Saturday, June 13, 2020

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #98 (1998)

Peter Parker: Spider-Man #98 (Late November, 1998)
"The Final Chapter, Part 4: The Final Chapter"
Writer - Howard Mackie
Pencils - John Romita, Jr.
Inks - Scott Hanna
Letters - Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Edits - Ralph Macchio
Chief - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.99

R.I.P. Denny O'Neil.


We wrapped up yesterday with Spidey in rather a sticky widget.  Well, actually... he was unmasked and dead, with a triumphant Green Goblin holding his body aloft in celebration.  How we ever gonna walk that back?  Heck, maybe we won't be!  Maybe this is how Peter Parker's story ends!  It is called "The Final Chapter" after all.  Arright, arright... let's turn the page and let that other shoe drop already...

Ya see, folks... Norman actually won the "gift" of MADNESS during The Gathering of Five, so... much of this was all in ol' Normie's head.  It's not clear quite how much, because Spider-Man does seem to know all about the Aunt May/actress debacle.  Maybe I'm not supposed to be thinking about that?  Anyhoo, the Green Goblin is babbling about DNA Bombs and what-not... really making a good of himself, which... gotta say, actually makes sense considering the ugly costume he's wearing.  Jonah, and the rest of the Daily Bugle staff are all here to witness this, by the way.

Just then... one of the Goblin's pumpkin bombs explodes... right at the foundation of the Bugle building!  Spidey gets in there to hold the thing up... so, it looks like we're getting yet another callback to that other "The Final Chapter".  Haven't seen that sort of thing in a few issues, have we?

Over the course of the next eight-pages, Spider-Man precariously holds the Daily Bugle building on his shoulders.  The police show up to haul Norman away... Jonah demands they arrest Spider-Man as well.  The news shows up... even Mary Jane somehow winds up in the crowd!  Finally, Spidey is able to hoist the building over his head.

Spider-Man then steadies the building, before unloading like a dozen web cartridges on it to keep it standing.  I will concede, I like this bit a lot.  Once the place is steadied, Jonah still demands Spider-Man be arrest... to which, Spidey basically tells him to go eff himself.

Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that crass.  Still, a very strong little scene here.  As Spidey exits stage-left en route to Reed Richards' surgery theater, he walks past Emjay and tells her he loves her.

Spider-Man swings toward the Fantastics... fearful that Reed will remove the DNA Bomb trigger thingie from Aunt May's noggin... which, according to Norman, will render all of humanity into component DNA goop.  Then again, Norman was a raving loon when he said all'a that... so was it even true in the first place?

Spidey arrives at the final moment to fill Reed in on the sitch... and begs him to find another way to save her life, ya know, without removing the dongle.

We shift to a little while later, with Peter and Mary Jane seated in a waiting room... ya know, waiting to hear whether or not May's surgery was a success.  While they're... uh, waiting, Mary Jane fills Peter in on some of the deets of her modeling contract... and Peter replies by saying he's going to quit the web-game.  Reed interrupts the conversation to reveal that Aunt May... (duh) will survive.

And so, Peter and MJ head into May's room... where they have a touching reunion.

Later, and stop me if you've heard this one before... Peter burns his Spider-Man costume in a barrel.

We wrap up (the issue, the volume of Peter Parker: Spider-Man, and this whole dang near-forty-year-long era of Spidey) with the Green Goblin in a padded room.  Some cloaked figures enter the place, overpower security and swipe ol' Norman... claiming that he is the property of (yawn) the Scriers.


Alrighty... so, that's how we're wrapping up Peter Parker's story, izzit?  Kind of a mixed bag, I s'pose...  I think it best we "Facts of Life" this one... ya know, take the good, take the bad... take 'em both.

Let's start with some "good".  First of all, Romita's art here is wonderful... ugly Goblin design notwithstanding, of course.  I mean, I don't even think George Perez could make that disaster look good.  I'm not sure if it's more my "comfort level" with John, Jr., but his work here just feels "right".  I really enjoyed it... if I'm being honest, it was the main highlight of this entire story arc.

More "good"... Peter telling off Jonah.  We really get the impression that Spidey's at his wit's end.  He has no more effs to give... and doesn't care whose feathers that may ruffle.  I mean, Jonah was being a complete jackass... so, any sorta snippiness in his direction was well-earned.

Spidey's trip to Reed's was well done.  I liked him trying to run everything through his head to make sense of it... while he was still recovering from, ya know, hoisting a great big building over his head.  I mean, he used his webs to tape up his ribs.  Really cool visual... really desperate sort of tone.  Just another very strong scene.  I think Mr. Mackie, despite how poorly this entire era has aged, could deliver some super-strong-Spidey.

Finally, and this is a weird one... but, I thought it was interesting that this issue shipped with two covers... but, they were both attached to the same book!  Weird "gimmick", but I appreciated the, uh "added value" at no additional cost.  It's really the only little "extra" we're getting here to denote that this is, in fact, a milestone issue.  It's not like Spidey's actually "going away"... the new #1's will be on the shelf in about a month!

Now, let's get into some "not so good".  If you've been reading my stuff for awhile, you've probably seen me complain about anytime a new creator gets a shot at Batman, they have to tell their version of the "Zorro scene".  Ya know, gunshot... blood splat... pearls everywhere.  With Spider-Man, I feel like we go back to the (original) "The Final Chapter" hoisting heavy crap trope a bit too often.  I swear, for awhile, we'd see callbacks to it several times a year.  Though, in fairness, "hoisting heavy crap" is sort of what superheroes do from time to time... but, I dunno.  It just kinda irks me... and falls prey to that law of diminishing returns.  On the same subject, I really don't think we needed to take up nearly half the issue with the hoisting scene.

Then, we've got Spider-Man quitting... again.  I think this is something that had been done too often before to make this time actually feel "special", ya know?  I mean, Peter gave up being Spider-Man like just a couple years ago when Ben Reilly showed up.  More of that law of diminishing returns, I guess.  I feel like if we really wanted to "draw a line" under this... we needed a scene with a) more "oomph", and b) one we haven't already seen... a few times before.

The MADNESS cop-out reveal was... I mean, they really wrote themselves into a corner here, didn't they?  There really wasn't any other option here, right?  Something had to give... and unfortunately, goin' by the Law of Mackie's Razor... the most uninspired answer is usually going to wind up being the right one.  I also didn't like how nebulous Norman's MADNESS actually was.  I mean, how much of what he pontificated last issue actually wound up being said?  Only the most relevant parts to the story?  Was he actually lucid (and super-powered) for the first 19 pages of the prior chapter... only going full-blown loony when he "unmasked" Peter?  Weird stuff.

Then, there was the stuff with the Scriers.  I can't remember if this is the first time we find out there's "more than one" Scrier... as, if I'm being honest, my eyes usually glaze over and I revert to "skimming" any time I see a Scrier on the page.  Whatever the case, I find them incredibly boring... and the fact that it looks like they're going to be sticking around into the Byrne/Mackie Reboot does not inspire a heckuva lot of faith.

Now, if you look at the Letters Pages I include in my pieces (which assumes that folks actually look at the pieces to begin with), this time out, we learn that the next issue we're going to want to read is... sigh... the first couple of issues of Spider-Man: Chapter One.  Are we bad enough dudes and dudettes to even dare try?  I will admit now that, even though I was a full-blown Marvel Zombie back 'round the turn of the century, even I dropped Chapter One halfway through!  Actually, I'm not even sure I made it halfway!  I'm game for another go-round.  I guess we'll just have to see if I somehow happen across that particular longbox today.  If not, we'll move right into the brand-new Spider-Man "volume 2's".

Thanks for reading, if you still are.  I didn't think this topic would be quite the blog-killer that it has been!  Hmm... maybe it's just me people don't like?


Both Covers:


(Don't Call it a) Fold-Out:


Letters Page:


Interesting Ads:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 82: Jim Nastics #1 (1984)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #82

Jim Nastics #1 (October, 1984)
by Bill Mitchell & Alan Larsen
Redstone Productions
Cover Price: $1.50

I finally managed to get out of the house yesterday... and go to a place that wasn't a Walmart or a grocery store.  It was the first time I'd ventured out to a comic shop since the world went wonky a few months back.  Rather than listen to the radio (especially since Sirius XM is taking their sweet time putting Yacht Rock Radio back on car audio!), I decided it was probably time for me to actually revisit an old episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill.

I haven't been able to listen to any of our work... outside of dipping in a bit on some of the Patreon exclusives to ensure they were decent enough to move to the regular feed, so this kind of a big deal to me.  I decided to just pick an episode at random, spanning our near 150 episode library... and, as luck would have it... this was the episode that started to play.

This was a special episode... though, honestly, I'd be hard-pressed to think of one that wasn't.  This one was special for a few reasons.  First, this was a book nobody had heard of, and one we knew wouldn't likely get all that much reach online (which is to say, most of the "community" wouldn't give a rip about this one, which of course, isn't to say they ever did normally)... and very unpodcasthosty, we didn't care.  This was a 100% "for fun" episode, which, honestly... is the best kind.

Also, this was a book Reggie couldn't get his hands on.  He went to a few of his local shops looking for it... and, nobody had even heard of it.  Even on eBay, he couldn't find this issue!  That speaks to both the glut of 1980's black and white comics, and to just how lost in the shuffle something like Jim Nastics would be.  This was the first time I had to actually upload the entire issue online just so Reggie could read it!  This added to the feeling that we would be dealing with the "great unknown"... a book that, when the episode dropped on that Sunday morning, folks' first thought might be "What in the--?"...

And, well... "What in the--?" indeed.  Jim Nastics #1 was a wild ride!

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Here are the first six pages from this instant classic to give you a taste 
(click the image to embiggen)... including a hot, steamy, Jim Nastics shower scene... maybe I should mark this NSFW?!

This issue actually had two stories... In between them were "Intermission Pin-Ups":

They even left room for a Letters Page... which, really speaks to the earnestness of this project.  Mitchell and Larsen really believed in Jim Nastics... which, at the end of the day, makes me feel like a horrible human being for mocking it!

Now, here's the thing about Jim Nastics... as a new property, this was revealed at a certain small northeastern comic book convention... the very same day as another 1980's black and white independent comic book property... that you might've heard of.  I'll just let Bill Mitchell tell it (from his site): 

That's right... if not for those dang Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stealing the spotlight, Jim Nastics could'a been a contendah!  That revelation was one of the times where Reggie and I both absolutely lost it on-air.  I added this bit to the script at the very last minute... I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wanted to see how he delivered it "fresh".  He didn't disappoint.  We both busted up... big time!

Another bit of specialness from this episode was the fact that we reached out to folks in the community beforehand (perhaps unconsciously as a way to mitigate the overall disinterest in this issue/episode), to ask what people's weirdest and/or greatest finds in the cheap-o bins were.  Ya see, every episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill came with, what we called "a hook".  The segment following the discussion of the book, but before listener mail, wherein we'd kind of "link" what we were talking about to the larger comics' scene/history.  This "hook" was going to focus on, my home away from home, the cheap-o bins.  I'll conclude this piece by sharing some of the finds that were shared with us (I'd love to hear more about folks' finds if anyone might want to share in the comments!)

But first to put a pin in Jim Nastics... this episode wound up being farther reaching than we ever expected, in fact, Bill Mitchell, the co-creator of Mr. Nastics actually listened to the show, and sent us an email!

I want to both thank Mr. Mitchell for being a good sport... as well as apologize if anything we said might've been a bit too spicy or seem mean-spirited.  It was never our intention to be little jerks about anything!  We had more fun with this episode than most... and we very much appreciated the fact that Jim Nastics is something that exists.  I don't have any reason to believe there might be any hard-feelings, however, as Mr. Mitchell even shared the episode on his site!

Anyhoo, that's a little bit about one of our most bizarre episodes... and a little bit about Jim Nastics.  I encourage you all to check out the episode if you're interested.  It was a whole lot of fun... a very bittersweet revisit for me personally.

We'll wrap up today with... The Hook!

Finds from our Friends (both Bizarre and Bargain-Bin Gold!):

Michael Alan Carlyle from The Crapbox of Son of Cthulhu

Rabid Rachel #1
Click the cover for Mike's thoughts!

Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein (@bigox737) from the Comics Comics Comics Blog

Mantech Robot Warriors #1
Mickey and Goofy explore the Universe of Energy

Chris (@btoandbatbooks) from The Batman Universe's Bat-Books for Beginners and Batgirl to Oracle Podcasts

Fast Willie Jackson #5
The Hands of the Dragon
The New People
Gold Key Spotlight: Tom, Dick and Harriet

Meet The New People (1969, ABC-TV)!

Alex Martin (@martinalguy) who creates the cover-art for the Weird Science DC Comics Podcast

The Authority #1 (1999)

Luke Hollywood (@LJ_Hollywood)

Green Lantern (vol.3) #48 (first Kyle Rayner!)

Dallas Gipson (@RedGrassState)

Fear Agent Ashcan
Avengers #196 (first Taskmaster!)

Christopher Hyden (@hydenc89)

Batman, Incorporated (vol.2) #8 (Death of Damian Wayne)

Dan Schwent (@DanSchwent)

Creatures of the Id (first Frank Einstein/Madman)

Ryan (@CineCrisis) of the CineCrisis YouTube Channel

Archie and the History of Electronics (Radio Shack freebie)
The Life of Pope John Paul II #1 (Marvel Comics)

Professor Alan (@ProfessorAlan) of the Relatively Geeky Network and Quarter-Bin Podcast

Race Warrior 
Blackhawk #122

Chris (@CharltonHero) curator of Super-Blog Team-Up and proprietor of the Super-Hero Satellite

Giant-Size X-Men #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Dark Knight Returns #4
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #2


(@BTPBlog) from the Between the Pages Blog

A stack of early Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four, including #45 (first Inhumans) and #53 (second Black Panther)

Paul O'Conner (@LBoxGraveyard), writer of 4 Seconds from Thrillbent Comics and proprietor of Long Box Graveyard (currently holding a Super-Team March Madness Tournament you can vote on right now!)

He found... comics he'd written!

Clinton Robison (@CoffeeComicsBlg) from the Coffee and Comics Podcast

Sandman Mystery Theatre #13, signed by Matt Wagner!

Walt Kneeland (@waltkneeland) from Comic Reviews by Walt

Birds of Prey #8
The Screwtape Letters
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #155
Harbinger #1

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