Back to the #FCTCXMen Episode One Redux... today, I'm sharing the FIRST segment we'd ever recorded for the program... and, for the first time, you're going to be hearing the whole thing! It's the X-Tended Cut of X-Factor #71 with Jeremiah (@bigox737), complete with awkward Treadmillisms I'd included when I wasn't completely sure how these segments were going to go, and a long chat on the house ads included in the issue!
Saturday, January 16, 2021
From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1c - X-Factor #71 (1991)
Friday, January 15, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 103 - Marauders #12 (2020)
We tease her a lot... cuz we got her on the spot - Welcome Back, Kitty!
Yes, friends - Call Me Kate is back... re-tatted, and ready for revenge - which might have to be put on hold so we can sidebar into #EcksofTens. Let's talk about it!
Also: Our X-Cellent Mailbag features some... kind words regarding Empyre-colon-X-Men??? All that, and much more - You won't wanna miss it!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /
Thursday, January 14, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 102 - Hellions #4 (2020)
In which Madelyne Pryor and your humble host continue sharing an X-istential crisis!
We talk a lot about legacy... what does it mean to exist, and when you can be sure that you actually do! It's a half-hour of a marblemouthed idiot trying to sound as deep as a high school freshman who'd just discovered Nietzsche - you won't wanna miss it!
Plus - Our customarily awesome mailbag including more #XLapsed100 chatter!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 101 - Deadpool #6 (2020)
Hello friends - today we take a sorta-kinda pitstop over to a sorta-kinda "unofficial" chapter of Dawn of X... in, of all things, an issue of Deadpool (vol.8)! What happens when Wade feels like he's being left out of the X-Men's reindeer games? Well, he does exactly what your humble host does when he feels the same way - he pouts a bunch!
Trust me, it's a lot funnier than I'm making it sound... this issue is an absolute delight, and if you're following the Dawn of X books - you need this one as part of your "current year" library!
Plus: #XLapsed100 missives and much more in our mailbag!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 100 - Wolverine #5 (2020)
In our milestone ONE HUNDREDTH episode... we talk about a wildly underwhelming issue of Wolverine! Welp, we certainly do play the ball where it lay here on the show, don't we?
Today's episode is dedicated to anyone who has listened to this program - without you, there's no way I'd be able to keep up this rigorous schedule. Your listenership and engagement mean more to me than I can put into words. Thank you all.
We have an excellent Milestone Mailbag this episode as well!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /
Monday, January 11, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 099 - New Mutants #12 (2020)
On the eve of #XLapsed100, we're going to be talking about a confrontation that listeners of the show know I've been looking forward to for awhile - it's the New Mutants vs. DOX!
Can this face-off possibly live up to my expectations... or will my uncharacteristic optimism be slapped down! It's a story of slippery slopes and technicalities... you won't wanna miss it!
Also: Our final "Merry" Mailbag feature (for now), and much begging for #XLapsed100 engagement from your humble host!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /
Sunday, January 10, 2021
eXLapsedination, Episode 1 - Countdown to Extermination (2018)
- X-Men Gold #27
- X-Men Blue #27
- X-Men Red #5
- Astonishing X-Men (vol.4) #13
- Cable #159
Welcome to the new X-Lapsed Sunday Special Series...
It's another one that I've been really looking forward to: Extermination - wherein we're going to find out where Kid Cable came from... and where the time-displaced Original Five went! Well, that's the plan anyway... anything could happen!
But before all that, we're going to have to get to Extermination... you might say, we're going to have to Countdown to Extermination. Today we're going to chat about the post AvX landscape which brought us to this point... and then the five "post credits sequences" that lead us into the event miniseries proper. It's bound to be a good time - I hope you decide to come along!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /