Sunday, May 6, 2018

Brightest Day #2 (2010)

Brightest Day #2 (Late July, 2010)
"Nuclear Options"
Writers - Geoff Johns & Peter J. Tomasi
Artists - Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark & Joe Prado
Inkers - Vicente Cifuentes, Tom Nguyen, Rebecca Buchman, Don Beatty & Patrick Gleason
Color - Aspen MLT's Peter Steigerwald w/John Starr & Beth Sotelo
Letterer - Rob Clark, Jr.
Assistant Editor - Rex Ogle
Associate Editor - Adam Schlagman
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99

Sure seems like that credits-list gets longer every time I type it!  I'm glad I don't mess around listing the skatey-eight hundred variant cover artists.  Could you imagine?  These days I'd be out of digital ink before we even hit the synopsis!

Anyhoo, welcome back to...

After spending a couple of days on the fringes of the "crossovent", we're back to the "main" event book.  Who's ready for some vignettes?


We open with the Firestorms... well, it's just the one body... but, you know what I'm saying.  They're behind a sort of vault door in the Pittsburgh University Lab... and they be bickering.  Professor Stein sends in the Atom to see if he might be able to "disarm" the Firestorm Matrix, and send them on their separate ways.  And so, Ray shrinks down and hops in to the thousand-degree heat of the Matrix.

While Ray putters around, Ronnie and Jason continue to bicker... suddenly a third voice enters the mix... and it's not messing around.  It even refers to Ronnie as a (gasp!) "white boy".  This sets off a chain reaction... and Firestorm soon "overloads" and gets all blowed up.

We shift scenes to Pearl River... New York.  Got excited there for a moment, thought we might get an Ahmed Johnson cameo.  Anyhoo, we're in a suburban home where a mother is preparing a... er, ham and tomato bake of sorts.  While she works she listens to the news of the resurrected superheroes... her family is in the living room playing Rock Band: Tom Petty Edition.

Suddenly, mom loses her mind!  She repeatedly utters that "he's alive" before slaughtering her family.  As if that's not bad enough, she then yanks off her face revealing herself to be... mayyybe a White Martian?  Whatever she is, she hates her some J'onn J'onzzzzzzzz.

Speak of the Martian, we next check in with him as he checks in on the gravesite of Saul Erdel.  He phases into the casket, where we find a... very well-kept Erdel... almost too well-kept.  Anyhoo, Erdel was buried holding some photos... and if you recall, J'onn's memory flash included a woman he couldn't remember.  Well... we learn here that the elusive lass was Erdel's daughter.

We next shift to the Peruvian Jungle to rejoin the Hawks on their quest for... whoever is after their bones.  After beating up a group of random guards (they seem to do that a lot) they discover Hath-Set's... sorta-kinda sickly shrine to them.  Ya see, Hath-Set has been following the Hawks all this time... and even went so far as to create "death masks" of them each time they died.  Seems like a sickness... while at the same time, a pretty cool thing for a super-baddie to do!  Hawkman destroys the relics... and the thousands of years of history they represent.

Back to J'onn... who arrives at the Mount Hope Senior Home in Denver.  This is where Erdel's daughter Melissa is kept... and since J'onn's looking for (some sort of nebulous) answers, he shapeshifts into Erdelly form to try and get 'em!

He flies off with her, and asks what she remembers about the night they brought the Martian to Earth.  She mentions an Aztec tablet that her father had translated and became obsessed with.  She then tells a story about (I think) the first extraterrestrial Erdel summoned to Earth.  It was a monstrous critter, who nearly killed them both before escaping.

Then, Erdel brought J'onnz to Earth... however, this time he kept Melissa safely in another room.  Of course, this didn't help all that much... she was nearly blinded by a light emission... and her face was scarred by the shattering transporter console.

The elder Erdel wasn't as lucky.  His last words to J'onn were an apology... and a request to act as a hero.

We then shift scenes to Aquaman and Mera about to go on a swim.  Deadman appears just as they take the plunge... and we can see that there is a trail of floatin' dead fish left in their wake.  Aquaman's wake, if we're being specific.

Then, Deadman is nyoinked away by the white ring yet again... and we wrap up this chapter with him stood before... the Anti-Monitor?!


What I didn't consider when I decided to cover this crossovent was how difficult/tedious our "review" portions were going to become.  After all, this book is just a bunch serialized vignettes.  I suppose, as ever, we just do our best.

Let's start by discussing our cover boy, Aquaman.  You'd almost figure from the cover that he would appear in more than a single panel, wouldn'tcha?  Well, he doesn't... even so, his mystery deepens.  Over the past couple of issues we've seen him summon undead sealife... giving us the distinct impression that there might still be a little bit of Black Lantern left in him.  Here, we see him hop into the drink... and kill a bunch of fish.  Fair enough.

The Firestorms bit was... well, a bit.  There appears to be a third entity inside the Matrix... I wonder if its name might start with "Death"?  It didn't overstay its welcome... so, I'll give it that.

The Hawks scene... still does very little for me.  What's more, this time around, I'm actually a bit annoyed by it.  I get being upset at what they found in Hath-Set's "study", but... why destroy it all?  Might there have been some answers there?  Well, I guess we'll never know!

Speaking of "answers", this issue really belonged to the Martian Manhunter.  Now, I love J'onn... but, most of my (and I'd assume most people's) experience with the character is as part of an ensemble.  I feel like that's where he is best used.  His solo stories... kinda leave me cold.

Here we have him looking for information from the Erdels.  Not sure just what he plans to do with it... or, outside of learning that Melissa Erdel exists, just what he learned in the first place!  Been so long since I read this... maybe it was to introduce that "first" alien Erdel summoned?

Or maybe it was to reinforce that J'onn is a hero?  I mean, dude just resigned himself to the gargantuan task of reviving a damn planet... I think he's secure in the fact that he's a hero... right?  Oh well... we also met that suburban mother who is triggered into an anti-J'onn rage when she hears Tom Petty music... that was pretty interesting, and gross!

It's always cool to see the Anti-Monitor... though, I feel like he's one of those "diminishing returns" type characters.  The more we see him, the less of an impact he has.  I suppose that could be said for a lot of characters... but for as cosmically important a being as the Anti-Monitor, I definitely feel like "less is more".  Johns seems to really dig him, and used him less-than-sparingly during the tail end of the pre-Flashpoint DCU.  I don't wanna say he was rendered into "just another villain", but... I dunno.

Overall... this was mostly a good time.  I'm not sure I'm doing the story a service by reading it in such rapid succession however.  We talk a lot about "writing for the trade", which this undoubtedly is... but, the serialized vignette nature of it almost makes the reading experience require a week or two between installments.  I mean, we're getting cliffhangers... which, I dunno, I feel like need a bit of time to "stew".  Seeing the Anti-Monitor, and just turning the page in a trade collection feels... I dunno, cheap?

Either way... had a good time here, and I'm looking forward to having my memory refreshed as we continue.  The art throughout is pretty fantastic... definitely worth a read!


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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Justice League: Generation Lost #3 (2010)

Justice League: Generation Lost #3 (Early August, 2010)
"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue."
Script - Judd Winick
Breakdowns - Keith Giffen
Pencils - Fernando Dagnino
Inks - Bit & Raul Fernandez
Colors - Hi-Fi
Letters - Sal Cipriano
Assistant Editor - Rex Ogle
Editor - Michael Siglain
Cover Price: $2.99

It's been a little while since the last time we discussed an issue of Generation Lost... so, let's have ourselves a little bit of a catch-up.

Maxwell Lord was one of the twelve folks brought back by the White Lantern... and his first order of business was to use his powers of suggestion to make the world forget that he ever existed... and it almost works!  The world (minus the Gen-Lost Justice League) couldn't tell a Max Lord from a Mack Truck.

 Or, I guess you could just click on one of these covers for a more complete recap...

This led to the League being looked at as... ya know, delusional.  More delusional than the bwah-ha-ha League is usually looked at.  When we last left them, Booster Gold received a trouble-call from... Ted Kord?!

Worth mentioning, today is Free Comic Book Day... so, if you're a newcomer to the fandom, welcome aboard!  Just remember that comic shops are open and ready for you EVERY day... not just the ones that begin with the word "Free".

Haw haw, who am I kidding?  We'll see ya in 364 days!

In the meantime, #BrightestMay rolls on!


We open at the castle outpost of Checkmate where Fire is informed that she is not only unwelcome... but she's been relieved of her duties as well!  Ya see, she failed her psych test... twice!  Probably something about believing that there's the fella named Maxwell Lord roaming around.  Meanwhile, in El Paso Jaime Reyes and his family are being attacked by OMACs!

Booster Gold, Ice, and Captain Atom arrive on the scene.  Booster informs Beetle that these OMACs aren't completely artificial... there are innocent humans inside, so, ya know... don't kill 'em.  Tora is bewildered as this breed of OMAC came around while she was un-alive.  Skeets fills her (and us) in on how they came to be.

Inside, Jaime's pop decides "enough is enough" and starts swinging his cane at a lumbering OMAC... which would be adorable, if it weren't so sad.  Ice suggests they beat a hasty retreat, but Booster figures that'll only cause the OMAC to follow... endangering anyone in their path.  Suddenly, a portal opens... and hundreds more OMACs emerge!

Back at Checkmate, Bea is being read the riot act.  The Black King calls out her family's mental history... and really makes a mess of things.  Then, from the corner of her eye, Bea sees... a rather chuckleheaded John F. Kennedy Maxwell Lord!  She "flames on" and gives chase.

Max runs for a bit just to get out of sight before waiting for her to arrive.  He mocks her a bit... and tries to get her to question her own sanity, before causing himself to combust in her green flame.

Bea panics, and bursts through the castle walls.  The Black King calls off his men, suggesting that she's now the Justice League's problem.

Back in El Paso, the heroes (and Reyeseseses) are surrounded by OMACs.  It's a pretty neat scene in that Beetle's suit keeps telling him ways to kill all of the OMACs... and doesn't immediately get the point that they're looking for a non-lethal solution.  I give Winick a lot of grief for his poor dialogue, but this scene (hell, this series) is a great showcase for his abilities.

Finally, Beetle and the suit realize that powers of magnetism might be the best approach... which means, Blue Beetle has magnetism powers?  I guess?  Oh well, he uses 'em... and causes the OMACs to fall into a stasis.

Then suddenly, a portal opens... and begins to suck 'em all in.  Beetle fights the pull, until Booster suggests they just follow 'em in.  Tora ain't on board... but Booster doesn't really give her a choice in the matter.

They wind up in... Russia (three guesses as to where this is leading).  They've completely lost the OMACs, and so, have a moment to gather their thoughts and breathe.  Beetle asks a simple question... "Who's Max Lord?"  Ya see, his suit/scarab, like Skeets, are forms of artificial intelligence, and therefore weren't affected by Max's "Forget me now" stunt.

We also learn that Jaime never sent the distress call to the League... the OMACs did that by attempting to "hack" into his Beetle armor.  Almost like whoever sent 'em knew that the Gen Lost League would check it out.  Hmm...

Then we wrap up... and since we're in bwah-ha-ha Russia, you know we're about to get a little Rocket Red.


Moving right along... I'm still really enjoying this revisit.

Though mostly an action issue, they still managed to nudge the story forward enough to where it felt like a full-fledged "chapter".  So often these days it's like we give up one for the other... like, here's the "big fight"... next issue, the heroes will stand around and talk for a bit.  Here, we get both... and it's pretty satisfying.

Let's get Bea out of the way... her sanity (or psychological health) is called into question by Checkmate.  As she fights to make her point... she sees friggin' Max Lord!  The cause of all of her problems... he's just skulkin' around in plain sight!  What a bad ass.

As soon as we see her "flame on", we get that pit in our stomachs... it's like "that's exactly what Max wants you to do!", which is what makes it so great.  There's that idea that the more people tell you that what you think is wrong, the more steadfast in that belief you become... and so, with people telling Fire (and the Gen Lost League) that Max Lord was never a thing that existed... they only dig their nails deeper into the belief.

I'm not exactly sure what happened with Max bursting into flame though.  Was that really him?  Was he projecting his visage just to mess with Bea's mind?  We didn't see a trickle of blood coming from his nose or anything, right?  Dunno... still liked the scene though!

Then there's the El Paso scene.  More good stuff!  Really dug the dynamic of Beetle with the Gen Lost League... he's a natural fit, and not just because of his heroic namesake... though, it does help.  I really dug the "conversations" he had with his suit... pleading with it to deduce a non-lethal solution to their OMAC problem.  Makes me wish Winick had this kind of grasp on dialogue a decade earlier.  It's funny, without going for that Kevin Smith/Bendis "snark".  Winick is good when he's not trying to be someone else.  Also, no soapboxes here... which is also a gigundous plus.

The art here is pretty good... though uneven.  We get some panels that are just flat-out awesome... and Dagnino mostly does a great job with "cute" female faces.  I don't say that in a disparaging way either... this is really good stuff.  On the other hand, some of the pages do look kind of rushed... and some of the dude's faces are a bit "chuckleheady".

Overall... still having a blast with this one.  This series is probably my personal highlight for the entire Brightest Day "crossovent" (ya like that?).  Of course, nothing came of it... but, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.  This series is still worth a look!


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"It has words and pictures" -Ain't it Chris News
Really now... "A Fantastic Read."  THAT'S the "money quote"?

Friday, May 4, 2018

Justice League of America (vol.2) #44 (2010)

Justice League of America (vol.2) #44 (June, 2010)
"Devil in the Details"
Writer - James Robinson
Penciller - Mark Bagley
Inkers - Rob Hunter & Norm Rapmund
Colorist - Ulises Arreola
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor - Rex Ogle
Associate Editor - Adam Schlagman
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $3.99

Ooh, who doesn't love a Justice League/Justice Society team-up?

Well, don't get your hopes up just yet... the cover miiiiight be a tad on the misleading end.  But that's okay, cuz it's still...

... and we'll eventually get to the actual JLA/JSA team-up.

For now, though... let's meet our new League and lay down a bit more of that foundation.


We open up with the familiar scene of Batman fighting the Joker... because, of course we do!  It's not like there are other, more interesting or original ways we can open the book.  Especially considering the whole thing is a simulation in the Justice League's answer to the Danger Room, "The Kitchen".  Dick Grayson, who is Batman at the moment, decided to randomize their training targets (and still somehow wound up fighting the Joker).  Here we meet the rest of the League... Donna Troy, Starman, and Congorilla.  Suddenly JLDetroit doesn't seem so weird.  Gotta remember, this new order was kinda spit out of the "epic" Cry For Justice miniseries.

They fight off the sims for awhile while sharing information about their powers and origins (for Starman's and Congorilla's origins, click the covers below)...

... until the Satellite is rocked by a giant green meteor.  Mikaal Tomas manages to save Donna before she is sucked into the vacuum of space (and before the Satellite's "Monitor Whom Auto-Defenses" kicked in).  Since Tomas didn't know if that was even something he could do, this depicts him as pretty altruistic... putting his life on the line just for the opportunity to save his teammate.

The League collects themselves quickly, then rushes to the monitors.  They can see that the green meteor has just touched down in Germany... where the Rocket Elite (Die Rakete-Auslese) are already on the scene.  Think Rocket Reds... but in Germany!

They don't get to poke their noses in for all that long before... Etrigan the freaking Demon shows up.  Yawn.  He rhymes at them for a bit before League of Substitute Heroes shows up.

They fight for a few pages until Donna manages to snag him with her blue lasso... that's the Lasso of Persuasion, apparently.  This forces Etrigan to release his control over Jason Blood.

Meanwhile, at Happy Harbor... the Justice Society stands vigil over a comatose Alan Scott.  Dr. Mid-Nite is running an exhaustive batterty of tests on the Green Lantern... but it's to no avail.  What's more, the weaker Alan grows... the more green light he seems to emit!

Mr. Terrific pops his head in to tell the team about the green meteor that landed in Germany... and suggests there may be a connection.  He's then interrupted by the arrival of Sebastian Faust... the son of jerk-ass Felix Faust. He reveals that this is an omen of the "end of the world".  If you only knew what was going to be announced on Memorial Day, 2011 buddy!

Back in Germany, Blood tells his story.  He had been working on some occultiness in Budapest for Baron Winters... ya know, the Night Force guy... when his more demonic side noticed the green meteor entering Earth's orbit.  He then suggests that not only was he possessed by Etrigan... but that Etrigan might've been possessed by something as well!  He then thanks the League... and compliments their teamwork.  My wife teaches second grade... when her class gets a compliment, they get to pull a stick from their giant KerPlunk game (when enough sticks are pulled and the balls drop, they get a party).  I wonder if Dick has something like that back at the Satellite?  If not, he might wanna think about it.

Alone with the meteor, the League tries to figure out what to do with it.  Congorilla notices that there's a thin fissure in it... and so, he and Donna get in there and attempt to pull it apart (more teamwork!).

We wrap up with the reveal... inside the meteor is, Jade!


Not a bad little issue... even with the Etrigan bits!

I keep forgetting that the first half of Brightest Day came at a time before DC "drew the line at $2.99"... so, it was weird seeing that this was a four-dollar book.  It sure didn't feel like one... then again, they rarely do.  Seems like all the books that feel like four-dollar books, are now $4.99 anyway.

That aside, this was an okay read.  It allowed us to meet our "new look" League, and watch them get to train alongside one another for the first time.  The line-up here is a bit mind-boggling... it feels like one of those threads at CBR or something where a group of folks list off their "wouldn't it be cool, if..." lists for superhero teams... and they all list a member or two whose only purpose is to "out-obscure" or *shudder* "out-geek" the poster above them.  It's like, "Oh yeah... you think Lady Cop is obscure... well, I think Jerry Lewis's nephew Renfrew would be great as a member of the Outsiders!"  "Oh yeah... I take your Renfrew, and raise you a Doc Scary from the original Outsiders!" Always hated those threads, man...

That said, I kinda dig the relationship Robinson is building between Congorilla and Starman.  Seems like one of those "just crazy enough to work" sorta things.  They even get their own one-shot a few months down the line, which I remember being decent enough fun.

I like seeing Dick as Batman... I feel like this didn't last nearly as long as it should have.  Really like seeing him as Batman in non-Batman stories too.  I mean, here he is... leading the Justice League!  How cool is that?  Nice to see Donna step into Wonder Woman's spot on the team as well.  Over the next few issues, we're going to see more like that... Supergirl will join, taking Superman's spot... and Jade will step in as a Green Lantern.  I feel like once that goes down, the odd Congorilla insertion (that sounds gross) will be less of an eyebrow raiser... though, just barely.

The cover here is a bit of a tease... we barely get to see the Justice Society... and when we do, they're not crossing over with the League.  Of course, we're writing for the trade there, so it's hard to be all that mad at it.  It's not as though we aren't used to this kinda thing by now.

Mark Bagley's art here is really good... my only sticking point with his work is... the same sticking point I always have with his work, the noses!  I've never liked the way he draws noses... especially on women... they almost look part-bird.

Overall... a pretty good issue, though one that definitely shouldn't have been four-dollars.  Worth snagging if you come across it on the cheap.  This issue is available digitally.


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