Showing posts with label tom derenick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tom derenick. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry X-Lapsed - X-Men (vol.2) #109 (2001)

Merry X-Lapsed!  Day Four

X-Men (vol.2) #109 (February, 2001)
Writer - Chris Claremont
Pencils - Tom Derenick
Inks - Rick Ketchum & Norm Rapmund
Colors - Liquid!
Letters - Richard Starkings & Comiccraft's Saida Temafonte
Edits - Pete Franco, Mark Powers, Joe Quesada
Cover Price: $3.50

Welcome to Day Four of Merry X-Lapsed - and Merry Christmas Eve!

Today we're talking about the end of Chris Claremont's return to the X-Books around the turn of the century, and reading the "soft-pilot" to his all-new X-Treme X-Men title - it's a bumpy one...


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Action Comics #836 (2006)

Action Comics #836 (April, 2006)
"Superman This is your Life, Part Two"
Writer - Joe Kelly
Pencillers - Dan Jurgen, Dick Giordano, Ed Benes, Ian Churchill, Phil Jimenez, Tom Derenick, Renato Guedes, Lee Bermejo & Doug Mahnke
Inkers - Kevin Conrad, Jose Marzan, Norm Rapmund, Andy Lanning & Drew Geraci
Colorists - Guy Major, Dave Stewart  Renato Guedes
Letterer - Nick J. Napolitano
Assistant Editor - Jeanine Schaefer
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.50

Sometimes we can get a little too "close" to our comics.  For the longest time, this was a Superman story I couldn't bring myself to reread.

I mean, as comics readers (or fans of any consumable entertainment/media), I think we've all experienced that feeling where we have an idea where a story is headed... and knowing that we're powerless to stop it.  That's how I felt reading this back in 2005-2006.

I remember the first time I heard (in comics) that a Crisis was on its way.  It was an issue of Teen Titans by Geoff Johns... and from that point on, my DC-reading fell into sort of a fog.  I wasn't around for the first Crisis... so this was really my first time not feeling "safe" as a DC Comics fan.

Of course, these days that almost seems quaint.  DC is getting just as bad as Marvel when it comes to reboots/relaunches/re-whatevers... and the industry has become so knee-jerk reactionary that I can't even remember the last time I felt "safe".

Anyhoo... this issue (and the story it's a part of) comes from a very... shaky time in my (and likely some others') DC fandom.  Things were weird... and nebulous at best.

Let's give it a look and see if time has soothed this fan's soul.


We open with three... kinda different tellings of Superman's origin story... it's a tale of three Kryptons... three families of El... three rockets, and three sets of Kents.  Yeah, there's definitely something weird going on here.  It's almost as though we're in the midst of experiencing a... Crisis of sorts.  Hmm...

We jump ahead to the events(ish) of Man of Steel #1, where Lois and company are about to crash the "space plane".  They find themselves saved by a strange flying man, who upon setting them down gives Lois a peck on the cheek and introduces himself to her as "Superman".  Well, that's not right... right?

We briefly pop into the present, and find Superman in the heat of battle with... somebody.  This somebody is commenting on the corruption in the world... and is wondering why Superman hasn't done more.

We hop back to the past... this time, it's the first meeting between Superman and Batman.  This is a contentious meeting, so clearly post-Crisis.  Batman tells Superman if he steps near him, it will set off a bomb that will kill an innocent.  Superman calls his bluff, because he knows the bomb is on Batman's person.  They agree to team up.

We briefly check in with the Earth-2 Superman, who is holding vigil over the ailing Earth-2 Lois Lane.

Back to the past!  We relive an... altered version of Lex Luthor's Kryptonite Ring saga.  It starts similarly enough, Lex taunts Superman with the one thing that appears to hurt him.  He (Lex) then contracts cancer due to the Kryptonite exposure.  Then, on his death-bed, Superman makes Lex an offer he can't refuse... he'll use Kryptonian technology in order to grant Lex a quarter-century of life.  Lex accepts.

Then... a couple of versions of Lois Lane learning "the secret".  They both end the same way.

Then... Doomsday!  It's a greatest hits (pun!) from Superman (vol.2) #75... right up until the ending.  Ya see, the titans both land their "finishing blow"... only, this time around Doomsday's punch isn't enough to keep the Man of Steel down.

We jump ahead... though, still in flashback... to the events of Identity Crisis.  The satellite-era League is arguing about what they ought to do about Doctor Light.  Just as in the original story, half of the team seems a-okay with the mindwipe... and the other half ain't exactly on board.  Superman arrives to offer a third alternative.  Well, he doesn't so much offer it as "invoke" it.  He zaps Doctor Light... and banishes him to the Phantom Zone!

This, somehow, is viewed as the worst option by the League.  Mindwiping is totally cool... but Phantom Zoning is "crossing the line".  It's not that I disagree, but, c'mon... the League was acting a bit shady in the original Identity Crisis story.  It's not like they have all that much room to talk.  Anyhoo, the League holds an intervention with the Man of Steel... it seems as though the "Phantom Zone banishment" has become something of a go-to for him.  Superman decides to disband the JLA... to which, Zatanna attempts to put Superman "to sleep"... but cannot seem to muster the words.

Then we meet Superman's new running buddies: The Elite.  Well, the Justice League Elite.

We wrap up back in Metropolis where Jimmy Olsen and friends are having drinks and trying to ride out the apocalypse.  Jimmy tells his pals that Superman has the situation under control... and there's nothing to worry about.  Then... something happens.


Such an... uncomfortable read.

This entire issue just feels "off", which I suppose is the point.  It's like the "fun-house mirror" version of the post-Crisis Superman story.  Added the "jam" of artists here... I'm not entirely sure what to make of it.

I get that this is just running alongside the actual Infinite Crisis event book... so things are being left purposely nebulous, but today... just as over a dozen years ago... I really can't talk myself into liking this.  Perhaps it is the years of hindsight we now have... or maybe I just never let go of my reboot-bitterness.  We've definitely hit, at least in my opinion, the point where these sort of things have diminishing returns.

I think back to the early days of the "Berganza era" and the influx of, what many post-Crisis fans referred to as "S.A.S." (that's Silver Age Sh-tuff)... and how that didn't really bug me.  I felt like that was adding something, where I feel like this is only taking away.

Overall... this is a difficult one for me to recommend.  I will say, if you do decide to give this a whirl, read the entire three-part story... and not just the middle chapter like we're doing here.  It's available digitally, and has been collected in the Superman: Infinite Crisis trade paperback.


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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 (2015)

Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 (February, 2015)
"... Yule be Dead for Christmas!"
Writer - Scott Lobdell
Penciller - Tom Derenick
Inkers - Wayne Faucher & Walden Wong
Colorists - Richard & Tanya Horie, Peter Pantazis & Wes Dzioba
Letterer - Travis Lanham
Associate Editor - Harvey Richards
Editor - Frank Pittarese
Group Editor - Brian Cunningham
Cover Price: $4.99

If my math is right (and it wasn't last year...) today marks the First Day of Christmas on Infinite Earths!

What better way to get into the Holiday Spirit than reading some old DC comic books with your ol' pal Santa Chris?  Well, there are probably tons of better ways... but, this is all I've got!

Today we're going to start by checking in with our friends Jason Toddler, Kid'iandr, and Boy Harper!


We open on a fairy adorable scene in which the (young) Outlaws are huddled in a stairway watching Santa Claus put presents under the Wayne Manor Christmas Tree.  I think this bit here is one so many of us can relate to... having to wait atop the stairs until it was actually "time" to rush to the tree.

What (hopefully) most of us can't relate to is the surprise Jay, Kori, and Roy find at the bottom of the stairs... this ain't no ordinary Santa... it's Suzie Su!

The tots fall back to reconnoiter... and arm themselves to the teeth.  They then rush the Faux Santa... and, well... eviscerate her will ammo.  She vanishes, leaving behind a candy cane... which Jason snags.

Just as they get snagged, by Batman.  To punish them for being naughty... and, ya know... murdering Suzie Su, he throws them into the Batcave.  I'm not sure how something like this could ever be considered a "punishment", but we'll allow it.

They decide to break out to see if Suzie Su left Santa's sleigh behind.  Jason (somehow) brings the dinosaur trophy to life... and they bust their way to the Manor grounds.  The dino then vanishes... leaving behind another candy cane.

And wouldn'tcha know it, Santa's sleigh is there too!  They hop in and fiddle with the controls until Batman bursts back on the scene.  With all hope lost, Roy simply asks the sleigh to take off... and it does!  He asks it to take them "home"... as in the sleigh's home.

Along the way, Jason begins to suffer with a headache.  He's beginning to feel like all of this isn't quite right.  After all, they're kids, for one... also, he and the gang didn't even know each other as kids.

Anyhoo... no time to worry about silly stuff like that, we're just now arriving to the North Pole!  From the looks of it, things aren't all that Merry.

The kids land at the sleigh-pad... which is basically a helipad with an "S" on it instead of an "H".  They take inventory of all the carnage, and decide their first stop will be the reindeer stables.  Looks like Dasher and Donner have gotten into the Alka-Seltzer.

Jason decides they might want to kill the lights before engaging in wholesale stag slaughter... and so, we get a page of silhouettes doing violent things to rabid reindeer.  This ends with the dead-deer vanishing, leaving behind yet another candy cane.

Next stop, Santa's Bunker... which is behind a bank vault door.  Inside, they follow an icy path which splits three ways.  Jason decides it might be best if they split up... which, is probably the worst idea ever, anytime it's suggested... but they do anyway!

We first follow Roy as he finds himself surrounded by a platoon (is "platoon" the right word?) of Wooden Soldiers .  We get some monologue from Jason... where everything begins to come together.  This isn't really Roy... just a Roy that he manifested in his mind.  With that understood, "Roy" disappears.

Next, we meet up with Starfire as she is battling a giant gingerbread lady that calls herself "Mrs. Claus".  Just as with Roy, Jason realizes that this Kori ain't the real deal... and she fades out too.

Finally, we reunite with Jason... who has tracked down Santa Claus!  He takes aim with his twin pistols and tries to get some answers.  Surprisingly, Santa responds by begging Jason to shoot him!  Well, if you're gonna ask for it... you're definitely not gonna get it... yet.

At this point the Yuletide vision wears off.  What we find is not Santa Claus, but a lizardman called Plytus!  Who?  I'm glad you asked... he was apparently in charge of experimenting on Starfire while she was in captivity.  He, of course, failed... and was sentenced to Earth for an eternity of suffering by Helspont.

The "candy cane" trail was his way of bringing Jason to him... so he Plytus could be put out of his misery.  Jason, amiable guy that he is, grants the lizardman's Christmas wish.

He then turns to a security camera and threatens to kill Helspont should he ever come a'callin'.  We wrap up with... hey, lookit that, Helspont!  He's with Kori's sister Blackfire, and has just found a reason to become interested in these Outlaws.


Not gonna mince words here... I loved this!

This was such a fun comic... and such a neat way for me to finally acquaint myself with this team.  Red Hood and the Outlaws has been one of those titles I've consistently bought (because Scott Lobdell always gets a "buy" from me... I mean, he wrote Uncanny X-Men #308 after all), but haven't made the time to properly get around to.  I'm sure I flipped through an issue or three, but never quite hankered down with it.  Lemme tell ya, I'm glad I finally did!

This was fun from beginning to end... and, unlike many Annuals from the Big Two of late, this actually appears to feed into the next storyarc.  Tom Derenick provides some adorably wonderful art here... depicting the Outlaws as children... and actually making them look like kids (as opposed to just smaller adults).

I will normally complain when a book is filled with full-page and double-page spreads... because decompression is a thing, and eating up whole pages without much in the way of substance is one of my bigger pet-peeves.  For this issue, however, I really dug it!  We don't get stories like this all that often... and it's cool to see that Derenick was really able to flex his muscle here, drawing things we don't ordinarily get to see.  I mean, how often does Santa's sleigh get hijacked by Jason Toddler, Kid'iandr, and Boy Harper?  Really just too much fun here.

The story itself was a neat one as well.  I thought Jason coldly "mercy" killing the lizardman was cool.  We can look at it a few different ways... did he truly kill him to put him out of his misery... or did he kill him because he's Jason Todd... and that's just what Jason Todd does?

The Helspont bit was also cool.  Going back to early WildC.A.T.S, I always dug this character's design and since The New-52! began, felt he was a neat addition to DC's pantheon of bad-dudes.

If I had a single complaint it would be... well, the same complaint I have about all Annuals... the price point.  I'm not sure when we all agreed that Annuals would default to five-dollars... I must've missed that meeting.  It's scarily rare that I feel like I got five-dollars worth of story in a single-issue (not floppy) comic book... and as much as I loved this issue, it still feels like it's about a buck too expensive.  Luckily, if you wanna grab this one digitally it is currently available for a buck less than cover price.  I'd say it's well worth it.  You'll have a great time with it!

That's all for today... tomorrow, I'm thinking we'll get a bit greedy.


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On the first day of Christmas on Infinite Earths, I gave to you a Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 Review.

"12 Days Tree" 2016:

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