Showing posts with label superboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superboy. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2018

Superboy #199 (1973)

Superboy #199 (November, 1973)
"The Gun that Mastered Men"
"The Impossible Target!"
Story - Cary Bates
Art - Dave Cockrum
Letters - Ben Oda
Editor - Murray Boltinoff
Cover Price: $0.20

It's been a minute since we've looked at the Legion here at the humble blog... and so, let's randomly take a look at a Bronze Age adventure!


We open with a flashback.  Legionnaires, Timber Wolf and Saturn Girl tackling the villain Tyr the Terrible... at which point his bionic gun-arm gimmick fires off into space.  Now the big fella in custody, until the Metro Police can come for him, for his crime of brainwashing Timber Wolf into becoming an assassin a few issues prior.  And so, after a job well done, Superboy bids his pals adieu and goes to head back to the 20th Century.

Just then, Tyr's gimmick-arm (which has been orbiting the planet in the interim) bathes the Legion Headquarters in light... it's a force field, trapping the team inside!

Princess Projectra tries calling out to Superboy, but it would appear that he's long gone by this point.  The Legionnaires rush to battle stations to try and get a better grip on whatever threat they may be facing.  Our team includes Brainiac 5, Princess Projectra, Chameleon Boy, Dream Girl, and Star Boy.  As they plot and plan, we can see that Tyr the Terrible is keeping an eye on them.

The Legion fellas decide that the best way through this might be with brute force and fire-power, and so... they dig up some pretty impressive blasters, and go hog-wild on the walls of their HQ.  It doesn't prove to be very effective... and I'm sure the place now stinks like hot metal and soot.

Back outside, we can see that Superboy did not in fact already leave... and actually witnessed the whole beamy event!  He attempts to fight his way inside the Legion Headquarters, but is unable to penetrate the force field.  Recalling that the beam came from above, he heads into space to attempt to track down its origin.  What he finds is Tyr's gun-arm-gimmick!  He gets up real close, balls up his fist, draws back, and...

Back inside, Dream Girl has... a vision.  It's a pretty lame one, too!  See, she had a vision that Star Boy would fly toward the ceiling with his arms wide open.  This boggles his mind, and he wonders just what in the hell she's talking about... I guess he's disregarding that huge grate in the ceiling... with the mohawked silhouette standing on top of it?!

Brainiac 5 decides to blast the grate for the heck of it... and, wouldn'tcha know it... that mohawked silhouette belonged to their captive... Tyr the Terrible!  As he tumbles from the ceiling, Star Boy flies over... with his arms wide open.  How 'bout dat?

Tyr comes clean that his gun-arm was behind the force field... it was to provide enough of a distraction for him to get away.  He's not too worried though, because his gun-arm won't ever quit until he's been freed.  Princess Projectra gets nervous... because the Legionnaires present are among the weakest.  That's all well and good... but, here's the thing... she says this aloud, while Tyr is like five feet away!  That doesn't seem all that bright!

Just then, Superboy arrives... and he's now wearing the gun-arm gimmick!  The Legionnaires are pleased as punch to see him... unfortunately for them, he's now under the control of the gun-arm!  He fights off its suggestion the best he can... but ultimately succumbs and blasts the Legion into cinder!

Then, Tyr the Terrible strikes... and lucky for him, he just so happens to be wearing his Kryptonite Glove!  Yeah, really.  This causes Superboy's power to wane... and the gun-arm, unable to draw from him anymore, surrenders and releases the Boy of Steel.

Only... this wasn't really Tyr the Terrible!  It was, in fact, Chameleon Boy under the guise of Tyr the Terrible (still with Kryptonite Glove, though).  What's more, the Legion wasn't fried... that was just a projection from Princess Projectra!  Annnnd, that's that!  That's that?  Okay, that's that.

But we're not done yet... it's time for us to dig into The Files of the Legion of Super-Heroes, and a Bouncing Boy story!  We open with Bouncing Boy being bombarded by, what he believes to be, asteroids.  Turns out, they're actually satellites... and they escort his ship to a planet with a giant fortress on it.

After deboarding, Bouncing Boy meets the one who summoned him here... and it's... ohgod... what in the... who... um, gimme a minute.  Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!  Who in all hell's dressed this guy?!  In what universe is this the look of a bad ass villain?  To think, this numbskull had to have stood before a mirror, and after affixing his second pigtail, probably winked at himself (with his good eye) and said "Perfect!".  Alright, alright... turns out, this is the Hunter (II), Adam Orion... the son of the original Hunter, Otto Orion.

Now, the original Hunter (who didn't look nearly as silly as his son), attempted to, well, "hunt" the Legionnaires.  He was, obviously, unsuccessful... which is the reason for Adam's current project.  He brings Bouncing Boy over to an anti-gravity chamber, and has him watch as he tosses a "Bouncing Boy Sack Doll" into the weightless room... and blasts it into pieces!

He then drops Bouncing Boy into a jungle to give him a "sporting chance".  Adam then circles the planet once before the games can begin.  Of course, it isn't too terribly difficult for the Hunter to find his bounty... after all, there probably aren't many perfectly round blue balls beboppin' around the jungle.  As he nabs Chuck, Adam tells him of his father's folly.  Ya see, where he goofed, was in going after the Legion as a unit.  Adam is going to go after them one at a time... and he started with their weakest member!

The Hunter tosses Bouncing Boy into that anti-grav room to blow him away... but then... ol' Chuck Taine gets a tickle in his nose.  He sneezes, hurling him across the room... and right on into Adam Orion!  It's sure is a good thing he didn't crash into those fashionable horns on the Hunter's shoulders!  And so... that's the end... and how Bouncing Boy became... the Impossible Target!


That was a couple of odd little stories, huh?

One of the things I both love... and hate about these old Legion stories is that they sorta feel like a kid wrote 'em.  Ya know what I mean?  In our feature story, we get this wacky "gotcha" moment... that only really works if you accept that the Legionnaires can do whatever they want.

It's like that old "the floor is lava" thing from when we were kids.  You could try and creatively make your way across the room by climbing on the furniture, and tossing pillows to jump to... or, you could just say "I'm wearing titanium boots" and just stomp on over to the kitchen.  They're both equally valid when playing something as silly... but, c'mon, one is definitely lazier than the other.

What we get here... feels pretty lazy.  The Legion decide (off-panel) to trick Superboy into coming inside, so they can use their... Kryptonite Glove (eesh)... and "disarm" the gimmick.  It's a decent enough plan... but, it's not really a "gotcha" since the entire thing comes out of left field!  You can't just have Brainiac 5 knowingly stroke his chin while he plans... and then, two-pages later, just end the story with everything working out fine.  I mean, you could do that (and clearly, they did), but it's terribly unsatisfying.

Our backup story.  Oh boy... we can really only start talking about that one by discussing the fashion-plate baddie, Adam Orion!  I mean, what in the hell?!  Punky Brewster would look at this dude and tell him to dial it back!  That's not to say I don't love this dude's look... because, really... I kinda do!  It's just so far out, I can't help but dig it... a little bit.

It kinda goes back to what I was saying earlier... these old Legion stories kinda feel like they were made by kids!  This is a costume that I could very easily see myself creating for a villain when I was in like fifth grade.  An eye-patch?  Crazy long hair?  Spikes on the outfit for no real reason?  Giant gun?  That's definitely a villain costume I'd have created as a child!  It's worth noting, that it doesn't always look like this fella's wearing pants.  I assure you all of the bad guys I created as a kid were panted.

As for the story... it was silly.  Bouncing Boy beats the Hunter... with a sneeze!  You could just about hear the "wonk wonk wonnnnnk" as this one closed out.  That's not to say I didn't like it though... it had a fair amount of charm, it was just silly.

Overall... perhaps not the most essential issue of Superboy (starring the Legion of Super-Heroes), but a fun enough romp for a buck-or-below.  One thing I really appreciate about "learnin' the Legion", is using the DC Wiki... it seems like nearly every issue of Legion is the first appearance of someone (or something, like a new costume).  It really makes each issue feel like an important piece of Legion-Lore... and makes me feel like I'm witnessing history... er, future history, that is.


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Monday, September 10, 2018

Superboy #195 (1973)

Superboy #193 (June, 1973)
"The Rock 'n' Roll Riddle of Smallville!"
"The One-Shot Hero!"
Writer - Cary Bates
Pencils - Bob Brown & Dave Cockrum
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Cover Price: $0.20

Dunno about you, but if I see the words "Rock 'n' Roll" on the cover of a comic, I really am powerless to resist it.  Not that I'm a huge music buff or anything, but the idea of a comic (especially of this vintage) using "Rock 'n' Roll"... I mean, you just know you're in for a corny-as-all-get-out treat.

Also, I think we're going to meet an all-new Legionnaire in the back-up... so, let's get to it!


It's the story of two loners... one, a blind boy named Don Blake... who, upon bopping his cane into the ground becomes the Mighty Tho-- oh, not that Don Blake?  Oh, okay.  The other, Clark Kent... Superboy!  One without enough ability... the other, with far too much!  We see Don get beaned in the belly with a baseball... and get lambasted for being "blind", that is, of course, before the kid realizes that he truly is blind.  I mean, how many blind kids attend Smallville High?  I'd figure the whole school would be aware of this guy!  Clark, on the other hand, is coerced into hula-hooping (they're the newest craze!)... his powers go out of control sending the thing sky-high.  He whips up a "freak dust storm" to explain the phenomenon.

Later that day, Clark and Don walk home from school together.  Don's holding his trusty radio up to his ear, and just DJ Michael Jay is about to spin the song "Bad-Time Baby", a terrific hurricane begins!

Since Don can't see, Clark doesn't need to come up with too elaborate an excuse... he "supes up" and heads into the thick of it, where he finds... a thunderball!  More like ball-lightning, but "thunderball" definitely has a better ring to it!  More punch!  Anyhoo, Superboy wraps his outstretched cape over the weather anomaly in attempt to contain it, when suddenly...

... it just stops!  The weather goes right back to normal, and barring all of the structural damage, it's as though the hurricane never occurred.  After checking in with some Smallvillians, Superboy "kents down" to check back in with Don.  We can hear via his radio that the song "Bad-Time Baby" just ended.  Hmm...

The next day, we join Don Blake in the Engineering Lab.  Smallville High has an Engineering Lab?!  In 1973?!  Really?  Okay.  Anyhoo, he's working on adding miniature "radar sensors" to his specs to assist his senses and give him better depth perception.  At that very moment, Superboy is sneaking out to go on his midday patrol.

The other students?  Well, you know how they be... they're sock-hoppin' in the cafeteria!  Wouldn'tcha know it, DJ Michael Jay is just about to spin "Bad-Time Baby" again!  WSMV is the only station that plays that song, by the way.

Shifting over to Superboy's patrol... he spots a pair of goons attempting to rob a bank.  He has everything well in hand, until... the thunderball returns... inside the bank, even!

Back in the Engineering Lab, Don Blake pops on his suped-up specs.  All of the "gizmos" he added are acting like electronic receivers, and he can hear a far off phone call between the bank robbers and... someone referred to as "Jay".  You don't think they're talking about WSMV DJ Michael Jay, do ya?!  They discuss using the thunderball as a distraction.

Moments later, and just like the previous day... the thunderball disappears.  Don Blake checks his radio, and... naturally, "Bad-Time Baby" has just concluded.  He thinks he's figured it all out, and heads off to... no, not the Police Station... to WSMV Studios to confront Michael Jay... and to show the world that being "blind" doesn't mean you're "helpless".

Of course, the next time we see young Master Blake, he is tied up.  Well, so much for that.  It's here that we learn that "Bad-Time Baby" somehow causes these thunderballs to occur.

Lucky for him, Superboy arrives on the scene right away!  He confronts DJ Michael Jay (who gives up in record time), and learns that he had no choice but to help out the goons.  Ya see, he's run up a "terrific" gambling debt.

He beats up all of the bad guys... even makes two of 'em kiss!  Okay, not really.  After neutralizing the goons, he grabs the Bad-News Baby "platter" and crushes it in his hand.

But, I know what you're thinking... how did Superboy know to head to the WSMV studio?  Well, naturally... Don Blake used a miniature transmitter, which he knew Superboy's super-hearing would catch.  Superboy gives the thumbs up (which Don can't see)... okay, no, I'm kidding.  He gives the metaphorical "thumbs up" and proclaims Don Blake's days as a loner are behind him.  Just like that?  Gee thanks!

Next, we head in for a NEW Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes... and it's the first appearance of the Legionnaire we now know as Wildfire!  We open with, well, Wildfire (going by the name ERG-1... that is Energy Release Generator-1) as he is pitching to become a member of the Legion.

Phantom Girl's all "whattaya got, stud?" and so, he spills his secret origin.  His real name is Drake Burroughs... and he was an Astro-Engineer (I tell ya, that Engineering Lab at Smallville High must've been quite ahead of its time!).  While working on a propulsion system, he was pounded by some anti-matter discharge, which transformed him into a being of "pulsating anti-energy".  The only way he could survive after that was being stuffed into the containment suit that he wears.

Since that didn't exactly answer Phantom Girl's query, he continues to explain his powers.  Ya see, he can do many things that the Legionnaires can already do, including having similarly sensitive "senses" as Superboy", Chemical King's control over elements, size manipulation like Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet, even the intangibility of Phantom Girl herself!  While impressive, the Legion decides to pass... after all, according to their rules, each member must bring something unique to the table.

ERG meekly pleads his case, and hints that there is more to him than his Legionnaire gimmicks... however, when he's asked to demonstrate, he declines... and decides to accept his disqualification.

Just then, the Legion is contacted about some trouble brewing on Manna-5... an agricultural planet responsible for providing food to countless worlds and billions of folks.  Turns out, some baddies have concocted a... well, basically a giant vacuum to suck up all of the food.  The Legion head off to take a look.  What they don't know, is that ERG stowed away with them.

Now, the Legion takes the fight to the giant vacuum... and they're really no match for it!  The thing is even able to take down Colossal Boy... and just as it's about to suck him up, ERG swoops in and fires a terrific blast of "unimaginable destructive force" from his visor!

This destroys the vacuum, however also... leaves nothing but ERG's limp containment suit laying on the ground.  The Legion celebrate the win, however promise to honor ERG's sacrifice.  They vow to never forget him... and even build a monument in his honor!


Ya know... if you're ever down about comics "these days", or the constant behind-the-scenes bickering we're all (unwittingly) privy to... one place to find solace, and a reminder as to why we love this stuff to begin with... is the Bronze-Age!  There's just so much fun here.

Before we begin... one thing that stood out to me, which probably wouldn't have, had we not recently discussed that Silver-Age Superboy story a few days ago.  In it, the Kent General Store, and the Kent home were burned down... and Clark wasn't allowed to help them rebuild as Superboy... for fear that it would've revealed his dual-identity.  Well... after the "thunderball" struck, the first thing Superboy did was promise his newly-homeless Smallvillians that he'd "be back later to repair everything".  So, what's the deal?!

Oh well, just another case of me thinking too hard and being silly about Silver Age comics.  Nothin' ta see here, folks!

I did a little research on Don Blake... it looks like this is his only appearance.  That's really too bad.  Seems like a natural fit as Superboy's "techie" friend... someone who he can call on when he needs a hand.  Heck, I could see him being part of Superman's cast, even!  Despite this being his lone appearance, someone out there actually made a custom action figure of him!  Wouldja lookit that?  Looks pretty cool!

By the way, you could lose several hours of your life checking out Figure Realm's customs.  A ton of cool stuff there!  Everything you never knew you wanted!

As corny as Superboy's "declaration" that Blake was no longer a loner was... I still dug it.  Felt like the way a sitcom might end.  Nothing's really tied up, but since we're shuffling this kid into limbo anyway, it doesn't even matter!  For all we know, Don Blake went on to become the Casanova of the Engineering Lab... or, ya know, he might've just become Thor.

The Legion story... another fun one!  I'm not sure why, but I really dig young heroes "pitching" to join their ranks.  I mean, I could probably read a trade collection of just that!  It's part "Who's Who?" it's part "Secret Origin", added to that... we get a "Yea" or "Nay"... it's just a lot of fun.

The tragic cliffhanger was well handled.  Of course, from what we know now... it's kinda deflating, but I'm sure back in the long ago, there might've been actual feelings of loss.  The threat?  I mean, it's silly... the Legion were taking on a giant vacuum cleaner.  You gotta wonder what Dave Cockrum was using as inspiration there... like, did he head into the broom closet to get a better look at his own vacuum?

Overall... this was a blast.  Silly, sure... but a whole lot of fun.  The kinda book that reminds me why I still do this every day!  The Superboy story would be reprinted in a Digest Edition... and the ERG tale would be reprinted several times over.  Somewhat surprisingly, this issue is available digitally!  I'd say it's worth a look!


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Monday, September 3, 2018

Superboy #154 (1969)

Superboy #154 (March, 1969)
"Blackout for Superboy!"
Story - Frank Robbins
Pencils - Bob Brown
Inks - Wally Wood
Letters - Ray Holloway
Cover Price: $0.12

Now, who could resist a cover like that?!  Does what happens inside even have a hope of living up to that image?

Let's find out...


We open with Superboy on his "predawn" patrol, during which he finds a troubled fisherman just about to go over one of Smallville's numerous waterfalls... truly the town with everything!  He rescues the old codger who, in turn, lambastes the Boy of Steel for nearly costing him his favorite fly rod!  Ehh, can't win 'em all.  You'd think he'd be more annoyed that Superboy didn't just save him and his boat... which is now just a pile of wet splinters.  Either way, it would seem that this might be going according to the old man's plan.

Superboy returns home to grab an hour of beauty sleep.  Thanks to his super-metabolism, he can get by with just the one.  I didn't think he needed to sleep at all, but I guess he's still a growing boy.  Anyhoo, he is awakened by his alarm clock... and when he opens his eyes... it appears as though his heat-vision involuntarily kicked on!

Fearing the worst, Superboy clenches his eyes shut.  After regaining his composure, he decides to give opening them another shot.  When he does... he winds up melting his bed post!  Could this mean that Superboy no longer has control over his amazing powers?!

Shortly after, Ma enters the room.  She heard Clark's alarm go off, and wonders why he didn't get up.  Upon surveying the damage, she lashes out at him for his "destructive impulses"... which, I mean... has Clark been anything but an angel?  I mean, when he's not being affected by Red Kryptonite or anything.  Clark explains the situation, and she rushes off to grab Pa.

Clark asks his folks to guide him downstairs into his cellar-lab so he can plan his next move.  Luckily, this happens to be the Silver Age, where Superboy has a closetful of robots in his likeness.  If he needs to remain "voluntarily blind" for awhile, he wants to make sure nobody realizes that Superboy is missing in action.  Then... he worries that his robots might be suffering the same "power control atrophy" that he is.  Turns out, from the looks of it... they are!

And so... in order to not incinerate everything he looks at, from this point on, Clark (Superboy) Kent will be... blind!  He fashions a pair of darkened specs out of lead... at least this way he can open his eyes.  He won't be able to see, but, at least he won't be clenchin'.  He borrows Pa's cane (from his old leg injury), and he's off to school.  He explains that due to an injury in the lab, he mustn't expose his eyes to the light for at least a week... which, ya know... isn't the craziest excuse.

During class, Clark is overcome, Daredevil style, by his other senses.  His heartbeat becomes the only thing he can hear, and while attempting to break his focus, Clark accidentally rips the corner off his desk!  This definitely gets the attention of Lana Lang...

... thankfully, quick-thinkin' Clark decides to (literally) suck all of the air out of the room, kayoing his classmates for a moment, while he rebuilds his desk... then, as they're all coming to, cracks a pencil in two to explain away the noise Lana had heard.  Aye yai yai.

We shift scenes to the office of Dr. Dento... you'll never guess what he does for a living.  Anyhoo, there have been a great number of fender-benders in Smallville on this day (a whole three), which is somehow due to Superboy being "off duty".  I mean, how does this town not just burn to the ground every time Clark takes a nap?!  Anyhoo... it's made plainly clear that Dr. Dento was actually the crotchety old fisherman from the beginning.

We join him on his next fishing expedition wherein he demonstrates what his favorite fly-rod can do.  It can, uh... set the fish on fire as it comes out of the water.  So, if you ever wanted to eat an entire fish without cleaning it, Dento is your man.  He recounts what had happened that morning.  Turns out, when Superboy "rescued" him, he affixed a second Superboy insignia to his outfit... through which, he could see everything that Superboy was seeing.

So... the game is up then?  Dr. Dento must know that Superboy is really Clark Kent, right?!  Well, not really... he just used this device to make Superboy think that his heat-vision was going out of control.  Ya see, it wasn't Superboy who melted the alarm clock... it was Dento!  What an idiot.

Anyhoo... later that night, Superboy decides to call in his Super-Pet Krypto to act as his seeing-eye dog.  Well, that stands to reason, right?  Together they save a bridge from collapsing... however, Superboy's shades do not go unnoticed.  Superboy's apparent blindness is front page news the next day!

Dento reads the news and is conflicted.  He now must turn his attention toward getting rid of Krypto.  Meanwhile, at the Kent House, they watch the news report discussing Superboy's blindness over breakfast.  This leads to Superboy picturing himself as a panhandler... from which we get our amazing cover.

After sobbing for a bit, Superboy decides... screw it, he's gonna face this thing head-on.  This gives us an amazing quote from Pa Kent.  "Now you're talking like the Son I'd have wanted... if we could have had our own!"  I mean, what?  What a clumsy statement.

Anyhoo, Krypto tugs on Superboy's cape... which gives him an idea.  He asks Ma for some "harmless dye"... because Krypto is going to be his seeing-eye dog in his civilian life too!  Ya see, he's doing this to throw people (well, Lana) off the scent that he really is Superboy.  I'd wager that this would only strengthen their case!  Oh well, what do I know?

We rejoin Dr. Dento as he puts his plan into action.  He, get this, synthesizes a rod of Red Kryptonite... and hides it in a (tasty) dog bone.  I'm not sure which part of that sentence was dumber.

Later that day, Dento starts terrorizing a dog.  Like, seriously, he starts whipping her dog house.  This, of course, brings Krypto to the yard... and he chases a heavily-padded Dento away.  The tortured mutt offers Krypto the K-infused bone... and away the Boy and Dog of Steel go.  Suddenly, Krypto goes nuts... and starts flying off toward space, leaving a blinded Superboy just hovering.

At this point, Superboy realizes he's got to risk it all... and open his eyes!  Naturally, nothing happens.  Superboy beans Krypto with a tiny chunk of meteorite to get him to spit out the Red-K Bone... and everything's cool.

Krypto begins sniffing around Superboy's chest... and bites the extra "S" insignia off.  They return to Dento's yard... and haul him off to the police.  Who's gonna fill all'a Smallville's cavities now?!

We wrap up the following morning with Lana reading the news that Superboy can see again.


Well this was a lot of fun!

It's not often I get to read something this ridiculous... and I mean that in the best way possible.  Superboy... blinded, and yet... still trying to keep up the ruse on all fronts.  I mean, he was "blind" for what, a day?  But he still went the whole nine yards in covering for both of his identities!

I suppose we can start dissecting this issue with what stuck out most to me.  By around the third page, Dr. Dento should have been able to deduce that Superboy is actually Clark Kent.  I mean, the "fly rod" was "seeing" through the "S" insignia, right?  Doesn't matter if Clark's eyes are open or closed in that case... he should have seen Ma and Pa Kent... the Kent house... Superboy's cellar lab... the whole thing!  Instead, his sole focus is... making Superboy keep his eyes shut?!

I mean, Dento definitely saw the Superboy robots... right?  Otherwise, how could he have made it appear as though they were going out of control too?  While on the subject... wouldn't Ma and Pa have seen that the beams weren't coming out of the robot's eyes?!  Ehh, whattayagonnado?

I guess we can discuss how impractical a pair of lead specs would look... but, really... why?  We'll just accept it for what it is.  We are, however, going to discuss the Red Kryptonite rod for a second.  If Dr. Dento has the ability to synthesize Red-K at any time... why hasn't he just done that?!  Why didn't he slip some Red-K into Superboy's costume rather than the silly extra insignia?  Why not keep working at it, and eventually crack the code on Green (or even Gold) Kryptonite?!

Yeah, I realize I'm poking holes in a half-century old story that was meant for kids... but, what else am I gonna do with my mornings...

With all of that said... this was a ton of fun, and looked pretty great!  Hell, the cover on its own is pretty spectacular.  You could definitely see how it might attract a kid's eye from the newsstand... heck, I bought it simply based off the cover not all that long ago!  That's definitely part of the "comics magic" that is missing these days.

Overall, if you come across this one, I'd definitely recommend grabbing it.  Unfortunately, it hasn't been collected nor made available digitally at the moment... but, it's certainly worth a bin-dive... even for the cover alone!


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