Showing posts with label wally wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wally wood. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 148 - Wally Wood's Gang Bang #1 (1980)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #148

Wally Wood's Gang Bang! #1 (1980)
"Sally Forth"
"Lil an' Abner"
"So White and the Six Dorks"
"The Farmer's Daughter"
"Perry and the Privates"
by Wally Wood
Nuance, Inc.
Cover Price: $5.95

This one's pretty gross, gang...  heck, I couldn't even upload the cover of the thing without stamping a big ol' black box over top of it!  As with the previous couple of episodes of the Cosmic Treadmill... listener discretion is strongly advised.  This one might be even worse than Cherry and Omaha!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Nostalgic MAD #1 (1973)

The Nostalgic MAD #1 (Summer, 1973)
"Superduperman" - From MAD #4 (April-May, 1953)
"Melvin of the Apes" - From MAD #6 (August-September, 1953)
"Outer Sanctum" - From MAD #5 (June-July, 1953)
Writer/Edits - Harvey Kurtzman
Pencils - Wally Wood, John Severin, Bill Elder
Colors - Marie Severin
Letters - Ben Oda
EC Comics
Cover Price: $0.10 FREE

Got a weird-er one today... a copy of a reprint collection that I was able to snag right before a fella at the comic shop chucked it into the garbage.  You'd likely seen the photo I included to start this article off... and, yeah... this bugger's been beat to hell (and back!).  We might be able to refer to it as the super-rare "tape instead of staples" variant (tape instead of staples misprint?)... hmm, maybe I'll throw this up on eBay once I'm done, sell it to myself for some unbelievable amount to drum up interest, then sell it to a sucker comics enthusiast so I can finally become independently wealthy!

Ahem... what was I saying?

Oh yeah!  I saved this mangled and beaten copy of The Nostalgic MAD #1 from the landfill.  I felt like this might be my only way of ever covering some of the old MAD stories here on the blog, and as a fake-ass comics historian, that was something that very much appealed to me.  This originally appeared as an insert in MAD Special #9 (Summer, 1973)... which might account for how torn up it's poor spine is!  Hell, for all I know it spent the past couple of decades as a dog's chew toy.

Now, right off the bat... I wanna get it out of the way, I'm not a fan of MAD Magazine... and, growing up, I never was.  All I knew of it, was that it was that ugly-looking magazine with that especially ugly-looking kid on the cover.  That being said, when I was little, I never realized that MAD started out as a more "traditional" (relatively speaking) comic book.  In more recent years, I've tried to expose myself to as much of the older stuff as I could find... and, we even did an episode of the Cosmic Treadmill where we talked about one of these early issues!

This special insert I'm about to share with you features three stories, originally featured in MAD #4, 5, and 6 from 1953.  It's a fun little trio, and were probably the best way for them to kick off this run of "Nostalgic" MAD features.  Before we hit the dashes, and to assuage my own obsessive rules, I wanna justify this piece with: Since MAD is (and has long been) a part of the DC Comics publication "family", I figure that makes this safe to share here at the humble blog.


"Superduperman" - From MAD #4 (April-May, 1953)
Harvey Kurtzman & Wally Wood

Our first story features Superduperman, and it opens in the offices of the Daily Dirt, where lowly Assistant (to the) Copy Boy, Clark Bent spends his afternoon wandering from spittoon to spittoon on his daily emptying shuffle.  He's called into the Boss's office where he's given his weekly salary of three twenty-five cent pieces.  Our boy is overjoyed, as, with this seventy-five cents, he has now saved one-thousand smackers... with which he can buy a pearl necklace for the object of his desire: Lois Pain, Girl Reporter!

He heads off to buy the baubles before the end of shift, and returns to the Dirt to hand 'em over.  He finds her surrounded by potential romantic partners... many a wagging tongue in this office, lemme tell ya.  After they disperse, Clark presents her with the pearls... in exchange, she allows him two sniffs of her perfume before giving him the ol' "Git away from me kid, ya botha me!"

Bent wishes he were able to share with Pain that he's not just any ol' Assistant (to the) Copy Boy, but he is... in fact, Superduperman!  We find out that there's an "Unknown Monster" terrorizing the streets of Cosmopolis, and our hero knows what must be done.  After some trial and error, he finds an unoccupied phone booth, and Supe-Dupe's up.

He heads back into the Dirt to get some deets... and runs into Billy Spafon, Boy Reporter.  With a SHAZOOM we learn that Billy is actual Captain Marbles... and what's more, he's gone rogue!  He is the "Unknown Monster"!

Over the course of the next few pages, Superduperman and Captain Marbles beat the hell out of one another.  It becomes plainly clear that Marbles is the stronger of the two... and so, in order to defeat him, Superduperman is going to have to out-think him.  Which he does, when he tricks Cap into punching himself in the face... knocking his Mighty Mortal self out!

The story wraps up with Superduperman starting to sniff around Lois Pain... and even revealing to her that he's actually Clark Bent!  She is not impressed... and in fact, still thinks he's a total creep.


"Melvin of the Apes" - From MAD #6 (August-September, 1953)
Harvey Kurtzman & John Severin

Our second story opens with Melvin and Jane swinging through the trees... when ol' Mel misses a vine and falls into a hole.  Jane notices that the Ookabollakonga are "on the warpath again" attacking their friends Hunter and Safari.  Melvin heads over to clear up the scuffle, and finds that the Ookabollakongas were actually bugging a fella named Sir Whitegreen Greystone (of the London Greystones, naturally).  Once the baddies are scared off, Whitegreen reveals to Mel that he's there looking for a boy who had been lost in this jungle many years prior... one that was rumored to have been raised by apes.  Whattayaknow, that little boy... was Melvin!  With the promise that a ranch-style house will be waiting for him, they head for London right away... leaving poor Jane all by her lonesome.

Time passes, and they finally dock in London.  Whitegreen is greeted by his grandfather, Blackblue... who is shocked to learn that his grandson returned with the long-lost Melvin Greystone.  Melvin, who arrived in a cage, starts greeting his English relatives with the customary Ookabollakonga hello... which is, a headbutt!

Melvin is taken to the Greystone Estate, where he's given a nice suit (but no shoes).  There is a party thrown in his honor... during which, he goes all "primal" and ya know, destroys and eats everything.  He even sits directly on the table, which might be the worst faux pas of all.

The wait-staff brings out a suckling pig... which, believing it to still be alive (despite the apple in its mouth, and its mixed-green bedding) Melvin pounces on... and stabs several times.  He then eats the entire pig... depriving the other guests from even getting a bite.

Then... the band start playing.  This isn't the sort of entertainment Melvin is accustomed to, and so, he decides to crank things up a notch by calling forth all his pals from the nearby forests and zoos!  Before we know it, the entire party is swarming with some very violent monkeys!  Melvin proclaims that it's time for the Secret Ritual of the Dum Dum... which, would appear to climax with a... human sacrifice?  Well, can't say that Mel doesn't know how to control a room!

The story concludes back in the jungles of Africa... where Jane is still sobbing over her lost love.  Suddenly, several members of the Greystone family (all but one, evidently) come swinging by, trying to get as far away from Melvin as possible.


"Outer Sanctum" - From MAD #5 (June-July, 1953)
Harvey Kurtzman & Bill Elder

In our third and final story, we're greeted by our "host" Ramon, who really hopes we're here to fix his squeaky tomb door.  Since we're not, and we're here anyway... he'd like to share a story with us.  This one comes from the Crypt of Terror #7 comic book (cover-dated July-August of some year)... actually it looks like there never was a Crypt of Terror #7... Crypt of Terror took over the numbering of Crime Patrol... which took over the numbering of International Crime Patrol... which took over the numbering of International Comics!  Issue #7 would've been under the Crime Patrol title!  Of course, none of this matters since it's just a gag... but, you know me... I think too much about stupid stuff!  Anyhoo, this horror tale opens in the Louisiana Bayou, where a Professor (called The Professor) is about to stir up a concoction in a cauldron.

After taking a swig, the Prof realizes he ain't keen on the flavor... and decides to dump the whole pot out the window and into the swamp.  Ya see where this might be headed?  That night, the bubblin' stuff works its way through the swamp... giving birth to: The Heap!

The Heap rises from the muck, and decides to pay his Pappy the Prof a visit.  They hit it off right away.  The Professor... who we now learn is "Evil", though that really isn't much of a surprise, has an idea on how to best use his creation.  And so, the following morning, they head into town and check out the Cajun National Bank... and rob it!

Their crime spree continues over the next little while... however, one day the Professor notices that something strange had come over his "son" the Heap.  The muck-encrusted whatzit was suddenly acting all sorts of... self-conscious?  The Professor found him combing his slime, applying aftershave, and even dressing in a killer zoot-suit.  Turns out, his li'l boy was in love!  Lucky for him, there just happened to be a female garbage heap hanging out behind the Professor's hut!  I wonder if this means these Heaps are related?  I wasn't expecting this to be incestuous!

The Professor wasn't about to have none of this, and so he did what he felt he needed to do... he burned the female garbage heap!  Oh, the humanity!

The Heap went berserk... ran amok through town... then disappeared back into the bog, never to be seen again.  This tale wraps up with the possibility that the Heap did once again meet up with the female garbage heap... and together they had trashy, slimy little heap-tots.

The feature, and the issue concludes with our humble host, Ramon bidding us farewell... before realizing that the pile of garbage in his receptacle wasn't garbage at all... but, The Heap!


Well, this was a pretty weird departure from the normal nonsense I cover here... but, overall... I had a good time with it.

I certainly feel like this issue "peaked" early with the Superduperman feature, though The Heap was a lot of fun too.  The only story here I really didn't care for was Melvin of the Apes... who, I'm guessing isn't the Melvin that the tot on the cover was warning his folks about.  I will say that the art was exceptionally strong throughout all three stories.

Superduperman was probably my main draw for covering this in the first place... Superman, out of the three satirized subjects, is the only one I have any sort of beyond-surface-level familiarity with.  I do think renaming the characters as Clark "Bent" and Lois "Pain" was a bit lazy... but, then again, I highly doubt Kurtzman thought some grown idiot would be analyzing these bits some seventy-years later.  The Captain Marvel bit was cute... and probably served as the best possible foil for Superduperman.  I know I already mentioned how much I enjoyed the art, but, it's worth repeating that Wally Wood's work here is wonderful.

Melvin of the Apes... uh, looked nice.  Really did not like this one much at all.  I'm not much of a Tarzan aficionado, so perhaps there were some "beyond-surface-level" nods to the source material that I would've better appreciated had I been more familiar with it... but, ehhh... overall, wasn't a fan!  Again, it looked nice!

Our final story, featuring The Heap was pretty cool.  I liked the old Tales from the Crypt style "host" segment... and it actually got me to do a little bit of research on some old EC Comics.  The tale itself was fun... with The Heap being an unwitting accomplice to all sorts of crimes, before falling in love with a pile of garbage.  The ending of the story-within-a-story was cute... as was the close of the overall feature.

These stories have been collected... but, not being the biggest MAD-fan, I couldn't tell ya how easy, difficult, or spendy it might be to track 'em down!  The issues that include the three stories we have here (actually most-or-all of the early comics-trim issues) are available digitally at Comixology.  I'll include the links... rrrrrrright now!

Issue #4 - Superduperman
Issue #5 - The Heap
Issue #6 - Melvin of the Apes

Overall, had a good time with this... and, if satire's your thing (heck, even if it's not), I think you'll dig this well enough too!


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Saturday, June 24, 2017

All-Star Comics #62 (1976)

All-Star Comics #62 (September-October, 1976)
"When Fall the Mighty"
Plot - Gerry Conway
Script - Paul Levitz
Art - Keith Giffen & Wally Wood
Colors - Carl Gafford
Letters - Ben Oda
Cover Price: $0.30

Strangest thing... remember last week when we discussed Justice League of America #124?  It ended with a blurb introducing an ongoing series starring the "Super Squad"... which I had absolutely no knowledge of.  I thought perhaps it was something DC had planned, and just never followed through on...

It was brought to my attention that the Super Squad would appear in All-Star Comics for a short time, and would be comprised of the younger Earth-2 heroes.  Fair enough... maybe I'll have to keep an eye out for those, I sez to myself.

Fast-forward a couple days, and I'm in the middle of my resorting and filing project before we move house this Fall, and as I'm flipping through my JSA box, whattayaknow... I find a few issues of All-Star Comics... featuring the Super Squad!

Let's check one out!


We open with the members of the Justice Society gathered around the body of Dr. Fate.  He is hooked up to, and being kept alive by some sort of massive contraption.  Turns out he's been (mortally?) wounded by the villainous Vulcan.  Dr. Mid-Nite has located the damage with an infra-red scope, and the Star-Spangled Kid is "willing" the cosmic rod to... do something to help keep Fate going, it isn't quite clear.  Power Girl is (wo)manning the console, and sees an ankh appear in Dr. Fate's mind.

Hawkman and Green Lantern approach, and take a few panels to discuss Dr. Fate's origin.  Alan suggests that perhaps if they were to go to Egypt, they might find some "hidden knowledge" with which they might save Kent.  Hawkman thinks it's a... decent idea, but he has other things he needs to attend to.  Wildcat jokes that he's off to "feed his widdle parakeet"... he's kind of a jerk in this story.  Anyhoo, as Lantern and Hawkman head out, they run into Flash and (the retired) Hourman.  The concoct a plan, Alan and Jay are Egypt-bound, Rex is going to remain with Dr. Fate, and Hawkman's... gonna head home to feed his widdle parakeet.

We shift to the private museum of Shiera and Carter Hall, where there appears to be an intruder lurking about.  After a brief look at Wildcat being sexist toward Power Girl, we return to the museum... the intruder comes across a crate... surrounded by a puddle of melted amber.

Turns out this crate housed the man-monster Zanadu!  It wraps his red-hot hands around the intruder, Dr. Arthur Kliburn's throat.  The resulting scream wakes Shiera Hall a few rooms over.  She rushes in, however, upon seeing the threat, decides discretion might be the better part of valor.  Unfortunately, Zanadu nabs her before she can escape... and the pair vanish!

We pop back in on Jay and Alan as they are traveling over the water.  Alan is especially bloodthirsty at this juncture, stating that he needs "something to fight... something to kill!".  Back with the Society, Wildcat is still being sexist... it's kinda his thing.  Power Girl breaks a vase, which transitions us to Hawkman discovering the crate of melty-amber.  

Hawkman opens his little "chest compact" to alert the Justice Society of the situation... we see Power Girl, Hourman, and Wildcat receiving the call... we also see another person getting the call.  It's a man with graying hair sitting at his desk at the Daily Star newspaper.  Hmm...

In a brief aside, we meet a cloaked man in an Egyptian bazaar.  He is looking to buy a gourd full of some sorta mystical fluid, however, the vendor isn't looking to sell... he's more in the mood for a trade.  The vendor wants the cloaked man's white horse... and so, there's no deal.  I'm gonna assume that this fella is the Shining Knight, but I can't say for sure.

Back at the brownstone, Hawkman is filling the folks in on the amber menace and the disappearance of his wife.  From here we get one of those awesome cross-section pictures of the brownstone itself!  It's always great to see these... wish they'd do them more nowadays.  Anyhoo, as Hawkman blibba-blabbahs, (the Golden Age) Superman arrives!

There's a bit of an awkward confrontation between Superman and Power Girl.  She joined up with the Justice Society "against his orders".  Seems Power Girl's "thing" right now is arguing with everybody.  Fair enough, I guess.  Hawkman grows irritated at the bickering... and suggests they cut it out and follow him, if they're "still interested in justice, that is".  Poor Hourman is told to stay back on guard duty... which leads Rex to reconsidering whether or not he made the right call deciding to don the costume once more.

We shift half a world away... Tokyo, Japan.  We rejoin Zanadu and an entranced Shiera Hall, as the former pontificates his plan to "loose the forces of chaos" and destroy Japan!  As the Society arrives, they find that the people of Tokyo have all been paralyzed.  Superman and Power Girl leap into action.

The Kryptonian cousins confront Zanadu... which the man-beast thinks is pretty laughable.  He draws a wave of lava from a nearby volcano (I'm not sure which one)... and bathes the Man of Steel in it.  The lava hardens... and an inert Superman falls to the ground.

Power Girl don't take too kindly to that... unfortunately, she finds herself sinking into the ground below.  The issue ends with Zanadu possessing Wildcat with a strange tune... which turns him against Hawkman!


Decent enough issue.  Nothing mind-blowing, but good fun.

It's strange, it kinda feels like they're going for the complete opposite of what folks think of when thinking about the Justice Society.  Early on in the issue there is a caption (of Hourman's thoughts) which reads "The JSA you remember was quieter, more professional".  That's kinda what I always think too, especially for a Society of this vintage.  It seems to me that they went out of their way to make this feel as different as possible from expectations.  I am still something of an All-Star neophyte, so this might be old hat (or complete bunk) to many reading.

In the "not so quiet" "not so professional" department... boy, there was a lot of bickering here.  If it wasn't Wildcat being a boilerplate sexist, it was Power Girl complaining picking fights with everybody about not being taken seriously.  I actually sympathized with Hawkman when he was fed up and all "alright, already... let's go do Justice-y things!"

It was neat to see the Golden-Age Superman... a Superman who couldn't fly, but instead leaps!  So cool to see that.  I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things here, but it also felt like he was drawn in a more Golden Age style... eyes closed when speaking and whatnot.  Actually, I noticed the "closed eyes" thing for several characters during this story.  Neat callback, if in fact it was!

The threat of Zanadu seems kinda "monster of the week" to me.  I always have a difficult time getting invested in baddies like this... as I've mentioned a bunch of times already, it's generic "one off" villains that kept me from really getting into DC Comics when I was a kid.  Not sure why, but it hurt my level of investment.

Overall, a fun enough issue... and despite my minor quibbles, one I'd recommend tracking down (if you're interested in the JSA or Golden Age).  As luck would have it, this adventure is included in SHOWCASE Presents: All-Star Comics, Volume 1 and is also available digitally.


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