Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Batman and Robin #1 (2009)

Batman and Robin #1 (August, 2009)
"Batman Reborn, Part One: Domino Effect"
Writer - Grant Morrison
Art - Frank Quitely
Colors - Alex Sinclair
Letters - Patrick Brosseau
Assistant Editor - Janelle Siegel
Editor - Mike Marts
Cover Price: $2.99

As a fan of a certain age, I sometimes find myself playing that game.  You know the one... where you look at a cover-date of a book... subtract it from now, and realize just how much time has passed since the thing hit shelves/the first time you read it.  It's a horrid little game, and I recommend nobody ever play it.

Well, okay... just this once.  I'm sitting here pretty dumbfounded that this issue came out... a decade ago!  Holy cow.  I mean, it's pre-Flashpoint, so it's at least seven-eight years old... that much I ought to know!  But seeing the date there... starin' at me.  It's enough to make one question what they've done with their life!

Or maybe I'm projecting.

Also, the cover reminds me of McDonalds... maybe I'm just talkin' out my backside at this point so let's just get to it!


We open during Mr. Toad's wild ride... ya see, there's this frog-faced fella called Mr. Toad, and he's trying to evade the Batmobile.  Unfortunately for him, there have been some improvements made to the ol' rig... for instance, it can fly now!

We hop inside the Batmobile, where Batman (Dick Grayson) is apologizing to Robin (Damian Wayne) for ever doubting the enhancements made to the car.  They wind up running Mr. Toad off the road, and into the drink.  Our amphibious new friend emerges from the drink holding a briefcase...

... unfortunately for him, he does this right at the feet of the new Dynamic Duo!  They wallop him with their fists... which sends the contents of his briefcase flyin' all ova da place!  Turns out, the case was full of... dominoes?

When Mr. Toad wakes up, he is blindfolded and is being dangled by his ankles high above Gotham City.  Well, he thinks he's high above Gotham... he's actually just a couple of feet off the ground.  Dick tries getting some information out of him... and, while I'm not sure what this geek is muttering about, he seems to get it (we later find out that it's "circus-speak".  He drops Toad on the dock and takes off.

We flash back to a scene at Wayne Manor.  Dick and Alfred are talking about the recent passing of the Man of the House.  Dick comments that he never really considered being "next in line" for the cape and cowl (despite all that Prodigal stuff).  After a trip to the cemetery, Alfred assures him that Bruce is and was always proud of him.

Back to the present, and we're at the Wayne Enterprises Building.  Dick and Damian are in the down-below taking care of some Bat-Business.  While Damian tinkers s'more with the Batmobile, Dick continues expressing trepidation about being Batman... and also, doing some research, while images of "ferocious" chicken and jalapeno sandwiches dance in his head.  Damian notes Dick's reluctance and offers to take up the Bat-mantle himself.  Yeah, not yet kid.

As Batman and Robin head into out, we briefly check in on a Toad-hauling paddy-wagon.  Mr. Toad warns the Officers that he's got friends... and Gotham City will soon belong to them.  Meanwhile, some creepy-looking people in Raggedy Ann masks emerge from a carnival tent.

We hop over to the roof of the GCPD, where Commissioner Gordon has illuminated the Bat-Signal.  He is joined by a pair of incredulous Officers... they've lit the thing every night for months at this point, and nobody ever shows up.  Well, that all changes tonight.

As Batman and Robin show up on the roof, down below a... burning man (Phosphorous Rex) arrives on the scene.  Officers rush over to give him a hand (remember, he's on fire)... and get burned out for their troubles.

We shift scenes to the tiny apartment of an immigrant family.  We meet a man, who was an associate (and passenger) of Mr. Toad... who happened to get away after they were run off the road (earlier this issue).  He is frantically packing and telling his daughter, Sasha that they've got to beat a hasty retreat.  He's escaped Batman once... and he's not interested in tempting fate.

He is interrupted by a knocking at the door.  He goes to answer it... and sees that it's his brother (and fellow Toad-ssociate) Lev.  He opens the door wider, and discovers that it's actually those Raggedy Anns from the tent!

Next thing we know... the fellow wakes up strapped to a table.  He's approached by a man in a butcher's smock and a grotesque Pig mask.  This is Professor Pyg.  He waited for the man to wake up before performing his "de-uglifying" process, during which he places a white-hot doll mask on his face.  It's an absolutely brutal-looking process.

Ya see, Pyg sees his doll-faced army as being the embodiment of "perfection"... which might tell ya just a little bit about how twisted this guy is.

What's more... he ain't done yet!  He tells the fella that his daughter, Sasha... is next!  Oh, and also... that he's going to assist with the "perfecting" process!


Pretty excellent first outing here!

This was one I recall being excited for back in... ye old 2009.  I loved the idea of the Batman and Robin dynamic to be sorta turned on its ear.  Having a super-serious Robin in Damian alongside a more lighthearted Batman in Dick was definitely something I was ready for... and it delivered.  Rather than being a student-teacher, or superior-subordinate relationship... these are two fellas learning their way... together.  Damian as a hero, and Dick as the hero.

Professor Pyg is one of the only villains in comics that actually kinda makes my skin crawl.  This is a creepy and twisted dude.  There's that saying that the best bad guys actually believe themselves to be good guys.  Here, we have Pyg trying to impose his version of "perfection" on people... he truly believes he's bringing people to their "best possible form".

It's a visceral, brutal... and permanent change, and somehow, despite only knowing Sasha Whatsherface for like two pages, we fear for her!  It's some pretty great work.  Speaking of great work, I can't believe we're one-thousand and seventy-five days into this blog... and we've never featured Frank Quitely!  The sheer terror on Sasha's face really tells the tale here... a truly excellent (and horrifying) scene!

Really, this was a top-flight book.  Excellent production all around... really feels like the "standard bearer" for DC Comics at the time.  Suppose I wouldn't be me if I didn't kvetch about the Morrison Bat-Epic being derailed by the cosmic toilet flush that was The New-52!, right?  Of course, if we were to go by DC's official stance, the reboot was already well in the planning stages by this point anyway.  Ahem... of course.

Overall, this is one I'd certainly recommend checking out... probably best read in trade form (aren't they all this side of 2000?).  Available digitally.


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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Superman (vol.2) #174 (2001)

Superman (vol.2) #174 (November, 2001)
"Every Blade of Grass"
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Guest Art - Steve Lieber
Colors - Tanya & Richard Horie
Letters - Richard Starkings
Assistant Editor - Tom Palmer, Jr.
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.25

Going with a random pick today, from whichever longbox is closest... sometimes that's fun to do!


It's the wake of Our Worlds at War, and much of Kansas has been rocked... and that includes a certain little town.  Many of her citizens have gone missing... and that includes a certain little family.  We open with Lois and Clark at the remains of the Kent farm, with the former digging through the rubble for one thing in particular.  Lois manages to find Ma Kent's old journal, which she reads from aloud while Clark rebuilds the place.

Lois takes a look and misspeaks when she says Ma "kept" a journal, past tense.  Clark is quick to correct her as he continues occupying his mind with work.  This process continues for several days... and nights.

Clark is just about done with his construction project... which includes taking care of such things as pipes, and even the septic tank (which is a nice touch... details we might not always think about).  Lois pops in to let him know they're about to have company... in the form of the Vice President of the United States of America... and the Second Lady!

Pete is a complete chucklehead here... almost feels like a middle-aged Eddie Haskell with the way he's talking... "What d'ya hear, what d'ya say?"  So weird.  Lana pulls Lois aside to ask the question that she's sure is on Lois' mind as well.  Will Clark ever take up the cape again?  Lois is unsure, but says that he hasn't outright ruled it out.

Back to Clark and Pete.  The Veep claims that there are over a million displaced Americans... in Kansas alone!  Which means, the likelihood of tracking down Jon and Martha Kent might be slim.  Clark ain't about to take this lying down... not that he really has much of a choice, unfortunately.  He tells Pete he'd best talk to his boss... or else he will.

After the Ross's leave, Lois begins to hint that Clark really ought to consider being Superman again.  She brings up the fact that she'd lost her own father during Our Worlds at War... and knows that this isn't the right time to take a step back.  The nearly-contentious conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a stranger passing through.  He calls out to Clark and asks him if "Beef Bourguignon with Ketchup" means anything to him.  Well, I'll say it does!

Clark learns that someone important to him is recovering at the local Red Cross Hospital... and so, he has himself a shave and heads off for a visit with Ma!

What he's not prepared for... is Ma's first question.  "How's your father?"  Clark is taken aback... he'd assumed Pa was here with her!

Clark brings Ma home to her rebuilt house... and gets right back to work keeping his mind off of "things".  Lois calls him in to let him know that Perry White called.  Clark shrugs it off.  Ma suggests that it's be best for her boy to return to the real life... but he shrugs that off too, insisting that Pa is still alive.

Hey, wouldn'tcha know it... Clark's right!  We shift scenes to Jonathan Kent hitching a ride on a big rig to head "north".  Stands to reason he'd want to get away... he likely believes Martha to be dead.

Back at the farm, Ma gives Clark one of her trademark pep-talks.  She assures him that there is a way to move on as Superman while honoring those lost during Our Worlds at War.  Slowly but surely, her son comes around.

After checking in with Lois, Superman heads back into the Never-Ending Battle... with a slightly-altered "in memorium" uniform.


Sometimes the "random pick" method will bite us in the backside... other times, I get a chance to revisit something I probably should have already revisited by now!  Today was very much the latter.

The Our Worlds at War era of the Super-books kinda marked my going "all-in" after an extended time away.  I'd popped in here and again... and kinda traced my finger around the edges of the Super-books going into the turn of the century, but was afraid of making such a large (and potentially daunting) commitment to a family of titles.

With Our Worlds at War, I found myself hooked!  Sure, in hindsight the event was maybe a bit on the bloated side, and probably had a few too many tie-in one-shots and the like... but, back in 2001 I was all about it.  This "quiet" reflect-y issue was a really good capper... and, just like the Super-book we discussed yesterday, didn't just tie a bow on everything that came before... but also spurred on a few story threads.

Of course to fully appreciate this issue we need to kinda suspend our disbelief.  I have trouble reconciling the fact that Ma was holed up so close by at the Red Cross Hospital, and Clark didn't know it.  Sometimes he can zero in on a particular heartbeat or voice... and sometimes he can't.  Guess we just gotta roll with it.

The costume alteration to include the black shield?  Gotta say, I really dug this touch.  Heck, I was a bit bummed out when they reverted back to yellow!  The black shield was a very striking touch... and a really neat way to pay tribute to those lost during Our Worlds at War... and, in the real world, to those lost during the 9/11 attacks.

Our guest-artist is Steve Lieber, and... while I'm not sure I'd like this kind of art in a "regular" action-heavy issue of Superman... for a quiet issue like this, it does the job.  The (McGuinness) cover is also pretty great!

Overall, I definitely recommend this, though with the caveat that you'd probably want to have some familiarity with the events of Our Worlds at War to fully appreciate it.  This issue (and many chapters of Our Worlds at War) is available digitally.


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Monday, January 7, 2019

Action Comics #692 (1993)

Action Comics #692 (October, 1993)
"And Who, Disguised as Clark Kent?"
Writer - Roger Stern
Co-Plotter - Karl Kesel
Pencils - Jackson Guice
Inks - Denis Rodier
Letters - Albert DeGuzman
Colors - Glenn Whitmore
Associate Editor - Frank Pittarese
Editor - Mike Carlin
Cover Price: $1.50

If you were to take a poll and ask those folks who trawl the 25/50-cent bins which books show up most often during their hunts, you're probably going to get a bunch of different answers... though most, I'd assume would be early-Image (or early-Image adjacent).

If you were to ask me though... it'd be this book, and lemme tell ya, it's not even close!  Action Comics #692, for being such an important book (as we're about to talk about), is my most tripped-over weed in the cheap-o bins... and has been for well over a decade!

This is all apropos of nothing, of course... just something that immediately comes to mind when this cover passes my gaze.

Let's get to it!


We open with our newly-returned Superman digging through the rubble of a building destroyed during the brouhaha with Doomsday... where he manages to find Clark Kent, alive and well!  Hey, that takes care of that!  Lois rushes over to embrace her missing fiance, before posing for a great photo-op.

Superman is pulled aside by Cat Grant for a statement.  While they talk a slimy fellow rushes up to inform Superman (and the world) that the rights to the name "Superman" now belong to Rex Leech Enterprises... and that teen-age Superman clone!

Superman doesn't seem to be sweating this, and just figures he'll have a chat with the kid somewhere down the line.  Speaking of Superboy (and the other three would-be Supermen), the news broadcast next jumps to a "where are they now?" segment.  After sacrificing himself out at Coast City, the Eradicator is down and out at S.T.A.R. Labs.  Steel was also injured during that to-do, and is expected to make a full recovery.  Superboy, er, "the Teen Superman" has been seen canoodling with "LexCorp's" Supergirl, and the Cyborg has been confirmed as having been "destroyed".

We rejoin Superman in the sky, when he is approached by Lex Luthor (II) in his helicopter.  He wants to know what Superman has done with his Supergirl.  Turns out, she's been pretty evasive since the business in Coast City.  Superman assures him that he's not Supergirl's keeper before taking off.  Luthor seethes... but only for a moment.  He now realizes this is the real Superman... which means, he still has the chance to kill him!

Back to Lois and "Clark", who are at Metropolis General.  Clark is examined and given the medical stamp of approval.  To explain his phenomenal shape, Clark claims that the place he'd been "buried" for the past month was well-stocked with food and water... and plenty of room for him to keep up with his calisthenics.

Meanwhile at S.T.A.R. Labs, the Eradicator is loaded into one of those fluid-filled tubes that people always seem to be loaded into anytime they visit S.T.A.R. Labs.  Many of the sci-guys (and gals) assume he's a lost cause... until they pick up a heartbeat!

We shift scenes back to the Kent apartment, where Superman and Clark finally have a "private" face-to-face confrontation.  Superman's all "hands off my woman", Clark goes "oh yeah, try and make me".  They let Lois decide, and she picks Superman... which was always her way, wasn't it?  Anyhoo, it's revealed here that "Clark Kent" was actually a shape-shifted Supergirl!

The Kents thank her for the help, and she heads off to return to her man, Lex Luthor (II).  Lois and Clark have a bit of a reunion... until Clark remembers that he never checked in with Pa after his heart-episode.  If you recall, Pa and Superman fought side-by-side on the other side during Adventures of Superman #500 (which I could've sworn we'd discussed here... must be getting my Treadmilling confused with my Infiniting).

Anyhoo, Superman goes to dial up his folks... when suddenly the scene dramatically shifts.  Next we know, we're in the office of Dr. Occult, who Superman recognizes from an earlier adventure (which hadn't been told yet).  He's here to spill the beans on exactly how Superman was able to cheat death.

He first takes them back in time to the battle between Superman and Doomsday.  With every punch they experience, (present day) Superman appears to feel it!  It's as though he's going through the same ordeal all over again.  Occult assures Lois that Superman ought to be strong enough to survive this time around.

As the trip down memory lane continues... Superman dies.  Occult explains that after "death", as Superman's spirit was vacating his body... that body was still soaking up energy from the Sun.  Also, that Bibbo's efforts in resuscitating him were actually helpful!

Next stop... Superman's coffin.  It's just Occult and Lois for this leg of the tour... present-day Superman has been kayoed.  Occult drops even more knowledge.  Ya see by this point, Superman's spirit did evacuate the body... however, all of the stored energy inside the body managed to preserve it.

All this explains how Superman was able to fight side-by-side with Jonathan Kent during the opening salvo of "the Return".

At this point, the Eradicator awoke and sought to claim Superman's body.  The body was taken, and placed in a Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix.  During the process, the Eradicator took some of Superman's energies... and as we know, briefly attempted to usurp his role.

And now... Superman's back!  Lois wonders if this means Superman is unkillable so long as there's a Sun.  Occult assures her that that's not the case at all... and that it was due to the confluence of a whole lot of factors that he was able to come back at all.

Next thing we know, Lois and Clark wake up in a field.

But not just any field... it's actually part of the Kent Farm!  We wrap up with Lois, Clark and the Kents having a joyous reunion.


Well, there we have it... so many questions answered in a single issue, that it's kind of mind-boggling, ain't it?  Could not imagine something like this happening today.  Explanations today are dragged across six-issues (if we're lucky!) and often wind up rendered moot with the arrival of subsequent creative teams.

It's hard to consider just how tight everything was back then.  90's comics get a ton of flack (some warranted, some not so much) for being vapid and shallow, but... c'mon, this is some solid stuff that doesn't just tie a bow on what came before, but spurs out into several new story threads.

Let's take a look at the explanation... by first being thankful that it wasn't the Phantom Stranger who took Lois and Clark on their magical mystery tour (though, he is sorta Phantom Stranger-adjacent... they're both part of that Trenchcoat Brigade we talked about a few months back).

The actual explanation though?  It worked well enough.  I mean, we're dealing with the life, death, and return of a superpowered alien here, so it's not like we should go into this expecting some crazy scientific deal... it's your standard "spirit left the physical husk" type'a stuff... only with the hows, whys, and whens included... and, of course the spirit reoccupying the body bit.

I appreciated the "where are they now?" bits discussing the four impostor Supermen.  We didn't need full-blown visits with them here, and a panel a'piece (Eradicator excepted) was good enough.  This wasn't their story this time out... but, it's good to know there's still "stuff" going on with them.

Overall, it's not quite business as usual for the Super-books... even though the Real Steel Deal is back to wearing the colors.  This feels kind of like an evolution from where the books were pre-Doomsday, and I gotta say, it's a pretty welcome change.  That isn't to say I didn't like/appreciate what came before... but, a quarter-century removed, this feels more like "my" Superman going forward.  This issue has been collected... well, at least the "Clark gets dug out of the rubble" bit, and is available digitally (though, I'm sure if you really want it... dollars to donuts, it's in your local cheap-o bin!).


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