The moment has finally arrived, friends - we have reached... #EcksofTens! I hope we survive the x-perience...
Today's x-tra sized tale is pretty wild... giving us A LOT to talk about in this x-tra sized episode. I hope you'll join us for the ride!
Also - An awesome selection of letters from the X-Lapsed Mailbag... one of which left your humble host laughing like a buffoon (well, more of a buffoon).
Plus - The opportunity for you (yes, YOU) to guide the X-Men into their next phase... as is currently holding an election wherein WE the readers can choose the final member of the new X-Men team! Vote runs from today until February 2! Be sure your voice is heard -- and also, mebbe let your pal Chris know who you voted for!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /