days his folks would be too busy texting to even realize their kid's being a jerk.

Outside, Batman's on the trail of the supplier... Rassler.  He chases him right to the entrance of the theater... where he stumbles upon a young family making their exit.  Starting to see the parallels yet?  Mother, father, son... exiting The Mark of Zorro... yeah, you get it.

Just in case you didn't get it, here's a full page spent making the callback to that fateful night the Waynes went to the movies.

Luckily, this doesn't wind up being a repeat of that night.  It's a good thing too, could you imagine the jerky vigilante young Peter would've grown up to become?!  Batman swoops down, drawing all of Rassler's fire...

... only it wasn't Batman... just his cape!  Batman appears behind Rassler... and kayos him with ease.

With Rassler out, young Peter runs up to thank Batman.  He asks how he came to be a superhero... to which, he replies that it all sorta-kinda started with The Mark of Zorro.  Hey, technically... that is about the size of it, right?  It's only now that Pete realizes how cool Zorro is, and he drags his folks back into the theater to watch the rest of the film.

A little bit later on, the movie lets out.  Jim and Sarah happen upon Rassler, who's being shoved into a squad car.  Gordon attempts to get involved, but the officer waves him off to enjoy the rest of his evening.  As they walk down the street, Jim and Sarah express their love for one another.

Jim walks Sarah to her hotel, but declines a "night cap" since he's got work in a few hours.  As he leaves, he lights up a cigarette... annnnnd has a heart attack!


Well, that was bummer ending!  But, kind of a perfect one.

We talked yesterday about how, every single day the amount of choices we have seems to lessen.  It's kind of a "sense of urgency" type of message... or, just a bit of regretful reflecting.  "What I could'a done" "What I should'a done"... all the way to "Why did/didn't I do that?"

Here, we have a Jim Gordon... who finally seems to have made a choice, he wanted to make a long time ago.  And, wouldn'tcha know it... no sooner does he make that decision... than it all might be taken away from him.  It's tragic... but human, and is so well done here, that it's hard not to come away from it, a bit... well, maybe not choked up (considering we know Gordon "gets better") but, perhaps... I dunno... reflective about things in our own lives.

At the risk of being a bit precious and/or ridiculously self-indulgent... Are there things (within my control) that I've always wanted to do?  Are there good reasons why I haven't?  What's holding me back?  It's sobering... because, as we learned last issue... one of these days, that choice will be off the table.

The other thread we follow here... is Batman's.  I gotta admit, when it became clear where the whole Mark of Zorro thing was going, I kinda groaned... but, perhaps that's not entirely fair.  These days, "that scene" is so overplayed, that it's almost lost all of its poignancy... it's just "that scene", and writers are always alluding to it.  Back in ye old 1991, I couldn't say if it was just as exploited... but, whattayagonnado?

Overall though, this was yet another great outing by Grant and Breyfogle.  This is definitely one of "those" runs... runs you should do whatever you can to seek out.  Especially if you're reading the current stuff, and miss stories where things actually happen... you'd do well to check in on issues of this era.  This issue only features one page of Harold, so it might've missed out on being included in the Essential Harold Omnibus, Volume 1... but, it is available digitally!


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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Batman #458 (1991)

Batman #458 (January, 1991)
"Night Monsters"
Writer - Alan Grant
Pencils - Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Steve Mitchell
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Todd Klein
Assistant Editor - Kelley Puckett
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.00

It's funny... was looking through my past several dozen posts here, and found a disturbing lack of Batman!  Gonna try and rectify that.


We open with Batman rescuing a child from a group of heroin pushers... who are attempting to forcefully inject the lad with the stuff.  Batman swoops in, whups ass, and takes the boy to safety... only, when he unmasks... it's Commissioner Gordon!  Okay, it's just a dream... Gordon's dream!  He's sitting outside the Gotham Train Station... waiting.  He think about how he, if things were different, could've been the "Night Monster" that is Batman (you just wait, mister).  He shakes it off and goes for a burger.

Nearby, a young girl carries a broken doll toward a ramshackle building.  In a neat touch, it's still Gordon's narration... and he discusses how with every single day that passes, the choices we can make grow more and more limited.  It's wildly unpleasant, but so well presented.  Anyhoo, the girl believes there's someone called "Mr. Fixxit" living among this squalor (not that Mr. Fixit).  A man who can fix literally anything... and so, she leaves her doll (along with a candy bar for payment) and leaves.

We rejoin Gordon as he's finishing up his late-night burger... and just then, he catches some young punks spray-painting a wall.  When he announces who he is... the kids just run off.  He goes into a coughing fit as he attempts to give chase.  Luckily, a certain caped figure just so happens to be passing by.

These punks... they ain't the brightest.  They only run a few streets over... and instead of chalking up tonight as a "win" (or at least a "non-loss") they start spray-painting a homeless man's face.  Well... that was a dumb move, as it gave Batman more than enough time to catch up.

Remember that girl with the doll?  Well, she hasn't returned home... and her father is ticked!  He grabs a baseball bat and heads out to deal with this mysterious "Mr. Fixxit".  Along the way he knocks on every door in their apartment building... looks like he's forming a mob!

When we get back with Gordon, he's loitering around the train station... again.  But why?  Well, ya see, Sarah Essen is returning to town.  Folks familiar with Batman: Year One will know that Essen is the woman who Gordon briefly cheated on his wife with.  Anyhoo, she's transferring back to Gotham from New York.

Gordon wonders why he's even here... it's not like he's ready to strike up a relationship (or even a conversation) with her.  And so, he tries to slip away unnoticed.  Unfortunately for him... a purse-snatcher picks just this moment to, well, snatch a purse.

Back at the dilapidated building, that mob has assembled... and they're armed with just about every kind of swingable blunt object you might find in your home.  They call out to Melissa (the little girl), and promise that they won't let "that freak" hurt her.  At this point, Batman swoops in to check the temperature of the situation.

He asks if anyone called the police... to which, nahhh... nobody did.  Looks like they want to exact their own form of neighborhood justice.  Batman suggests he go in first to get the lay of the land.  The mob refuses... even going so far as to push him out of their way!  They tear down the rickety fence, and head toward the structure.  Batman decides to do some tec'ing, and follows the tiny footprints nearby.

Back at the Railway Station... Gordon's down!  Gordon's down!  Gordon's down!  Lucky for him, there's another cop nearby... Sarah Essen!  She holds the purse-snatcher at gunpoint... and the former lovers have a pretty awkward reunion.  Once the creep is in cuffs, they decide to head out for a cuppa coffee.

Back at the building, the mob zeroes in on Mr. Fixxit... who, well... is that hunchback dude from the cover.  Hold all gasping til the end.  Anyhoo, Melissa's dad proceeds to threaten the poor fella... and is just about to bash his brains in with the ball-bat before...

... Melissa enters the room!  Turns out she just got stuck under some fallen scaffolding on her way out.  Mr. Fixxit didn't do anything to hurt her.  Melissa's dad drops the bat, realizing that he might have been the monster all along.  We'll talk more about this in a bit.

It ought to go without saying that by now Mr. Fixxit has repaired Melissa's doll.  Her father is beside himself with shock... because, as far as he knew... all of the dolly's electronics were burned out.  Melissa gives Fixxit a peck on the cheek, and they leave.  Before exiting, however, she asks Batman if Fixxit will be going away.  He replies that he will... but, that he'll be taken care of.

Batman tries chatting up Fixxit... but the poor dude don't talk.  He recognizes him as Harold, a scarily-brilliant engineer and former associate of the Penguin (during The Penguin Affair... a story I'm surprised we haven't yet discussed here).  He wonders what to do with him.  He knows he can't turn him in to the authorities... he would just wind up being sent to an institution from there.

We rejoin Gordon and Essen at Mel's Diner where they're having some coffee and catching up.  Looks like they're both available these days.  Jim's wife passed... and Essen's husband was killed in the line of duty.  There's really nothing keeping them apart now.

They chat a little while longer... and decide that, whatever their shared future holds... they should definitely take it slowly.

We wrap up in the Batmobile.  Batman and Harold are heading back to the Batcave... looks like Harold's going to be working for the good guys from now on!


Okay, so how great was this?

Gordon's narrative here fit the issue perfectly.  It was almost poetic in a way.  The idea that every day windows of opportunity close all around us... is such an unpleasant thing to consider.  It's true, of course... but, wow... how sobering is that?  Jim even goes as far as to say at a certain (very young) age, you know you'll never be the Gerber Baby.  It might sound crazy (and maybe a bit of an extreme example)... but, that doesn't make it any less true!

Framing his story with a narrative discussion of "choices" is really so perfect.  His entire night out is a choice he's made... that he isn't so sure about.  He could be there to meet Sarah at the train station... or, he could just sneak away.  It's so very human that when you're faced with a decision you labor over... you start thinking about other choices you could've/should've made along the way.

I mean, we get Commissioner Gordon dreaming that he's Batman... and when he wakes up, he considers that... had he made a different decision (or twenty), that he could've been Batman!  Don't worry, Commish... your bat-bunny costume is only a couple of decades away.

The Harold story was pretty cool... though I did have one problem with it (which we'll get to).  I've always had a weakness for "boogeyman" type stories... the type of tall-tale that would go around the schoolyard.  For us growing up, there was the Diaperman... a man (who may or may not wear a diaper) who lived in the woods behind the school.  We spent many an afternoon trying to find him... because we were idiots.  Couldn't imagine a gaggle of geeky kids doing something that stupid nowadays!

Anyhoo... so, Mr. Fixxit... the phantom toy repairer of Gotham City.  Such a fun (and creepy) idea... and, most scarily... one that you could see kids falling for!  Heck, if the Diaperman advertised that he could make it so I wouldn't have to blow in my Nintendo cartridges anymore... I... er, well... let's just be happy that he didn't.

So, yeah... really dig that premise.

Now, what I didn't so much dig... let's talk about that "Melissa got stuck under the scaffold" thing for a second.  I get what we're going for here.  Mr. Fixxit/Harold isn't a bad dude... and he didn't do anything to hurt Melissa.  But... if that mob didn't assemble and come out to bash his brains out... Batman would've never searched the building... and so, at the end of the day... there's a pretty good chance Melissa would've died under the debris!  So, in essence, it's a good thing that Mel's father gathered the troops and stomped on in... right?!  I realize that makes things a little less heartwarming... but, it's kinda got to be said.

Also, what kind of a father would Mel's Pop be if he didn't wanna bash in the brains of the guy he thinks took/hurt his daughter?  I mean, even as enlightened as we all claim to be nowadays... I couldn't say with any certainty that I wouldn't swing first, ask questions later.  It's kind of weird that Mel's Pop is kinda framed as a bad guy from the first moment we see him.  Would we prefer reading about a father who doesn't care that his very young daughter is roaming the slummy Gotham streets in the middle of the night?!  Just not really buying that bit.

Overall... for the most part, I had a blast with this... and I'm sure most Bat-fans will too!  This story has been collected in the Essential Harold Omnibus, Volume 1... okay, no... that's not a thing that exists... but, it is available digitally!


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Monday, April 30, 2018

Super Heroes Stamp Album #1 (1998)

Super Heroes Stamp Album #1 (1998)
"Book I: 1900 to 1909!"
Writer - Doug Moench
Pencillers - Paul Ryan, Angelo Torres, Joe Orlando, Joe Staton, Dan Jurgens, Norm Breyfogle, Jim Aparo, Dick Giordano, George Pratt, M.D. Bright & Ernie Colon
Inkers - Doug Hazlewood, Josef Rubenstein, Tom Palmer, Mike DeCarlo, Bill Sienkiewicz & Bob Smith
Colors - Tom Ziuko, Rick Taylor, Patricia Mulvihill & Bob LeRose
Letterer - Gaspar Saladino
Postmaster General - Marvin Runyon

Alrighty folks, today we have what might be one of the more bizarre... and boring books we're ever going to discuss here.  This one was made in cooperation with the United States Postal Service in order to promote their line of Celebrate the Century Stamps.

These were ten sheets of stamps, one for each decade of the 20th Century... with 15 stamps on each highlighting important events in semi-recent United States History.

What this has to do with superheroes... well, you got me.  Though, to be fair, it looks like Superman will get his own stamp in Book III.  This line of comics was supposed to be an actual "stamp album", just like it says on the cover.

You were supposed to collect the stamps, and put them in their proper spot inside this very book.  We really got into that sort of thing around the turn of the century... ask anyone who collected the 50 State Quarters!

Anyhoo, this piece will likely be a bit lighter on commentary than usual, because... there's no story here.  It's just several of our late-90's DC Comics favorites dropping knowledge on us.  As always, we'll do the best that we can!


We open with Superman beginning our tour through the 20th Century.  Are you excited?  I know I'm excited.  Hell, even Batman's sorta smiling!  For our first stop, Superman "The Action Ace" introduces us to Theodore Roosevelt "The Action President".  We learn of young Teddy's health problems, and his service with the Rough Riders.  Also, the circumstances which led to his becoming President of the United States.

The next stop on our tour is hosted by Wonder Woman... and she's taking us to Ellis Island.  She informs us that in the first decade of the 20th Century alone, nine million immigrants came through New York Harbor... with 4,000 passing through the Ellis Island Processing Point on an average day.

Remember Theodore Roosevelt?  Well, we're not done with him yet.  This time Robin tells us the story of the first Teddy Bear.  Ya see, legend has it that Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear cub while on a hunting trip... he considered it "unsporting".  When this story spread, a toy shop owner crafted a stuffed version of this bear to sell.

Back to Superman, and the story of the first World Series... well, after he shows off some of his powers for us, by cracking a ball into orbit... and speeding up to catch it.  It was a best-of-nine series that took place in 1903, pitting the National League's Pittsburgh Pirates against the American League's Boston Pilgrims (later Red Sox).  The Pilgrims would win it in eight!

Off to Muir Woods with Connor Hawke, where we learn a bit about preservationist John Muir.  Dude quit his job and walked 1,000 miles across the country.  He had founded The Sierra Club in 1892 in attempt to preserve the Yosemite Region from loggin and whatnot.  He even became pals with the aforementioned (several times) Teddy Roosevelt.

Back to Robin for the quick and dirty on Crayola Crayons.  Did you know that crayons are made out of chalk and oil?  Well, you do now.

Over to Wonder Woman for a look at "the ideal woman"... and no, we're not talking about Diana.  This is the Gibson Girl... a creation of an artist named Charles Dana Gibson that appeared in a humor magazine.  Homeboy got paid, and her look became "the" look many women would aspire toward.

Next stop, Kitty Hawk... where Superman tells us all about Orville and Wilbur Wright's first flight.  He's probably the most fitting hero to discuss these fellas, no?

Then Kyle Rayner tells us all about the first American blockbuster film, "The Great Train Robbery".  Anyone ever see it?  I haven't.  Looks like it's only 12 minutes long... I guess it might be worth a look.

Okay, 12 minutes and 10 seconds.  Anyhoo, Kyle informs us that movie-goers actually freaked out when the gunslinger in the film started firing off shots toward the camera.  Imagine living in a time like that?

Off to St. Louis so Wonder Woman can tell us all about the 1904 World's Fair.  Looks like there were a whole lot of important concepts and ideas introduced, including such mundane things as ice cream cones, iced tea, and hamburgers!  What a time to be alive!

Batman then fills us in on the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act.  A story that begins with an old favorite of mine, the Snake-Oil Salesman.  Looks like these potions and tinctures weren't as harmless as you might think though... many were laced with stimulants.  I'm sure that wasn't always a bad thing for the patrons, however.

Next, our man Steel tells us about William Edward Burghardt DuBois... which includes such concepts as Jim Crow Laws... and leads to race riots and the eventual formation of the NAACP.  Steel ends his tale by informing us that, prior to his passing, W.E.B. DuBois renounced his American citizenship and spent his final days in Ghana, Africa.

Off to... maybe Metropolis, where Superman takes a break from attending to a city-full of crumbling skyscrapers to tell us all about Frank Lloyd Wright.  All I knew about this fella was his more Arizona-centric dealings... and the fact that we have a major road named after him out this way.  I used to work over the road, and had to visit his Taliesin West (which he used as a "winter home") several times.  Unfortunately his vision didn't help Arizona all that much... as we're still very much "cookie cutter" as far as housing, at least in the major metropolitan areas.

Next up, the Flash tells us about the Model T Ford, and how Henry Ford launched the second Industrial Revolution in America.  Wowsa!

The final stop on this tour is guided by Batman, as he slinks down the back alleys to tell us about Ash Can Printing.  As comics enthusiasts, we've no doubt heard the word "ashcan" before... but this is a bit different.  This is an art movement, where folks would paint "plain or ugly subjects"... gritty realistic images which may include things like "dirty alleys or garbage cans".  In comics, I think we just call that the 1980's.

And so, we've made it through the first decade of the 20th Century!  Are you excited for the next ten years?  Well, Batman certainly is!  Just look at that grin.


Well, that was kinda dry, wun'tit?

It's difficult to really analyze something like this... so we're not going to.

Upon reading this, I feel like these were neat little succinct looks at American History... which, I think any interested young person (or adult, I guess) could get something from.  All told, not a bad package insofar as the delivery of the information.  It was easy to read, and (just barely) more engaging than a textbook.  Probably not the worst way to introduce a youngster to the material.

The art... was kind of a mixed bag.  Doesn't really feel like anybody involved on that side of the table (outside of a couple) really brought their "A" Game.  I'm never really a fan of "jam" issues, however, considering what this book is all about, I suppose I could live with it.

Overall... a pretty strange little novelty.  It might not be worth your time to read... but, as an interesting piece for your collection, I'd say it might just be worth having.  I definitely wouldn't spend more than a buck or two... though, I might nudge up if the book came complete with stamps already included.

And so, we wrap up April... when you come back tomorrow, you might wanna wear shades because our future's so... well, you know.


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