S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #3 (April, 2021)
"Everywhere Man"
Writer - Al Ewing
Art - Valerio Schiti, Ray-Anthony Height, Bernard Chang, Nico Leon
Colors - Marte Gracia
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 10, 2021
Spotlight on: Manifold -- the teleporter who isn't a teleporter... or something.
This is a fine issue that manages to walk the difficult tightrope between moving the S.W.O.R.D. story moving forward... while playing into the King in Black mass-crossover event! We've got a few mysteries introduced here -- it's going to be fun to try and suss 'em out!
Also: Mailbag & News regarding "The Summer of Reign of X"!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com