Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sensational Spider-Man #33 (1998)

Sensational Spider-Man #33 (November, 1998)
"The Gathering of Five, Part Five: Gifts"
Writer - Todd DeZago
Pencils - Joe Bennett
Inks - Al Milgrom
Colors - Tom Smith
Letters - Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Edits - Ralph Macchio
Chief - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.99

Even though nobody's following along anymore, we're still working our way toward the Byrne/Mackie Reboot... and today, we wrap up the lead-in story arc, The Gathering of Five.  Be ready for one heck of a satisfying conclusion.  Would I lie to ya?  Hrmm...

If you wanna/needta catch up, here are the first four chapters.  Just click'a the cov'uh, and you will be delivered:

Now, onto the senses-shattering conclusion!  Tomorrow, we begin The Final Chapter... which, uh, is the next story line.


We open with Override... yeah, him again... it's several weeks ago and he's sat at the bedside of his wife in the hospital.  It'd been near a quarter-century since I last read any of this, so I assumed she was just "ill"... and not all tore up from their last outing together as supervillains.  Anyhoo, she's been comatose for awhile, and our man decides he's just going to put her out of her misery... until, that is, she wakes up!

Back to the present, and Peter Parker is trying to repair his leaky roof.  While in the attic, he comes across some old photos... and, like most of us do when in the same sort of situation, he starts to reminisce.  He is soon joined by Mary Jane, who hems and haws about maybe getting back into the modeling game... even though she's clearly already made up her mind.  We get a panel with some of Emjay's photos, which... if taken out of context, would be pretty gross.  Splott, indeed.

MJ continues to hint that she's doneski with school... and starts harping on how expensive her textbooks are.  $300 for a psychology book!  Hmm.  I've been a student of Psychology for a decade now (at undergrad, masters, and post-masters levels), and haven't had a book quite that expensive in any'a my syllabuses.  She must be taking some advanced stuff!  Peter tells her not to sweat it.

Back at the hospital, Greg (Override) tells Annie about the Gathering of Five ritual.  Oh yeah, that li'l thing... almost forgot about it!  It's not like it's front-and-center in the story named after it, is it?  We learn a bit more about the extent of Annie's injuries... it doesn't sound great.

Greg heads out... almost ashamed of himself for not being completely upfront with Annie about what the Gathering of Five might actually result in.  He realizes she's pretty hopeless at the moment, and he didn't want to pile on anything else for her to worry about.

We shift scenes, and... hey, it's Spider-Man!  After nearly killing himself by swingin' in the rain... he pitches a tent around a homeless man, and follows the police to an armored car that had just been robbed.  Ya see, he's hopeful to snap a few Spidey-action-pics to sell to Jonah... and use those monies to buy MJ her books!

Little does he know, however, that at that very moment... Mary Jane is withdrawing from all of her classes!

Back at the hospital, Annie Override has another visitor... it's Norman!  He promises her that, should the Gathering of Five go sideways for Greg... that he himself will return to "bring her peace".  Welp, that got kinda dark.

Back with Spidey... he notices, say it with me, Override running away from the armored car holding a briefcase.  The next four pages have Spider-Man chasing the baddie... into a building, and up to its roof.  Along the way Spidey sings a bit of Fastball's "The Way", which really helps ta get ya into the gestalt of 1998, eh?

Spidey knocks Override off the roof, but catches him before he falls all that far.  He delivers the baddie to a pair of police officers, who appear not to give half a damn.  Whattayagonnado?

What's important here is that Peter got his pictures... and the Bugle ran one of 'em!  Look at the angle on this thing.  Where exactly would "Peter Parker" be to snap this picture?  Does Jonah ever stop to think about that?  I mean, Pete would have to be hovering in a low-flying helicopter or something, no?  Silly.

Back in the hospital, we learn that Greg managed to give the officers the slip... not that they cared all that much in the first place.  He's now got "all the money" they could ever need... and soon, after the Ritual, their lives will be perfect.  You almost feel for the guy, right?

Speakin' of guys we feel for... we jump to the next day, where Peter is putting the finishing touches on his roof repair.  Mary Jane joins him... and he gleefully presents her with a gift.  It's her Psych books!  She looks at them the same way a kid might look at a gift of socks on Christmas morning.  Or, perhaps how one might look at a mess the dog left on the new carpet.

Now, she finally comes clean... school, a degree... she don't want none'a that.  What she wants is "adventure"... and "excitement"... and for her, that comes with modeling.

Peter says, if that's what is most important to her... than she should do it.  Emjay corrects him, and while holding up a picture from their wedding day, says this is what's most important to her... but, she's still gonna get back to modeling anyway.  And with that... The Gathering of Five story arc... and this volume of Sensational Spider-Man come to an end.


Boy, I hope y'all didn't get too burned out on the hot-n-heavy Gathering of Five stuff in this issue!  Hoo-boy, and how about that conclusion!  Wow, I never expected the Gathering of Five to end... without the Gathering of the friggin' Five!  Yeesh... I know a running gag in the bullpen and letters pages is to give "Ralf" a hard time about how bad a job he does, but... c'mon man... who paced this event?  Five-parts... only two-and-a-half of which had anything to do with the actual thing it's named after!

Alright, let's put that aside for now... and talk about what we actually did get.  This was Override's story... who, for getting such a focus here, feels like a character we should still be talking about today, no?  Heck, it's been a long while since I read any "current year" Spidey... so, for all I know, he's looming larger than ever.

His story is pretty tragic... made even more so by the fact that his wife's current bodily state is his own fault.  You almost feel for the guy... and perhaps, under other circumstances, I would.  I gotta say though, every time he was on panel here... all I wanted to do was flip forward.  I'm expecting some Norman stuff here... and all I'm getting is Dr. Greg Whatshisface.  Not a fault of the story, the issue, nor Todd DeZago... but, more an "it is what it is" sort of thing.

Speaking of DeZago... I really like the way he writes Peter/Spidey.  The banter is not forced like it is under Byrne, and it doesn't feel like he just found a book of Henny Youngman one-liners to recite from like so many other Spidey writers.  While on the creative team, I really gotta hand it to Joe Bennett.  His art has been one of the bright-spots of revisiting this story/era.  His Dr. Greg might look a bit too much like Peter at times, but, for the most part... his work is really great!

Let's talk Mary Jane.  As much as she got on my nerves for making excuses and hemming and hawing, I'd be lying if I said I myself have never had those thoughts and conversations.  School as an adult... sucks.  While everyone you know is focused on their careers and gets to plan to spend their free time however they see fit, the adult student has... schoolwork, research, and classes after their day job.  It's not easy.  I mean, it's not impossible... but, it's not preferable, ya know?

I've had those hemming and hawing conversations with the wife... where I make excuses about anything from "expenses" (like MJ did), and having a more accommodating schedule... questioning the "value" of an advanced degree, asking if it would make that much of a difference in the long-run.  It's definitely something that can burrow into your brain pan.  Especially when it's a Psych degree.  I tell ya, a Bachelor of Science in Psychology... is worthless (I've had one for years!)  Well, worthless if you actually want a career in Psychology, or Research, or Behavioral Health that pays more than minimum wage.

So yeah, didn't love Emjay's take... but, can't suggest that it didn't feel right or real.  I still can't shake the feeling that we're supposed to feel somewhat betrayed by her quitting school.  Even with her holding up the photo from their wedding... it still doesn't feel like they're "on the same page".  We'll be exploring this further as we move through the Byrne/Mackie reboot.

Overall.  This was a fine issue... but a lousy chapter (much less the concluding chapter) of The Gathering of Five.  We get very little (if any) closure.  It feels like something out of nu-skool "Marvel Events 101"... where final chapters don't actually conclude anything... all they do is lead into the next in a string of endless events.  Imagine buying a The Gathering of Five trade paperback collection... and it only included these five issues?  You'd feel like you were robbed... and you wouldn't be wrong!




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Monday, June 8, 2020

Morituri Mondays, Episode 21 - Strikeforce: Morituri #21 (1988)

Strikeforce: Morituri #21 (September, 1988)
"The Earth is Red"
Writer - James D. Hudnall
Pencils - Huw Thomas
Inks - Tony DeZuniga
Letters - Phil Felix
Colors - Max Scheele
Edits - Carl Potts
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $1.25 USD (price hike!)
Release Date: May 3, 1988

Spectacular Spider-Man #262 (1998)

Spectacular Spider-Man #262 (October, 1998)
"The Gathering of Five, Part Four: A Day in the Life"
Guest Writer - John Byrne
Pencils - Luke Ross
Inks - Al Milgrom
Colors - John Kalisz
Letters - Comicraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Edits - Ralph Macchio
Chief - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.99

Wow, two Howard Mackie days in a row?  Well, if you look at today's cover, you might think so... buuut, it's wrong.  Today we're back with Byrne, for better or worse.

If you're thinking having the wrong credits on the cover is a sign of the tight editorial eye on this book... well, read on...


Today's issue opens with an "Interlude"... the first of, I wanna say three.  In it, Norman is chatting up that weirdo from the Pawn Shop we met the other day, and we learn his name is Morris Maxwell.  Heck, we might've already known that.  Anyhoo, Norman is on the phone with someone named "Franklin"... who had agreed to be part of the Gathering of Five ritual, and now appears to have cold feet.  Norman demands he come, even though the Rite states that all five must come voluntarily.  Whatever the case, we pop over to the Franklin house and find out that someone had been listening in on that call.  We'll meet them soon... and, hoo boy, are they gonna be annoying.

Onto the "meat and potatoes" of the issue.  Spider-Man is going about his regular patrol, when two dorks on bikes notice him swingin' by, and decide to follow him and see where he's headed.  There's a really forced running gag here about one of these goofballs being a henpecked fiance or something... it's really not worth breaking down.

So, these cyclists follow Spidey to a... nondescript store.  Like, it's literally just a doorway... where a ski-masked would-be robber gets punched the eff out.

Spider-Man saves the day... webs the crook up, like all the way... he looks like a mummy.  No air-holes or anything!  He is then thanked by the proprietor of the establishment, who is overjoyed that... Captain America saved him.  The hell?  That doesn't make any sort of sense... would anyone in the world mistake Spider-Man for Captain America?  I mean, Daredevil... maybe?  Deadpool even... but Cap?  C'mahhhhn... (another) bad joke, Byrne.

Next, interlude the second.  Mary Jane reacclimates to the modeling world.  It's an "absolutely fabulous" scene... which is to say, everyone in it cannot help but to say "absolutely" and "fabulous" with every line.  Emjay is handed her contract... and it looks to be a biggun.

Back to Spidey, who is swinging by a pick-up basketball game, where some grown-ass adults have swiped the ball from some kids.  Welp, this looks like a job for Spider-Man.

Spidey challenges the grown-ups (who he addresses as "big kids", even though they're all drawn as adults) to a game... winner take ball.  Spider-Man actually hurls one of 'em into a wall... I mean, from the looks of it... I don't know if the poor goof even survived it.  Feels sort of out of character for Spider-Man, dunnit?  If he starts referring to himself as "The Spider", I'm outta here.

After returning the ball to the little kids, Spidey's back on patrol.  Those idiot cyclists are still hot on his trail... and get this, they ride out into traffic without looking, causing a nine-car pileup!

They decide to press on, because, screw gettin' in trouble for that.  They don't get far, however, as Spider-Man has set a sticky trap in their path.

One tries to get away, Spidey catches him, we learn these two geeks are lawyers for some reason (maybe Byrne had a bone to pick with lawyers around this time)... and they're frog-marched back to the scene of the accident.  Spidey leaves them with some officers, and swings through Central Park, where he overhears the a woman (the fiancee) trying to get a hold of the henpecked one.  ell oh ell.

We wrap up with our third interlude.  You lovin' all this Gathering of Five content we're getting?  It's pretty great, innit?  Here, we hang out with Norman at LaGuardia... where he's waiting for Franklin to show up with the fourth and final shard.  Someone does show up... but, it isn't the "Franklin" Norman had expected.


Man, what a great chapter of The Gathering of Five, right!  Right?  Uh... Right???

I mean... honestly, just what the hell was this, and why did we need it?  We literally got four pages dedicated to the main story... a story, by the way, which will serve as a catalyst to reboot Marvel Comics' flagship character for the first time in nearly forty years.  There really should've been more care taken with this.  The whole thing feels like an afterthought at worst, and filler at best.

What's more, it's another (poor) fill-in by Byrne!  Spectacular Spider-Man was an important book in the Spider-family... leading up to this, it had been written by J.M. DeMatteis and Roger friggin' Stern... where were they?  Probably running as fast as they could in the opposite direction...

Okay, so try let's break this down.

Let's start with the stuff that's actually important to The Gathering.  Norman is reaching out to a "Franklin" to get that fourth 'n final.  Franklin is a bit trepidatious, which really, is the only way he should be when a) dealing with Norman Osborn, and b) putting his fate in the hands of a weirdo ritual.  His child, however, listened in on the call... and it looks like they're going to take his place in the ritual.  Be prepared... this character is going to be wildly unpleasant.  That's... it.  That's the entire Gathering of Five portion of this issue.

We do touch on another bubblin' subplot... pertaining to Mary Jane's return to modeling, which really just felt like Byrne shoehorning as many Patsy and Edina-isms into dialogue balloons as he could.  We get the impression that we're supposed to find the modeling biz to be vapid and superficial... which may further alienate us from Mary Jane.  Remember, we're supposed to be able to relate to the superheroes and their families, right?  That's what Marvel Editorial has been saying since Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21 came out, anyway!

For the rest of the story... like, literally the other 20 pages of it, we get Spider-Man swinging through the city, using his powers in... I dunno, sorta mean ways.  He mummifies that one robber... no air-holes to be seen.  Not sure if that was an artistic choice, or if Byrne had that in his notes.  He beats up those basketball thieves... which, I dunno, feels sort of like an abuse of power.  Maybe I'm over-thinking it.  Spider-Man also takes great pleasure (perhaps too much) upon catching those cycling lawyers.  Makes me feel like Byrne might've had a few run-ins with lawyers, and he was taking out his frustrations here.  That's just my postulating, however... it could all be in my head.  Just seems weird that they'd draw attention to what these two losers do for a living.  I mean, who asked?

Overall... this was a complete waste of time.  The four pages worth of Gathering story could have easily fit in yesterday's issue of Peter Parker if we removed the nonsensical Spidey fighting a literal Dragon on the streets of New York bit.  Just such a waste... which, I hate to repeat myself, but... this story is setting up the Spider-Man reboot.  This is Marvel's flagship character... and they're starting him over, in large part due to what happens in this story.  They're treating it as an afterthought, which does nobody (but Byrne) any good.

Oh, and it's gotta be said... 1998 Byrne doesn't write a funny Spidey story.  I've read funny Spidey stories... this is not one of 'em.




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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Cosmic Treadmill Presents... Comix Tawk, Episode 2: Dreaded Deadline Doom

More from the Patreon Exclusive Archives... the second episode of Comix Tawk, Reggie and my more "off-the-cuff" offering, wherein we kinda kvetch about anything going on in comics that finds its way under our skin.

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #96 (1998)

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #96 (October, 1998)
"The Gathering of Five, Part Three: Web of Despair"
Writer - Howard Mackie
Guest Pencils - Norman Felchle
Inks - Scott Hanna
Colors - Gregory Wright
Letters - Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Edits - Ralph Macchio
Chief - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.99

Today we reach the halfway point of The Gathering of Five... which has been kind of a mixed bag up to this point.  This issue is written by the man who will helm both Spidey books post-reboot, so it's here where we might get a taste of what's to come.

Worth noting, and this isn't going to be a mind-blowing revelation to most of you.  Pre-Byrne/Mackie Reboot, there were four monthly Spider-Man books:

  • Amazing Spider-Man
  • Spectacular Spider-Man
  • Peter Parker: Spider-Man
  • Sensational Spider-Man
Post-Reboot, we're going to be down to just two.  The second volumes of Amazing and Peter Parker.  Both will be written by Howard Mackie... with art (and plot assists) from John Byrne on ASM, and art from John Romita, Jr. on PP:SM.  I'm going to be digging through the ol' Wizard Magazines of the day to see what "behind the scenes" stuff I can find, and include that here as well over the next few days.

Anyhoo, without further ado... let's jump in.


We open at the Daily Bugle, where Peter Parker is burning the midnight... err, evening oil.  He is joined by Mary Jane, who has brought him something either called a "Merry Meal" or a "Sappy Meal"... seems as though creative couldn't make up their minds on this one.  Anyhoo, she's more or less here to test the waters with Pete about her perhaps getting back into the world of modeling... and, ya know, quitting school.  Peter is quick to ask her if she's "asking his permission", which seems to really tick her off.

As MJ leaves, Norman Osborn enters.  He's the co-owner of the Daily Bugle at the moment... so, it makes sense that he's here.  He's also a beloved member of society at this point, so it's not looked at as weird that he's now a prominent businessman.  Strange how Norman and Lex Luthor shared this odd trajectory around the turn of the century, isn't it?  Anyhoo, Norman's an a-hole to Peter... and shares with him a "hypothetical" story about people receiving a poison package, and basically melting... which really gets under his skin...

... so much so, that Pete grabs Norman by the lapels and asks him what he's done.  Osborn shrugs it off, and more or less laughs in Peter's face.  Basking in his newfound "belovedness", Norman tells Peter he's powerless in pretty much any situation they're in together.

We shift scenes to... oh boy... Madame Web.  I can't be the only one who rolls their eyes when she enters a story, can I?  Anyhoo, she's "dreaming"... and is visited upon by, well Norman Osborn.  He makes her an offer she can't refuse... that of a return of her youth... or, immortality.  All she's gotta do is take part in The Gathering of Five.  He tells her to find that "shard" anyway she can... and her mind instantly goes to Spider-Man.

Back at the Bugle, Peter heads into Jonah's office to thank him for letting him use the computer (what year is this?).  Jonah reveals that some news just came over the wire... a building full of people were just killed by melting after receiving some sort poison package.  Hmm.  Norman enters the office and tells Jonah he ain't runnin' that piece... and there'll be no questions asked.  He even tells Jonah to "think of his family" before he makes his next move.  Wow, Norman's a pretty bad-ass baddie, eh?

Peter jams out of the office and changes into his work-clothes which really tickles Norman.  He's seeing just how easy it is for him to play Parker like a fiddle.

As Spidey swings, he happens across a pair of nogoodniks attempting to mug a skinny nerd.  Peter can relate... and so, he stops in to lend the wimp a hand.  Once that's wrapped up, Peter gets a psychic distress call from... Madame Web.

Back at the Bugle, Jonah is stomping around his darkened office... he knows he's gotta do something to stop Norman Osborn.  And so, he reaches into his desk, and retrieves... his gun!  Knowing this might just be a one-way trip, JJJ leaves a sealed envelope addressed to Robbie in his desk.

Speaking of Robbie, let's check in with him and Alison Mongrain, eh?  They're at a run-down hotel... where the latter is being attacked by some creep... named Creep.  Robbie manages to kayo him after smacking him with a piece of furniture.  He tells Alison that she's gotta stay put... r'else she gon' die.

Back with Peter and the Madame, the old lady tells him that she needs him for something... something very difficult and dangerous.  Pete figures, ehh... she's helped me before, so why not?

One page later, Peter delivers her the Shard.  Wait... what?  Did we skip an issue?  How did he just get the shard?  Wow, that was underwhelming.  Maybe these things aren't as important as we've been led to believe?  I dunno.  Anyways, Madame Web has a "vision" of J. Jonah Jameson putting a gun to Norman Osborn's head.  She tells Spidey he'd better get over to the Bugle to intervene.

So, let's do that!  Over at the Bugle, Jonah enters Norman's office.

Ya know what would really suck right now?  If, instead of being able to get back to the Daily Bugle to diffuse this situation, Spider-Man got stuck fighting, say...  I dunno... a dragon on the streets of New York City?  Man, that would suck... good thing nothing that stupid would happen here.

So, back at the Bugle (feels like I've typed that a dozen times today)... Jonah confronts Norman.  Norman ain't sweatin' none'a this.  He tells Jonah he doesn't have the "stuff" to kill him... and even presses Jonah's gun into his own forehead... daring JJJ to squeeze one off.  This is some pretty good Norman.

Jonah drops the gun, proving Norman's point... that he just doesn't have it in him to kill.  Norman, however, does not have that same issue.  He snaps up the piece, and points it at Jonah.  He even mocks JJJ's hatred of Spider-Man, claiming that he only hates him because he's everything Jonah himself isn't.  Pretty good stuff.

Before Norman can perforate Jonah, Spidey swings in and webs up the pistol but good.  Jonah, it's worth mentioning, is cowering like a child... it's not a good look for ol' flat-top.

Norman, being a black-belt-level a-hole doesn't even let this stop him from running at the mouth.  He mocks Spider-Man... reminding him that he's now in a room with his two worst enemies.  He even dares him to take the gun and shoot them both right there.  Spidey turns to Jonah and offers him help... only to be pushed away.  Norman laughs, "Nary a friend in sight".  He tells Spider-Man that his suffering will end... soon enough.

We wrap up later that evening with... Madame Web handing over the third "shard" (and fourth piece, overall) for the Rites of the Five.  Norman is pleased... the Madame is not.


What a weird issue.

It's not often I'm left this conflicted when writing the "review" portion of a piece.  There was a lot about this issue I liked, a lot I didn't... some I wanted to like that I didn't... and some that I didn't want to like that I did!  Such a strange issue.

Let's start with the strongest part (in my opinion).  This was some great Norman Osborn.  I really enjoyed his scenes... and watching him put Jonah in his place was oddly satisfying.  It's not often we see JJJ in such a vulnerable state.  It's also not so often we see him try and take a situation into his own hands.  This entire scene was a lot of fun... though, the dialogue was perhaps a tad on the stilted side.

Norman taunting Peter was also very well done... though, again... his "hypothetical story" might've been a bit "much", ya know?  Taking the "does any human actually speak like this?" factor into consideration might hurt how one receives this bit.  I do like the taunting though... it actually feels like Spidey's back is up against the wall here.

I compared the Norman Osborn of this era to the Lex Luthor of this era during the synopsis... and I'm sure I'm not the first (nor last) to do so.  They were both on this same weird trajectory where the public was beginning to look at them as "good guys", "saviors", "model citizens", even.  Heck, they both took over prominent newspapers in their respective universes!  Lex at the Planet, Norman at the Bugle.  Weird stuff... but, I enjoyed both of their stories!

Let's talk Madame Web.  She's a bore.  She's also a pretty lousy pre-cog, if she actually saw Jonah murdering Norman.  That entire bit was so weird.  She needs Spider-Man to undertake the dangerous and difficult task of retrieving the shard, right?  He does it between panels!  Wha--?  Doesn't that just sorta suck the significance right out of the thing?  It's not like we were "out of pages" here... I mean, we wasted two or three on Spidey fighting a friggin' Dragon!  The hell is this all about?

Okay, now the Madame's motivations... are sound.  I guess.  She's ancient, and likely not long for the world... and so, the possibility that she might become immortal after the ritual is pretty tantalizing.  The risk is worth the reward for her.  Fair enough.  I still think she sucks.

Mary Jane gets a blip here, seemingly only to remind us that the marriage is kinda rocky... and that she and Peter might want different things outta life at this point.  It was still nice to see her story-thread picked up on here.

Alison and Robbie get a very short bit here... fighting off the creep named Creep.  Yeah, I guess that happened?

The art, as with yesterday's look at Amazing, was... uneven.  Some good stuff, some not so good.  J. Jonah Jameson looks like he's been killin' it in the gym... I mean, dude's got broader shoulders than Thor here.  Overall, the art here was far better than in ASM... though definitely not as good as Joe Bennett's work in Sensational.

So... yeah, this is a weird issue, and a weird "review".  I really don't know how to capsule-ize my feelings.  I think I walk away from it with, err, net-positive feelings?  What can I say, I really dug the way Norman was portrayed here.




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Saturday, June 6, 2020

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 1 - October, 1991

In a far better timeline, today (the first Saturday of the month) we would have released the third episode of From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast.  Due to the circumstances of this past month, we are not.  I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to it.  We were all looking forward to it as well.  The next episode is now set to drop the first Saturday of July... so, look forward to that, if... ya know, you are one who would look forward to that sort of thing.

In the meantime, however... and in the interests of "consolidating" the audio output of the Chris and Reggie Channel onto this here humble site, here's the first episode!  It's ten-hours long... so, if this is the first you're hearing about it (and you care to listen to it)... you've got plenty of audio to catch up on before the third episode hits.

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