Showing posts with label remarvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remarvel. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

ReMarvel, Episode 1: Omega the Unknown #1 (1975)

ReMarvel, Episode One

Omega the Unknown #1 (March, 1975)
"Omega the Unknown!"
Writers/Creators - Steve Gerber & Mary Skrenes
Art - Jim Mooney
Letters - John Costanza
Colors - Petra Goldberg
Edits - Marv Wolfman
Cover Price: $0.25

I know I've discussed a couple of episodes of ReMarvel here on the site... but, never the first one!  This was actually an attempt at "podcasting with a purpose", so to speak.  An attempt to rediscover everything I loved about Marvel Comics, and how I might break some of my own twisted "fandom rules".

Saturday, July 4, 2020

ReMarvel, Episode 4: X-Force #71 (1997)

One of the coolest parts of having a show where you inject a bit of your own personal history, is the ability it gives you to create a feeling of "continuity".  Sometimes, during my droning anecdotes, I could "call back" to prior episodes to provide context or to reinforce a point.  Sometimes, one week I would just pick up where I left off the week before.  This episode is an example of the latter.

The episode before this, which I shared here yesterday, I talked about how I walked away from comics and the comics hobby for a little bit back in the mid-90's.  With today's episode, I get to tell ya how I found my way back.

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This is less a story about profundity... and more, one about a lonely and scared transplanted teenager who found himself returning to something familiar.  Something that made him feel comfortable.  It was a strange time in the comics biz... change was in the air, the speculators had moved on... and, I dunno... the industry just felt a bit more "humble".  There was something endearing about that... which I detail during the episode.

The industry whose gimmickry had driven me away now had this odd earnestness about it.  I felt like it was now finally safe to "go home again"... though, my more addictive side would sort of inform how things went from here.

Speaking of "going home again", I believe this episode opens with me talking about my then-recent trip back to New York... and, how disappointing my first New York bagel in 20 years was.  So, if you don't mind sitting in for an audio version of a vacation slideshow, I think you might dig it.


To the future - Tomorrow's a new (to most) Comix Tawk.  Next week I'm going to once again try the "New" version of Blogger... fingers crossed they've worked the bugs out.  If anyone reading is still using Blogger (either version), please let me know if you're having the same challenges I am.

If Blogger is still a mess... I'm probably going to have to see about sliding over to WordPress (as much as that terrifies me).  If anyone has any WP advice (such as whether or not I get to keep my domain name), please hit me up.  Thanks.

Friday, July 3, 2020

ReMarvel, Episode 3: X-Men (vol.2) #45 (1995)

This past few days, there's been kind of a theme here at the blog... well, maybe a few.  They are: Change, Moments of Profundity, and Walking Away.  The episode I'm going to share with you today actually touches on all three!

The purpose of ReMarvel, as a program, was/is for me to rediscover everything I love about Marvel Comics.  Not only that, but it also allowed me a forum where I could reminisce and share stories of my trajectory through comics fandom.  I feel like a lot of folks assume that I was a "DC lifer" and had never touched a Marvel comic, which... while understandable given my content, really isn't the case at all.  Quite the opposite... as I came into my more "rabid" fandom as only reading Marvel, and very seldom checking the DC "side" of the new-release table.

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X-Men (vol.2) #45 came at just about the perfect time for me... and was one of the truest comics-related "moments of profundity" to slap me across the face.  I'm not sure I've expressed this here, though it might be plainly obvious, I'm very much an "all or nothing" sort of guy.  I have great difficulty in the act of calibrating.  I'm either "all-in", or "all-out" with nothing in between.  That applies to my comics fandom as well.

If I'm an X-Fan, then... dangit, I'm reading all the X-Books, ya dig?

If it's also not plainly obvious, I definitely have some addictive qualities.  My inability to let this website go might be the most recent testament to that.  So, being "all-in" and addicted... collecting comics in the mid-1990's sort of ceased being a hobby, and became nothing more than a "chore".  I was 15 years old, and I'd foisted this monthly "bill" onto myself.  I'd feel sick as Wednesday approached, and I knew I was a few cents short of grabbing the next issue(s).  It didn't help that the X-Line of books had absolutely exploded from the time I entered the hobby 4-5 years earlier.  There were just so many X-Books!  It was not the best of times.

With X-Men (vol.2) #45... I hit a wall.  I wasn't picking up Previews catalogs at the time, so I wasn't privy to what was coming next.  Knowing only that it was "X-Men (vol.2) week" at the shop, I headed in with my pittance (including my two-bucks for X-Men)... and, what'd I see?

X-Men #45 was there... and it had a price tag of $3.95!  I was gobsmacked, and couldn't figure out why this random-numbered (which is to say, not a "multiple of twenty-five") issue was slapped with a gimmick cover and jacked up in price.  I was informed that (most of) the X-Books were celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Giant-Size X-Men... and, so... the (core) X-Books for that month would all be of the four-buck variety!

It was at that point I realized:

  • I was never going to be able to afford this month's X-Books, which would put me behind in my collecting
  • Marvel could hit us with one of these "gimmick months" at any time
  • We were just a handful of months away from X-Men (vol.2) and X-Force hitting their 50th issues... which, would definitely be gimmicked and over-priced
It was like I was seeing those "scales of justice".  On one side was a very small stack of comics... that I was more concerned with having than actually enjoying, and on the other... a rather sizable (and ever-growing) stack of cash.

It was in that (profound?) moment that I realized I was done.  It was time for me to "walk away"... and, I tell ya what... when I walked out of the shop that day, I thought it was "for keeps".  I never saw myself falling back into comics again.  Heck, not too long after this, I nearly got rid of my entire collection to that point.  I was just done... and considered the hobby to just be part of my past.

I go into more detail during the ReMarvel episode, if anyone's interested.  This text piece is more of a broad strokes take on the tale.  One of the things I was hoping to accomplish with the episode was to start a conversation... I feel like, as comics fans, many of us have that story about the time we "walked away".  I love hearing that story... and learning what that "last straw" might've been... if, in fact there was a "last straw" and not just a "drifting away".

Unfortunately, it was me asking that question... and so, it largely went ignored.  As you know, I don't have all that much in the way of "cache".  Ya likely won't get a bunch of social media karma or cred if you respond to anything I put into the digital ether.  So, I guess I'll ask it again here:
  • Have you ever "walked away" from comics, dear reader?
  • Was there a "last straw"?
    • If so, what was it?
  • How long were you gone?
    • What brought you back?
I'm trying to get better about engaging with the comments... I apologize for my relative radio-silence on that front of late.  It's been much more difficult getting back into the "swing" of things here than I'd expected.  Starting to realize the "healing process" only really kicks in when you admit you need to be healed in the first place.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

ReMarvel, Episode 2: X-Men (vol.2) #8 (1992)

To go along with yesterday's piece regarding Uncanny X-Men #287 and the X-Traitor, I figured today I should probably share the "sister piece" to that episode.

ReMarvel was (and I suppose technically still is) a solo show I did/do, whose purpose was to help me to reengage with Marvel Comics.  It'd been a long time since I bothered reading any Marvel... new or old.  Ya see, I've got this weird thing where, if I hate what a company is doing in "current year", it kind of sours me on everything from them.  I hated current-year Marvel, and so... I could no longer enjoy the very books that made me a rabid fan in the first place.

I only put out a handful of these episodes, though there are several "in progress" at various points of done-ness.  Just don't know if it's necessarily worth my time and effort to get 'em done.  I'm trying to work on my "self-awareness", and beginning to realize that very few people actually care to listen to my stories and anecdotes.

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Speaking of stories and anecdotes, this episode (like most of my solo-output) is full of them!  X-Men (vol.2) #8 has the distinction of being my very first "white whale"... a book, despite not being a "key" issue, that I just couldn't track down.  It took me a couple of years, and I talk all about it during the episode's overlong pre-ramble.

If anyone wants to share their thoughts and/or earliest memories of "comic book white whales", I'd love to hear 'em!
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