Showing posts with label robin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robin. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 076 - Robin #67 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Seventy-Six

Robin #67 (August, 1999)
“Way Dark”
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Pencils - Staz Johnson
Inks - Stan Woch
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Tim Harkins
Edits - Illidge, O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.99

The summons has been made... the call to arms is in effect, and so -- we join a pair of Boys Wonder as they traverse the dank sewers in order to make their return to No Man's Land. Along the way, they're bound to run in with a geek or two... maybe even one of... ugh, Nick Scratch's goofs!

The Bada-Bin!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 023 - Robin #54 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Twenty-Three

Robin (vol.2) #54 (June, 1998)
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Pencils - Staz Johnson
Inks - Stan Woch
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Tim Harkins
Edits - Gorfinkel & O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.95

Checking in with the Boy Wonder for a nice, quiet post-crossover issue, the likes of which we just don't get anymore!  Get nostalgic for the days before books were relaunched after every event, and we actually got to "take a breath" with our favorite heroes as they adjust to the next phase in their adventures.

NML Crossing on Youtube

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 018 - Robin #53 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Eighteen

Robin (vol.2) #53 (May, 1998)
“Cataclysm, Conclusion: Flattened
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Art - Staz Johnson & Stan Woch
Letters - Tim Harkins
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Edits - Gorfinkel & O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.95

It's taken us eighteen entire episodes, but we have finally arrived at the Cataclysmic conclusion!  Today we're going to find out who the Quakemaster REALLY is... or was... and, in so doing, your humble host (who is denser than most) will have to eat a little bit of crow!

Also: Batman befriends a dog!

Plus: Another extra-stuffed NMaiLbag! 

NML Crossing on Youtube

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 008 - Robin #52 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Eight

Robin (vol.2) #52 (April, 1998)
“Cataclysm, Part Seven: Tribunal”
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Art - Staz Johnson & Stan Woch
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Tim Harkins
Edits - Gorfinkel & O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.95

Holy Red Sky Crossover, Batman!

Today's chapter of Cataclysm... well, isn't really one!  We're going to be paying off an ongoing story arc in Robin, and getting our boy home in time to see the Gotham skyline engulfed in flame.  Please listen anyway... we've got NMaiLbag, and my usual bulletproof analysis.  Um, please listen anyway.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Robin #42 (1997)

Robin #42 (June, 1997)
"Crock Around the Clock"
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Pencils - Jason Armstrong
Inks - Robert Campanella
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Tim Harkins
Associate Edits - Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Edits - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.95

Howsabout a little "old school" Chris is on Infinite Earths today?  Just going to snag a random ol' issue off the stack, and give it a go!

Was planning on continuing the To Catch The Predator series... but, I accidentally threw out the "key" to my longboxes.  That is to say, my code-key, where I can tell which box holds what.  The only labeling I do to my longbox library is numbering them, since series' often outgrow their home-boxes, I'm hesitant to just write what titles are in each one, know what I mean?

Anyhoo, can't remember where all my Green Lantern books are... and I dug through for a good twenty-minutes without any luck.  We'll get there... just not today!

For today... we've got a weird li'l issue of Robin!


Our story opens with a supermarket being held up... by a giant crocodile?  Not just any crocodile, mind you... this is the cleverly-named Crocky Crocodile.  This is a Barney-esque character who performs on PBS in the DC Universe.  News of this crime spree spreads, and it's not long before Tim Drake is hearing all about it.  He's beside himself with grief that someone would commit a slew of robberies wearing Crocky's costume!  Alfred looks on, and... gotta say, he's really bringing the "droll" this issue.

Like, really... Alfred's being kind of a jerk here.  He's acting very cheeky here the whole time.  Robin even gives him a look like "What the hell, man?".

Tim hops in the Redbird and gets to scootin'.  Alfred remains in the Batcave and watches some more of the coverage.  At that moment, on the Cassie Josie talk show (think Sally Jessy Raphael), Mr. Bingo is being interviewed.  Now Bingo was the "big show" on PBS until Crocky came on the scene.  Anybody else's Spidey-Sense start tingling just now?

Meanwhile, at... I dunno, a halfway house (?) a disheveled fella is watching the same program... he begins cracking up and has to excuse himself to his room so he can hug on his Crocky.  And, no... that's not a euphemism, shame on you for thinking it was!

Now, this Crocky-spree has done a lot to hurt the reputation of, ya know, the actual Crocky.  Parents don't want their kids watching the show anymore... there are demonstrations in the streets.  You'd almost think there was nothing else of note going on in Gotham City at the time!  I mean, doesn't the Joker still hang out here?

At the Station, the toughest cop around Shotgun Smith is getting an earful about the evil-alligator... er, crocodile.  He decides he's going to take care of this himself... which is kind of adorable.  Outside the Precinct, he runs into Robin who offers to help out with the case.  It doesn't take much in the way of convincing for Smith to hand over all they've got on the Crocky-crimes.

Over at Gotham PBS, a bunch of suits are in a conference room trying to figure out how they might spin this situation.  Licensing season is about to kick off and they don't need their top cash-cow (cash-crock?) in such a state.  The geeks put their heads together and decide it best to figure out who's actually committing these crimes... turns out, they already have a pretty good idea!

Back at the Batcave, Robin is checking out some evidence... and looking through a magnifying glass for extra-detectiveness.  Alfred is still lurking about acting like there's something up his butt... makes me wonder why he's not just leaving Tim to his analysis.  We learn that the Person of Interest in this case is Dexter Crabtree... the original Crocky Crocodile, who was kicked to the curb after a contract dispute over money.

Before we know it, Shotgun Smith is kicking in Dexter's door... he ain't home though.  All's we see is a Crocky doll... so, we might assume Dexter's the dude who was going crackers for Crocky earlier?

Back at the Cave, Robin's doing some audio-analysis... and comes to some sort of conclusion that he doesn't really explain to we poor readers.

We hop to the Crocky set, where Shotgun is questioning one of the Executives.  He (and we) learns that there were two Crocky suits stolen from wardrobe... so, mayhaps there're a pair of Crock-Crooks?  Wouldn'tcha know it, just a few moments later... a pair of Crocky's enter the scene!

One heads to the set to perform... the other walks over to that Executive, Ellen Anders to chat with her.  She judo-throws him down, and digs her knee into his throat while calling for Shotgun and Company to arrest this reptile!

And so, they do!  Check this out though... it turns out, it wasn't the Bad Crocky!  It was the other one who was makin' with the crimes!  Heavens to Murgatroyd!

Robin swoops into the scene and delivers a flying kick to the crook... and after, woof, like four pages of fighting... it's revealed that - bad Crocky was: *gasp* Mr. Bingo!  Why in the hell did it take Robin four-pages to beat up an old man?

Anyhoo, that's a wrap... Bingo's arrested, Dexter's back in the suit... and Robin heads back to the Batcave, where he reveals that the audio analysis tipped him off to who was the real "bad Crocky"... annnnnd, he's once again mocked by Alfred.  Really, Alfred... what is up your ass today?!


Well.  This wasn't all'at great, was it?

Definite "filler" feeling here... what with the low-stakes story and the guest artist.  Pretty underwhelming all around, with an ending I think we could all see coming from a mile away.  The Dexter subplot reeked of "red herring" from the get-go... and, I never had any doubt that Mr. Bingo was the true baddie.  Wow, I'm forty years old, and I just wrote that sentence.  What am I doing with my life?

The art... for a fill-in, wasn't half bad.  I enjoyed the sorta half-in half-out "manga influence" that started hitting western comics in the mid-late 90's.  I definitely like the way Robin is depicted inside the book more than the "smelling something bad" face he has on the cover.

One thing that really stands out to me here is... Why is Alfred being such a prick?  Like, did Tim do something to tick him off or something?  There was really no call for such drollness and snark.  I mean, if you don't wanna hang out with Robin... just don't hang out with Robin.  This felt weird and out-of-character for Alfred... though, maybe there's some obvious context that I'm neglecting?

Overall... you really don't need to break your back nor bank seeking this one out.  Unless Crocky's revealed as the Joker's next girlfriend in an upcoming "super-rare eBayable misprint" issue, there's not much to worry about here!  It is available digitally... for about a buck fifty more than I'd recommend paying!


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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Robin #14 (1995)

Robin #14 (February, 1995)
"Troika, Part Four: Big City Bomber"
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Penciller - Tom Grummett
Inker - Ray Kryssing
Colorist - Adrienne Roy
Letterer - Albert T. DeGuzman
Assistant Editor - Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $2.50

Today we're going to look at the return of Bruce Wayne as the one true Batman!


We open with Robin in a flaming lot, facing off with the KGBeast.  The Beast is holding the teeniest tiniest nuclear bomb and is threatening to 'splode Gotham City with it.  In the background we can see that Harvey Bullock has been kayoed... and instead of being flanked by Renee Montoya, there's this other officer there instead... who blasts the Beast in the gut...

... stunning him just long enough for Robin and Whatshisface to pull Bullock's prone body to (relative) safety.  As they haul the Bullock-meat, Robin can't help but wonder where his partner is.  Ya see, this is the story that saw Bruce Wayne return as the one true Batman after the events of Knightfall.

Bullock's new partner introduces himself as MacKenzie Bock, and appears to have a little bit of medical training... which he is attempting, for whatever reason, to downplay.  Robin leave Bock with Bullock, so he can face off with the Beast... who he has a sneaking suspicion is also waiting for Batman's arrival.

Speaking of Batman, we join him as he is fighting off Romana Vrezhenski's men who had broken into Lucius Fox's home planning to do some pretty bad stuff to "capitalist pirate".

Back in the city, Robin performs some CPR and mouth-to-mouth on Harvey Bullock... I wouldn't wanna imagine how that might taste/smell.  Not sure if I should go with stale cigarettes or stale donut frosting... maybe it's like that smell when you open a bag of potato chips.  Either way, I'd figure it isn't terribly pleasant... but I guess that's what separates heroes from ordinary folk.

Outside of the flaming lot we can see Commissioner Gordon, Renee Montoya, and Stan Kitch looking on.  Kitch is, well kind of an ass.  He's not the biggest Bullock fan, and he doesn't care who knows it.  They watch as a man comes walking out of the flames.  It is, of course, Bock.

We briefly check back in on Batman as he fights off Romana while she spouts off about capitalism s'more.  Meanwhile, Robin's CPR attempt proved successful, and resulted in Harvey starting to breathe again.  Unfortunately, by now the KGBeast has found the Boy Wonder... and we're back in the thick of it.

The Beast's fist-spike-thing pierces a gas-line, which goes boom.  Robin drapes himself over Harv's prone bod to protect him from falling... flaming debris.  As this is going down, Batman and Romana are still at it... he's trying to suss out just where that teeny-tiny nuke might be.

The Beast makes another approach toward Robin... who for a brief moment, considers using Bullock's gun in self-defense.  He, of course, decides against it... and just goes to town with his normal Robinesque arsenal instead.

Then... Robin nyoinks that reticle-scope off of the KGBeast's left-eye... only to discover that it was actually drilled into the baddie's dome!  Yuck.  At this point, the Beast is all "screw it", and tosses the cutest li'l nuke into the air.  Luckily for everybody, Batman shows up just in the nick of time.

The next day, the Fox family returns home and finds their house in a state of... uh, repainted.  Batman covered his tracks... and all signs of the fight before Lucius and the gang got home.

Back at the Batcave, Robin comments on Batman's new-ish look.  Ya see, Batman's got more of a kevlar costume right now... actually, this comic has a gimmick cover, it's kinda "puffed up" around Batman's costume... so, it's like we can "feel" the dimensions of it.  Strange though, Robin's still kickin' it in his nylons.

We wrap up in Blackgate with another cameo of the Cluemaster.  He promises to keep messing with Robin.


Such an odd story for the "big" return of Bruce Wayne.  Though, I suppose if we were to look at Superman's first heroic exploit following his return, it was equally "odd".  Not saying that KGBeast carrying the cutest li'l nuke in the world isn't a big deal... but, I dunno... I guess I just expected a higher-profile baddie for Bruce's first night out.

For such an important story for Batman... it's also strange that he barely even appears.  This is still very much Tim's book, and Tim's story... which is a good thing, if you ask me.  I always hated it when books would be swept into crossovers, and the main hero/cast wound up taking a backseat to the "big draw" (ie. Batman, Wolverine).  Of course, Batman does save the day... but, whattayagonnado?

We do get Robin saving Bullock's life, which is cool.  We also get him choosing against use of a gun when push came to shove.  I mean, he could'a just grabbed Bullock's piece and blew the Beast's brains out... but, he didn't!  What he did do was (unwittingly) nyoink that nasty reticle thing out of his skull.  Pretty gross little bit, but handled very well.

As mentioned during the synopsis, this issue has a gimmick cover.  It's... man, I can't remember the exact term for it... is it "embossed"?    Whatever it is, Batman's costume is "puffed out"... denoting some minor visual changes to his look.  His suit is now armored with kevlar... and looks a bit closer to the movie-look.

I suppose with everything he'd just gone through, it only makes sense to "armor up".  Gotta wonder why he's still got Robin running about in a leotard though?

Overall... I thought Troika was pretty underwhelming overall, but this issue was a nice little showcase for Tim Drake... and finally gives us the "actual" return of the one true Batman.  Definitely worth a look.  It's available digitally (though, without the puffy cover), it's also been collected in Robin, Volume 5: War of the Dragons.


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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Robin #87 (2001)

Robin #87 (April, 2001)
"Secrets Revealed"
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Penciller - Pete Woods
Inker - Andrew Pepoy
Colorist - Noelle Giddings
Separations - Jamison
Letterer - Willie Schubert
Assistant Editor - Frank Berrios
Editor - Matt Idelson
Special Thanks - Esther Newlin
Cover Price: $2.25

Just as I was falling into a Titan-ic rut... my buddy Andrew tweeted out some great Chuck Dixon-era Robin comics he happened across.  So, I sez to myself, "self... you haven't covered any Robin in far too long."

And so, here we be!  Thanks for the inspiration, Andrew!


Tim Drake hasn't made it home for the night... and Batman is a bit worried.  And so, we open with him visiting with Robin's gal-pal, Stephanie Brown.  She's kinda fangirling out... and it's really rather endearing.  This is the kind of scene they try and do these days, and it just falls flat.  Here, I dig it.  Anyhoo, Steph... she thinks this is cool and all, but isn't entirely clear on why Batman is gracing her with his presence.  Well, ya see... he needs her help.

Now just where could Tim be?  Well, he's sleeping off a night of patrolling atop a building near his Brentwood Boarding School.  Ya see, things have been in a bit of upheaval in Gotham of late... in the recent "Officer Down" arc, Commissioner Gordon was shot... and ultimately retired.  Tim sits down to think on it... but falls asleep before long.

Back in the Batmobile, Batman and Steph head toward the Batcave.  In a cool bit, the windows go black... so Stephanie can't tell where they're headed.  Seems he's not sure she's ready to know everything just yet.

Back at Brentwood, Ben Stein calls roll.  Tim's still sleeping, so he ain't there.  A kid named Danny raises his hand to cover/inform the Teach that he "thinks" Tim might've had a family emergency.

Back at the Cave, Batman gives Spoiler the tiniest of tours around the facilities.  He tells her that he's checked all of Robin's regular "haunts", save one.  One that he cannot go... and that's where Stephanie comes in.

That night, after sleeping the entire day away, Robin wakes up... still atop that building.  From this vantage point he sees one of his Brentwood classmates running around the streets like he's Superman.  Tim narrowly saves him from becoming street pizza.  Because, c'mon... it doesn't look like that bus driver had any interest in pumping the brakes, does it?

Getting a closer look, Tim recognizes "Supermeth" as his classmate Tommy.  The kid begins to seize before passing out.  Tim does what he can before Emergency Services arrive.

Then... he goes back to his dorm, where he faces off with his nosy roommate Wesley the Weasel.  After telling ol' Wes off, Tim calls into the hospital to check on Tommy.  Turns out, he didn't make it.  Dead on arrival... brain hemorrhage.

Since Tim slept the entire day away, it looks like he's gonna be up all night.  While he vegges out, he is visited by big-guy Buzz... who is happy to announce that not only did he receive a full-ride football scholarship... but that his father is once again talking to him.  Then... Alfred shows up!  Yep, after a sizable "falling out" with Master Bruce, Alfred is staying at Brentwood.  Tim shares his troubles with him.

Tim retires to his bedroom... and sees a bat-themed sticky-note on his window, and so... he suits up and heads to the roof.  He's shocked that his "midnight caller" isn't Batman... but Spoiler!  What's more... she knows... everything.  Well, almost everything.

Tim freaks the eff out, and swings away.  Spoiler chases him through a park... and for whatever reason, past a pug?  Well, that's random enough to capture for posterity, ain't it?

Robin winds up running smack dab into Batman... who tells him that this was all his idea.  This doesn't settle Tim's teakettle, it just shows him where to focus all of his anger.  He lays into Batman for betraying his trust... for spilling the beans on his (Tim's) secret identity... while continuing to play his own close to the vest.  He also calls him out on being too much of a coward to visit him in person... just because Alfred is there.

As Tim stomps away, Spoiler's all "whoa...".  Batman kinda shrugs it off... this kinda thing happens with every Robin.  Well, he isn't wrong.  He even goes on to explain that "sometimes it ends well".  Yeah, and other times... they get their skull caved in by the Joker.  Anyhoo, we wrap up with Batman telling Stephanie that she's got a lotta work ahead of her.


Man, I miss this era of the Bat Books.  Not only is this a great "weird day in the life" story for Tim, it's got some of that Bat-Family drama that you know I'm a sucker for.

This comes off the heels of "New Gotham"... at least that was what the trade paperback collections were branded as.  Not so long before this, Gotham was still in the midst of No-Man's-Land... and stories like Officer Down really helped move things forward and build a new status-quo... at least for the interim.

Feels like Batman was being written in "chunks" back then... and, I really dug it.  We had this "chunk" coming out of No-Man's-Land which would take us to the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive/Murderer "chunk" then to the War Games "chunk".  A really inventive (though, perhaps not intentional) way to give many of these ongoing arcs a more-definitive "ending".  Kind of like a "seasonal" approach without chucking the entire volume, continuity, numbering and all into the toilet any time it's deemed convenient to do so.

Now, for this issue... Spoiler learns about Tim's secret identity.  Kind of a jerk-move on Batman's part, right?  Even Stephanie sorta calls him out on it... of course, he brushes it off with a "Pshh, that's just the latest of my many betrayals", but still... I think this was a big deal.

So much of the Steph/Tim dynamic was the fact that she didn't know who he really was... and he wasn't about to tell her.  It kinda kept her at "arm's length", and added an extra layer to their odd romance.  That all ends here... and, like I said... I feel like it's a pretty big deal.

We have the "Brentwood Mysteries"... of sorts.  Tim recounts all of the weirdness... which, if I'm honest... doesn't seem all that weird, but the fact that he recounts it the way he did, makes me feel like maybe I should think it is weird?  Who knows?  I can't remember how this rolls out... but I'm always up for a mystery.  And a Boarding School is as good a setting for one as any!

Overall... this was a lot of fun.  Unfortunately it just makes me yearn for a time long gone.  The art here was fantastic... Woods and Pepoy were the perfect team for this book.  Definitely worth a read.  This one is available digitally.


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