Showing posts with label todd klein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label todd klein. Show all posts
Sunday, February 23, 2020
NTS #3 - Class of 2064
New Talent Showcase #3 (Class of 2064)
"Class Trip, Part 3: Dark Side of the Earth"
Words & Letters - Todd Klein
Art - Scott Hampton
Colors - Shelley Eiber
Edits - Marv Wolfman & Ernie Colon
Yowie Wowie... today we're wrapping up yet another of our features! Man, New Talent Showdays is turning out quite a bit different from (say it with me) Action Comics Daily! I really thought that these stories would stick with us for, at the very least, 4-6 weeks.
Heck, the back cover of this very issue promises that we'll also see the "startling conclusion" of Forever Amber! So that's all-three of our NTS "flagship" features done... already! This is one wild ride, innit? I tell ya, when I finally get around to publishing the "dedicated" New Talent Showdays page... it's gonna look disjointed as hell!
Let's wrap up our time with the kids and Free Earthers!
We open with Pern and Tycho rescuing Chryse from the hot air balloon just in the nick of time before it hovers over the microwave receiver. Feels like we've missed a scene between chapters, as I don't quite know how we got here, but alas... here, we are. After getting to safety, a still unconscious Chryse begins to seize. Pern's all sorts of worried, but Tycho assures him that she has epilepsy, and appears to be past the worst of her seizure. Pern's a bit annoyed that Tycho did some background checking on the object of his affection... but, whattayagonnado? Chryse comes to just in time for our trio to be confronted by... FREE EARTHERS!
While elsewhere, the Canyon Police bumble and stumble their way into a plan, the Big Free Earth (BFE) fella proceeds to chat up the children. He claims to mean them no harm, and just wants to show them the truth. They hop into his hooptie, and fly over the site of World War III's Ground Zero... Phoenix, Arizona? Whaaaa? Well, Phoenix has such a bad case of "little big town syndrome", I'm sure this was a fist-pump moment... even if it's only due to the absolute decimation of our fair city.
The Big Guy keeps talking... and shares with the kids the story of how the ones that survived the bombings had to deal with radiation... all things we've come to expect from fallout-type situations. The craft lands and the kids exit, only to find themselves at a "Radiation Camp". The BFE tells Chryse that they need her.
Back at the Canyon, the Police still try and figure out how to track down and rescue the children... but, they're too boring to really dedicate an entire paragraph to, so... back to the Camp! Chryse has her memory jogged about her last visit to the Doctor... before the trip. If you recall, from way back in Chapter One, that Doctor had mentioned something about getting the "virus" out to Earth. Well, this is when that happened. The Virus was placed into Chryse's medication in hopes that it would arrive safely where it was needed. The BFE removes his gas-mask-helmet gimmick, to reveal his deformed visage. He tells the kids that he's dying... however, the "virus" can help those around him who are not yet that far gone. Chryse doesn't even need to think about it, she hands over the virus-laden meds.
The BFE puts his helmet back on and asks the kids to relay the true story of the Free Earth movement upon their return to Mars (or wherever). Pern and Tycho agree... and, check this out, we get a group-hug out of it! Isn't that the most adorable thing you've ever seen?
Right about now, the Canyon Police finally catch up with the kids... and they're taken back to rejoin their classmates. When the dust settles, Pern tries to "seal the deal" with Chryse. Well, I've got some bad news for ya, Copernicus... the Martian Girl only has eyes for Tycho! Chryse and Tycho retire to the bedroom... and, from the hearts floating about... are probably in the process of doin' it! Welp, didn't expect that... but, I should've.
The story proper ends the following morning. Tycho makes a comment about The War of the Worlds... and compares it to this instance of the Martians landing on Earth. He just hopes they were in time.
That was a pretty satisfying ending, wunnit? I don't think it's anything we didn't already see coming, but it was still quite good.
From the get-go, it felt as though we weren't given all the information we needed about the Free Earthers. Even in the earliest pages of this feature, it seemed as though they were more "freedom fighter" than "terrorist". Though, I suppose nowadays that might be a dicier and more contentious statement than I intend for it to be.
We're living in an era where the media has a measure of control over the "narrative". Regardless of your stance, you always know when "your side" is getting the short shrift in the news. The Free Earth Movement has been condemned... to the point where the children of Mars/LaGrange are told, in no uncertain terms, that the FE's are the bad guys. If you recall, the one bit of advice Pern's father gives him before leaving on the trip was to watch out for Free Earthers.
The earlier parts of the story had several "doth protest too much" sort of statements... so, the ultimate reveal was pretty-well telegraphed. If a writer tries to convince you over and over again during the earliest part of their story that something walks and talks like a duck... you can be damn sure it's not gonna wind up being a duck.
That said, this was all perfectly fine. The cast was, for the most part, likable... and the threat/non-threat felt substantial. The writing was quite good, with some fun moments of humor in otherwise dire scenes.
I think my only problem with Class of 2064 overall was... the sorta-kinda disjointed feeling I'd get between scene transitions. I feel like there were a few scenes left on the "cutting room floor", ya know? I could be completely talking out my ass (and I likely am), but some scenes just "happened", ya know? Last week we talked about the "beach stories" that the classmates reflected on. Feels like we should've seen that... otherwise, why bother referencing it? Even consider the opening to this chapter. Pern and Tycho are already saving Chryse? Feels like we missed something.
Also, the brief cutaways back to the Canyon Police... felt like both too much and not enough time was spent with the cops trying to track down the kids. It was a worst of both worlds situation... made me wonder why Klein even bothered with it. I don't think we needed a page of the Police lamenting the fact that they'd have to deploy a helicopter to facilitate the search... but, we got one! While this added a "scene" to the story... it didn't add anything substantial. Ya follow? There really wasn't any need for it, because nothing actually came of it. I'd have been fine if the Canyon Cops just showed up at the end, and told the trio that they'd been looking for them all this time.
Overall, though... I think if you sat down with this story, you'd have a mostly good time with it. As mentioned, the characters are likable... and, as cliche as it might've been, it's always fun to see the girl wind up with the nerd, right? I probably ought to mention the art... which remains fantastic throughout this entire feature. I really wish there were more chapters of this. I haven't looked into the future... so, for all I know, we might just get another go-round with these kids down the line. I kinda doubt it... but, ya never know!
Definitely recommend checking this one out.
Tomorrow: The King's Treaty...?
Thursday, February 13, 2020
NTS #2 - Class of 2064
New Talent Showcase #2 (Class of 2064)
"Class Trip, Part Two: Between Earth and Sky!"
Words/Letters - Todd Klein
Art - Scott Hampton
Colors - Shelley Eiber
Edits - Marv Wolfman & Ernie Colon
Today we're checking back in with the feature I felt performed the strongest last time out. Let's see if it can keep up with the quality.
But first... how many folks reading this remember the old tagline for Rice-A-Roni being "the San Francisco treat"? I only ask because I had an interesting conversation with the wife last night. A co-worker of hers had brought in some Rice-A-Roni for lunch... to which, the wife made a comment about it being "the San Francisco treat". Everybody there looked at her like she had three heads. They'd never heard anything so silly.
Now, usually, I'd just assume that she was surrounded by Millennials (or younger) or whatever, who just didn't happen to grow up in the 80's or 90's... but, this was a pretty diversely-aged crowd. People from their early 20's into their 60's... and none of them had ever heard this tagline.
The wife began to second-guess... and wonder if she'd simply imagined this weird tagline for boxed rice. And so, off to Youtube they went... only to find, ya know, a ton of commercials with the jingle. Her co-workers heard said jingle... annnnnd, still none of them remembered it!
Did a little bit of research on it... and learned that they actually retired that jingle back in... 19-friggin-95. A quarter of a century ago! The slogan itself has popped in and out (as recent as 2016)... but, not the jingle. What's the point without the jingle?! Oh well. Not sure why I shared that non-story, but... I had to tell somebody, and I have no friends. Whattayagonnado?
Onto the book!
Chapter Two opens with the Lagrange Field Trippers setting down at Grand Canyon Base (after a stop in Hawaii we don't get to see)... we see this information being reported to that gimp-suited Free Earther that we saw in the "Next Issue" blurb last week. He reminds one of his followers that they need the girl (the Martian with the Virus)... and they need her unharmed. Meanwhile, at Canyon Base, we get us a nice heaping dollop of exposition. Looks like World War III occurred in 2025 (so, I guess this blog will definitely not hit its 10th Anniversary), however in the years since, Earth has started to make something of a comeback thanks to resource-trading with the Lagrange Colony.
We get a brief cutaway with that weirdo Free Earth dude, where he talks a bit more about the nebulous virus. I'm really not sure what to make of it at this point... hopefully, that's intentional. From here, we pop back over to the Canyon, where dozens of hot air balloons take in the sights from above. Our main man Pern would really like to go on one... mostly so he might get the opportunity to be alone with the Martian Virus Vessel, Chryse Whatsherface.
The teacher, Mr. Rampling gives our guy the "thumbs up", and so (after apparently trading out his orange shirt for a green one) he makes a spectacle out of asking for the fair Martian's company. She turns him down flat (after making reference to something that went down in Hawaii... that, again, we didn't see). Instead of hangin' with Pern, she'd much rather be accompanied by Tycho! Tycho, being the nebbish weirdo that he is, passes her along to a new kid named Robert Paya... who, apparently knows more about hot air balloons than anybody.
The kids then hop in "mule"... which is to say, a little ship, so they can jet off to the balloon landing site. Just then, a balloon draws near, however... it's already occupied... by some Free Earthers! The baddies (well, I think they're the baddies) fire oodles of tranq darts into the quartet of kids... and manage to knock Robert completely out. Amid the distraction, they nyoink Chryse into the balloon with them.
She begins to panic... then, feigns like she's going to pass out. We're getting a lot of that this week in New Talent Showcase, ain't we? Anyhoo, as she sways around on weird street, she knocks the gun out of one of the terrorist's hands... and grabs it! She holds the Free Earthers up, threatening to fire... before reality sets in, and she realizes that... she hasn't the foggiest idea how to pilot a balloon.
Back at "Wotan's Throne", Pern and Tycho shake off their own tranqs... and proceed to hop into the "mule". Naturally, neither of them have ever flown such a thing, but... Pern's gotta Pern, he doesn't give nary an "eff". He does what he can to make the thing take off.
After a quick check-in with the Martian Hostage Girl (where she laments the fact that Earth's gravity is too damn heavy), we wrap up at the Canyon Police Center, where... some guy... notices that the balloon with Chryse on board is about to fly into a Microwave Receiver... which will make it go boom. Then, he's held up... I think? Maybe?
Bit of a mess, right? Not bad... just, I dunno... "sloppy"?
Just like when we ran through Action Comics Weekly, I get the feeling that American comics writers haven't quite "solved" the eight-page story. The pacing is kind of hectic... and uneven. It's hard to get our bearings when we bounce from tight-paneled action to entire (somewhat wasteful) pages of exposition. It feels kinda backwards.
That said, there still is a lot to like here. For one, the art... it's still quite excellent! Well, outside of a couple coloring gaffes, and the fact that a lot of the kids have "Byrne face", which is to say, their faces (and haircuts) are identical, so it's a little tough to tell 'em apart in a crowd. I guess that's more a "storytelling" complaint than anything though.
The story... well, we get a few callbacks to things, that honestly, seem more interesting than anything going on on-panel. We get a callback to a "swimming mishap" having to do with Chryse and Pern in Hawaii. Frankly, I think I'd rather be seeing that play out. I feel like we really ought to care about these characters, otherwise, what does it matter when one of 'em gets abducted? We've seen Chryse on, what... a half-dozen panels? All we know is she's the Maguffin Martian... and that's just not enough to get me to invest in her well-being. Maybe the scene was cut to fit into eight-pages? Maybe we'll actually get to see it later on? I dunno. All that having been said, I did think it was funny that she chose Tycho as "chaperone".
Overall, a weaker chapter than the opening... but still, (despite my paragraphs of kvetching) plenty to dig.
Tomorrow: Dungeons, Dragons, and... Detention?!
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
NTS #1 - Class of 2064
New Talent Showcase #1 (Class of 2064)
"Class Trip"
Script & Letters - Todd Klein
Art - Scott Hampton
Colors - Shelley Eiber
Edits - Marv Wolfman & Ernie Colon
Time for our fourth-and-final offering from the first issue of New Talent Showcase! So far, I gotta admit, I've been pleasantly surprised. We haven't seen anything that's likely to rock anyone's socks... but, I'd say it's been quite solid, especially considering the fact that we're looking at "New Talent".
When we looked at those Bonus Books (1988-1989) a few weeks ago... those featured plenty of New Talent... and, were at times, a bit of a muddled mess. Maybe it's because they had more pages to fill in those instances? Who knows...
Anyhoo, let's "take it home" with our first foray into the Class of 2064!
Our story opens on Mars... it's March 19, 2064... which, doesn't really feel like the far-flung future it probably did back in ye old 1984, does it? There's this Martian Virus, see... and it looks as though it might just change the fate of human society. We begin with a man in a flying saucer type of vessel (with the words FREE EARTH crudely scrawled across it) attacking a much more refined-looking transport vehicle. He is threatened with destruction, should he decide not to back off. He continues nonetheless... resulting in, well... his destruction. Welp, can't say they didn't warn him!
We shift scenes to a darkened room, where a Doctor/Dignitary of sorts laments any loss of life in the name of procuring this Virus... so, we might assume that this "Free Earther" is a sort of Freedom Fighter, attempting to use this Virus for "good"? Well, we'll get there. Anyhoo, this Doc-Dignitary expresses that he is sort of a double-agent... both smiling for the establishment (Lagrange) and wanting to get this Virus sent off to Earth. Ya see, he's snuck a bit of it into the medication of a girl named Chryse Bantry... who is about to be rocketed off to Earth.
Okay, another scene-shift... to a residence in the Lagrange Colonies. Now it's May 28... and a young student named "Pern" is woken by his parents, because today he's to board a shuttle! Ya see, it's the Class of 2064's big trip... and, as luck would have it, they're headed to Earth! Now, I'm not exactly sure if Lagrange is necessarily on Mars... or if it's some sort of gigantic floating space station near Mars. I suppose if I were a betting man, I'd say it's on Mars (maybe?). Whatever the case, "Pern" has a bit of a space-hangover, having partied a little too much the night before... but, he's still quite looking forward to the adventure. Before heading out, Pern's Pop warns of the "Free Earthers".
We rejoin Pern out on the fields, where he meets up with his pal Tycho. Wow, lotsa "futury" names here. They talk a bit about the "Free Earthers"... who are apparently the "biggest threat" to their whole way of life. We learn that Tycho has been tapping into the Police Computer system to keep tabs on the Free Earthers... this makes Pern a bit uneasy.
Our boys make it on time to meet up with their friends... and it's here that we meet a young woman named Maris. Pern thanks her for the party the night before and immediately begins to flirt. Tycho doesn't know how Pern can be so outgoing.
Apologies (for near tardiness) are given, bags are stowed, seat-backs are returned to their yadda-yadda-yadda... and it's two-minutes til take off. We learn that there's going to be a "Martian Girl" on board... which, I don't know if she's just from a Colony on Mars... called Mars... or, whatever. Hmm... could this be that Martian Girl?! The folks in charge are not 100% certain she doesn't have "it"... and by "it", I'm pretty sure they're talking about that Virus.
The shuttle takes off... and the Class of 2064 is finally headed to Earth. At this point, the students are introduced to, heyyyy, whattayaknow, Chryse Bantry... that Martian Girl. She apparently won a scholarship of some sort to get a seat on this here rig. She doesn't look like your stereotypical "Martian"... she just looks like a gaudily-dressed human gal. Our boy Pern is immediately smitten...
... and so, he heads right on over to flirt. It's here that we learn that "Pern" is short for Copernicus... which, yikes. They chat for a bit, with Chryse not appearing to be interested in the slightest... not that I can blame her. Anyhoo, we see here that this entire exchange is being observed by... the Free Earthers! They have a sneaking suspicion that this Martian Girl is in fact "carrying" (because they, like Tycho, have tapped into the Police Computers)... and they're going to do whatever they can in order to confirm that... up to and including... killin' her!
Wow... I really enjoyed this! This might be the strongest offering from this issue... just really solid stuff!
Only thing I'm kind of wonky on is the difference between Lagrange and Mars... though, I'll concede that might just be a case of my being too dense... or thinking too hard. I know there are things called "Lagrange Points"... which, I sort of understand, but wouldn't attempt to explain. Not sure if this has anything to do with that... or if anything I've typed into this here paragraph even matters!
The characters we're introduced to are pretty relatable... the conflict has been established... the world(s) have been built... all in eight pages! You really can't ask for much more from an opening chapter! Really fun stuff here... looking forward to seeing where this one goes!
Our writer, Todd Klein is probably a pretty familiar name to comic fans... though, maybe more as a Letterer. He is one mighty prolific fellow... who actually has a fair amount of writing credits to his name! He wrote (among other things) a bunch of back-up features in Green Lantern (vol.2) and had a decent run on Omega Men for DC Comics. I tell ya, if the DC Wiki is to be believed, he's got credits doing just about anything one can do in the comics creation process. He maintains a blog that I really cannot recommend enough if you're a fan of DC Comics History... there is an absolute wealth of information and ephemera to check out here!
Let's talk art for a minute. I really dug the way this story looked... it evokes a little bit of Moebius, giving the characters both a familiar yet otherworldly feel. It comes to us from Scott Hampton, a heck of an artist... and a fella with a really interesting resume. He's done a bunch of work in the industry, including (but not limited to) Simon Dark, Doc Savage, and Star-Spangled War Stories featuring G.I. Zombie for DC... some Sandmanny stuff for Vertigo... plenty of non-DC stuff, and even provided painted art for the Magic: The Gathering card game! Really excellent stuff!
Overall... yeah, I think Class of 2064 gets my vote for best story this time out... don't worry, I won't go throwing a poll up tomorrow!
Tomorrow: Wrapping up the first issue!
And Then: Something... kinda bizarre?
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Green Lantern (vol.2) #179 (1984)
Green Lantern (vol.2) #179 (August, 1984)
"Let Us Prey!"
"Green Magic: Enemy Lines"
Writer/Editor - Len Wein & Todd Klein
Artist/Letterer - Dave Gibbons
Colorist - Anthony Tollin
Cover Price: $0.75
The Predator! Last week when we discussed The Final Night, I said that I could've sworn I'd already read it... but come to find that I hadn't.
Well... here's another story just like that! I was shocked when I was flipping through a cheap-o bin the other day... and realized that I didn't have these Predator issues. I guess one of the side-effects of being in the comics blogging and podcasting "scene" is experiencing stories via osmosis. I guess I've heard/read enough about the Predator that I thought I'd read the actual stories myself!
To paraphrase our friend Lex Luthor, not so fast kemo sabe... I've still got a lot to learn.
We open at Ferris Aircraft where the Demolition Team have been sent to... demolish things. Ya see, Congressman Jason Bloch made arrangements with the Monitor (yeah, that Monitor) to take Ferris out. Even with Green Lantern off-planet, the Demos task is no cakewalk... because they are now faced with the threat of... the Predator! Rosie of the Demos tells him to stand down, as this is none of his concern. He doesn't agree... and says from this point on, Ferris Aircraft is under his protection.
And so, a fight breaks out. It looks like the Predator has the situation well in hand. The Demos are so tied up with our man that they're (for now) leaving Ferris' staff alone. Carol and Tom look on, wondering where Hal might be.
And is if by segue... we join Hal Jordan, who is half a galaxy away nearing the planet Omnicron Ceti IV. He's ticked off at the Guardians... and in other news, it's a day that ends with the letter "Y". He'd rather be helping out on Earth, but heavy's the finger that wears the ring... so, whattayagonnado? Anyhoo, Omnicron Ceti IV's core has become unstable... and threatens to blow.
Back at Ferris, the fight rolls on. The Predator takes out Jackhammer... splitting his helmet with a tap. Mr. Hammer then lunges, and gets monkey-flipped into an electrical box for his trouble. Tom (I think it's Tom) thanks the Predator for saving his life.
We shift to Oa, where the Guardians of the Universe are watching over Hal Jordan. They look on as he sits on Omnicron Ceti and thinks. With a snap of his fingers, Hal takes off. The Guardians fear that he's abandoning the imperiled planet. Really now?
Back at Ferris, the battle... continues. The Predator takes out the Demo... Scoop-Shovel! Well, there's a name that'll strike fear into hearts worldwide. We rejoin Hal as he hunts down some Stellarium meteoroids .
Back on Earth... remember that Congressman Jason Bloch? Let's check in on him in Washington, D.C. He fears that the Demolition Team's attack on Ferris Aircraft will lead right back to him. Stands to reason, right? He drinks to his health.
Still on Earth... back to Ferris. Scientist Clay Kendall, seeing the chaos, rushes to his Psi-Lab. Inside we see his Psi-Chair, which would allow him to tap into the 90% of the brain he doesn't use (science!). He hops in the seat... unfortunately, he does this just as Predator and Hardhat bust in. Poor Doc Kendall gets himself fried.
Back on Omnicron Ceti, Hal is melting down the Stellarium meteoroids ("meteoroids" might be my newest-toughest word to type!). He hopes his "screwy" idea will bear fruit.
Back at Ferris, the Predator takes out the final non-Rosie member of the Demolition Team, Steamroller. Predator leads him directly into the hangar that houses the centrifuge... which oughta tell us that our masked man has at least a "passing" knowledge of Ferris Aircraft's layout.
Back with Hal... he pumps the Stellarium cement into the core of Omnicron Ceti... and, whattayaknow... it worked! A victorious Hal is visited upon by a holographic Guardian head. He tells the head that he'd better hope his pals on Earth haven't been harmed.
Back at Ferris... it's down to two. The Predator vs. Rosie. She aims her nail-gun... however, before she can pull the trigger, he chucks a dagger into the barrel... and the thing blows up in her (tear-streaked) face.
The confused Rosie threatens that she'll be back... but then gets socked in the mush by Carol. With Rosie kayoed, the Predator sweeps Ms. Ferris up in his arms, and gives her a kiss. B-b-b-ut, I thought-- okay, okay, that's a reveal for another day.
Our story ends with Hal Jordan returning home to see Ferris Aircraft in all sorts of smoldering ruin.
That's not the end of the issue, however... we've got us a Tale of the Green Lantern Corps... for better or worse. We join an odd little crew of mohawked characters... one of whom a "sorceress named Holli, who is in actuality, a Green Lantern. They've apparently been banished by yet another mohawked individual.
They head to a small island "behind enemy lines" and meet up with ally Mikkin and fomer foe-turned-rebel, Tahrk. Holli suggests they take out Tahrk... but Mikkin isn't on board, claiming that they are all fugitives now. To prove his worth, Tahrk has to battle... I wanna say his name is Skeev, and boy does he live up to it.
The chapter wraps with the two battling to a stalemate, and earning each others respect and trust. As they celebrate their new partnership, a submarine surfaces nearby.
This was a fine issue.
It's just a fight issue... with some Hal in space stuff, but it wasn't boring. I actually think it took me twice as long to read that... back-up piece... than the lead-off story. Man, that back-up was dull!
I don't wanna spoil anything about the Predator... especially now that I've come to realize that I've never read this. I wouldn't want to say the wrong thing. I mean, I know the big reveal... but can't say with any authority that it does or doesn't make sense. From what I've heard, it's pretty silly... but I wouldn't wanna commit to a stance just yet!
I didn't mention it during the synopsis, but while Hal was trying to save Omnicron Ceti, he compared it to Tomar-Re's inability to save Krypton from exploding. That's a really neat bit of continuity... I always liked that. I mean, it would stand to reason that the Green Lantern Corps would've tried to intervene.
Let's talk Demos. These are some geeky folks. Being this punny, I'd almost expect them to appear in a Peter David book! It's funny to consider that these characters were being played straight here. Endearing, even... because, if they were to pop up in the current day, they'd be treated like a joke.
So, yeah... our main story was pretty good. The Predator gets a strong introduction... saves the day, and even puts the moves on Hal's gal. That back-up though? Woof. It was pretty, but oh so dull. To be fair, it was a middle chapter of a continuing story... so I was coming into it cold, but... again, woof.
Overall... if you're a Green Lantern fan, you should definitely check this issue out. It has been collected in Green Lantern: Sector 2814, Volume One (ah! That's where I had it! Still hadn't read it though) and is available digitally.
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