The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 047
X-Men #37 (October, 1967)
“We, the Jury…”
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Ross Andru
Inks - Don Heck
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - blind
Jury-Stacking - Honest Irv
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢
Finally... FACTOR THREE!
No more lollygaggin' and beating around the bush... it's time to finally get down to it. Our heroes are faced with the menacing mutants behind the clandestine organization bent on world domination. Not only that, they're put on TRIAL by them!
Plus: Mutant Mail-box (featuring a missive by VIP Peter Sanderson, Jr. - and a brief biography of the actual Comics Historian himself... delivered by your favorite Fake-Ass Comics Historian), the Bullpen Bulletins Page (featuring an argument about the MMMS Rankings!), Stan's Soapbox, and much more!
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