Web-Lapsed, Episode Ten
Amazing Spider-Man (vol.5) #81 (February, 2022) [LGY#882]
"Beyond, Chapter Seven"
Writer - Saladin Ahmed
Art - Carlos Gomez
Colors - Bryan Valenza
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna
BB's - Thompson, Ziglar, Ahmed, Gleason, Wells
Edits - Cohick, McGahey, Lowe, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: December 15, 2021
Web-Lapsed reaches the double-digits... and it's time to weave another spider into the Beyond Web: Welcome to the era, Miles Morales: We hope you survi-- nope! Not gonna do it!
Also, we get a bit more clarity on the link between the Beyond Corporation and Infinite Solutions, Doc Ock's involvement, and Spider-Ben's insecurities/maturation.
It's a really good ish, I hope you'll gimme a listen!
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