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Showing posts with label robert bernstein. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #26 (1961)

Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #26 (July, 1961)
"The Day Superman Married Lana Lang!"
"Lois Lane's Childhood!"
"The Mad Woman of Metropolis!"
Writers - Jerry Siegel & Robert Bernstein
Art - Kurt Schaffenberger
Cover Price: $0.10

Several months ago... too many months ago, I received a message from my pal, Jody Yerdon.  He asked me to cover an issue of Lois Lane... however, at the time, I wanna say we were still in the throes of #VartoxWeek (praise be).  Ya know, now that I think about it... we might've actually still been working on #Action100.  Wow... I hope it wasn't that long ago!

Whatever the case, I figured as soon as I was done with whichever project I was working on, I'd do up a Lois discussion.  That's when I came to learn that the only issue of Lois Lane I already discussed here... was the only issue of Lois Lane that I owned!

I guess I confused Lois Lane with Jimmy Olsen, which I somehow have a couple dozen issues of!  Anyhoo, long story... not as long, I finally got myself another issue of Lois (you know how we roll here, physical copies only!)... and we're going to discuss it... right now!

Apologies and Thanks to Jody!


Our first story opens with Superman presenting some ungodly horror of a statue to the Metropolis Space Exhibition.  Lana Lang is looking on... and keeps looking on when Superman flies away.  Using her spyglass, she watches as he lands on a nearby (probably a bit too nearby) building to change into his civvies.  And just like that, she now knows Superman is really... Clark Kent.  Later that day, she meets with Lois for some lunch... and wouldn'tcha know it, the subject of conversation is... Superman's secret identity!  Lois thinks she's got the whole thing figured out... Superman is, in actuality, the Metropolis District Attorney, David Prentice!  Lana decides not to spill the beans of her own discovery.

The next day is the day of the annual Metropolis Friendship Day Parade... and naturally, Superman is a big part of that.  Lana manages to pull him aside so they can chat, and once they're alone... breaks the news that she knows his secret.  Superman laughs (chuckles, even!), but doesn't deny anything.  And then, Lana does the unthinkable... asks that Superman use his super-hypnotism to wipe her memory clean of the knowledge!

This unselfish act is enough for Superman to fall madly in love with Lana, right there on the spot!  He even asks her to marry him... again, right there on the spot!  Before we know it, we're at the wedding.  Lois, Lana's Maid of Honor, cries her way through the entire ceremony.  Worth noting, Superman's Best Man is... a Clark Kent robot.

Mr. and Mrs. Superman then head up to the Fortress of Solitude... so he can give her a dose of Korium-66-Beta (that sounds sciency, doesn't it?), which would permanently give her super-powers.  He claims that she can do this because of her A-Blood-type (Lois is Type-O).  Speaking of Lois, Lana heads into Superman's creepy shrine in her honor... the Lois Lane Room!

Superman, fearing this might lead to their first married argument, does what any fella would do... punches his Lois Lane statue into millions of pieces!

We jump ahead to the honeymoon... Superman and Super-Lana (creative!) head to his spectacular floating estate at sea.  The next day, however, some nogoodniks decided to drop a chunk of Kryptonite (by air) onto the estate, which knocks Superman for a loop.  Lana, isn't affected, however... and just hurls the rock into the passing plane!

Then... this sorta thing happens a few more times.  Some goon drops Kryptonite chunks... and Superman goes down.  Super-Lana saves him time and time again.  Even the news picks up on it!

He cri everytiem
Lana realizes that this is really getting to her super-husband, and decides it might be best for them to leave the city for awhile.  They head down to Africa to join Lana's father, Professor Lang on an archaeological dig.  Wouldn'tcha know it, shortly after they arrive, Lang's assistant unearths some Red Kryptonite!

Red-K, of course, always affects Superman in different ways.  This time (well, most times), it turns him into a Super-Fiend!  The effects last long enough for him to return to Metropolis and destroy the whole place!  At this point, Super-Lana decides it best to... get this... leave Earth forever!  She thinks doing so will give Superman back his self-respect.  All's I can wonder is... who'll be there to chuck the chunks of Kryptonite away from him now?!

Our next story takes place during Lois Lane's childhood (just as the title suggests).  We open with Sam and Ella Lane watching their young daughters.  Sam is tickled that Lois is reading Fairy Tales, and from this, suggests that she'll grow up to be a writer... a reporter, even!  That's kind of annoying, isn't it?  Like, if a baby reaches for a baseball or something, and the parents say "He's going to grow up to pitch for the Yankees!"  Worth noting, Ella is certain Lucy Lane will grow up to be an actress.  How she deduces this from brushing the tot's hair, I'll never know.

Anyhoo... from here we get a few comparisons between Lois and Kal-El's childhoods... basically, that Lois was a precocious scamp and that Kal's rocket trip was predicated on the fact that his parents feared that he'd never marry.  Yeah, when the "landquakes" started to become an issue on Krypton, Jor-El's first worry was that his son would never get married!  Hell, even if Krypton never went boom, it's gotta be like a 50/50 shot Kal would be able to pass the Matricom test anyway.

After a few more pages of interweaved childhoods, Kal is gifted a "Rainbow-Twirler", think part baby rattle, part zero-g light-show.  The Lanes are on a picnic... and despite her father's warnings, Lois heads into the woods to do some exploring.

Here's where things get  Baby Kal is climbing on his father's test rocket, and accidentally drops his rainbow twirler into the cockpit.  On Earth, Lois happens upon a rattlesnake!  She's not scared by this in the slightest... which makes me wonder why Abin Sur's ring didn't seek her out that fateful day!  Anyhoo... the test-rocket was fired off to Earth, where it wound up crashing like ten yards away from Lois and the rattler.  The strange Kryptonian toy bounced out of the wreckage... it started glowing, and scared the snake away.

All's well that ends well... Lois's folks don't believe a word of her story (hey, maybe she'll become a reporter yet!).  Back on Krypton, baby Kal cries over losing his Rainbow-Twirler... but, little do either of the tots know, that was only the first time that Kal-El would save Lois Lane from danger!

Our final story opens with Lois answering Clark Kent's phone at the Daily Planet office.  The person on the other end of the line really needs to talk to Clark, and so, Lois disguises her voice by putting a tissue over the receiver... oh, the classics!

She's informed of some goings-on that night at the Ponder Point Light House.  There's a big story, but it's only for Clark Kent.  So, what's a girl to do?  Well, if that girl is Lois Lane, I suppose you dig around in Jimmy Olsen's disguise trunk and dress up like Clark Kent!  This takes her an entire hour, by the way.

Later that night, Lois-as-Clark arrives at the Light House.  Upon entering, she is walloped with a slapjack, and kayoed.  The police, noticing a light on at the abandoned lighthouse, decide to investigate.  Finding a dizzy Lois, they question her.  She tells them everything... how she answered Clark's phone for the tip and everything.  The police decide to call the Daily Planet, and Lois is surprised to learn that Clark was in... and claimed to have been there the entire day!

The following day, Lois opens some fan-mail... with a fancy gold letter-opener, gifted to her by the Police Commissioner after she assisted in getting "Killer" Meigs put behind bars.  Honestly though, with a nickname of "killer", it was probably just a matter of time.  Anyhoo, Clark asks her to run to the supply closet for some typing paper... and when she does, she discovers a Superman poster ripped to shreds!  She freaks out... and when her workmates come to find out what's up, all they see is a frantic Lois... holding a letter-opener... next to a shredded and stabbed poster!  Ruh-roh.

A worried Clark Kent decides it might be time for Lois to visit a therapist.  Oh, also... Lois is carrying around a bottle clearly marked "poison".  Lois agrees to talk to a psychologist, who looks very much like a bald Oliver Hardy, and tells him of her preoccupation with Superman.

The doc decides it might be in Lois's best interests to... read Ben Hur!  He claims that this will show her that there are more "champions" in the world than Superman.  She decides it might be a better idea then stumbling through the day with a pocket full of poison pills, and so, she agrees.  That night, she devours the book... like, in reading terms, she didn't eat it... she's not that unhinged.

The next morning, she hands the book over to Clark so he can return it to his doctor friend.  Clark flips through the book and is disturbed to learn that all of the pages... are blank!  Lois freaks out, as you might imagine.  Clark then excuses himself... he needs to write a Father's Day piece for the next edition of the Daily Planet.  Then, now alone... poor Lois begins hearing voices... well, a voice claiming to be her own mind, anyway!

So, just what's going on here?  Well, it would seem that "Killer" Meigs' men are trying to convince Lois that she's crazy... ultimately in hopes of getting her to commit suicide!  We shift scenes over to their headquarters, where they have Clark Kent tied to a chair.  There is a bank of monitors in front of him, showing places where Lois is known to be at all times... including her car!  Wow, this is like a half-century before drone technology!

Back at the Daily Planet... Lois' mind tells her to take the poison pills!  She figures she might as well... but before she can, she notices something odd about the front page of the paper... Clark's Father's Day piece includes a mention of Jonathan Kent!  Apparently, this story was only supposed to be about the living fathers of Daily Planet staffers... which, kinda seems like B.S., right?  I mean, if Clark Kent is writing the piece, it would stand to reason he'd write about his own father, be he living or dead, right?

Annnnyway, this "evidence" is enough for Lois to deduce that the Clark Kent that's been sitting next to her for the past couple of days has been... an impostor!  Fake Clark reacts to this by... throwing her out the window!  At the same time, the real Clark Kent is pushed off a cliff by "Killer's" goons... they make it look like a car accident though.  This gives CK enough time to change into his Superman duds and save Lois Lane, gaslighted no more!


Well, that was sure a lot of story, wasn't it?

Let's start with... the end.  The final story was definitely the strongest.  It seems like the broader internet just recently discovered the term "gas-lighting" (it's like this decade's "shadenfreude" or "Schrodinger's Cat")... that said, I'll try not to overuse it here.  This is a really clever and enjoyable (for the time) little tale of Lois being convinced that she's lost her marbles!

Sure, there are a few reachy moments in it... and the ending was a bit of a dud, but there was still a fair amount to dig here.  Well, mostly the fact that the story facilitated a bunch of neat sight-gags.  Having Lois disguise herself as Clark Kent (and taking an hour to do so!) was a hoot.  Just the idea that Jimmy Olsen has a trunk full of disguises at the Daily Planet, is a riot in and of itself!  Also, ya just gotta love the image of Clark Kent throwing Lois out a high-story window!

The climax, as mentioned, was a real dud.  Lois deduces that Clark is an impostor because he wrote about his father in a Father's Day piece... which was only supposed to be about living fathers?  The hell kinda article is that?!  Could you imagine being tasked with writing a Father's Day article... and not being allowed to mention your own father because he passed away?!  What kinda blackhearted operation are the Planet running here anyway?!

We can also hop into the "overthinking it" department... if the real Clark Kent was captured for a couple of days, that also means Superman didn't do anything for a couple of days, right?  That seems kinda weird... and, ya know... kinda irresponsible.  Putting the needs of just Lois over those of the entire city/world... yeah, I'm definitely overthinking it.

Our "feature" story was probably my second favorite... which, really isn't saying all that much.  I get that it's (clearly marked as) an Imaginary Story... but, it's still kinda sloppy.  As mentioned above, when it ended, all I could think about was the gang who kept leaving chunks of Kryptonite around... without Super-Lana, Superman would very likely not survive the next few rounds!

Speaking of sloppy... Lana discovers Superman's secret identity... by using a spyglass?  Really?  Of all the people on the planet, Lana Lang is the first person to think of just following him with a spyglass?!  Lana Lang... who has been trying to prove this her entire life... and couldn't!  Coming from a town that had like a dozen people (plus Superboy) living in it, and couldn't connect the dots... okay, okay, I'm overthinking it again.

Our middle story... ehh.  I think the last time we discussed an issue of Lois Lane I mentioned that the stories had a bit of a "marriage fetish"... and this issue is certainly no exception.  While the first story actually features Superman getting married, the middle one shows Jor-El as being fearful that his son will never get the opportunity to wed!  What a weird initial thought to have when you're facing the probability that your entire planet's about to go "boom"!

I did dig Lois's fearlessness when confronting the rattlesnake.  I really feel like there's an Elseworlds story out there where Abin Sur's ring somehow winds up on her finger... I mean, she's clearly fearless... and doesn't require any reprogramming like Hal did!

Overall... an enjoyable romp through some silly and weird stories.  Sure, they're not the strongest you'll read... but, really... I don't think it's meant to be!  Just silly fun, and well worth a look.  Not something I'd break my back or bank over... but, if you happen across a beater copy, you could do far worse.  This issue is not available digitally (as of this writing), however, it is included in SHOWCASE Presents Superman Family, Volume Four.


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Friday, September 7, 2018

Adventure Comics #244 (1958)

Adventure Comics #244 (January, 1958)
"The Poorest Family in Smallville"
"A Medal for Roy"
"The Man Who Mastered the Air"
"The Copy Cat Creature"
Script - Alvin Schwartz, George Kashan & Robert Bernstein
Art - John Sikela, George Papp & Ramona Fradon
Edits - Whitney Ellsworth, Jack Schiff & Mort Weisinger
Cover Price: $0.10

Today we're going way back to the past... sixty years, in fact!

We'll take a look at a trio of tales from the very infancy of the Silver Age... if we're counting Showcase #4 as it's beginning (and we are), covering three (well, four) heroes that actually survived the bridge between the Golden and Silver Ages!

It's sure to be a good... if not a bit overwritten... time!  But, if you're reading this blog, you already know a thing or two about "overwritten"!


We open with Ma and Pa Kent returning home to Smallville after going on vacation.  They arrive to find that their Kent General Store... has burned to the ground!  Whuh-oh.  The friendly Milkman lumbers by and tells them that the fire started with a strange green flame.  Well, sez the Kents, least we still have a home to return to.  Welllll... ya see, that burned down too.  Well, further sez the Kents, at least we're up to date on our insurance.  Wellllll... maybe not so much.

Later, the people of Smallville gather around the grieving Kents, and as a show of good-neighborliness, they offer them the $20,000 they'd collected!  By the way, that's $176,227.97 in 2018 monies.  The Kents, proud as they are (and, uh, also the parents of Superboy) pass on the money.  News of said act travels far and wide, even reaching Metropolis... where the editor of NOW Magazine insists his reporters follow up with the fam.

Elsewhere, Superboy is helping out on a secret government mission.  When he learns the news of the fire, he returns home to check in.  He suggests he just whip up a new house and shop... but, ya know... then everyone will know that Clark Kent is Superboy (somehow)... perhaps worse yet, everyone in town will expect Superboy to attend to all of their tragedies (which, I thought he already did?).  Clark figures one way he can help is squeezing a piece of coal into a diamond that Ma and Pa can sell to raise the money for rebuilding.  A Smallville jeweler takes one look at the rock (which is massive, by the way) and dismisses it as glass.

And so, the Kents fly off to Metropolis to try selling it there (using "advance money" Pa was given in order to buy food).  One look at the rock... and the hoity-toity Metropolis jeweler calls the cops... because something this large was surely stolen!

Back in Smallville, Superboy reclaims the camera, which somehow survived the inferno, from the shop to see what might've caused the fire.  Turns out, the green flame was his doing... sorta.  Ya see, he brought some glowing green rocks back from outer space... and left them in the store and the house for "safe keeping".  Being in Earth's atmosphere caused them to ignite... bada bing, bada boom... both the store and the Kent house burned to the ground.

After explaining the situation to his folks, they're pretty understanding, by the way... more understanding than I'd be... anyhoo, Lana Lang arrives to offer Clark a job repairing her roof.  It'll give him a few bucks to pitch in for repairs on his own house.  He tires of this pretty quick, and performs some super-ventriloquism to make it seem like Superboy knows of a better paying gig.

That "better paying gig"... well, howsabout digging deep into the Earth, tapping the vein of an oil reserve, and making it look as though the Kent's sprung a gusher?!  Only... Superboy's super-trajectory is two feet off... leaving the gusher on Neighbor Smith's property.  Whoops.

Pa takes it all in stride, and decides to head off fishing... after all, the Kents gotta eat... and they spent all of their food money on that fabulous trip to Metropolis.  Superboy hatches another plan... he'll make it seem as though Pa "caught" a treasure chest, chock full of diamonds and pearls.  Only, he hooks the loot to the wrong hook.  Whoops.

But wait, there's more.  Later, Superboy sees a high-speed chase.  The police are in hot pursuit of a low-flying plane full'a bank robbers.  He overhears that there's a $10,000 reward for nabbin' these guys, and comes up with a plan to make it seem as though his Ma and Pa caught the baddies.

Now, if you've read more than a handful of comics in your day, it should come as no surprise to you that this whole "bank robber" thing is... just a movie being filmed.  Whoops.

We wrap up with the "movie people" buying the footage of the Kent General Store going up in flames for $50,000!  They're filming a flick called "Invasion From Space", and would have had to pay $75,000 to "stage" the fire... so, this is one heckuva bargain!

That's the end of the Superboy feature... but we're not done yet!  Next up, Green Arrow... featuring Speedy!  We open with one of those "spoilery" panels that shows us where we're headed.  In it, Roy Harper is receiving a medal from the President of the United States (would've been Eisenhower at this point).  Somehow, he (Roy/Speedy, that is) is also 200 miles away identifying a crook.  But how?!

The story proper begins with Green Arrow and Speedy chasing down all-around bad dude Clyde Roker.  Out of "sheer coincidence" Roker attempts to flee to and hide out in the same building where Ollie and Roy live as civilians!  Roy rushes inside before they break in... however, the baddies see him duck into the Queen/Harper apartment... they shoot the lock off the door and... are surprised to see... not Speedy, but another redheaded kid.  Roy takes advantage of their momentary discombobulation and kayos 'em both.

That night, news of Roy Harper's bravery is all over the television.  Ya see, it's believed that Roy saved Speedy's life.  As Ollie and Roy watch the evening report, they receive a phone call... from the President of the United States!  Ike asks Roy to head to D.C. to receive a medal the following morning.  Roy faints.

A bit later, as the Arrows get ready to go out on their nightly patrol... Ollie posits a question.  How can Roy Harper be in Washington accepting a medal, at the same time Speedy needs to be down at the Precinct to point Clyde Roker out of a police lineup?!  Ruh-roh.

While going about their "rounds", Speedy suggests they whip up a Roy Harper robot to accept the medal... ya know, overnight.  Ollie thumbs his nose at the suggestion.  Also, on this page we get three "trick arrows", a Police Siren Arrow, a Searchlight Arrow, and a Harpoon Arrow.

Moments later, they come across an apartment fire.  Here we see a Fire-Extinguisher Arrow and a Rope Ladder Arrow (I'll include images of all the trick arrows down below).  Toward the end of their patrol, the Arrows are attacked by some of Roker's men... they are no match for a Buzzsaw and Scissor Arrow.  Ollie and Roy tie the baddies up... and call it a night.

The next morning, Roy Harper is in Washington, D.C. being pinned by the Commander-in-Chief.  Also, at the local Precinct... Speedy's there!  Turns out, Clyde Roker comes clean before the whole Police Lineup thing... which is exactly what Roy hoped would happen.  Ya see, this way, any ol' kid could dress up like Speedy... and not be lying when they identified Roker in the lineup.  Any ol' kid... even perhaps the President of the United States' son!

It's pretty hinky, ain't it?  Ya see, the night before, Speedy dialed up Ike and explained everything to him.  The Prez was totally okay with having his son step in and "play" Speedy.  Now, Eisenhower's grandson Dwight David would have been about 10 years old at this point... so, it's a pretty even trade I guess.  Worth noting, the disguise even fools Ollie!

Time to take a break with a text piece!  Which means, go refresh your beverage and we'll just pretend we read this.

Onto our last story... featuring Aquaman, as he explores a "remote part" of his watery domain.  He comes across a creature embedded in the ice.  It's like a mix of a dragon and a cat.

The iceberg cracks, and the creature is freed.  Lucky for everyone, it appears to be friendly.  Aquaman names it Myron... okay.  Together they patrol the seas looking for those in aid.  They come across a ship that has spotted a swarm of locusts that will surely destroy the nearby farmers' crops.  Aquaman commands some flying fish to pop out of the drink and gobble up the critters.  Seeing this, Myron decides to copy the behavior... he leaps out of the water, and takes a big ol' bite out of a passing plane!

After rescuing the pilot of the plane (by creating a "net" of octopuses... which is somehow softer than a water landing), Aquaman lectures his prehistoric pal about not doing stupid things.  Myron sheds a single tear.  Later, there's a fire in a small forest!  Aquaman calls for swordfish to cut down the trees.  Seeing this, Myron gets an idea and takes another big ol' bite, this time out of a nearby lighthouse!

This is an old-fashioned lighthouse... no bulb in this thing, only flame.  And now, the flame is in the water... and Aquaman has to summon several whales to put it out with their blowholes.  We jump ahead a few days, to Aquaman and Myron happening across a stuck-ship.  Aquaman calls for some dolphins to act as a tow service.  Myron sees this, and decides to do 'em one better by towing a giant pirate-looking ship... which makes waves, and tips the other boat over.

Aquaman creates a "line" out of eels, and saves the boaters.  Imagine grabbing a hold of that?  Eesh.  After that, it's time for yet another lecture for Myron.  Aquaman decides that he's just too much of a menace to remain.

He tricks Myron into ducking into a waterfall at the South Pole... then has a platoon of blowfish breathe freezing cold water at him... leaving him, once more, frozen in an iceberg.  Well, that ended on a kinda somber note, didn't it?


Boy, you sure got your dime's worth sixty years ago, didn'tcha?

Okay, so where to begin... I guess Superboy is as good as any!  Now, books of this vintage are a pretty new and novel thing to me... it's not often I travel further back than the early Bronze Age, so I'm not sure if Superboy being depicted as such a spectacular goofball was "the norm" or not.  But here... wow, dude can't win for losin'!

I guess we've all had one'a "those" days... where absolutely nothing goes the right way.  For me, it usually begins with me spilling coffee in my lap or something.  At that point, I know I may as well just tap out and try again the next day.  For Superboy, though, it starts with him inadvertently burning down both his home and parents' General Store.  I've said it a few times already, but... whoops.

I appreciate his well-meaning attempts to make things right... it's very much what you'd expect a kid (with super-powers) to do.  It's just that he failed so spectacularly throughout... it was quite a thing.  I mean, let's just look at the diamond he created from the coal... c'mon dude... a little critical thinking, please.  You maybe make it the size that might fit in an engagement ring... you don't just hand off a diamond the size of a softball.  What jeweler A) would, and B) could pay for something that insanely large?!  I mean, Clark's heart was in the right place... but you'd at least think that his folks would be like "Ehh, maybe couldja chip a piece of this off?"

Another thing I didn't quite understand... why couldn't Superboy help rebuild the Kents' home?  I mean, everybody knows that Superboy lives in Smallville... and I'd assume that he'd help any other family in a similar situation... so, wouldn't it maybe stand out as strange that he doesn't help Ma and Pa?!  Yeah, I've reached that point where I'm thinking too hard.

Time to move along to the Green Arrow story.  Really not much to this one... a little switcheroo action with Speedy and the Grandson-of-Ike.  This is a Presidential appearance I don't much mind... just a faceless dude pinning a medal on a brave kid's chest.  Could do with more like this.  Thought it was neat that he revealed his secret identity to Eisenhower... even going so far as to say "If you can't trust the President... whom can you trust?"

The final story was a hoot... but, ya know... I can't help but feel horrible for poor Myron.  Gotta wonder if there might'a been another "Myron" in the comics biz who might've been seen as a "copy cat".  Dunno, maybe I'm thinking too hard again.

Thought this was a fun one... a neat little story, worth being told.  Really though, kiiiiiinda heartbreaking in the end... you just imagine that happy-go-lucky cat-dragon staring out of that waterfall to see Aquaman command the blowfish to "lock 'im up".  How confused he must've been.  How betrayed he must've felt.  Poor Myron.

Worth noting, the art throughout this issue was pretty great!  I'll go the obvious route and call out Ramona Fradon's (artist on Aquaman) as being some of the best of the time.  You really get quite the package here for ten-cents (adjusted for inflation... are you ready for this... 88-cents).  Tell ya what, I wouldn't mind paying three-times that for this much content today.  Too bad that ship has already long left the port.

Overall... not "must reading" by any stretch, but a really good time.  If you were to happen across this one on the cheap, I'd tell ya not to hesitate... after all, you'd be getting the first (and only) appearance of Myron!


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