Showing posts with label werner roth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label werner roth. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 063 - X-Men #48 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-Three

X-Men #48 (September, 1968)
"Beware Computo, Commander of the Robot Hive!"
"Yours Truly, the Beast"

Writer - Arnold Drake
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Irving Watanabe
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

How can we miss the X-Men if they never go away?

Today we wrap up the "split-up era" for our Uncanny Heroes... just an issue after we kicked it off! This time, we're hanging out high in the desert mountains of New York City with Cyclops and Marvel Girl while they face off with a reject Fantastic Four baddie! It's not ALL bad though, once we get through with our lead feature, we get to watch Hank McCoy write with his feet for a few pages!

There's still the Mutant Mail-Box, the Bullpen Bulletins, and Stan's Soapbox gets relevant! All that, plus some discussion and interview notes about Gary Friedrich and Arnold Drake's little discussed time with the World's Strangest Teens!

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 061 - X-Men #46 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-One

X-Men #46 (July, 1968)
"The End of the X-Men!"
"... And Then There Were Two"
Writer - Gary Friedrich
Pencils - Don Heck, Werner Roth, & George Tuska
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Artie Simek
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12c

Back behind the mic after a long hiatus... jumping back in with the Silver Age X-Men, just as they're getting set to split up! This being a Chris-show, expect the first half-hour of it to be full of stuff you probably couldn't care less about... but, once I finally get to the comics-content, it's a pretty good time! Two "ehh" stories, the Mutant Mail-Box, and Bullpen Bulletins are all here!

Huge and sincere THANK YOU for your patience and lack of new episodes over the past few months.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 58 - X-Men #45 (1968)

Essential X-Lapsed X-Men 45

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Fifty-Eight

X-Men #45 (June, 1968)
"When Mutants Clash!"
"And the Mob Cried... Vengeance!"

Writer - Gary Friedrich
Layouts - Don Heck
Pencils - Werner Roth & George Tuska
Inks - Johns Tartaglione & Verpoorten
Letters - Sam Rosen & Irving Watanabe
Colors - ?
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

On the eve of Avengers vs X-Men: Round Two -- we get to experience a slapfight between Cyclops and Quicksilver!  Not much more to say about this one!  Our "Origins of the Uncanny X-Men" backup is sillier than ever... and, speaking of silly - boy, wait'll you hear how the X-Faithful eulogized Professor X in the letters pages!



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Monday, March 7, 2022

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 57 - X-Men #44 (1968)

Essential X-Lapsed X-Men 44

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Fifty-Seven

X-Men #44 (May, 1968)
"Red Raven, Red Raven...!"
"The Iceman Cometh!"
Plots - Roy Thomas
Writer - Gary Friedrich
Layouts - Don Heck
Pencils - Werner Roth & George Tuska
Inks - John Tartaglione & John Verpoorten
Colors - ???
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

We're finally back for a stint in the Silver-Age... where one of our teen-age heroes meets a fella outta Marvel's Golden Age!  It's the coming (and going) of Red Raven!  Hold on to yer harnesses gang, this one's gonna be a barn-burner!  We've got us a new writer to boot!

Plus - The Origins of the X-Men backup strip focuses on Kid Kool as he gets roughed up by some Strong Island street toughs, and thrown in the clink!

Also - our normal Silver-Age back-matter - Letters Pages (featuring future pros Keith Giffen and Carl Gafford), an abridged Bullpen Bulletins bit, and an absolutely overflowing MIGHTY Marvel Checklist!

It's great to be back in "the long ago", I sure hope you'll join me!



X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, January 14, 2022

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 7

MasterworX 7 Silver Age X-Men Factor Three Banshee

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Seven

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episodes 29-34
(00:00:00) X-Men #25: "The Power and the Pendant!"
(00:32:02) X-Men #26: "Holocaust!"
(00:56:18) X-Men #27: "Re-Enter: The Mimic!"
(01:21:26) X-Men #28: "The Wail of the Banshee!"
(02:00:00) X-Men #29: "When Titans Clash!"
(02:33:00) X-Men #30: "The Warlock Wakes!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth & Jack Sparling
Inks - Dick Ayers & John Tartaglione
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Colors - ?
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢/per

Our X-Amination of the X-Ploits of the Silver Age X-Men continues... as we recommence our travels down crappy villain corridor... dealing with the likes of El Tigre and the Ogre.  Thankfully, this leads us to an actual direction for our young mutants... plus, a new member (and field leader) in The (not-even-a-mutant... at the time) Mimic!  The direction in question is... well, not a great one, as it's the seemingly interminable FACTOR THREE storyline!  Are you ready for this?  Probably not...


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, January 7, 2022

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 6

x-lapsed masterworx x-men strange tales

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Six

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episodes 029-034
(00:00:00) Strange Tales #141: "Operation: Brain Blast!"
(00:32:02) Strange Tales #142: "Who Strikes at -- S.H.I.E.L.D.?"
(00:56:18) Strange Tales #143: "To Free a Brain Slave!"
(01:21:26) X-Men #22: "Divided -- We Fall!"
(02:00:00) X-Men #23: "To Save a City"
(02:33:00) X-Men #24: "The Plague of... the Locust!"
Writers - Stan Lee & Roy Thomas
Pencils - Jack Kirby, Howard Purcell, & Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin AND himself)
Inks - Frank Giacoia, Mike Esposito, & Dick Ayers
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Colors - Probably that Goldberg guy
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢/per

The Essential X-Lapsed rolls on... and OFF the beaten X-Path to continue x-ploring the x-ploits of the Silver Age X-Men... as well as popping in on the first appearance of semi-relevant Marvel Mutant... Mentallo, in the pages of Strange Tales - a three-part adventure starring Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

All that, and our usual Silver Age Back-Matter, including Letters Pages and Bullpen Bulletins!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, December 31, 2021

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 5

X-Lapsed MasterworX 5 Silver Age X-Men

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Five

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episodes 025-028
(00:00:00) X-Men #18: "If Iceman Should Fail...!"
(00:37:08) X-Men #19: "Lo! Now Shall Appear -- The Mimic!"
(01:16:14) X-Men #20: "I, Lucifer..."
(02:05:45) X-Men #21: "From Whence Comes... Dominus?"
Writers - Stan Lee & Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin) & Jack Kirby
Inks - Dick Ayers
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - ???
Edits - Stan Lee

A bit of a shorter MasterworX compilation this time out in order to compile all three of our "Off the Beaten Path" Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D./Mentallo episodes into the next bunch... but, a fun group of issues all the same!

Today we'll see the torch passed, as Stan Lee makes his exit as the writer of our merry Mutants, welcoming Rascally Roy Thomas who'll take over the chore for the next few years!  We're going to tangle with Magneto, meet The Mimic... and get a bit more Luciferian gobbledygook!

Plus: All the usual Silver Age backmatter (Letters Pages, Ads, Bullpen Bulletins) you can handle!

Happy New Year!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 056 - X-Men #43 (1968)

X-Lapsed X-Men #43 1968

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Fifty-Six

X-Men #43 (April, 1968)
"The Torch is Passed...!"
"Call Him... Cyclops"

Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - George Tuska & Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione & John Verpoorten
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Colors - ???
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Back to the flagship... but still with Magneto!  A wildly convenient little ditty today, which starts at Professor X's somber memorial... and ends up on the electrified floor of Island M.  The hows and whys are part of (if not ALL of) the fun...

Also: A backup strip to shut up some of the more annoying... err, prolific... letterhacks, finally explaining how Cyclops' powers work!

Speaking of letterhacks, we'll be covering 7-8 of those, then hopping into the Bullpen Bulletins to talk about the 1968 Marvel Explosion, I kvetch s'more about variant covers... and much, much more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, December 10, 2021

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 4

 X-Lapsed MasterworX 4 - FF Annual X-Men

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Four

(00:00:00) X-Men #13: "Where Walks the Juggernaut!"
(00:31:55) Fantastic Four Annual #3: "Bedlam at the Baxter Building!"
(01:02:47) X-Men #14: "Among Us Stalk... the Sentinels!"
(01:36:57) X-Men #15: "Prisoners of the Mysterious Master Mold!"
(02:10:42) X-Men #16: "The Supreme Sacrifice!"
(02:41:33) X-Men #17: "... and None Shall Survive!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby, Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin)
Inks - Joe Sinnott, Vince Colletta, Dick Ayers
Letters - Sam Rosen, Artie Simek
Colors - Stan Goldberg (uncredited)
Cover Price: 12-25¢/per

In today's compilation of the X-Men's Silver Age X-Ploits we wrap up their first run-in with the Juggernaut, discuss all three part of the initial Sentinels/Master Mold storyline, and bring back their most dread foe!

Perhaps most importantly, however, we take a look at the Original Five's highest profile guest appearance to date... what might be the most vital Marvel Comic of its day -- the star-studded, shared-universe confirming, Fantastic Four Wedding of Sue Storm and Reed Richards!

It's a great time as always, and as always - chock full of Silver Age backmatter and ephemera, including deep-dives on the "Let's Visit the X-Men" mailbag, the Bullpen Bulletins, the Merry Marvel Marching Society... and even some less-gestalty, yet still wonderful, listener feedback!

Consider letting me keep you company for a few hours today!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 051 - X-Men #41 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Fifty-One

X-Men #41 (February, 1968)
“Now Strikes… The Sub-Human!”"The Living Diamond!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - George Tuska & John Verpoorten
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - ???
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

In our Essentials "October finale... in the middle of November", we're going out with a... meh!  The X-Men fight another interchangeable monster of the month... and Cyclops fears that Professor X might have the not-so-secret hotpants for the lovely Ms. Grey!  Plus: Our Origins of the X-Men featurette rolls on, showing us how Scott and the Prof first met!

Plus - All the usual back-mattery nonsense you've come to know and tolerate!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 050 - X-Men #40 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 050

X-Men #40 (January, 1968)
“Mark of the Monster!” & "The First Evil Mutant!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - George Tuska & John Verpoorten
Letters - Artie Simek & Al Kurzrok
Colors - Ya know, that guy
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

It's the regular-sized, nothin' happenin' Landmark Milestone FIFTIETH Episode of The Essential X-Lapsed!

And, boy do I wish we had a better story to talk about...

It's the X-Men vs. Frankenstein('s Monster)... by the way, I will refer to him both as "Frankenstein" AND "Frankenstein's Monster"... so, consider that your trigger warning!  Also, we meet the First Evil Mutant, the ridiculous Jack O'Diamonds!

All'at and all of our normal nutty back-matter!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 049 - X-Men #39 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 049

X-Men #39 (December, 1967)
“The Fateful Finale!” and "Lonely are the Hunted!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - Vince Colletta & John Verpoorten
Letters - Artie Simek & Al Kurzrok
Colors - ???
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Finally... our X-Tended stint with Factor Three comes to a close!

Today, your humble host proves that not even threat of illness will keep his stupid ass off the microphone, as we close out this arc, and prepare to jump headlong into the next... even weirder era!

Plus: Mutant Mail-Box, Bullpen Bulletins, a radio interview with Stan Lee, and much more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 048 - X-Men #38 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 048

X-Men #38 (November, 1967)
“The Sinister Shadow of… Doomsday!” & "A Man Called... X"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - George Roussos (as George Bell) & John Verpoorten
Letters - L.P. Gregory & Sam Rosen
Colors - 90% Accurate
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Our Factor-Three story rolls on... well, it kinda limps on, but we'll try and remain positive.  Also, for the first time ever, X-Men has a back-up featurette, as we're kicking off the long-promised "Origins of the X-Men" series of stories!

Plus - The Mutant Mail-Box, Bullpen Bulletins, a new (hopefully unsqueaky) chair and all that nonsense!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 45 - X-Men #35 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Forty-Five

X-Men #35 (August, 1967)
"Along Came a Spider..."
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - Dan Adkins
Letters - Jerry Feldmann
Colors - ?
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢


So, Banshee's attacked by a spider right around the same time Peter Parker heads up to Salem Center... what could possibly go wrong?

That's right, folks - it's the first battle between Spider-Man and the X-Men... and it goes pretty much as you'd expect.  At least it's Factor Three-adjacent... looks like we're not too far off from finally kicking that arc off in earnest!

Plus: Mail-Box, Bullpens, Beat Poetry and more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 43 - X-Men #33 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Forty-Three

X-Men #33 (June, 1967)
"Into the Crimson Cosmos!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - The Crimson Crayon of Cyttorak
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Into the Ruby Limbo of Cyttorak!

Today we wrap up our second Juggernaut arc by traveling INTO the Gem of Cyttorak itself... and facing off against the dread demonic Xorak.

Also, our Factor Three subplot continues to (slowly) bubble away.

Plus: Mutant Mail-Box, Bullpen Bulletins, Stan's Soapbox, and much much more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, October 29, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 42 - X-Men #32 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Forty-Two

X-Men #32 (May, 1967)
"Beware The Juggernaut, My Son!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - Bernard the Beat Poet
Catering - Irving Forbush
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Beware the Juggernaut, my son!

Today we find out what lurked behind the brown door (don't Google that) and our youngest X-Man's birthday party is interrupted by both Bernard the Beat Poet and the dread threat of Satan's Saints!  Someone cue Yakety Sax... as silliness abounds!

Plus: Mutant Mail-box, Bullpen Bulletins, the inaugural Stan's Soapbox, the dramatic return of the Mighty Marvel Checklist... and much, much more!  Yer humble host is strugglin' with some new dental work... and, I'm happy to say, no tongues were bitten off during the making of this episode!


Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 41 - X-Men #31 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Forty-One

X-Men #31 (April, 1967)
"We Must Destroy... The Cobalt Man!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - Cobalt Crayon
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Who's ready to meet Creepy Ted Robert's far-superior older brother?

Yeah, me neither... but, he's kinda important for this story.

Also: Stop me if you heard THIS one, o' Front-Facer - the X-Men are sent on vacation... which gets interrupted by a baddie!  That almost never* happens.

All that, plus the Mutant Mail-Box, the Bullpen Bulletins, and much more gestalty goodness from yer humble host!




Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 39 - X-Men #29 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Nine

X-Men #29 (February, 1967)
"When Titans Clash!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - Whodat?
Skating Instructor - Irving Forbush
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

The Essentials are back... and we've got a question: How do you solve a problem like The Mimic?  Well, maybe we figure out a way to depower him for the second-time in ten issues?

Yes folks, today Cal Rankin's gonna stop calrankining long enough to discover the meaning and value of friendship... and make the ultimate... well, near-ultimate sacrifice for his fellow X-Men.

Plus - Mutant Mailbox, Bullpen Bulletins, and all the usual Essential Nonsense!


Friday, October 8, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 38 - X-Men #28 (1967)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Eight

X-Men #28 (January, 1967)
"The Wail of the Banshee!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - Dick Ayers
Letters - Artie Simek
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

Welcome to the world, Sean Cassidy!

Today we meet one of the more enduring X-Characters of the Silver-Age... future X-Man, Headmaster of the Massachusetts Academy, and Horseman of Apocalypse: Banshee!  I also somehow wander into complaining a lot about how commercialized internet search engines have become... and how difficult it is to research when you're wading through pages and pages of advertisements-posing-as-search-results.  Please listen anyway!

Plus: All of the late 60's era back-matter that you never knew you needed in your lives!


Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 37 - X-Men #27 (1966)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Thirty-Seven

X-Men #27 (December, 1966)
"Re-Enter: The Mimic!"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - Dick Ayers
Letters - Sam Rosen
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

With all of the D-List baddies outta the way, it's time to get back to X-Business as Usual... and reintroduce The Menace of the Mimic!  How did ol' Cal Rankin get his mojo back?  Is he friend or foe?  What does this mean to our Merry Mutant heroes?  We'll sorta-kinda get those answers and a whole lot more today!

Plus: In our Letters Page, we learn that Rascally Roy doesn't take to corrections and criticisms with the same charm and good humor that Stan the Man did!  Roy does NOT like being corrected!  Looks like these letters pages are about to become even MORE fun to cover than they already have been!

Check it out!

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