Showing posts with label x-factor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label x-factor. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - X-Factor #27 (1988)

Merry X-Lapsed X-Factor 27

Merry X-Lapsed!

X-Factor #27 (April, 1988)
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Walter Simonson
Inks - Bob Wiacek
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Petra Scotese
Edits - Harras, DeFalco
Cover Price: 75¢

Let's celebrate Christmas with X-Factor and those *other* New Mutants...

The watchword for today's installment of Merry X-Lapsed is... exposition, so do your humble host a favor and do NOT take a sip of spiked eggnog every time I say it!  The Simonsons work their hearts out to keep any X-Factor looky-loos who may've just popped their heads in to keep up with The Fall of the Mutants... and, well... it doesn't make for the easiest read... or, synopsis-writing experience!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, March 20, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 2c - X-Factor #72 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 2C

X-Factor #72 (November, 1991)
"Multiple Homicide"
Writer - Peter David
Pencils - Larry Stroman
Inks - Al Milgrom
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Letters - Michael Heisler
Edits - Harras & DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Will the real Jamie Madrox please stand up... or, well - die, I guess?

Episode Two rolls on, as Jeremiah (@bigox737) and I discuss the weirdness of which dupe got shot, and look into Havok and Polaris's awkward romantic reunion.  Jeremiah will also hop into the hot seat for the dread "Pod File" segment!

It's a great time as always, we hope you'll give us a listen!


Saturday, January 16, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1c - X-Factor #71 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 1C

X-Factor #71 (October, 1991)
"Cutting the Mustard"
Writer - Peter David
Pencils - Larry Stroman
Inks - Al Milgrom
Letters - Mike Heisler
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Edits - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.00

Back to the #FCTCXMen Episode One Redux... today, I'm sharing the FIRST segment we'd ever recorded for the program... and, for the first time, you're going to be hearing the whole thing!  It's the X-Tended Cut of X-Factor #71 with Jeremiah (@bigox737), complete with awkward Treadmillisms I'd included when I wasn't completely sure how these segments were going to go, and a long chat on the house ads included in the issue!


Saturday, December 26, 2020

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 3f - X-Factor #73 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 3F

X-Factor #73 (December, 1991)
"Crowd Control"
Writer - Peter David
Pencils - Larry Stroman
Inks - Al Milgrom
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Edits - Harras & DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 3 rolls on - with the final segment I've got in the hopper - Jeremiah (@bigox737) and I go dupe-crazy when we discuss X-Factor #73!

From there, Jeremiah will share with us the "Soundtrack of his Life" - It's a great conversation, that I've been sitting on for far too long - we hope you'll join us!

Also: I heard from several... a handful... okay, a couple of people, who said they'd like for me to break the previous two episodes of FCTC into individual segments... and so, that will likely begin in the coming weeks!  If you haven't heard 'em - they're new to you!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

X-Factor #13 (1987)

X-Factor #13 (February, 1987)
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Walter Simonson
Inks - Dan Green
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Petra Scotese
Assistant Edits - Bobbie Chase
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Jim Shooter
Cover Price: $0.75

Today I'm going to start a project that I've wanted to start for... literally years.  It started life as an episode of Weird Comics History... shifted over to an episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill... and then, well... we just never got around to it.  Listeners of X-Lapsed might know that there's this weird topic that I sometimes wax nostalgic over... one that, I perhaps romanticize more than I should, because... really, it's not all that important.

It's just that, during my late-teen years, when I was a USENET addict - trying to absorb as much as I could about "everything X", I remember sitting under the learning tree of more seasoned X-Fans... who would write at length about some "what could'a beens", and dangling plot threads, and aborted storylines.  These tales were always fascinating to me... but none more so, than that of THE TWELVE.

Of course, "The Twelve" would eventually pay off around the turn of the century... but, not in a way anyone would've expected... and, for the most part... not in a way anyone really dug.  That's probably the innate problem with "armchair plotting" these stories that might actually happen... they never wind up being anywhere near as good nor as memorable as we plan them to be in our minds!

And so, today - we're going all the way back to where the very concept of The Twelve originated - and over the course of the next little while, follow along with the handful of twists and turns that lay ahead for this topic.

I'd like to say I'll be updating this regularly... I really would... but, ya see... nuBlogger still sucks eggs, and is wildly user-unfriendly.  Wish I wasn't such a coward, so that I could just jump to a different platform!  Guess that's the problem of having already logged like two-million words on this page.  Oh well - let's kick off the coverage with X-Factor #13 (if only they started it one month earlier!)


We open with the Master Mold slamming down into the Bering Strait from the orbiting observatory where it had been defeated.  It sinks like a stone... where it will surely just harmlessly remain, right?  From here, we shift scenes over to the X-Factor Complex in Manhattan, where some of the younger folk (and Beast) have themselves a game of... I dunno, dodge ball?  There's a ball involved, but that's really all we know.  Anyhoo, Cyclops is preparing to head out to try and reconcile with his estranged wife, Maddie Pryor... and says his goodbyes.

We follow Scott as he enters a cab, intending to swing by the hospital to check in on Warren's recovery after their
Mutant Massacre run-in with the Marauders.  During the ride, he thinks a lot about everything that's happened of late... re: Maddie and Jean.  This is a man who is familiar with the sensation of regret.

At the hospital, Warren is joined by Jean, who is also talking a thing or two about regret.  She's very upset about everything going on with Scott's family... and also, she and Warren were just recently "walked in on" by Candy Southern... who assumed her beau was cheating on her with the redheaded returnee.  During this conversation, Scott approaches the door... but decides not to enter.

As luck would have it, Jean happens to peek out the window just in time to see Scott's cab pulling away.  She uses her TK to halt the rig, and heads into the parking lot to have a chat.  She gives Scott a hug and kiss... and says she's only here to say goodbye.

Once Scott's on his way, Warren is visited by Cameron Hodge who reveals that Worthington Industries is being sued due to Angel not being completely forthcoming with his finances, re: his X-Factor holdings.  Hodge pretty much tells him that he's on his own here... 

We return to Scott after he arrives back at his and Maddie's place.  He's surprised to see that the house is up for sale.  Scott can't blame her for moving on with her life, but stews about how often he's left alone all the same.  He then worries about what baby Nathan will think about him as he gets older.  Oh buddy, you just wait...

Scott tries to get inside his own home, only to find out that Maddie changed the locks.  Lucky for him, he has something of a "master key" in the form of his optic blast.  He proceeds to shoot the lock to gain access.  In so doing, however... PINGS the Master Mold, stirring it back to sentience!  And, we're looking at this book today simply because of this single panel.  Master Mold awakens... and makes the first-ever reference to the fabled
Twelve!  Ya see, old Double-M is here to stop them from... well, doing whatever it was they were supposed to do!

Inside the house, Scott finds diddly and squat.  The whole joint is empty.  He decides to head over to the "Anchorage Hilton", which looks like it shares a building with Larry and Balki's apartment.  Hank calls him to check in, while the kiddos are still roughhousing.  They destroy some furniture, which gives us the opportunity to chat up another obscure mutant... the young fella known as
Ape!  Ape has a close pal who shows up for a bit, but this other one's got a pretty problematic name.

Back to the Master Mold -- who has just risen from the, assumedly, cold waters of the Bering Strait.  It takes chunks of material from an oil rig, and proceeds to rebuild itself.  Oh, and apparently, this mechanical bugger is mentally "Steven Lang" now.

Later, we rejoin Scott as he checks in with the Real Estate Agent about his house being on the market.  The associate he chats with claims to have spoken to a "man named Summers" on August 5th... which, just so happens to be the same day Scott left to join X-Factor.  Our man gets a bit lippy, and so, the young lady sets off the silent alarm to have him dragged away.

Back to Master Mold... where the big bot tries out its hand blasters.  Looks like they're working just fine!

Next, Scott heads over to North Star Airlines, hoping to check in with his grandparents.  Welp, they sold out... someone came in and made 'em an offuh dey couldn't refuse... on August 5th!  Whatta coinkidink!  Oh, and what's more... the new owner fired everybody else as well!  Scott, once again gets (awkwardly) uppity (I mean, really dude - a cross-face chicken-wing)... and gets tossed.

After a stop at the bar, Scott gets an idea -- he'll head to the Anchorage Hospital where his son was born and try to dig up the records.  After breaking in and scouring the files, however, he's still got bupkis.  Worth noting, he had to use his optic blast to break into the filing cabinet... which, once again, pinged the Master Mold.  Ya see, Scott -- is one of
The Twelve!

Next stop for Scott is the public library, where he checks out the ol' microfiche doohickey looking for records of Maddie's crash back on September 1st of whatever year that was.  If you recall, everybody in that crash perished... except Maddie, who walked away without a scratch.  He once again... finds nothing.  It's as though she never existed in the first place!

Flippin' through the fiche, Scott happens across the news item for
another crash on the same day... one in Jamaica Bay.  One that resulted in an apparent death of one redhead.  Scott digs into the retcon a bit more, and deduces that - hey, if the Phoenix Force could've tricked everyone into thinking it was really Jean - could it also have manifested Madeline Pryor into the world?  Scott freaks out at the notion, and rushes back to the house.

There, he's met by... Maddie and Nate!  But, he knows better.  He calls them fake, and blasts away at them.  Maddie, smiling, doesn't deny anything - but mentions how convenient it must be for Scott for her to enter his life upon Jean's "death" - and for she and baby Nathan to vanish into thin air upon her return.

She then shape-shifts from Madeline... to the Phoenix... to Jean... to Dark Phoenix, all the while taunting Scott with her fakeness.  Scott blasts her again, this time taking out a radiator in the corner of the room.  This is a radiator that Nathan would always lose his rattle behind, and - check it out, his rattle is right there!  Maddie and Nate
do exist.

We wrap up with a pair of epilogues.  First, a body of a redhead is found, facedown in the drink.  The police officers wonder if this might be the same woman that weirdo with the shiny red specs was asking about.

The second, is the Master Mold... getting ever closer to his target.  Mister One-Twelfth himself: Cyclops!


Loved this issue!

What a great character-piece for Cyclops.  Here's a guy, who - muddled with regret - is trying to make things right with his estranged family, only to learn that - this family might never have existed at all!  Makes you wonder just who might be screwing with him like this?  For a sorta-paranoid fella like myself, this is completely up my alley.

It reminds me a bit of one of my favorite underrated television shows, Nowhere Man starring Bruce Greenwood.  In the pilot episode, Bruce's character is out for drinks with his wife - he leaves to use the restroom - and upon return, it's as though his entire life has been erased.  His wife is gone... when he returns to their house, he finds that she's married to another guy... and, in fact never even knew him.  It's a pretty wild ride... until the network (either UPN or WB) totally gave up on it.  That's the sort of story that really gets into my head... and, it manages to do so here as well.

I love how Scott was able to find Nathan's rattle.  Whoever is screwing with him, didn't do a thorough enough job cleaning things up.  Really clever way to give Scott a little bit of assurance that his family actually did exist... and weren't just manifestations of the Phoenix Force (or whatever).

We get some bubbling subplots here, which are always a delight in these 80's X-Books.  Warren getting sued, Cameron Hodge not being all that great of a help, Beast trying to keep the kids in line... really good stuff.

Then, there's the Master Mold - and the revelation that there are Twelve strong, pivotal Mutants "around which others will gather".  We haven't the slightest idea what that's all about just yet... and, we know how disappointingly it'll all wind up - but, hey... let's pretend and be blissfully optimistic!

Overall - it'd been a long while since I'd last read these early X-Factor issues.  At this very moment, I've actually got the first Essential X-Factor volume sitting on my nightstand - just waiting for me to actually pick it up and read it again.  Maybe one'a these days.  Heck, maybe one'a these days I'll figure out how to just read comics for fun again!  Fingers crossed...


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Saturday, July 11, 2020

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 2 - November, 1991

One week ago today, I was supposed to deliver the third episode of From Claremont to Claremont... though, in a far superior timeline, I'd have been putting out the fourth.  That didn't happen... and, I probably should apologize to the folks who were both looking forward to listening, and those looking forward to participating.

It's been a pretty conflicting time for me of late, and I suppose over this past month, I suffered a bit of an "emotional relapse" of sorts.  I will be making an official "statement" (if you want to call it that) regarding all of my projects in the next couple of days.  I have received a handful of questions regarding the future, which I very much appreciate... and I apologize for dragging my feet on answering.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

X-Factor #71 (1991)

X-Factor #71 (October, 1991)
"Cutting the Mustard"
Writer - Peter David
Pencils - Larry Stroman
Inks - Al Milgrom
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Editor - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Blogger's still being precious... don't worry though, Blogger support doesn't care a bit, so it's probably all in my head!

"Leave Feedback" they say (they being the "lookitme, lookitme" white-knights in the support forums - they really need that pat on the head from Daddy Google!)... I'd get further asking my dog for programming help.  Hell, at least that way, I'd get a response of some sort.

If I wasn't so scared of losing the million-plus words I've written here over the past four and a half years, I'd be jumping ship PDQ.

Anyhoo... let's meet the all-new, all-different (as of 1991) X-Factor.


We open with Lila Cheney's bodyguard, Guido Carosella asking Lorna Dane if she happens to have any Grey Poupon.  Now, that's kind of a dated reference... so, a teeny bit of context.  Ya see, back in the early 90's, there were these commercials for Grey Poupon Mustard... featuring very classy individuals in fancy cars eating, ya know, things that go well with mustard.  One would pull up to another, roll down their window and inquire whether or not the other had any.  The answer would always come back, "but of course".  Here, have a look for yourself:

Lorna too replies "of course", because ya see... X-Factor has everything... including some of the tallest ceilings you'll ever hope to find anywhere.  Guido gets the mustard and positively slathers it all over a split loaf of Italian bread.  At the end of the table, Jamie Madrox struggles getting the lid off a jar of mayonnaise... lotsa condiment humor here.

Lorna and Guido discuss the possibility of Alex Summers joining up with this All-New, All-Different X-Factor... with the former having a bit of dilemma considering her personal history with Havok.  Meanwhile, Madrox continues to fiddle with the mayo jar.  He can't open the thing... even with the help of a dupe.  Guido and Lorna are also unsuccessful in their attempts.

We shift scenes over to Genosha, where Alex is acting as a sort of foreman for the post-X-Tinction Agenda rebuild.  Government liaison, Val Cooper is trying to convince him to sign on with X-Factor... but, Al ain't feelin' it.

Suddenly an I-Beam snaps from its supports and plummets toward Val and Al.  Alex plows the thing with an energy blast, just as Rahne Sinclair leaps onto the scene pushing the other Summers out of the way.  Val doesn't even flinch... she wasn't scared in the slightest, knowing Alex would protect her.

Back in Washington, D.C. Quicksilver arrives, with the only Inhuman anyone ever cared about, Lockjaw in tow.  He's there to meet with X-Factor, but finds himself in the middle of an anti-Roxxon demonstration.  One of the protesters proclaims that Roxxon is "raping the environment".  Not used to seeing that word in an early-90's superhero comic!

Quicksilver is informed that there's a bomb about to go off... and so, he rushes into action to take care of it.  He uses his speed to find and deactivate the boom-box.

Back in Genosha, Alex, Rahne, and Val are chatting about what X-Factor can offer.  Alex is steadfast in his refusal... which prompts the arrival of Professor X and Cyclops to try and convince him.  Wonder if Charlie's gonna use the ol' Mind-Wipe?  Nah, they're just going to tell him that Lorna's already signed on.

Speaking of Lorna, back in D.C. she answers a knock at the door.  It's Quicksilver, who's finally found his way over... looking much worse for wear.  Once inside the high-ceilinged room, he faints straight away.  Guido carries him over to the couch.

Some time passes, and we get a gag about the Inhumans convincing Ben Grimm that Lockjaw was a humanoid that became a dog instead've just being a dog.  Ehh, even with their jokes, the Inhumans are a complete bore.  We also learn here that something has happened to Pietro's powers... every time he uses them, his metabolism accelerates his aging.  So, in essence, his powers are killing him.

We rejoin the Genoshan contingent as they're flying back toward the States.  On board, we learn that Val Cooper has a brother who's in the F.B.I.  At present, he's working on a case regarding a girl who was found... dead, wrapped in plastic.  Hmm... I'm sure the first time I read this, I totally missed the Twin Peaks reference.

Quicksilver continues his tale of woe... he learned via a postcard that somebody in the Washington, D.C. area is responsible for his accelerated aging.  Just then, Havok and Wolfsbane arrive and announce that they're joining the team.  Alex and Lorna have a nice little reunion... much to Rahne's dismay.  Ya see, Rahne's recently gone through some stuff... and found herself emotionally attached to Alex.  We'll be dealing with that until issue #100.

Alex also gives opening the mayo jar a shot... and is just as unsuccessful as the rest.  Finally, Val gives it a wap on the edge of the table and easily unscrews the lid.  The mayo, it's worth noting, looks pretty disgusting.

That night, we learn that Jamie Madrox's mayo jar was a gimmick he invented back on Muir Island.  Why?  Who knows.  Anyhoo, as he's in the middle of congratulating himself, there's a knocking at his door.  He answers it... and is positively riddled with bullets!

Jamie is blown back by the shots... and crashes through a window!  He falls a few floors, and our issue ends with him laying lifeless and smoking.


It's weird... X-Factor was definitely something of an outlier back in the long ago.  It didn't feel like the other (three main) X-Books... it also didn't look much like 'em!  I remember thinking there was "too much talking" in this issue... as well as hating the art back in the day.  Strange that, near thirty-years later, it feels like this one might've "aged" the best!

I'd come around to Peter David pretty quick... in fact, by the time X-Cutioner's Song was over, he was one of my favorite writers.  Heck, he was one of the first writers (not named Pini) I bothered to actually make a mental note of.  After that switch flipped, returning to these early new-look X-Factor issues was a treat.

Stroman, however, took me a bit longer to really glom onto.  I compare his place in the X-Books to Jon Bogdanove on the Superman books.  It's a bit abstract, looks nothing like it's cohort-books, and might initially stand out as being, I dunno, maybe "off-putting"?  But... all these years removed, it stands out as being more timeless, than anything... ya know?  This doesn't "scream" 1991 like a Lee, Liefeld, or Portacio... at least it doesn't to me.  I think that really helped this run feel "fresher" than the rest.  Not that I don't love the contemporary X-Books... because, I do.  But, this one's... just a little bit different.  It's that one main-line X-Book from the 90's that folks online won't give you a judgy eyebrow-raise for reading.

As far as this issue is concerned... it was pretty good.  I don't think it hits its stride for a few issues, but we gotta start somewhere.  The mayonnaise jar running gag... ehhh.  Probably not my favorite thing in the world.  I enjoyed seeing Alex and Lorna reconnect... though, that'll become more of a "thing" as we move along.

Reading this again after many, many years... I was delighted to catch the Twin Peaks reference.  Asamattafact, as I'm writing this... we were supposed to be taking our annual trip up to the Salish (Great Northern) Lodge in Snoqualmie, Washington for our Anniversary.  If the world hadn't come screeching to a halt a few months back, I'd be having my annual "girly drink" by the waterfall tonight.  Oh well.  We'll get back up there eventually.

Think that's all for today.  Sorry if my analysis was less "on-point"... just alt-tabbing between windows wrestling with damned (non-existent) Blogger support... and these ridiculous "Notice Me, Senpai" Google fanatics, relentlessly trying to shift the blame to the user.


Letters Page:

Saturday, June 6, 2020

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 1 - October, 1991

In a far better timeline, today (the first Saturday of the month) we would have released the third episode of From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast.  Due to the circumstances of this past month, we are not.  I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to it.  We were all looking forward to it as well.  The next episode is now set to drop the first Saturday of July... so, look forward to that, if... ya know, you are one who would look forward to that sort of thing.

In the meantime, however... and in the interests of "consolidating" the audio output of the Chris and Reggie Channel onto this here humble site, here's the first episode!  It's ten-hours long... so, if this is the first you're hearing about it (and you care to listen to it)... you've got plenty of audio to catch up on before the third episode hits.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

X-Factor #42 (1989)

X-Factor #42 (July, 1989)
"All that Glitters..."
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Arthur Adams
Inks - Allen Milgrom
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Tom Vincent
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Well, we've come this far... why not take a day to finish up Our Alchemical Romance?


We open in the Troll Tunnels, and X-Factor is still all chained up.  The baddies reveal their plan that, with the use of Thomas Jones' alchemical powers, they can destroy the British economy... and, ultimately drive everyone out of the country, reclaiming it as their own.  Sounds like an air-tight plan, dunnit?  Anyhoo, the Troll Associates, who are named Phy, Phay, Phee, Phough, and Phumm (not that I can tell 'em apart), work out their plan... two will remain with the prisoners, the other three will start turning things to gold with Thomas.  Worth noting, these Trolls are annoying.  The Trolls that stayed behind spot Baby Cable!  The one called Phumm (I think) shape-shifts into a dinosaur and goes to crush the tot, but the Cablet protects himself with a telekinetic bubble.

Jean starts to stir and knocks some of the baddies over with her TK abilities... after which, X-Factor makes short work of their bindings.  I mean, they're still super-powered mutants, right?  It's not like they've been inhibited or anything.  We get two or so pages of X-Factor bustin' loose.

Meanwhile, we join the rest of the Trolls (and Thomas), as they're reaching the Tower of London via magic carpet.  They want Thomas to turn the White Tower, which is apparently the oldest part of the Tower of London... to gold.  Tower, tower, tower.  I don't think I've ever typed that word as many times as right now.  Anyhoo... Thomas isn't so sure.  Suddenly a dog arrives on the scene, and starts yippin'.  One of the Trolls... slashes the dog's throat?  Oh, c'mon, flag on the play... I didn't wanna see that.  If I rated things on a numerical scale, this scene would've just cost this issue an entire point.

Thomas uses his alchemical powers to transmute the dying and suffering dog into gold.  The Trolls are oddly tickled... and decide, perhaps the Tower of London ain't important enough a place to turn to gold... and so, they set their sights on Buckingham Palace.  Hey, there's a place even I've heard of!  Thing is, he's not to transmute the building... but, the actual Royal Family!

The Palace Guards do their damnedest to hold off the Trolls... but, I mean... they're Trolls.  Do guns even work on them?  (No, they don't).  Suddenly the Police show up, and flash the baddies with their headlights.  This causes the Trolls a fair amount of pain... and does not go unnoticed by young Thomas.

The Trolls go to flee... and it's at this point that X-Factor arrives on the scene.  A fight ensues over the course of several pages, finally ending with the Trolls running back to the tunnels... and not a minute too soon, ya see... the Sun's just about risen.  X-Factor continues their pursuit, and Thomas is able to inform them that the Trolls' weakness is... Sunlight!

And so, another fight breaks out.  Iceman attempts to block off the Trolls' path with a wall of ice... but, it barely slows the bad guys down.  At this point, Thomas actually considers using his newly-minted alchemical powers to... turn the Trolls into gold.  He quickly dismisses this notion, almost equating it to murder... as there's no way he'd ever be able to return them to flesh and bone.

As the chase continues, Thomas calls out to X-Factor, revealing their current location (they're actually very close to his house... just, ya know, underground).  He asks Cyclops to smash a hole in the ceiling of the tunnel to let some sunshine in... and so, ZAPT!  Unfortunately for the good guys... it's just another rainy London day... ain't no Sun in the sky right now!

The Troll Associates are soon reunited in full... so, those two that X-Factor gave the slip earlier on, are back in the picture.  The Trolls decide that... maybe the best way to get this alchemical kid to do their bidding would be to, well... threaten his mum.  And so, they nab her!  If Thomas doesn't turn all the things to gold... they're going to flick her head clean off her shoulders.

Thomas is outta luck.  He's kind of run out of choices here... and so, he mulls it over.  He equates the Trolls to terrorists... who have no qualms about threatening and endangering innocents.  And so, he does what he'd thought about doing earlier this issue... he... turns (two of) the Trolls to gold!  Not sure where the other three got off to, but... I'm glad they're gone regardless.

After this, Thomas vows to the Golden Trolls that he'll become a Molecular Biochemist, and one day return them to flesh and blood.  Well, whatever helps ya sleep at night, Tom.

X-Factor and the Joneses decide to drop the Troll Figures in Hyde Park... but, before leaving, Thomas transmutes the gold into lead... ya know, this way they won't be so enticing to thieves.  Beast offers the kid a spot at their School for Mutants... but, Thomas turns 'em down... he's set on going to University so he might eventually bring the bad guys back to "life".  Ah, what could'a been!

We wrap up with X-Factor heading back to their Ship... and a teaser that there's about to be a kidnaping (with one p?).  The Judgment War is upon us!



I definitely don't have quite the same "soft spot" for this issue as I did for the first half of the story.  Frankly, I feel like we paid a bit too much attention to the darn Trolls here... and, boy... weren't they just a bit on the annoying side?  Eesh.

That said, I suppose I can be a bit more objective about this issue... and the story, than I was yesterday.  What we have here feels like... I don't wanna say "filler", but it's definitely doesn't feel like "must reading", ya know?  Gotta wonder if they already had the upcoming Judgment War plotted out, and wanted to end it in the milestone 50th issue of X-Factor... and, maybe this two-parter was more a "means to an end" than anything that absolutely needed telling.  I mean, it did give us an extra issue of Art Adams... which, might make the whole thing worthwhile... but, I think, as a story, this probably could've been tightened up, and told in one.

Let's talk Thomas.  We see that he realizes that actions have consequences.  He's got this unbelievable power to tinker with the chemical makeup of... anything, living or otherwise!  He knows that, if he were to turn the Trolls to gold... it'd very likely be a one-way trip... and, as such, really has to be pushed to his limit before he does so.  I thought this was pretty cool... and added a bit of nuance to his character, as well as direction for the future.

Though... just a few pages before he begrudgingly turns the Trolls to gold, he does tell X-Factor that sunlight will "destroy" the bad guys... so, maybe he's not really above killing... just as long as he ain't the one actually doing it?  Whattayagonnado?

Overall... as much as I had a hard time remaining objective about the first half of this story... this one, I dunno... kinda felt a bit sloggy.  The Trolls were almost aggressively annoying... and, I'd be fine never seeing them again.  I do wonder if there were some sort of jargon in the fine-print of the Mutant Registration Contest, where "Alchemy" (which he's never referred to as) couldn't become a regular featured character?  I remember something similar went down in the pages of Thunderbolts in the late-90's with the character Charcoal (who was the winner of a contest run for Marvel in Wizard Magazine, if I'm remembering right)... it got pretty sticky, if I recall.  So, maybe Alchemy couldn't (legally?) ever be more than what he was here?  I dunno... I ain't a lawyer, and I'm one'a the few guys on the Internet who won't pretend he is either!

Overall... I think if you read this two-parter in one "go", you'd really enjoy it.  In going through it one-per-day, I feel like the "seams" show a bit more.  So, I don't not recommend this... but, if you do decide to check out the dazzling debut of Alchemy, I'd suggest you hit up both issues at once.  And, uh... did I mention... Art Adams!


Bonus Book??? (No, not really...)


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Today I dropped the latest episode of the show named after this site, in which I discuss our recent visit with Leonard the Duck!

Also, this week...

Morituri Mondays, Episode 18!

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 2!

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