Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Firebrand #1 (1996)

Firebrand #1 (February, 1996)
"Ashes to Ashes"
Writer - Brian Augustyn
Artist - Sal Velluto
Letterer - Ken Lopez
Colorist - Trish Mulvihill
Assistant Editor - Chris Eades
Editor - Rob Simpson
Cover Price: $1.75

Firebrand?  Who's that?  Last time we talked about a Firebrand here, I think we were discussing the All-Star Squadron!  Well, this is a book that I'd dug out of the bins a few months ago, mistaking it as part of the Bloodlines "push".  

The cover immediately jumped out at me, and the character on it looked really cool.  What's more, I'd either forgotten that this book was a thing... or, never knew it was!

So... let's get to diggin'!


We open with a pair of detectives sitting in a car discussing addictions and obsessions.  Ya see, there's this one guy named Leo who is afraid to give up smoking, because he knows he'll just start stuffing his face if he were to stop.  The other guy, Alex, has a hard time letting go of old (missing/abducted children) cases... possibly (definitely) stemming from his inability to save his sister some time back.  This is really well presented, and the conversation feels natural.

Alex eventually hops out and heads into his apartment building.  Once inside, he hits his answering machine... first message is from his brother Javier.  It's clear that they're, at least somewhat, estranged.  Actually Alex appears to be pretty distant from his entire family.  Anyhoo, Javier implores Alex to give their dad a call.

Onto the next message... it's a man, mocking the detective, claiming to be the "link" connecting all of the missing children.  Once the message ends, well...

We join Alex in the great hereafter... he's bathed in light, and bears a flaming scar on his chest.  He is called to a closed door... by his sister's voice.  There's another explosion... likely signifying what actually happened to his sister, then she emerges.  She tells him that her death wasn't his fault... and also, that it's not his time to die.

Three months pass, and Alex finally comes out of his coma.  He is welcomed back into the land of the living by his brother, Javier.  Seventy percent of his bones were shattered... and yet, somehow... he survived.

Javier continues, explaining that Alex had basically been rebuilt from the ground up with experimental polymers, acrylics and techniques... likely costing upwards of $12-Million.  Well, I don't think a detective is going to be able to come up with the scratch for that... and lucky for him, he doesn't have to!  Ya see, he's got himself a benefactor.

Head of this experimental project, Doctor Newton P. Lovell enters the room to check on his patient.  While chatting, Alex gets a bit antsy... he event tries to get out of bed... which leads to a fairly gruesome panel.

We jump ahead another two months... and Alex is walking with the aid of a pair of canes.  Doc Lovell leads him to an R&D room so he can finally meet his secret benefactor... Noah Hightower, a "richer than God"... uh, I was gonna say "industrialist", but I'm really not sure what his background is.  Could be "old money" for all I know.  This was 1996, maybe he was the first guy to put ads on a Geocities site.  Either way, we learn that Hightower had a child go missing some 25 years ago... so this favor might not be without its strings.

Alex waits for the other shoe to drop... and it eventually does.  Ya see, Hightower informs him that with all of the procedures they'd performed on him, he'll have about 85% of his mobility back... but there is a way to bring that up to 100%... and higher!  It has to do with a costume... but, you probably guessed that by now.

To his credit, Hightower leaves the decision to Alex.  He won't hold any ill will toward him if he decides to pass on the opportunity.  Alex offers that he will think on it, and think on it hard.

A couple more months later, Alex is walking completely on his own... and is being visited by Leo... who, gave up smoking... and did gain a bunch of weight (nice touch!) reveals that he might have a lead on the mad answering machine bomber what bombed via answering machine those seven months ago.

Alex peeks out the window and notices that some dude is trying to break into Leo's car... and so, Leo rushes out to stop 'em.  Alex notes that the hospital's crack security staff is "three retired guys who play cards all night" (I think we've all met those guys) and suggests calling in some actual back-up.

Once outside, Leo is jumped by a bunch of skinheads.  Alex realizes there's only one way he can save his buddy, and so... heads over to the R&D room to "suit up".  Moments later, he rushes outside to take the fight to the baddies.

He taps a button on his chest plate (which is exactly where that scar was after the blast) and finds himself struck by this flaming lightning bolt, bathed in green smoke.

Now, looking sorta like a member of Ghost Rider's cast, he is able to wipe the floor with the skinheads.

Since he's not yet a seasoned superhero, Alex/Firebrand lets most of the bad guys escape.  He's left in the parking lot with his buddy, and some of the hospital staff rushing onto the scene.


Lemme share something somewhat personal... if you'll indulge me, of course.  Recently I've had to decide on my Masters Degree path.  Those who know me, know that my higher education career started about a decade too late... and my Bachelor Degree took me an extra year or two to earn.  When I started, I knew I wanted to pursue psychology... but wasn't prepared to commit to anything more specific.

In the six-years it took me to earn my degree, my focus shifted a few times... and I ended up with a choice between pursuing a Masters in Forensic Psychology... or School Psychology.  I've written before about how a particular Forensics assignment actually led me to starting this blog... though, if I'm being honest... it wasn't so much the assignment, it was my obsession with it.  My inability to "let it go".

Up until a few months ago, I've waffled... even put off my return to school, because I just couldn't commit to one path over the other.  While School Psychology is the "smart" play, and is something I'm pretty passionate about, I just couldn't shake the feeling that my "calling" was in Forensics.

After much soul-searching, I ultimately came to the conclusion that I'd be far more effective as a School Psychologist... or maybe, just effective period in that role.  I, like the star of this series (and the reason I've droned on for the past skatey-eight hundred words), Detective Alejandro Sanchez... have a problem letting things go.  Though, I don't have any trauma to blame that on! 

Now, with that out of the way... what'd I think of Firebrand?  I really dug it!  Alex is a complex (and, to me relatable) character, and I find myself wanting to learn more about him.  We only get a little bit about him... actually, we only get a little bit about his benefactor, Hightower.  Both fellas I'd like to learn more about!

The Firebrand design is pretty cool... though looks like it would be a pain to draw.  I also wonder how he'd look in a hero-lineup... can't really picture him standing next to Superman or anything.  Again, not sure if he has an "off" switch as of yet... dunno if he can go back to his flameless form, or even back to his Sanchez-civvies.

The art here was good, and fit the tone of the story.  I mentioned it during the synopsis, but I loved that Leo was depicted as having gained weight after giving up smoking.  Great attention to detail there!

Overall... I really enjoyed this.  This is, unfortunately, the only issue of the run I have at the moment... and it's a book that I very rarely see "in the wild"... actually, I've only seen it the once!  If you happen across it, I think you'll have a good time with it.  This is, unsurprisingly, not yet available digitally... so, if you want it, you're gonna have to git to diving!  I think you'll find that it's worth the trouble.


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Monday, July 9, 2018

Catwoman #18 (1995)

Catwoman #18 (February, 1995)
"Catfile, Four: Here Comes the Bride"
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Penciller - Jim Balent
Inker - Bob Smith
Colorist - Buzz Setzer
Letterer - Albert DeGuzman
Assistant Editor - Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.50

Whattaya mean "Wrong Wedding Issue"?  Has there been another?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... just a little (very little) "funny, ha-ha" to start off today's piece.

I actually have read the Wedding Issue, and actually guested on the MCDC Podcast last week to discuss my thoughts about it.  Long story short... didn't love it, didn't hate it... didn't really have strong feelings about it either way.  Listening back, the only thing I really seem to feel strongly about is the rather unfortunate "10/10 Reviewer Culture" the comics industry is currently suffering through.  Remember folks, if everything's a 10 outta 10... then, nothing really is!

Anyhoo... check out the podcast if you're interested.  Had a good time chatting up pals Joey and Bill Bere.  For now, let's take a look at another time Selina Kyle was someone's betrothed.


We pick up with Selina's reaction to Prince Willem's marriage proposal.  A little (very little) background on the Prince... Willem Kapreallian is a self-appointed Prince of the European island nation Daumount located in the Mediterranean.  Catwoman was sent over by her federal "employers" to steal his prized "Swan Crown".  She ain't exactly diggin' the idea of becoming a Princess anytime soon.

Willem's bodyguards swarm, but stand down on his orders.  He tells Selina that she really doesn't have much of a choice.  She will indeed marry him, and what's more, she'll also steal back his Swan Crown.  He sics his two beefy female assistants on her... and they toss her into the bathtub to scrub up.  Selina begins to play along, and asks for a moment of privacy.

Nearby, two interested parties approach the castle.  It's Selina's employer Galiant and his crew... as well as Tito and the Corsican Mafia, both groups have a vested interest in what's going down.  Galiant's gang has, as mentioned, ties to Selina... while the Corsicans are rather ticked that Willem killed their brothers.  Either way, it looks like we've got some wedding crashers.

Inside the castle, Willem thanks a fella named Dreyfuss for the use of his castle for the ceremony.  Outside the castle, Catwoman waits in hiding for the "Schwarzenegger Sisters" to return so she might dropkick them into the bath.

It's not her most effective plan to date.

We shuffle on ahead to the wedding ceremony... and I can't help but wonder if my copy is missing a page or two.  As you can see, the last we saw of Selina, she was being held underwater by Hildi and Whatsherface.  Anyhoo, she does the wedding march, leaving a trail of wetness behind her.  At the altar, Willem removes her veil, revealing... well, Catwoman.  What's more, she's packin' heat!

But then... the wedding is crashed!  Twice... at the same time, even!

Catwoman uses this opportunity to ska-doo.  Meanwhile, Galiant's goons... well, slaughter pretty much everyone.  They then chat up the Prince... and let him know that they plan to kill Catwoman as well!

As Catwoman continues her poorly-planned escape... I mean, really it was just A. Jump out really high window, B. Hope not to die... Willem stabs Galiant in the shoulder with his epee, then he and his men prove not to be total pushovers when they start blasting away at the goons.

As Galiant lay bleeding out, he calls in a final airstrike to take everybody out.  Meanwhile, on the ground... Catwoman steals Dreyfuss' car and proceeds to speed away from the castle.  Unfortunately, that airstrike chopper is hot on her tail.

Lucky for her, Prince Willem is a crack-shot with his Jaeger rifle... also lucky, that he had it at hand... ya see, he was planning on spending their honeymoon on safari.  Anyhoo, Willem shoots the chopper out of the sky, and Catwoman is able to get away.

We wrap up with Selina having some fun in the Sun... somewhere.


Having absolutely no context for the hows and whys of this story... I still had a heckuva good time checking it out!  Chuck Dixon does a great job at just giving us fun and wild action here.  While I think context would help... and greatly add to ones enjoyment of the issue, it might not be a requirement.

It's been a long while since I've read any solo Catwoman story, much less one from the mid-90's.  I don't think I started buying this title until they'd already announced its cancellation several years later... so, this whole era is new to me.  I might have to check out some more... I mean, I have most of the run sitting not a few feet away, if more of the stories are this much fun, I might finally have a reason to start flipping through 'em.

This book, at least this issue, kinda straddles the line between serious and silly.  I mean, look at our Prince Willem.  He's kind of a goofball... he literally called Galiant a "cad" and runs him through with a fencing foil.  On the face of it, that's kinda silly.  Then, just a couple of pages later, dude shoots down a helicopter with a single shot from a rifle!  We've got Selina wrestling underwater with a pair of overgrown gals... then later, leaping from a high window in a wedding dress.  I mean, c'mon... this is just straight-up fun.

The only place where I'm kinda left wanting is between the underwater wrestling and the actual wedding ceremony.  Feels like we missed a step of story there, doesn't it?  It's also like the lifting of the veil was supposed to be a "reveal" to the reader, but really... who else was it going to be, Hildi?  I just feel like that beat could've went a bit more smoothly.

The art was... a bit iffy now and again, and... no, I'm not talking about the boobies.  What I'm talking about is that some of the faces... looked a little squished.  I mean, look at the introduction of the Schwarzenegger Sisters... they look pretty horrid, and not in the way I'd assume they were intended to!  Definitely a few "candle-faces" here.  The action and movement, however, is pretty nicely "fluid".  Also, some really fun attention to detail on a soaking wet Selina, where, when outside... it looks as though the bathwater is starting to freeze.  I mean, she's got little icicles hanging off her!  Not sure if that was to add to the titillation, but I thought it was neat regardless! 

Overall... had more fun than I was expecting (which I seem to be saying a lot), and I'd say it's worth a shot.  This bugger's available digitally (currently priced at a buck!)... it's also been collected as part of the Catwoman: The Catfile trade paperback.


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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Robin #14 (1995)

Robin #14 (February, 1995)
"Troika, Part Four: Big City Bomber"
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Penciller - Tom Grummett
Inker - Ray Kryssing
Colorist - Adrienne Roy
Letterer - Albert T. DeGuzman
Assistant Editor - Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $2.50

Today we're going to look at the return of Bruce Wayne as the one true Batman!


We open with Robin in a flaming lot, facing off with the KGBeast.  The Beast is holding the teeniest tiniest nuclear bomb and is threatening to 'splode Gotham City with it.  In the background we can see that Harvey Bullock has been kayoed... and instead of being flanked by Renee Montoya, there's this other officer there instead... who blasts the Beast in the gut...

... stunning him just long enough for Robin and Whatshisface to pull Bullock's prone body to (relative) safety.  As they haul the Bullock-meat, Robin can't help but wonder where his partner is.  Ya see, this is the story that saw Bruce Wayne return as the one true Batman after the events of Knightfall.

Bullock's new partner introduces himself as MacKenzie Bock, and appears to have a little bit of medical training... which he is attempting, for whatever reason, to downplay.  Robin leave Bock with Bullock, so he can face off with the Beast... who he has a sneaking suspicion is also waiting for Batman's arrival.

Speaking of Batman, we join him as he is fighting off Romana Vrezhenski's men who had broken into Lucius Fox's home planning to do some pretty bad stuff to "capitalist pirate".

Back in the city, Robin performs some CPR and mouth-to-mouth on Harvey Bullock... I wouldn't wanna imagine how that might taste/smell.  Not sure if I should go with stale cigarettes or stale donut frosting... maybe it's like that smell when you open a bag of potato chips.  Either way, I'd figure it isn't terribly pleasant... but I guess that's what separates heroes from ordinary folk.

Outside of the flaming lot we can see Commissioner Gordon, Renee Montoya, and Stan Kitch looking on.  Kitch is, well kind of an ass.  He's not the biggest Bullock fan, and he doesn't care who knows it.  They watch as a man comes walking out of the flames.  It is, of course, Bock.

We briefly check back in on Batman as he fights off Romana while she spouts off about capitalism s'more.  Meanwhile, Robin's CPR attempt proved successful, and resulted in Harvey starting to breathe again.  Unfortunately, by now the KGBeast has found the Boy Wonder... and we're back in the thick of it.

The Beast's fist-spike-thing pierces a gas-line, which goes boom.  Robin drapes himself over Harv's prone bod to protect him from falling... flaming debris.  As this is going down, Batman and Romana are still at it... he's trying to suss out just where that teeny-tiny nuke might be.

The Beast makes another approach toward Robin... who for a brief moment, considers using Bullock's gun in self-defense.  He, of course, decides against it... and just goes to town with his normal Robinesque arsenal instead.

Then... Robin nyoinks that reticle-scope off of the KGBeast's left-eye... only to discover that it was actually drilled into the baddie's dome!  Yuck.  At this point, the Beast is all "screw it", and tosses the cutest li'l nuke into the air.  Luckily for everybody, Batman shows up just in the nick of time.

The next day, the Fox family returns home and finds their house in a state of... uh, repainted.  Batman covered his tracks... and all signs of the fight before Lucius and the gang got home.

Back at the Batcave, Robin comments on Batman's new-ish look.  Ya see, Batman's got more of a kevlar costume right now... actually, this comic has a gimmick cover, it's kinda "puffed up" around Batman's costume... so, it's like we can "feel" the dimensions of it.  Strange though, Robin's still kickin' it in his nylons.

We wrap up in Blackgate with another cameo of the Cluemaster.  He promises to keep messing with Robin.


Such an odd story for the "big" return of Bruce Wayne.  Though, I suppose if we were to look at Superman's first heroic exploit following his return, it was equally "odd".  Not saying that KGBeast carrying the cutest li'l nuke in the world isn't a big deal... but, I dunno... I guess I just expected a higher-profile baddie for Bruce's first night out.

For such an important story for Batman... it's also strange that he barely even appears.  This is still very much Tim's book, and Tim's story... which is a good thing, if you ask me.  I always hated it when books would be swept into crossovers, and the main hero/cast wound up taking a backseat to the "big draw" (ie. Batman, Wolverine).  Of course, Batman does save the day... but, whattayagonnado?

We do get Robin saving Bullock's life, which is cool.  We also get him choosing against use of a gun when push came to shove.  I mean, he could'a just grabbed Bullock's piece and blew the Beast's brains out... but, he didn't!  What he did do was (unwittingly) nyoink that nasty reticle thing out of his skull.  Pretty gross little bit, but handled very well.

As mentioned during the synopsis, this issue has a gimmick cover.  It's... man, I can't remember the exact term for it... is it "embossed"?    Whatever it is, Batman's costume is "puffed out"... denoting some minor visual changes to his look.  His suit is now armored with kevlar... and looks a bit closer to the movie-look.

I suppose with everything he'd just gone through, it only makes sense to "armor up".  Gotta wonder why he's still got Robin running about in a leotard though?

Overall... I thought Troika was pretty underwhelming overall, but this issue was a nice little showcase for Tim Drake... and finally gives us the "actual" return of the one true Batman.  Definitely worth a look.  It's available digitally (though, without the puffy cover), it's also been collected in Robin, Volume 5: War of the Dragons.


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Saturday, July 7, 2018

Titans (vol.3) #8 (2017)

Titans (vol.3) #8 (April, 2017)
"Made in Manhattan, Part One: To Bee or Not to Bee"
Writer - Dan Abnett
Penciller - Brett Booth
Inker - Norm Rapmund
Colorist - Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer - Corey Breen
Assistant Editor - Brittany Holzherr
Editor - Alex Antone
Group Editor - Marie Javins
Cover Price: $2.99

Ya know, over the past few weeks I've severely cut down on my "internet time".  Found that the longer I lingered online, the less happy I was... and the less satisfied with my work I became.

This has (so far) resulted in a far happier Chris... but it doesn't come without it's bad bits.  For instance, it's just before writing this piece that I learned that we lost Steve Ditko.  Today's book (unfortunately) has nothing to do with the man... and rather than run off and force a Steve Ditko tribute book at the last minute, we will celebrate him in a few days.  He deserves more than a rushed, thrown together piece... 

We have discussed the works of Steve Ditko here on the blog, so if you wanna have a look, click here.

Like I said, today's book has nothing to do with him... but, it just felt wrong not mentioning his passing.  Rest in Peace, Steve... and thanks for everything!


We open with a flashback of the Titans time... as Teens.  It's still kinda weird to see Dick Grayson's Robin not wearing the short-pants... sometimes silly things should remain despite their silliness.  Anyhoo, this is all about Mal Duncan... who was then going by Herald (and not Vox, Mal, or Hornblower).  We hop into the present where Mal has escorted his wife Karen to a place called Meta Solutions so she can "deal with" her newfound metapowers.

He reveals that he's already used Meta Solutions' services when he... gave up his own metapowers.  He didn't want his old life (that he can barely remember anyway) to creep into their present.  He doesn't outright tell Karen to dump her powers, buuuut it's kind of implied.  They are then greeted by the creepiest creep who ever done creeped, Peter Simon... who we're accustomed to seeing with a partially transparent dome.

Back at Titans Tower, we get a few vignettes.  First, Roy and Donna chat about her old hobby (profession?) of photography.  I'll plead ignorance here... if Wally remembers Linda (and now the kids), does Donna remember ol' T-Long?  Is this something that's been mentioned?

A few rooms over, Wally video-chats with Linda Park on his tablet.  She tells him she's too busy to get together... which feels not unlike a blow-off.  Then again, I'm sure if I ran up to a perfect stranger and told her that in an alternate history that we were married... she might look for excuses to distance herself from me too.  Anyhoo, Dick enters and they talk about Wally's reacclimation to "the real life" and his very strange love-situation.

In the Training Suite, Tempest dares Lilith to punch him in the face... and she does.

Back at Meta Solutions, Karen and the Creep head off to discuss her options.  It's plain to see that she isn't all that keen on deep-sixing her powers... and so, "Peter" instead offers her a training suit.

In the waiting area Mal spies Mammoth chatting up the receptionist, and flashes back to the attack during Titans Hunt.  Dude (Mal, that is) freaks the eff out and rushes out of the building.

At which time, Lilith is hammered with a strong psionic blast... she knows Mal's troubled, and assembles the Titans to check in on him.  They find him like... right away... and he fills them in on his Mammoth-sighting.

And so, the Titans bust into Meta Solutions... where they run into Bumblebee?!


There's something missing.

I've read this issue twice now... and there's a lot to dig for the old-tyme Titans fan.  We get some fun soapy-elements, superhero drama, humor, great art... but, there's just something missing here.  Call it heart or soul... call it whatever you want, this just leaves me feeling cold and completely empty.  There's not much not to like here, and in fact... I dig it.  But still, there's something really keeping me at "arm's length" here.

The Titans themselves, as little panel-time as they received, were all well-written, and in-character.  This is like... ya know, the day you and your spouse return home from your Honeymoon... or a romantic getaway.  You're kinda slapped in the face by "real life", and you have this internal dissonance about getting back into the routine... or keeping that "away" feeling going just as long as you can.

This feels like the "Honeymoon" period is over... and the characters, hell maybe the creators... are unsure just where to go next.  Not sure if all superhero teams need a "mission statement", but... if that were the case, what would the Titans mission statement be?  A group of friends who forgot ever being a team... teaming again?  Not sure how far we can go with a concept like that.

Sure, today (Summer 2018) the Titans are officially the Junior Justice League... which might lead to, I dunno... purpose?  Here, however... there's just no real reason for them to be teaming.  I dunno, maybe it's just me.

Let's briefly chat the Duncans.  Mal is... horrendously boring.  He used to be a pretty neat character... but here, he's just some stick in the mud.  Not even sure why they brought him back, just to depower and retire him?  Karen (unwittingly) throwing in with the baddies leads to... well, a pretty predictable story that we've seen time and again.  Just kinda dull all around... and anytime they're on-panel, I just wish we were getting more of the Titans instead.

Overall... a pretty missable issue.  If you wanna see Tempest punched in the mush, maybe give it a shot.  The art, by Brett Booth is as good as ever (though his panel-layout gives my iPhone agita when snapping pics).


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