Showing posts with label warlord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warlord. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bonus Book #6 - Warlord (1988)

Bonus Book #6 - Warlord (September, 1988)
"Spotlight on Jennifer Morgan: Growing Pains"
Writer - Steve Wilson
Pencils - Rob Liefeld
Inks - Jeff Albrecht
Letters - Tim Harkins
Colors - Danny Vozzo
Edits - Robert Greenberger

The other day, I talked about an issue of Wonder Woman that I was sure I had... but didn't.  Today's subject was kind of the opposite.  It's a book that, at a glance, I thought I didn't have!  As I was digging through the ol' Warlord longbox, I somehow missed it... which made me a bit itchy.  Ya see, the included Bonus Book, if the very New Mutants #87-esque cover didn't tip you off, features Rob Liefeld art... his first for DC Comics!  Since Rob's gone on to be, ya know, pretty notable... I feared this might be one of those situations where I was going to be nailed with severe sticker-shock.  Those fears were soon assuaged, however, when I discovered that my less-than-nimble fingers just missed the issue while flipping through the bin.  Whoops.

So yeah... this is the first DC Rob Lee-field, maaaaaan!  This is going to give us the opportunity to take a look as some very early Liefeld work... which is pretty exciting!  And no, that doesn't mean today's piece will be rife with durr-hurr, pouches and lol, no feet "observations".  We'll save that low-hanging laziness for writers of "hard-hitting" clickbait listicles... believe me, there's plenty of those online.  Too many, in fact!

Anyhoo, this Jennifer Morgan spotlight was included within the pages of Warlord #131 (September, 1988)... and this is my first time reading the thing!  Heck, this might be my first time reading a triple-digit numbered issue of Warlord altogether!


We open on a scene of a child stealing a shekel from a corpse... hey, wait... is that Cable?  Anyhoo, after nyoinking the coin, the young fella dashes away... a hooded woman watches the whole thing go down.  Then... for reasons that will be sorta-kinda clear later on, we shift scenes to a movie theater... where a young Jennifer Morgan and a friend are gushing over Mel Gibson's cuteness.  Ya see, it's sort of alluded here that the pick-pocket scene might just be from a movie... but, it ain't.  The very next panel reveals that the hooded figure from before is a grown-up Jennifer Morgan.  She chases down the li'l thief... and tries to find out what his story is.  This muscular tot's name is Valdesar (well, that's going to be fun trying to navigate my spelling-sense through for the entirety of this post)... and he's a homeless orphan, his folks are dead.  Jenn notices some bruises on his forehead (which, I can't see) then she and Val embrace.

Ms. Morgan takes the boy back to, wherever it is she's living... I'll admit I have zero familiarity with the "Jenn days" of Warlord.  She is met by Masaqi, who has a look like Rob's trying to evoke some George Perez.  No disrespect to either artist there.  We also get a brief glimpse back to Jennifer's childhood... where she has found a stray cat... and is bringing it back home.  Ya see where this is headed?  Guess what?  Auntie Morgan doesn't want no stinky cat in her house.

In the present, Jenn tells Masaqi that she'll try and find a home for Valdesar the next day, before watching the boy as he sleeps.  Probably, she thinks to herself, the first real night's sleep he's had in quite some time... after what might've been his first real meal in just as long.  A woman enters and asks Jennifer if she knows the sort of responsibility she's taking on.  Jenn shrugs it off... after all, all of Shamballah is her responsibility, so one kid ain't no thang.  The woman than advises Jenn that some stuff's gone missing since the boy arrived.  Uh-oh.  So, uh, ya see where this is headed?  We get a glimpse back to Jenn's childhood, where she is hanging signs for a "Free Kitten" on telephone poles.

The next day, Jennifer brings Valdesar into town in hopes that they might track down some members of his family.  They run into a merchant named Gratan... who immediately lashes out at the boy!  Ya see, he's been stealing stuff.  Hmm.  Gratan starts slapping the boy around... which Jennifer ain't gonna let fly.  She zaps the dude but good!

And ya see... that looks like exactly the sort of thing Valdesar wanted to see happen to the old man.  A wicked smirk comes across his face as the dottering merchant lay prone on the ground.  We get another glimpse of Jenn's childhood... where, against her aunt's wishes, she continues to feed the stray cat.  Ya know what they say about feeding strays, right?

That night, Jennifer puts Val to bed... and he plays it real cool, pretending to be afraid of sleeping, on account of all those bad dreams about bad people and whatnot.  This kid really knows how to play up his angle.  Jennifer leaves him to rest, and runs into Masaqi... who reveals that, another item has gone missing... this time, a dagger.  Looks like Valdesar has some designs on getting revenge.

Oh!  That's not all... Jennifer is then presented with some of what Masaqi and Company found in Val's room... those stolen goblets, and that corpse-shekel!  Ruh-roh.  In the past, Mama Morgan insists the cat leave... as it's ruining all of her furniture.  I gotta say, these flashbacks aren't working every time, but instances like this really add to the urgency of the story.

It doesn't take long for Jennifer to realize that Val is very likely going to kill that Merchant... and so, she rushes toward his room.  Unsurprisingly, he ain't there.  Jenn leaves, wherever it is she lives, and heads for the Merchant's home... she is too late.  This is compared to that stray cat... eating a bird?  Are we to assume this was a pet bird, and not just "some" bird?  I mean, a stray cat's gotta do what a stray cat's gotta do, right?  Food's food... law of the suburban jungle, and all 'at.

Jennifer confronts the killer kid... who isn't at all interested in talking.  Instead, he runs away... into the street... more specifically, into the path of a team of horses.  Splat.

Jennifer isn't dealing with this all that well... and blames herself for her inability to "reach" the broken boy.  By this point, Masaqi has caught up... and he insists that this is not her fault.  The boy was already gone the day she found him.  This is reflected with her mom calling Pest Control on the bird-breathed kitten.  I didn't know that was an option for getting rid of a cat?

We wrap up with Jennifer crying herself to sleep... while Masaqi and that woman, whoever she is, look on pondering whether or not Jenn will ever get over this.


This was good.  I enjoyed this!  A nice coming-of-age story... or at least, a cruel-lesson in humanity story for Jennifer Morgan.  I'll concede right off the bat that I don't know much about her... I'm going to assume she's Travis' daughter?  I suppose it really doesn't matter how (or if) they're related for the purposes of this story.  It was just a good little story.

The gimmick where we jumped back and forth to Jenn's childhood was creative, and well-done most of the time.  There were a couple of vignettes that were a bit of a reach... or were just a bit confusing.  The first one, in the movie theater, was especially odd.  Probably not the best way to start the gimmick... made me take pause and wonder exactly what we were getting into!

The lesson learned was a good one.  Ya can't save everybody... especially when they don't want savin'.  I think it's a relatable situation Jenn put herself in... I feel like, at our cores, we all wanna be good people... it's just that that desire is somewhat easy to exploit.  We sometimes choose to ignore signs that are right in front of our faces, hoping the best out of those around us.  Jennifer did that with Val... heck, she did it with the cat too!  She refused to listen to reason... she allowed her Pollyanna pursuits to cloud her view of the situation.  Well told.

Should we talk about the art?  Yeah, probably.  As unclickbaity as this is going to be... and I promise I'm not trying to be a "contrarian" but... it was good.  I could be a complete internet a-hole and attribute that to Rob "having a good inker", but I have no problem giving folks praise when I feel they deserve it.  Heck, maybe I've got that Jennifer Morgan "clouded judgment" thing going on?

I feel weird talking about art... as, it's not something I usually go in-depth on here at the blog.  Liefeldian chatter, however, comes with a certain expectation though, doesn't it?  I feel like this was during Rob's time evoking the style of his favorite pencillers... there are definitely some familiar influences in his work here, and honestly, there ain't nothin' wrong with that.  I suppose we could say that this is from a time before the "bad habits" set in.  Does that get me comics-critique-internet-cred?  Oh well.  The art was good... it's still definitely Rob (the overly buff child, the high hair... it's clear to see)... but, it was good.

Let's hit up our Creator Round-Up!  Steve Wilson, our writer, is a man who existed... possibly still exists to this day?  I can't find a blessed thing about the fella!  The DC Wiki doesn't even list this story as having existed!  Comicvine, my usual "Plan B" for surface-level research, doesn't even list him as being part of the creative team!  Rob's listed, so they're not ignoring the story as a whole... but, Mr. Wilson's nowhere to be found!  If you know anything about the dude... or, are the dude... let us know where you're at!  You wrote a good little story here!

Across the table, we've got Rob... and well, you might say Rob's gone on to do some stuff in the comics biz.  He's done the hokey-pokey with DC Comics throughout his career... his next stop after this is drawing the Hawk & Dove miniseries.  He did the whole creating Cable and Deadpool thing over at Marvel... and would go on to be one of the founding members of Image Comics... wore button-fly jeans.  There are plenty of places you can find in-depth looks at the life and times of Rob Liefeld... including an old episode of The Cosmic Treadmill!

Overall... a good story, probably the best sort of story for this Bonus Book "try-out" format.  It's a take it or leave it "aside", stands on it's own... doesn't need to be referenced ever again, but wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings if it were.


(Not the) Letters Page:

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Warlord #31 (1980)

Warlord #31 (March, 1980)
"Wings Over Shamballah"
Writer/Artist - Mike Grell
Inker - Vince Colletta
Colorist - Adrienne Roy
Letterer - Ben Oda
Editor - Jack C. Harris
Cover Price: $0.40

Hello Friends!  Today's discussion is going to be a special one... one in which we discuss a particular issue of Warlord.

A bit of background, I "discovered" Warlord a bit late in the game... like, 2010-late.  That's kinda weird when I consider that my comics fandom started with ElfQuest.  Anyhoo, after coming across most of the Warlord run in a wildly generous quarter-bin, it became one of my favorite "nightstand reads" ever.

While we're going to be discussing Warlord #31 today, for our purposes, we're going to start by looking at the last panel of Warlord #30.  The blurb tells us that the next issue will go on sale December 27th.

From Warlord #30 (February, 1980)
That stuck out to me because... well, that's my birthday.  Then I thought on it a bit more, realized that these comics were coming out in 1979... and further realized that Warlord #31 was going to come out not just on my birthday... but the actual day of my birth!

Did this book actually come out December 27, 1979?  Well, I couldn't say for sure... but, for the purposes of this discussion... yeah, it sure did!  So, enjoy!


We open with Travis Morgan still on the road to Shamballah.  For now, he is seated at the ruins of Shaban D'aba... surrounded by half-a-hundred broken and bloodied bodies of attacking wild dogs... no, not that Wild Dog.  He thinks back to how he wound up here... 

These dogs have attacked him three times already, earlier having been driven into the rushing currents of a stream by the pack.  Morgan found himself carried for several miles before pulling himself out.  Unfortunately for him, however, these dogs are rather persistent.

It finally comes down to the last few dogs... and Morgan manages to take them out.  The struggle has taken a lot out of him... and so he leans up against the ruins, which triggers a trapdoor sending our man down into the belly of the pyramidal structure... right into a treasure chamber?!  Morgan digs through the loot considering all the good it could do for the world... but stops when he senses eyes on him.  Turning around, he spies a pair of trolls... who appear to be, I dunno, "deactivated".

Travis sees some writing scrawled on the walls and heads over to investigate.  It's written in a language similar to Ashtari, which he has some familiarity with.  He is able to decipher much of it... and deduces that it was written by Mongo Ironhand.  It mentions "The Evil One" and speaks of spells being broken by bloodshed.

Morgan continues checking out his surroundings, and posits that the blood of the wild dogs must have broken whatever spell was keeping this chamber locked up.  He decides to leave the "goblins gold" behind, however, spies a shield adorned with a black bird that he feels might be of some use to him in his travels.  He grabs it... which somehow stirs those trolls from their slumber.

A battle rages... and what a battle it is!  Morgan stabs one right through its shoulder... and slices the other troll's foot off at the ankle.  Shockingly, this hardly even slows them down.  So, we're not just dealing with trolls... but zombie trolls?!

Realizing this isn't a fair fight, Travis decides to pull out the heavy artillery, in the form of his .44 Magnum.  This also doesn't even phase the beasts.

Morgan stumbles back.  As the trolls pursue, they step into a beam of sunlight coming through the trap door.  This appears to hurt them... and so, Travis uses his newfound shield to reflect the intense light right at his attackers... reducing them to a smoldering pile of ash.

Using a spear, Morgan pulls himself out from the vault.  This three-panel scene was, for some reason, so cool to see.  I feel like we usually don't get to see these, I dunno, "utilitarian" scenes in comics.  Just check it out... three panels, which could've been skipped... but add so much with their presence.

Once outside, Morgan peers out into the distance... and can see the golden domes of Shamballah greeting him on the horizon.  As he makes he way, something strange happens.  That black bird on his new shield begins to stir... pulling itself free, it grabs Morgan in its talons!

The bird takes off with Morgan in its grip... and flies our man over and passed Shamballah!

Morgan stabs the bird several times, however, it works about as well as when he stabbed those trolls earlier.  Which is to say, not at all.  Suddenly, da boid is hit by a blinding bolt of lightning... and it drops our man.

We wrap up with Travis Morgan hitting the drink before washing up on shore... where he is greeted by a pair of rather large feet.


Well that was a good time.  Makes me wish there were more hours in the day to enjoy this series again.  It really takes me back to my early experiences with ElfQuest.  This arc has Morgan heading to Shamballah to make good with Tara... this isn't too dissimilar to the Wolfriders' "original quest".  It's a trek... a journey, where there will be unexpected obstacles to overcome.  Loved it in ElfQuest, and I love it here.

Being on the fringes of the DC Universe affords Warlord so much freedom in how it operates.  There are no worries of contradicting, or slowing down other stories/titles... so, the pacing here is not dependent on anything.  That's how we can get an issue like this to enjoy.  For all but the last couple of pages, Morgan makes very little in the way of forward momentum in his journey to Shamballah.

Hanging out at the ruins made me feel like Grell was "world building" here.  Giving us landmarks in Skartaris, really fleshing this place out.  I appreciate things like that... these days, we can't seem to decide on simple things like character costume designs and hair-length... so, giving Skartaris a  sort of "physical heft" really adds to the lore... at least for me.

Ever since I started this little blog, I've familiarized myself with the way panels are laid out.  Certain creators have their own tricks to laying out a page, and Grell most definitely has his.  Very creative layouts... awesome to look at, rather a pain to photograph.  Though, I'm guessing nobody was worried about some goofball trying to take pictures of these pages some 38 years later.  Though, as I said... awesome to look at.  Mike Grell does not mess around... this is a beautiful book.

Now, since we're chatting up Warlord/Grell... I'd be remiss not to mention our great friends Ruth and Darrin Sutherland and their wonderful Warlord Worlds Podcast... who, as luck would have it... released their newest episode... TODAY!  Happy Birthday to me!  They discussed this issue about a year ago.

Overall... had a really good time with this.  I'd definitely recommend checking this series out... even if you're not necessarily a "swords and sorcery" sorta reader.  I feel like this series kinda transcends that.  If you're still on the fence, definitely tune in to Warlord Worlds, where Ruth and Darrin can "hum a few bars" and hopefully get you interested!


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