Showing posts with label sheehan titans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheehan titans. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Sheehan Titans, Episode 5 - Titans #1 (2023)

Sheehan Titans, Episode Five - Titans (vol.4) #1 (July, 2023)

With our four-part primer out of the way, we have finally arrived at the Dawn of DC Titans #1... which starts off with a (literal) BANG!

Our heroes have their first "official" outing as a unit, have a run in with an unsavory agent, and lay the first brick in what looks to be quite the little mystery story!

Are you a Titans fan, Titans-curious, or Titans Lapsed?  If so, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this new Dawn of DC direction!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sheehan Titans, Episode 4 - Nightwing #104 (2023)

Sheehan Titans, Episode Four - Nightwing (v.4) #104

In which we wrap up our discussion on the four-part Dawn of DC Titans lead-in story arc, Rise of the Underworld!  What will SuperDick do with his powers?  Will he sell the soul of his nine-year old ward in order to keep them?

Are you a Titans fan, Titans-curious, or Titans Lapsed?  If so, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this arc and new direction for the team!

Monday, June 12, 2023

Sheehan Titans, Episode 3 - Nightwing #103 (2023)

Sheehan Titans, Episode Three - Nightwing (v.4) #103 (2023)

Taking a look at the penultimate chapter of our Dawn of DC Titans "pre-req" story arc.  During which, your humble host can't help to fumble and stumble over his words as he attempts to adequately describe and define why this storyline feels like a "real" Titans story... and how it has the nebulous quality of "heart".  It's a(nother) half-hour of me rambling is what I'm trying to say -- join me, won't you?

Are you a Titans fan, Titans curious, or Titans-Lapsed?  I'd love to hear your thoughts on this story and new-old direction for the fan-favorite team!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sheehan Titans, Episode 2 - Nightwing #102 (2023)

Sheehan Titans, Episode Two - Nightwing #102 (May, 2023)

In which your humble host's inner comics cynic takes a good, hard look in the mirror!

Taking a look at Part 2 of the Dawn of DC Titans "pre-req" story, and having an uncharacteristically great time with it!  Listen to me stammer on and on about how this feels like a "genuine Titans story", without being able to actually put into words what a "genuine Titans story" ought to feel like!  I guess it's just one'a those things where ya know it when ya see it!

Are you currently reading, catching up on, or lapsed on the Titans?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Sheehan Titans, Episode 1 - Nightwing #101 (2023)

Sheehan Titans, Episode One - Nightwing (vol.4) #101 (April, 2023)

Long time, no see!

Welcome to brand-new awkwardly-titled Lapsed-Type-Thing, wherein your humble host attempts to regain his footing on another once-loved property he'd abandoned - The Titans!

Today, after a brief pre-ramble, we will discuss the first post-Dawn of DC issue of Nightwing (#101), along with the epilogue portion from Nightwing #100 while trying to reconcile who and what these characters are and how we got here!

Are you reading the newest Titans volume?  If so, did you also read this arc in Nightwing?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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