Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Green Arrow (vol.5) #3 (2010)

Green Arrow (vol.5) #3 (October, 2010)
"Character Assassination"
Writer - J.T. Krul
Penciller - Diogenes Neves
Inker - Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist - Ulises Arreola
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Editor - Adam Schlagman
Cover Price: $2.99

Wouldja lookit that... today marks our EIGHT-HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH daily discussion!

It's also... still #BrightestMay, where last we left our man Oliver Queen he was... dead... ish.  That ain't gonna stick, right?



We open with Ollie... shot in the head.  He flashes back to the time he was washed up on that island all them years ago.  While his mind wanders, a pack of wolves descend on his location (where they came from, I'll never know).  Before they can make a meal outta our hero, that stranger from last issue arrives on the scene to shoo 'em off.  We don't know it yet, but this is Galahad.

He lifts Oliver's prone body and proceeds to walk him over to a small pond.  He is so sure that the forest can restore Green Arrow's life... that he dunks the body into the drink.  The White Lantern entity... begins to judge Ollie's worth.  Does he even deserve to live?  As this happens, Oliver recounts many of the more pivotal points in his life.

We shift to a flashback of a young Oliver accompanying his mother to visit his father at Queen Tower.  It's alluded to here that Robert Queen wasn't the most fidelity-havin' fella.  Not sure if Ollie is seeing this in his flashback, though, because as it rolls on, we see him locked in combat with his "shadow self".

The flashback ends with a somber Moira Queen watching Robert head off on a "business trip".  She holds young Ollie in her arms... and tells him to not just be a "good boy", but to grow up and be a "good man"... at which point, Galahad nyoinks him out of the drink.

Ollie comes to... and immediately suspects Galahad as the dead-shot archer that plugged him betwixt the eyes.  Galahad (there's no organic way of shortening that name, is there?) judo tosses a confused Ollie, and insists that he is a friend.

We shift scenes into Star City proper, where we learn that Queen Industries have taken over the contract to supply medication and medical equipment to the victims of the Star City Disaster... and since taking over, haven't done all that much.  A woman vows to send them a message.

We then pop over to a press conference which may or may not be presented a Queen Industries.  The conference is to announce a new state of the art entertainment facility... which, is kind of a hamfisted way of illustrating that the "powers that be" don't care about the common rabble.  We see that Evan Gibson from the Star Gazette is there reporting on the event... and then... a woman shoots the presenter with her tape recorder?  Not sure if this is the same woman from the medical tent... hell, I'm not even sure it's actually a woman!

We head back into the woods for Galahad to do some 'splainin'.  He claims to be a (displaced?) knight, whose mind had been clouded by modern medication.  He's only become "lucid" since the forest sprouted.  While he drones on, Ollie takes a gander at his reflection in the pond... and finds that he has no scarring where the arrow pierced his dome.

Time for another flashback... this time to Siberia, 30 years ago.  This, I would assume, is the first meeting between Robert Queen and "The Queen".  She claims to have taken him... body and soul.

Back in the woods, Ollie and Galahad continue their chat.  Suddenly Oliver notices a white light behind the Knight... then the entire forest becomes bathed in it.  Ollie runs to get a better look, and notices that, in a matter of seconds, the forest experienced a years worth of maturity... all four seasons in the blink of an eye.

He heads back to Galahad, unsure if the forest means to save him... or kill him.  Worth noting that Ollie's shadow has taken the form of a beast-like critter.


Okay, not as much fun as the first two issues... but, I suppose we do need an issue to fill in some background beats.

I definitely appreciate the fact that the forest is still one of the main focuses of this series.  In looking though so many Brightest Day tie-ins over this past month, it's refreshing to see one that actually... ya know, keeps Brightest Day at the fore!  It feels like so many of the other books almost forget that they're part of something bigger... leaving all Brightest Day allusions feeling like a forced afterthought.  This series keeps the "crossovent" rolling, and even builds upon it... and I dig that a lot.

The (proper) introduction of Galahad was... okay.  We did get a teaser at the end of Green Arrow (vol.5) #1 (which I neglected to include for some silly reason) that Ollie was putting together a crew of "Merry Men".  I think we can assume that Galahad (and likely the woman at the med-tent, and Evan from the Gazette) will fill out that number.  Makes me wonder just what kind of series this would have grown into if not for The New-52!.

Ollie's father's infidelity... ehh.  I don't know how much of that had already been established at this point... or if it was something gleaned from the CW show (if that was even a thing at this point), or just a hamfisted way of introducing some (more) trauma into Ollie's life... either way, this kind of thing's been done before... almost too often.

The scenes at the med-tent/press conference... well, I guess it got the point across... but it's severely lacking in the subtlety department.  I mean, Neves (who still absolutely kills it here) may as well draw all of the suits with horns and hooves.  They're bad dudes... we get it.  Hell, we got it two issues ago!  I get what we're going for here... but, there's gotta be a better way.

Overall... even though this was less exciting than the issues that came before it, we do get a fair amount of forward momentum.  I'm still keen on recommending this, however... might suggest you check it out in trade. 


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Monday, May 28, 2018

Green Arrow (vol.5) #2 (2010)

Green Arrow (vol.5) #2 (September, 2010)
"Into the Woods"
Writer - J.T. Krul
Penciller - Diogenes Neves
Inker - Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist - Ulises Arreola
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Editor - Adam Schlagman
Cover Price: $2.99

As #BrightestMay winds down... I'm just picking books at random.

There's just not enough time to give as in depth a look at this strange and interesting time in DC Comics in a single month... even one with 31 days!  Might as well just have some fun with Ollie!

Well, we did our best... and, most importantly... might have deduced the very issue in which the gears shifted from Brightest Day to The New-52!.

We also got a "like" from Geoff Johns, so there's that...


We open with a cloaked man wandering Ollie's woods.  Not sure if he's been officially named yet, but we'll just go ahead and call him Galahad.  He's been drawn here, and knows that the amazing growth of this star-shaped forest is not the work of Mother Nature... Gee, what tipped you off, pal?  Elsewhere, Ollie and Hal chat a bit about the White Lantern logo appearing on a tree, and how that might've affected Hal's power ring... also, the former informs the latter that he now resides among the trees.

We briefly shift scenes to check in on "The Queen".  We learn from her that Oliver's father Robert is responsible for helping her a great deal.  As she watches a pair of Queen Industries helicopters fly off, she vows to do something about his Son.

As the choppers head toward the forest, Ollie show Hal his new digs.  Ollie wasn't messing around when he said he was living in the woods.  Seems he's got himself quite the neat little set up.

As Ollie starts to guide (the powerless) Hal out of the woods... they find themselves attacked by Queen Industries' Dollar Store Hellfire Club!  Even though Jordan is powerless... that doesn't stop him from leaping into battle.

They fight for a bit, with the hard travelin' homeboys having the upper hand, until one of the Hellfires fires a flare into the sky to request back-up from the helicopters hovering above.

Then... Ollie has an idea.  If Hal's ring is powerless in the woods, all's they gotsta do is... get Hal outta the woods!  Luckily, Ollie's been busy since moving into the forest, and has finagled an interesting little pulley system.  Hal grabs on, and is hurled skyward.

Lucky for Hal, this gamble pays off!  Green Lantern "deals with" the choppers... assuaging all of my fears by promising them a soft landing.

While Hal nails 'em "up high", Ollie maintains his offense on the low road... triggering another trap, in the form of a large swinging log.  The Hellfires get smooshed but good.  Ollie interrogates one that hasn't yet been kayoed, and tells him to inform his new boss that Queen name still belongs to him.

After the dust settles, Hal and Ollie say their goodbyes.  Ollie then goes for a Tarzan-like rope swing... before falling some distance and landing with a thud.  He inspects the rope and finds that it has definitely been tampered with.

If that's not bad enough, Ollie is then... shot in the head?!  Well, that escalated quickly!


Another fun issue!

I really dig the way that Ollie has made this forest his home.  It stands to reason that Oliver, as paranoid as he currently is... would rig up booby traps, and survivalist methods to keep him safe.  It doesn't matter if he's stranded on an island, or exiled to a strange star-shaped forest... if nothing else, Ollie's a survivor.

Hal being cool charging into battle without a working ring is fits his character.  Really don't have any problem with that.  I kinda feel like him "dealing with" those helicopters after being repowered was a bit "iffy".  It's as though they had to add the dialogue about the "safe landing" after the fact... because the way he was chopper-handling them looked rather dicey.

Not a whole lot more to say about this one though.  It was super fun action... with amazing art, and one helluva cliffhanger.  I'm always a sucker for a hard-traveling team-up... if you happen to feel the same way, definitely give this a peek.  Available digitally if that's you're thing.


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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Brightest Day #5 (2010)

Brightest Day #5 (Early September, 2010)
"Under Pressure"
Writers - Geoff Johns & Peter J. Tomasi
Artists - Ivan Reis, Ardian Syaf & Joe Prado
Inker - Vicente Cifuentes
Colors - Aspen MLT's Peter Steigerwald
Letterer - Rob Clark, Jr.
Assistant Editor - Rex Ogle
Associate Editor - Adam Schlagman
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99

I'm really not sure what I expected when I initially pitched the #BrightestMay event... to myself.  I must've been insane to think that I'd be able to give an issue by issue overview of the entire event in only 31 days!

Well... hopefully by the time May 31 rolls around we'll have at the very least scratched the surface!

And there's always next year... and the year after that... and the year after that.


We open off the Bermuda Triangle where Aquaman and Mera are checking on the rig that was attacked last issue (feels like it's been years since we read that!  We might call that the "The Dark Things" effect).  Anyhoo, they find themselves attacked by some very Mera-like water constructs... originating from that new Mera-like mystery woman, Siren!

We shift scenes over to Deadman, Hawk and Dove who are still standing in front of Don Hall's grave.  A reluctant Boston Brand finally decides to try and use his White Ring to revivify the dead Dove... and lemme tell ya, the ring ain't entirely happy about it.

Back in the drink, Aquaman and Mera fight off Siren's generic forces... until Mera and Siren lock eyes, at which point Mera insists that she and Aquaman ought to beat a hasty retreat.  It would appear that she's got a secret.  Mera, that is.

Next we pop over to whereverthehell the Hawks wound up after passing through the portal.  They admire all of the floating land masses... kinda looking like a less pretty Zeal from ChronoTrigger.  They are able to deduce that only one of these masses appears to be inhabited.  They then kiss... and begin to, er... decay a li'l bit?

They are then attacked by a group of Cheetahmen!  Thankfully this gang doesn't hop out of a television set.  They fight for a bit, until...

Bird beasts join the fray!  Looks like our heroes have found themselves in the midst of a beast war!

One of the birds nabs Hawkgirl and manages to deposit her into an electrified cell.  Hawkman is embroiled in combat, and more or less helpless to stop the abduction.

Back on Earth, the attempt to raise Don Hall proves to be unsuccessful.  You know how it is... he's too "at peace, maaaaaan".  Hank ain't convinced... after all, he's heard that line before (and so have we).  The trio aren't about to leave well enough alone, however... ya see there's a nearby cadaver that isn't at peace.  That would be Dawn Granger's sister (and former Hawk, herself) Holly!  The White Ring is still displeased.  Ya know, Ring, if you'd be a little less cryptic, ol' Boston might actually do your bidding.

Back in Hawkworld... oh yeah, that place where Hawkman and Hawkgirl went is actually Hawkworld... Hawkman wakes up next to a beast man who... welcomes him to Hawkworld.

We wrap up back by Bermuda, where Mera finally comes clear to Arthur.  Ya see, she was originally sent there... to kill him!  A revelation that might've carried a bit more "oomph" if Aquaman hadn't just been dead for an extended period of time.


Well, we're still in vignette-city, but kinduva more focused "suburb".

This time around we only follow three of our story threads... which, if you ask me, is both a good idea, and a bad idea.  Good in that, it made this issue feel like something actually, ya know, happened.  Bad in that, it might be a few issues time before any of these threads get followed up on.  I mean, if you were reading this for Firestorm or Martian Manhunter... you get a whole lotta nothin' here.

That aside, this was a far better issue structurally.  Although it still felt somewhat cramped, the bits we do get feel like they get a decent amount of panel-space to "breathe"... or at least stretch their legs some.

Let's talk Aquaman.  The "army of underwater baddies" isn't my idea of a good time.  I've said it before... it just feels like we've been here too many times before (and since) to get all that excited about.  The "twist" at the end?  Ehh.  I get it, it's hard coming up with a cliffhanger every two weeks.

The Hawkworld bits... almost got me interested in Hawkman?  Well, no... that's a lie.  This is yet another well-tread trope that we've seen skatey-eight hundred times before.  The heroes wind up in the middle of a war... and will ultimately be drafted into it.

The Deadman part might've been the most interesting, if it wasn't so infuriating.  The White Ring is a major pain in the ass at this point... we're moderately deep into this thing, and we still don't have the foggiest idea what it wants... because it refuses to tell Deadman what it wants!  Maybe next issue will start with it dropping poor ol' Boston into Granny Goodness's shower as a punishment or something.  Maybe it'll drop him into a room where the only thing to do is read comics starring the Spectre!  Talk about "cruel and unusual".

The "Don Hall is at peace" thing?  Talk about "diminishing returns".  That whole thing felt so right during Blackest Night... but, now it's kinda spent.  It's like if you make the mistake of laughing at a little kid's joke... then the rest of the day they keep trying to retell the same joke to get the same response.  It had it's moment... but that moment has passed.

Overall... a pretty middling issue.  In fairness, it's taking place during a "middling" portion of this "crossovent".  I feel like there's enough forward momentum to recommend this... but maybe not in single-issue format.  More and more I feel like this should be read in trade form (hell, that's definitely what they had in mind when they were writing it).



If you'll allow me the indulgence of switching gears for a moment... May has been a very "thematic" month at the Palatial Christate.  Here at the humble blog we are in the throes of #BrightestMay... however, in the podcasting world, we are just wrapping up the crossover event #JLMay2018.

Throughout the month, we along with several of our fellow podcasts have run through the entirety of the Silver Age event from 2000.

Today it all comes to a close with the release of the latest episode of our Cosmic Treadmill, wherein we check out Silver Age: 80 pg. Giant #1.

Definitely check out the rest of JLMay!


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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Birds of Prey (vol.2) #1 (2010)

Birds of Prey (vol.2) #1 (July, 2010)
"Endrun, Part One of Four: Without Breaking a Few Eggs"
Writer - Gail Simone
Artist - Ed Benes
Colorist - Nei Ruffino
Letterer - Steve Wands
Editor - Janelle Siegel
Cover Price: $2.99

Finally... Birds of Prey.  I think with this issue we've covered at least one Brightest Day issue from each "family" of titles.

Now, I wasn't necessarily "saving" the Birds for last... it's just that my comics library is kind of a disaster area.  If you've been following me on Twitter, you'll see just how crazy my latest attempt at organization has been!

Anyhoo... let's talk Boyds!


We open with Black Canary arriving somewhere... very cold (Iceland, I think), for a hostage exchange with a group of nogoodniks.  There are strings attached, however.  The lead baddie informs her that he'll let the little girl go if her parents will hold a press conference to apologize for messing around in Quarac... oh, and also to publicly kill themselves.  Dinah has a different idea.

After calling in Lady Blackhawk... and beating the holy hell out of the baddies, the ladies reconnoiter at a nearby hospital.  A live television airs the news of the rescue of Katy... but leaves Dinah's name out of it.  Lady Blackhawk is a bit annoyed... but Dinah informs her that she asked not to be mentioned.  Their chat is cut short by... a call.

A call from Oracle.  She informs the girls that something major has come up... so major that they need to pull the team back together.

On another monitor, Barbara watches another former "Bird"... Huntress!  She's in the midst of crackin' skulls in some alley somewhere.  As the dust settles, Babs makes contact.

Elsewhere... on the "nice side" of Gotham, we Dove and the resurrected Hawk as they... beat up a bunch of cheerleaders?!  No kidding, Hank Hall and Dawn Granger are beating up the "Pep Squad".  Ay yai yai.  Hawk makes a few cryptic comments about his return... and claims that "God wants a soldier".  Because, in case you'd forgotten (like I had!), this is a Brightest Day tie-in!

We jump ahead a few hours to a bar... and it's here that the storytelling kinda gets jumbled.  Maybe it's just a case of me being too dense, but it almost feels like some of these panels are out of sequence.  Hank is chatting up an old man... and sorta flirting with the (sorta Barbara Gordon-looking) waitress.  Meanwhile, Lady Blackhawk enters and starts talking to Dawn... about Hank?  Feels like a scene written for television... but stuck in a comic book anyway.

The scene ends with... I think Lady Blackhawk asking if Hawk is gay... then Hawk and Dove deciding to throw their lot in with the Birds?  I dunno.

We shift scenes to a Gotham City rooftop, where we finally get our Oracle/Black Canary/Huntress reunion.  Unfortunately, their meeting isn't under the best of circumstances.  Barbara shares with them that she'd recently received a strange package from a homeless courier.  The package included files upon files of information about the hero and villain community... secret identities, people of interest, all that stuff!

What's more, the unknown sender has threatened to kill one of the names on the list every hour from midnight on.  And wouldn'tcha know it... the clock is just about to strike.

They speculate on what's about to happen... when they notice a strange canary-esque symbol being shone into the sky.  They (Dinah and Helena) follow it and discover a woman threatening... the Penguin!

The Birds get involved... and kinda get their butts kicked.  The mystery assassin then jabs a blade into the Penguin's jugular... and dares them to try and save him.  This woman is... White Canary (not that we'd know that quite yet).


Not a bad little "gathering of forces" issue to open up this too-short  volume.  It's kind of paint by numbers... but, that's not necessarily a bad thing.  The oldest tricks are sometimes the best.

Joining each other characters "en media whatever" is a fine way to introduce them... and helps potential "new" readers (ha!) to get a better look at them outside of the "Birds" dynamic.

The premise is a really intriguing one... and a great way to keep these characters "busy" while the rest of Brightest Day can... ya know, happen.  Again, the concept of a dossier isn't exactly revolutionary, but it's a lot of fun... and opens up several interesting storytelling possibilities.

I'm not sure how popular an opinion this is, but I've always dug Ed Benes' art.  It's clean, and pretty... and, outside of that odd bar-scene the storytelling was clear and easy to follow.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this.  Birds of Prey is one of those books which exemplifies just what was being thrown away when The New-52! was foisted upon us.  Well worth checking out... and, for your convenience is available digitally.


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