Sunday, April 3, 2016

Blue Devil #1 (1984)

Blue Devil #1 (June, 1984)

"How to Trap a Devil!"
Writers - Gary Cohn & Dan Mishkin
Penciller - Paris Cullins
Inker - Pablo Marcos
Letterer - Todd Klein
Colorist - Tony Ziuko
Editor - Alan Gold
Cover Price: $0.75

I'm fairly certain I've mentioned at least once on this blog that I am more of a post-Crisis DC Comics fan.  Not that I outright dislike pre-Crisis DC lore, it's just that it never felt... I dunno, important to me.  It felt as though every pre-Crisis book I'd ever picked up was episodic... they could be read in pretty much any order, and it wouldn't matter.  Granted, my experience with the Bronze Age and before is spotty, so I concede that I may be speaking out of my backside here...

In the years just prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, certain books popped up.  Certain... Marvel-esque books.  Books that you needed to read in succession to follow the story.  Books like Fury of Firestorm, and the book I want to discuss today, Blue Devil.  Books such as these, in my opinion, epitomized "The New DC!  There's No Stopping Us Now", and have to me been a really good "gateway drug" to the pre-Crisis DC Universe.


We open on the Devil's Isle outside the Ruins of Ile de Diable.  Several explorers stand prime and ready to ensnare the terrible Blue Devil in their special netting.  This netting proves ineffective against the demon as he breaks his bonds an--CUT!

Turns out this was simply a scene being shot for an upcoming motion picture.  Here we meet Producer/Director Marla Bloom, Gopher and Blue Devil himself, Daniel Cassidy.  It is explained that Dan's special Blue Devil suit affords the wearer super strength and capacity for special pyrotechnic effects.

Dan offers up a brief strength exhibition, lifting a large boulder over his head.  Marla mentions that someone named Sharon had gone off with another person named Wayne.  This appears to bother Cassidy, and he retires to his trailer.  It's revealed that Dan is carrying a torch for this Sharon, and considers Wayne (Tarrant) to be kind of a jerk.

We now join Sharon and Wayne who are exploring some nearby ruins which are set to be a future filming location.  Inside, Sharon discovers a golden mask-shaped item that appears to fit into an indentation on an interior wall.

As the two press the piece into the wall, an otherworldy door begins to open.  Out from the misty portal steps Nebiros, a demon that had been imprisoned for over six-thousand years.  The shocked couple books it out of the ruins.

Back on set, the crew appears to be relaxing between scenes.  Sharon and Wayne burst onto the scene, Nebiros hot on their tail!  The Demon cuts his way through the crowd, throwing bodies every which way.  Wayne shows his true colors, acting cowardly and blaming Sharon for unleashing this beast.  Sharon, however, bee-lines it to Cassidy's trailer.

Dan dons his Blue Devil mask, and heads out to size up the situation.  Marla takes note, and orders him into battle.  Cassidy reminds her that many of his suits superpowers are basically special effects... glorified fireworks, even.  Marla proves to be rather convincing and Dan relents.  Bloom orders the crew to "keep those cameras rolling" and Blue Devil enters the fracas.

Nebiros is initially rather amused by this "little demon's" offensive assault.  The two trade blows and Dan finally gets the opportunity to toss a nearby boulder at the monster... which, only seems to tick the beast off.

The battle becomes far more heated.  Dan blasts Nebiros with his staff's flamethrower gimmick, who returns the favor with an energy blast from it's eyes.  Dan Cassidy presumably lifeless body slumps to the ground as the film crew looks on.

Cameraman, Norm hops in the crew's bulldozer and plows directly into Nebiros... which the demon easily shrugs off.  It turns, and snags Miss Sharon, thinking she would make a fine meal... a feast, even!

Blue Devil stirs back to life.  Seeing the danger Sharon was now in makes him anxiously but purposefully reenter the fray.  He manages to get Nebiros to release Sharon, who runs off to safety by Marla and a dejected Wayne.

Blue Devil and Nebiros continue their struggle.  Wayne, not wanting to view himself as a wimp any longer decides to perhaps enter the fray himself.  He makes a lasso out of an electrical cable, and ropes the beast by it's neck.  Nebiros shakes Wayne and company off their perch, which buys Blue Devil a brief moment in which he can get in a few shots.

The crew advises that they'd reopened the portal at the ruins and Blue Devil directs the battle toward it.  Dan is ultimately successful pressing Nebiros back through the doorway.  The entire crew celebrates and Dan once more retires to his trailer.

Finally, back in Cassidy's trailer, he decides to take off his costume... only to find, that he can't!  The Blue Devil suit has somehow affixed itself to his body... and we are [to be continued...]


There's an ad in this book... for this book that bears the line "We've made comics fun again!".  That pretty much sums it up.  This was an incredibly fun comic book, and I immediately want to throw myself into the next issue.  The writing is wonderful, and many of the characters have already been at least preliminarily fleshed out.  The dialogue was great too, for the most part... I suppose I could have done without Nebiros' extraordinary verbosity.  The art is also fantastic.  Between the characters and the scenery, there is just so much here to love.

Most definitely recommended.  It doesn't appear to have ever been collected or made available digitally, so this is a single-issue endeavor.  Seek it out... I promise you, it's worth the effort!


Interesting Ads:

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Stanley and his Monster #3 (1993)

Stanley and his Monster #3 (April, 1993)
"Parental Discretion"
Writer & Penciller - Phil Foglio
Inker - Chuck Fiala
Letterer - John Costanza
Colorist - Robbie Busch
Editor - Paul Kupperberg
Cover Price: $1.50

Can Stanley and his Monster maintain the fun and quality it delivered in the first two issues?  Well, that would be telling... Let's go ahead and find out together.


If you need to catch up, previous chapters are available here: #1, #2

Fresh off of last issue's cliffhanger, we rejoin the Stanley family (who I now know have the last name, Dover) having just discovered the Monster.  Not wanting to tell Stanley's folks that the Monster is a demon who wasn't nasty enough for Hell, Bierce concocts a tale of Indian burial grounds, and explains that the Monster is in fact a protective spirit dog.

When asked what was up with Nyx, the Monster attempts to cover by explaining that she was just a hot date that got out of hand.  Bierce informs the Dovers that since the "Spirit Dog" was buried on their property, they were stuck with him... unless he could perhaps exorcise him.  Bierce hits the Monster with an enchantment that shocks the beast, Stanley's mother begins to feel sympathy for the non-devil, and calls off the spell.

Stanley explains to his parents that they had already given him permission to keep the Monster three months prior.  The parents must have thought he was just joking around when they gave the okay.  The adult Dovers relent, and the Monster is allowed to stay... as long as he doesn't cause any (more) trouble.

Bierce takes his leave, after reminding young Stanley about the importance of the amulet he'd given him last issue.  Little did he know that he had also been protected by keeping the amulet in his possession.  As he drives home sans amulet, he runs right into a demon who is now free and more than willing to do him harm.

At casa Dover, it is bedtime.  Stanley hops into bed and the Monster squeezes underneath.  Just as they're about to drift off to sleep there's a frantic tapping at the window.  It's Bierce, and he's brought with him a gaggle of Nightgaunts.  Bierce wires the amulet to an electrical socket to protect the entire house from the Hellbeasts.  He explains his situation to our boys, and claims that he will need to move in to the attic until he can build a new amulet... and he'll need parts.

The next morning, Mr. Dover is off to work.  He observes how strange the sky looks... it is as though there's about to be a big storm.  At the sidewalk, he runs into a peculiar blue-faced fellow wearing an odd gown.  The fellow eyeballs Stanley's dad thinking he might be the Bierce he seeks.  After some small talk, he leaves Dad be.  From an upstairs window, Stanley and Company look on... Bierce identifies the blue-man as a Servant of Moxon.

Stanley decides to show his mother just how useful the Monster can be by enlisting him in assisting with her daily chores... which goes about as well as you would imagine.

Throughout the day the house gets visited by several delivery and courier services, each dropping off pieces of supply needed by Bierce to assemble a second amulet.

 Mrs. Dover finally gets wind of what's going on up in the attic, and heads on up to... have a discussion with Mr. Bierce.  Just her, him, and a baseball bat!

Bierce hypnotizes Stanley's mother and sends her off to help her husband.  He convinces her that he had car trouble on the way to work... which is strange, considering Mr. Dover takes the bus each morning.  She tries dragging Stanley along with her, but through tricks of perspective he manages to slink away.

While Bierce toils away, Stanley and his Monster decide to, in a last ditch effort to prove how useful the "Spirit Dog" can be, make the family dinner.  During this time, Stanley's parents realize they'd been had and rush home to confront the boy, the beast, and the magician.

Upon arrival, the parents see their newly destroyed kitchen.  Lost in a rage, Mr. Dover runs head long into the Monster while wielding a baseball bat (perhaps the same one as earlier... continuity!).  He swings wildly, and destroys the amulet.

Only moments later, Hell's guardian angel arrives on the scene.  He grabs the Monster and vanishes.  Stanley cannot bear the thought of his friend being yanked back to Hell, however, he knows he is powerless to help him.  It is then revealed that while Stanley is powerless... there is one who is not... our old friend, the Phantom Stranger arrives at Casa Stanley... [to be continued...]


This was a fun issue... though, perhaps the low point of this miniseries thus far.  This just didn't feel like a penultimate chapter (I've always wanted to use penultimate in a sentence).  It may have relied a bit too much on comedy, and while the prior two issues had their comedy moments... they also had a lot of heart.  This issue, I dunno... felt kind of shallow... maybe even rushed.  The art, which up until now was growing on me took a step back in this installment.  Some pages looked just as good as earlier, however, some really felt rushed.  Maybe there was a time crunch... or maybe I'm imagining it... I'm not too proud to consider that.

I'd been looking forward to the opening scene all week.  I was genuinely curious how the Dovers were going to react to the Monster... or if there'd be something of a bait and switch.  I was mildly disappointed with the scene, and almost wish they had hit us with a swerve.

Is it worth reading?  Well, yeah... especially if you've come this far already.  It's still Stanley goodness, it's just sorta missing it's soul.  Hell, maybe that was intentional... though, probably not.  I'm still looking forward to the final issue, though, admittedly I'm not nearly as excited for it as I was before reading this one.


Interesting Ads:

This ad used to keep me up a night.
I was always scared that some alien planet would require my delicate genius

It took me forever to realize that King Faraday is a pun...
Never heard of this miniseries either!
Astronaut Ice Cream was among the most important things in the world to mid-80's Chris
Far too valuable to eat, unfortunately!

What am I waiting for?
Probably for the game to load, yo!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Mr. Mxyzptlk #1 (1998)

Mr. Mxyzptlk #1 (February, 1998)
"Invader From the 10th Dimension"
Writer - Alan Grant
Penciller - Tom Morgan
Inker - Scott Koblish
Letterer - Janice Chiang
Colorist - Glenn Whitmore
Asst. Editor - Maureen McTigue
Editor - Joey Cavalieri
Cover Price: $1.95

When I think of April Fools Day, I usually furrow my brow think of how un-fun it is to browse the internet on this day.  You gotta brace yourself for all the news that's fit to fool, and take eeeeeverything with a grain (or shaker) of salt.  Well, not here!  Here, we are going to review and discuss a one-shot featuring Superman's most enduring and endearing prankster.

I think we'll be safe in his minuscule mitts.  I mean, what's not to trust?


It's the Fifth Dimension!  We join Mxy and company as they go about their day.  Suddenly a tall woman with long dark hair enters the scene.  Smitten, the Mxy bunch all gathers around her, especially the artsy looking one with the beret.  Our lady compliments his good looks, and as they appear to be going in for a kiss... she swallows him whole.

This is no lady, it is the personification of the Tenth Dimension, the Ultimator!  The beast must eat other dimensions to survive, and four have already fallen... prey.

The Mxy bunch pleads with the beast to spare their dimension, even engaging in dance in attempt to please their would-be conqueror!

When all hope is lost, Mxy retreats to his odd-shaped home.  It is there that he keeps his magical comic collection with which, he hopes to defeat the beast!

First stop!  Logjam of Super-Heroes #100...

Once inside, our Imp finds himself in the middle of a Legi... Logjam roll call featuring such luminaries as Batter-Eater Lad, Butter-Eater Lad, Butler-Eater Lad, and Button-Eater Lad!  Mxy's sudden appearance catches the Logjamaires off guard, and before they can get an explanation, the Ultimator busts into the scene!

Despite the Logjamaire's best efforts and promises of eating buttons and butlers, they prove no threat to the Ultimator.  Rather than risk his own skin, Mxy pops out the back of the mag.

Next stop... JLA: Just-Us League of America #1...

Here we meet some proper heroes!  Souperman with his cans of chunky clam chowder, Gatman with his darkness gun, Wondering Woman who isn't quite sure what to make of things, and Martian Womanhunter who spits game at all the dames.  Once more, Ultimator makes short-work of the good-guys.  Supervillain, No-Brainiac is watching and pontificating... until he too becomes a snack.

Mxy then pops into Aquamint Man #27, featuring the King of Atlantis that replaced his missing hand, not with a hook... but with a toothbrush.  Mxy don't dig that... next stop, Young Heroes unLoved #0 (Izzat a Zero Hour tie-in?).  Seeing their book as too much of a sitcom, Mxy bails once again.

Jack Kirbptlk's Farce World #8 is next!  Mxy immediately finds himself lost in the miasma of continuity this book weaves and runs for the hills!

Finally, Mxy strikes gold.  After entering Lobo's Nephews #17 (which features the torture of Ziggy Starman! no less) Mxy enlists the aid of the Frag-tastic Four in his efforts to push back against the Ultimator.  Despite some of their best fraggin', the Li'l Lobos also prove ineffective against our dimension-eating foe.

In a great bit, Mxy writes the Ultimator's name backwards in attempt to get it to "pop" back to it's home dimension.

Last stop!  an issue of Zzzandman.

Mxy arrives only to find all of this issues's inhabitants asleep... all except the zzzZandman himself, Mopius!  Mopius goes into a purple soliloquy... that just will not end.

The Ultimator is soon fast asleep.  Mxy makes his escape, and seals the this issue in triple-strength mylar (imagine if CGC grading was a thing in 1998!).

Now, for the kicker.  It turns out this entire escapade was just a story Mxy was telling to (Electric-Blue) Superman and Lois Lane in an attempt at creating the best super hero adventure.  Superman and Lois pretend to have also fallen asleep.  Irritated, Mxy sends himself back to the Fifth Dimension... Leaving Lois and Clark to celebrate finally finding an easy way of ridding themselves of Mr. Mxyzptlk!


I know I probably say "this book was fun" a bit too much here on the blog... but, well.. ya know.  This book was crazy fun!  This book poked fun (somewhat playfully) at a lot of DC's late-nineties output, and showed readers what a strange time in DC history the late-nineties were.  This is that odd post-boom era, where titles were a bit more experimental.  Seeing a reference to Young Heroes in Love, especially, was a treat.

I do gotta wonder, how biting the commentary was meant to be.  Young Heroes in Love's sitcom/soap opera elements were, if I'm remembering correctly pretty well received... at least initially.  Jack Kirby's Fourth World was quite continuity heavy... I wonder if this was a sorta meta-commentary on that.  The Jack Knight Starman was one of those books I'd never have imagined would be parodied, especially during this vintage.  The Legion always appeared convoluted to me, so many "lads" "boys" "lasses" that it scared me off as a kid (hell, despite owning a few hundred issues of the Legion of Super-Heroes... I still don't get them!) So much interesting stuff!

As the cover so aptly illustrates, this story takes place during Superman's "Electric Blue" phase.  This is an era I am almost wholly unfamiliar with. but one I am quite interested in learning more about.  My Electric-Superman library is unfortunately quite spotty at this point in time, and I want to fill in a few of the larger holes so I can give it a fair shake.

This book is recommended for its novelty.  This is a parody-like nickel tour of the non-mainstream DC Universe circa-1998.  If you squint real hard, you may find you're looking at something of a time capsule.  Even if you only have a peripheral understanding of this era of DC Comics, the references made are not too "inside baseball".  That is to say, you'll probably "get" a lot of the gags... and you'll likely have a really good time.

Snap this one up, if you come across it!

Also, best of luck this April Fool's Day.  Don't take any wooden nickels... and remember if you hear some crazy rumors about... I dunno, Action Comics going back to it's legacy numbering this June... just take it with a grain of salt... ain't nothing nutty like that gonna happen any time soon... right?


Interesting Ads:

Sweet, New Smashing Pumpkins album!
Wait, what?
I looked at this ad for a full minute before realizing it wasn't for Twisted Metal

Remember that time in DC Comics where like EVERY back cover was for The GAP?
At least this one doesn't have a creepy kid winking at us!
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