Showing posts with label wonder woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wonder woman. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2019

BONUS BOOK - Wonder Woman (1982)

BONUS BOOK - Wonder Woman (February, 1982)
"New Wonder Woman Preview"
Writer - Roy Thomas
Pencils - Gene Colan
Inks - Romeo Tanghal
Letters - John Costanza
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Editor - Len Wein

And now for an Insert Preview (or "Prevue" as the cover page puts it) that I've never bothered to read before.  It's features like this that remind me what an "embarrassment of riches" we fans have these days when it comes to options and reading material.  In my younger days, where I'd only be able to buy like one comic book a week, I'd have absolutely loved any extra content I'd get... be it a letters page, a back-up story... or a free "Prevue", I'd be so appreciative... and would just devour all of the content.

These days though?  There are just too many options out there... too many readable-pages competing for my attention.  I can be choosier... and even go as far as to dismiss or ignore things that, at a glance, won't interest me.  That's this NEW Wonder Woman feature in a nutshell... something that, upon first look, was boring... starring a character, who I also feel is quite boring.  Just never felt like it was worth my time.

I guess that's what this little BONUS BOOK project is all about!  Broadening my horizons by actually reading some long-ignored part of my comics library... and hopefully finding something worth checking out and sharing!

This Wonder Woman story was included in DC Comics Presents #41 (January, 1982)... though, you might've noticed (but probably not) that the insert feature itself bears a "Feb" cover-date.  As for the DCCP ish, this insert interrupts a... rather lackluster team-up between Superman and the Joker.  Maybe we'll discuss that sometime... or not.


Our story opens in Washington, D.C. where Colonel Steve Trevor and Captain Diana Prince are en route to a rendezvous point to drop off a locked briefcase.  Unfortunately for them, it looks like this clandestine meeting might just have been a set-up!  They are approached by a pair of gun-toting spies!  Trevor tosses the suitcase to Diana and instructs her to take off running with it.  As she is his subordinate (least I think she's supposed to be), she does as she's told... running down an alley to protect the loot while he fights off Boris and... Boris?

In the alley, Diana socks the briefcase away in a garbage can and changes into Wonder Woman... who, isn't obliged to obey the Colonel's orders.

Wonder Woman bursts through a wall as though she was Kool-Aid Man, and proceeds to engage in some bullets-and-bracelets before beating up the bad guys.

In the interim, Boris and Boris's buddies have stowed Steve Trevor in the back of their town car... and are attempting to get away.  Wondy ain't about to sweat these fools... and makes pretty short work of them.  The geeks are kayoed, Steve Trevor is saved, and a pair of onlookers appear to be extremely excited to be in the presence of their hero.

As Steve is loaded into an ambulance (and Wonder Woman pretends not to be too worried about him), that pair of groupies decides to approach her.  Ya see, they represent the Wonder Woman Foundation... a non-profit outfit that has been promised full financial backing... from somewhere... to promote Equality for all Women.  They'd like for Wonder Woman to kind of be their public face... which, ya know, stands to reason if the foundation is named after her.  Also, they want her to change her outfit... ditching her old halter to one with "W's" on it.

Wonder Woman takes a moment to ponder this... and decides that, before agreeing to anything, she ought to talk it over with her mother.  And so, she boards her invisible robot plane and heads Paradise Island way.

Upon arriving back home, she finds that the Amazons are a bit subdued.  Getting a closer look, she learns they're not only "subdued"... but bound and shackled!  Turns out they'd been visited by Hercules and Hermes... two grade-a a-holes!  They've stolen Hippolyta's Magic Belt of Strength, and have more or less taken over the place!

Diana decides to challenge Hermes to a race... for the Magic Belt of Strength.  Ol' Hermes ain't one to look like a chicken, and so... he agrees.  He hurls the Belt into the distance and he and Wonder Woman race to procure it.  Wonder Woman wins.

This only leaves Hercules to deal with... and so, Diana challenges him to a test of strength.  Which, after a whole lot of Roy Thomas banter and captions... she wins!

After the dust settles, and the Olympians vamoose back from whence they came, Diana chats up her mother regarding the new halter.  Hippolyta encourages her to wear the new one... and represent women everywhere (which I thought she already did anyway...).

We wrap up with the new-look Diana hopping back on her invisible robot plane to head back to the States to check on Steve... and the realization that, uh-oh... Steve Trevor is... dying!


I suppose I ought to admit right off the bat that I never realized that Wonder Woman's costume didn't always have "W's" on it!  I'm not sure quite how to describe that old design... but, when the groupies handed her the halter with the W's... I didn't really see what the big deal was!  In flipping back a few pages, I was able to realize that... yeah, it's different.  I didn't get to appreciate the importance of this... or, how... I dunno... "landmarky" this change might've been though.

I get that there's symbolism... but, drawing so fine a line under the W's representing Women Everywhere kind of lessens the importance of everything she'd done while wearing her old costume.  I mean, are we supposed to believe that Wonder Woman only started representing Women after she wore a shirt with a "W" on it?  I dunno... I'm probably thinking about it too hard... and through a scarily less-subtle 2019-2020 lens, where everything needs to be completely spelled out for us.  Otherwise, how would we ever know how morally superior the writer feels they are?

Speaking of "current year" lamentations... it's so darned refreshing to see a story where a character gets a new direction/new look/new creative team... and not a shiny new #1 issue to go along with it!

As for the story itself... ya know, it wasn't half bad!  I was expecting this portion of today's piece to be full of yawns... but, I kind of dug it!  Well, the first half anyway.  I'm not sure there's a writer who's ever walked the Earth who can make a Paradise Island story "work" for me.  I even resort to skimming those early issues of New Teen Titans that occur there!

The first half of the story though?  Top notch superheroics... building tension, leaving some questions unanswered, just all around good stuff.  The second-half... ehh, it was perhaps a, for lack of a better term, "necessary evil".  We needed Diana to chat with Hippolyta... and since this isn't a "current year" comic, we weren't about to get 16 pages of identical photostatted "talking heads".  Gotta appreciate the effort here of actually delivering a bit of action, regardless of how uninspired I might've found it!

Overall... a good outing, and a story I'm happy I finally got around to reading!

UPDATE: February 18, 2020:
An advance preview of Wonder Woman's new costume from Amazing Heroes #3 (August, 1981):


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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Wonder Woman #253 (1979)

Wonder Woman #253 (March, 1979)
"Spirit of Silver... Soul of Gold"
Writer - Jack C. Harris
Penciller - Jose Delbo
Inker - Frank Chiaramonte
Letterer - Milt Snapinn
Colorist - Jerry Serpe
Editor - Ross Andru
Cover Price: $0.40

Welcome to day two of our Wonder Weekend... where we're celebrating, ya know Wonder Woman stuff.


We open on the Moon with Diana explaining to her mother Hippolyte how her battle with the Empress of the Silver Snake went down.  The fight ended with the Empress peering into Diana's soul expecting to find a great evil... instead, realizing she has immense courage, then turning herself to lead!  Hippolyte (which I'm sure I'm going to type as Hippolyta at least once) approaches the leaden figure... whose eyes begin to glow red!  The Empress attacks calling out Hippolyte as a betrayer!

The Amazons, seeing their Queen being attacked, leap into action.  They fire a few blasts from their rayguns... the force of which causes them to fly backwards due to the lack of gravity.  Diana can tell from the way the Empress speaks that this is not the first time she's encountered Hippolyte.  She wants an explanation, however, that's going to have to wait.  The Empress hops on her Silver Snake and flees... and Hippolyte allows it.  The Amazons are puzzled.

We rejoin Diana back on Earth where she is heading to work at NASA.  She is an astronaut trainee, and she arrives just in the nick of time to participate in the Weightless Chamber.  Among her fellow trainees is a man named Mike Bailey who she appears to be a bit standoffish with.  We get the impression that he might remind her of somebody she was once close with.

While Diana and company are having a game of Zero-G catch, we revisit the Empress.  She reveals that she believes that Diana is somehow occupying her body... and has also turned the Amazons against her.  Not sure what any of that means, but the plot is sure thickening!

Back at NASA, Diana and Mike are readying for an exercise in the subterfuge.  As Mike goes for a (literal) spin, his capsule breaks free, slamming into Diana... who, thankfully has the power to stop it before it does any real damage.  She pulls Mike out of the capsule, and in the heat of the moment, they share a kiss!  He refers to her as "Angel", which was also what Steve Trevor once called her.  Confused and perhaps ashamed, Diana rushes away.

Later, Wonder Woman and Hippolyte lead the Amazons back into space to face off with the Empress for their final battle.  The lady warriors charge, leading to the Empress reacting by blasting the bracelets of the Amazonian "extras".  This causes them to go mad... like frothing at the mouth mad!

The Empress grabs Hippolyte with the intentions of relieving her of her magic girdle.  Diana attempts to interfere, leading to the baddie hoisting the Queen over her head, at which time she refers to her as... her sister?!  Uh oh...

Now we finally get an explanation.  The Empress is really the sister of Hippolyte... Diana!  She had been killed many years prior in a struggle with Hercules... after which, her ethereal form just sorta floated around... watching.  When she returned to Paradise Island, she found a group of Amazons that were unfamiliar to her... they were fortified and armed.  As she observed... she continually grew weaker.  She headed into space where she came across an asteroid comprised of silver and gold... and so, she decided to craft herself not only a new physical body... but a neat-o Silver Snake spacecraft!

With her new body, the Empress went back to observing.  This time around she sees Wonder Woman whuppin' on some fools.  The Empress is puzzled... why would an Amazon impose herself on an ordinary man?  And, more importantly, how did this Amazon in particular wind up in her body?!

Back in the present, the Empress wonders aloud how Hippolye could hate her so much that she would give away her body.  Before she might attack, Wonder Woman catches her in a full nelson.  At this point, Hippolyte decides to come clean... Wonder Woman is her daughter... who she crafted in the image of her late sister Diana!  Well, that's all new information to me!  It's at this point that the Empress fully grasps the fact that she is... dead.

The issue ends with the Empress begrudgingly accepting her fate... and she is greeted to the afterlife by a pair of Amazon spirits, finally about to go to her final rest.


Wow, wasn't expecting to find out how Diana got her looks in this issue!  How 'bout that?  I really wasn't expecting all that much to happen here... just figured it was any ol' pre-Crisis issue... they always seemed so interchangeable to me.

I like the idea that if Diana had to be "created" it was done in the image of someone Hippolyte held dear... perhaps even in tribute of that person.  That's a neat little wrinkle that I'd never known... or even considered.

I don't really consider Wonder Woman a "cosmic" character... that is to say, didn't expect to see a space adventure here.  I'm usually think about Greek pillars and architecture, not stars and spaceships.  I'm not a fella who really digs space stories, but I gotta say, I was a bit relieved when I cracked this open.

The NASA bits were good in that I got the impression that these characters had been part of Diana's cast for at least a little while... and they were written in such a way that I didn't feel lost.  I didn't need to know their backstories, as the only one we needed to worry about here was Bailey.  Harris did a fine job letting us know all (I feel) we needed to know for this particular chapter.

Overall, a nice issue.  We get a big reveal (perhaps a really big reveal) without interrupting ongoing subplots.  If I were a betting man, I'd say nothing that happens here still "matters", but I feel it's still well worth giving a look if you come across it.  As far as I can tell, this issue has not been made available digitally... and to my knowledge, has yet to be collected.  If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.

Just like I said yesterday, I hope all the folks who headed out to the theater over the past couple days had a Wonder-ful time!


Letters Page:



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