Preacher #2 (May, 1995)
"And Hell Followed With Him"
Writer - Garth Ennis
Art - Steve Dillon
Colors - Matt Hollingsworth
Letters - Clem Robins
Cover Art - Glenn Fabry
Edits- Rottenberg, Moore, Berger
Cover Price: $2.50
On-Sale: March 28, 1995
Happy Halloween, everybody and welcome back to the Choir!
This time out, Dave and Chris get into all the gestalty goodness of Preacher #2. We see the "softer" side of Sheriff Root, meet his soon-to-be comics famous son, and bear witness to the grandest reveal in comics history... wherein we find out that a member of our cast might just be a vampire!
All, that plus our usual nonsense - a look into USENET postings of the day, Garth Ennis's sorta-kinda petulant missive from Preacher #1's "Gone to Texas" column, listener mail, shout-outs, and much much more!
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