Heyyy, howsitgoin' everybody - The following piece is a sample of some of the x-clusive content available at patreon.com/xlapsed
In addition to the all-new X-Lapsed Point One audio series, I will be uploading my complete archive of X-Lapsed scripts. I'm not sure if many out there are interested in my notes... but, I figure some folks might dig it!
There's much more to come... I'm still getting my footing on this whole "x-clusive content" thing, I'll be x-perimenting with many more projects in the coming weeks and months!
Thanks and I hope you enjoy!
X-Lapsed, Episode One:
House of X #1 (September, 2019)
“The House that Xavier Built”
Written by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Pepe Larraz
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles
Design by Tom Muller
Covers by way too many people to name
Edits by Annalise Bissa, Jordan D. White, and C.B. Cebulski
$5.99 USD
Release Date: July 24, 2019
We open with a prologue
Professor Xavier, wearing perhaps a Cerebro Helmet (?) stood before a pretty gross-looking tree
From here we get a few pages of timelapse, starting five months prior on Krakoa… then across the world and across the universe.
We settle in the “now”, at the Jerusalem Habitat
Apparently, there’s a designer drug… which promises to extend human life by five years, prevent mental illness, and act as an adaptive antibiotic
Before we get too far, however, they are interrupted by the arrival of a pair of the Stepford Cuckoos… Esme and Sophie
We get an info-graphic style page next that describes some of the Flowers of Krakoa… including those that can be utilized as miracle drugs for the humans, and those that can act as gateways for the mutants
We shift scenes to the Graymalkin Habitat in Westchester… which I’m going to assume is the old Xavier School
There, Jean Grey is escorting some young mutants through one of the Krakoan Gateways
As they step on through, word is sent to a Krakoan network “control center” of sorts
It’s pretty gross… it’s part animal, part vegetable… and has a whole lotta eyes
This desk is being manned by Cypher and Sage
Jean and the broccoli boy arrive… and the tot is pretty wowed to see Professor Xavier and a “hairy guy” named Logan
Another info-graphic page follows, which gives us a map of Krakoa… and, I believe, places it somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
Next stop… Space!
An Agent Gregor and Agent Mendel arrive at a satellite… which appears to be full of agents of various Marvel organizations… SHIELD, AIM, some others… all of which make me yawn uncontrollably… a later info-page will confirm some of that
This project is called Orchis
We pop back to Earth, and we join Mystique, Toad, and Sabretooth as they are pillaging the Damage Control offices
Back to Magneto’s magical mystery tour
They leave Jerusalem and arrive at a “hub” point, form which they can travel to a whole bunch of other habitats
They pass through a door… maybe a few… because we see a smattering of locales over this page’a panels
One of the ambassadors turns the subject to the military… and how, the mutants newfound ability to travel anywhere they damned well please really changes the world dynamic
Magneto assures him that this ability isn’t an instrument of war
The human ain’t buyin’ it… and, if I’m being honest, if Magneto said that to me, I’m not sure I would either
Magneto plainly states that there’s never been a mutant war… which, I mean… I guess is technically true.
The Ambassadors are growing impatient and would really like to finally go to Krakoa
Back with the Fantastic Four…
Mystique and Toad are able to make their way through a gateway… but poor Sabretooth just bounces off.
The Fantastic Four take their captive… and all looks to be fine and dandy
Then… Cyclops emerges from the Gateway
He greets Ben, congratulates him on his recent nuptials… and gets down to bidness with Reed.
Scott brings up the whole mutant amnesty thing… which, I tell ya, sounds like a really bad idea… especially when it comes to someone like Sabretooth
Before leaving back through the gateway, however… Cyclops makes mention of Franklin Richards… and tells Sue and Reed that, whenever he’s “ready” there’s family waiting for him on Krakoa
Another info-page… this time classifying Omega Level Mutants, which includes li’l Franklin… and a whole bunch of mutants I could’ve sworn were long dead
Back to Jerusalem…
The Ambassadors take a sidebar to discuss the situation
Esme… or the other one, reveals that these Ambassadors are all “plants”, and goes on to call them all out
She also reveals that one of em is packin’ heat… and so, Magneto takes care of the pistol only the way he can
We wrap with Magneto telling the Ambassadors that they’ve got New Gods… annnnnd, that’s where we end up for today!
This was VERY dense… and made me feel even denser!
I am intrigued… hopefully intrigued enough to continue my way through
Really enjoyed the art
Whole thing was familiar… but not
The Space bit with the Master Mold was kind of over my head
Hell, I couldn’t swear to any of what I said during the synopsis
Next up we’ll take a look at the first issue from the sister series Powers of X #1