Friday, March 26, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 153 - X-Force #16 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty-Three

X-Force (vol.6) #16 (March, 2021)
"Into the Deep"
Writer - Benjamin Percy
Art - Joshua Cassara
Colors - GURU-eFX
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 20, 2021

Unduh da sea!

Today we join Wolverine, Forge, and the no-longer dead Kid Omega as they perform some underwater surgery on Lovecraftian infection -- all the while asking the tough questions good Krakoans ought not to ask!  Also, Namor shows up to rustle some feathers and drop a hot take or two.  It's a goodie!

Also: A decidedly Generation X-flavored mailbag!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Thursday, March 25, 2021

X-Lapsed Origins - Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #383 (1982)

Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #383 (March, 1982)
"Faces of Britain!"
Writer - Dave Thorpe
Art - Alan Davis
Letters - Jenny O'Connor
Colors - Helen Nally
Edits - Paul Neary
Cover Price: 63p

Alright gang - today we wrap up the first issue of X-Men Archives featuring Captain Britain (July, 1995), where I've been pulling all of these classic chapters for x-amination and discussion.  Next time out, we'll start the second issue... which, I wanna say three chapters in will begin the much-loved (and must-read) "Alans" run.

Really looking forward to getting into that... and, honestly - I assumed these lead-up chapters by Dave Thorpe were going to be kind of a slog that we'd just have to "deal with" in order to get to the "good stuff"... but, I've been having a wonderful time with them!  I hope you have as well...


We open with the Captain still rattled from that shot he took last issue... ya see, the Status Crew hit him where it hurt.  If you recall, they first ran that weird scan on him, which revealed that he is "fueled" by the power of concentration - and so, the blast was calibrated to shake that concentration, rendering him powerless.  In light of this, Saturnine decides to take matters into her own hands... and, well - makes laughably short work out of the oncoming Crewsters... which almost makes you wonder why she didn't just do that in the first place.  I guess maybe she just wanted Beautiful Brian to rescue her?  Then again, she hasn't seen him without his helmet yet... so, she might not know just how beautiful Betsy's Blonde British Brother is!

Cap is back on his feet... but doesn't get long to rest -- the Crewsters keep a'comin'!  Opal Luna rushes off to access a nearby storage closet with her faithful companion, Dimples.  Inside it, is a whole distillery of the "Junkheap Juice"... or, the evolutionary sauce... or whatever we're going to decide to call it.  She claims that there's enough here to give "The (evolutionary) Push" to the entire city of Crooked London!

Captain Britain thinks on his feet, and asks her Royal Whyness to toss him a barrel of the stuff.  He decides to slosh it all over the incoming Crewsters... which instantly evolves them into rational thinking folks.  They ask what they're doing here... and, upon reflecting on their misdeeds, apologize for their actions.  They also wonder how they could ever try and harm someone as beautiful as Opal Luna Saturnine... which, I'm sure is music to her petite ears.

We jump to later, and join an out-of-costume Brian Braddock walking the streets of this Other London.  He has quite a head of hair, this Braddock.  He is approached by a little urchin who asks is he's got any money to spare... but alas, he does not.

Instead, he asks her if she believes in magic... and, asamattafact, she does!  So, kids... here's a tip from your ol' pal Chris - if a strange man you meet in the street at night asks if you believe in magic - the correct answer is "No".  If there's anything we've learned from the X-Books... it's how to Be X-Tra Safe.  Anyhoo, we wrap up with Brian picking the tot up, and flying with her through the skies of this wacked out London.  The story closes with the revelation that this is being observed by Merlin and... Jackdaw???


It's crazy... if I were to have picked this issue up off the racks back in ye old 1995, I would've taken one look at it and really regretted my purchase.  I was most definitely not in the right frame of mind to x-plore a bunch of ancient (and, to me, irrelevant) Captain Britain stories.  I probably would've complained about the bait and switch with the series being called X-Men Archives... and, I mean, I'd have been right to do so!  This is very much not an X-Men book.  If you weren't reading Excalibur (which I wasn't... because it cost 50-cents more than the "main" X-Books, this would have meant even less than nothing to you as an X-Fan!

Here, in current-year (and the first time I read it around the turn of the century), however - this is some really fun stuff... and it's cool seeing so much of the foundation for what's to come being laid out.  I gotta wonder if Dave Thorpe and Alan Davis realized just how much they were contributing to the lore of this character... and ultimately the entire World of X?

I remember referencing these stories in passing... these pre-Moore Captain Britains... and I'd always compare them to the Paul Kupperberg Doom Patrol - something you just "had to get through" in order to get to the "good stuff"... with the Doomies, that'd be the Grant Morrison run.  Kind of a comics "Premack principle" or something.  But this, kinda like the Kupperberg run, has a lot going for it, and a lot of charm... makes me feel like I unjustly slighted both.

There's some really neat stuff here... and if you're experiencing it for the first time via these rambly missives from your pal, Chris - I hope you've been enjoying - and maybe you've been inspired to check them out to x-perience on your own.  If these little ditties haven't been your flavor of x-book, I'd ask you to indulge me for just a few more installments - the Alan Moore stuff IS coming, and it just might change the way you look at (and appreciate) Captain Britain... and, dare I say, many of our Otherworld(ly) trappings!


X-Men Archives featuring Captain Britain #1

X-Lapsed, Episode 152 - Cable #7 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty-Two

Cable (vol.4) #7 (March, 2021)
"Gritty Days in the City of Brotherly Love"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Phil Noto
Letters - VC's Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 20, 2021

Dead Man Walking!

Today we start the second-half of, what I suppose we might call the Cable "maxiseries"?  We're dipping right back in with the kidnapping plot that launched this volume, and was unfortunately slid to the back-burner for the Festival of Swords.

It's a fun issue - and a return to form for one of our favorite books in the line!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

X-Lapsed Origins - Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #382 (1982)

Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #382 (February, 1982)
"Against the Realm"
Writer - Dave Thorpe
Art - Alan Davis
Letters - Jenny O'Connor
Colors - Helen Nally
Edits - Paul Neary
Cover Price: 63p

Well, here's a familiar cover to those of us who picked up the semi-recent TRUE BELIEVERS reprint focusing on Saturnyne during the build-up to the massive and bloated Ecks of Tens crossover event.

It kinda makes her look like a looming threat, dunnit?

Hmm... well, the opening chapter of that reprint painted her in a much more sympathetic light... wonder if we're about to have any interdimensional shoes drop!

Let's find out!


We open on a kind of clunky exchange between Captain Britain and the Status Crew.  Brian informs them that they're under arrest... then immediately asks what authority they have.  I think maybe a word balloon was attributed to the wrong fella in one of those panels.  
Whatever the case, the Crew start blasting at our hero who grabs Ms. Opal Luna to protect within his forcefield.  While this fracas continues, other Crew Members pull up a scanning monitor to get all the deets on Beautiful Brian... which seems pretty weird, but turns out to be effective enough in learning what they need to know.  I guess?

By now, the Avant Guard are back in the brouhaha, and they use their umbrella guns to blast open some rips in the space-time continuum to suck in a pair of Status Crewsters.  The remaining Crew-dudes don't take kindly to that... and make swiss cheese out of the umbrellamen.

They then attempt to put hands on the Interdimensional Witch Queen... which, doesn't go well for them.

Elsewhere, Captain Britain is being dogpiled by the bad guys... who just keep on coming.  It's almost as though they're multiplying.  Brian is zapped by a vibration ray, and beaten down with the Crewsters' billy clubs...

... until he digs deep and powers his way out!  Unfortunately, by now, he's completely drained of his power.  One of the Status Crew takes this opportunity to get the Captain in his sights... however, before he can pull the trigger, Brian's loyal friend Jackdaw dives into the line of fire -- and is rendered into ash!

Captain Britain slumps to the ground defeated... while Saturnine nags him for being an idiot.  Way to show some sensitivity for a fella who just lost his drunken elf friend, ya jerk!


This was a pretty action-packed chapter, wasn't it?  Kind of a blasty break in the "high concept" stuff we've been dealing with up to this point... which is neither good or bad, but an interesting aside, I suppose.

I guess our main takeaway ought to be the apparent death of Jackdaw.  It's been many a year since I've last visited these stories... but, I'm not sure this is a permanent "offing" of our sloshy li'l elf friend.  If it is... it's a decent enough way to give him a heroic exit, sacrificing himself to save his Beautiful Blonde British bro Brian.  That said, I'm pretty sure we won't be mourning long.

We do learn a little bit about what this chapter calls the "Secrets of Captain Britain", which all have to do with his costume and helmet.  I suppose that's handy to know -- we also learn via that scan that Brian is genetically advanced.  We'll be talking more about that as we enter into the Alan Moore chapters not too long from now.

Overall - a fun and sort of surprisingly violent chapter - but, as we've learned over the course of all these years analyzing comics - it's often the stories that we have no problems with that give us the least to dig into and discuss.  Next time out, we'll be wrapping up the first issue of X-Men Archives (July, 1995) with the seventh chapter of our dive into the early Captain Britain.

NEXT CHAPTER: Faces of Britain

X-Lapsed, Episode 151 - S.W.O.R.D. #2 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty-One

S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #2 (March, 2021)
"In the Dark"
Writer - Al Ewing
Art - Valerio Schiti
Colors - Marte Gracia
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 13, 2021

It's the King in Black tie-in that wasn't... well, it wasn't "officially branded" as such, anyway - but it totally is!

Today we'll talk all about how little I know about the King in Black event... other than to say, it sounds like pretty much EVERY Marvel mass crossover event, just with a gooey coat of paint!

Also: Great Mailbag!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

X-Lapsed Origins - Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #381 (1982)

Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #381 (January, 1982)
Writer - Dave Thorpe
Art - Alan Davis
Letters - Jenny O'Connor
Colors - Helen Nally
Edits - Paul Neary
Cover Price: 63p

Hey gang!

Today's piece is sorta-kinda special... well, as special as a short discussion of an ancient non-Alan Moore-written Captain Britain strip might be.

This chapter was actually recently reprinted as part of Marvel's TRUE BELIEVERS reprint line... and, as such - should be quite easy to come by if you're looking to follow along with this series, or just to experience the fun on your own.

We're going to be getting into some Saturnyne here... including the first time she's actually called that.  If you're interested in learning more about Her Royal Whyness, then these next few chapters will be right up your alley!

Let's go!


We open with Jackdaw cradling the devolved Captain Britain.  The Avant Guard inform our Elf pal that he's coming with them.  He doesn't wanna... but, has very little choice in the matter.  They decide to leave Betsy's Beautiful Monkey Brother behind, as they are sure he poses them absolutely no threat.  Hmm... these Avant Guards are kinda dumb, no?  From here, we pop in on Whitehall's Corridors of Power, where a Secretary is flapping his gums about this new colorful costumed character who just appeared - referring, of course, to Captain Britain.  Now, Whitehall - is apparently a road in Westminster which runs toward Parliament Square.  I had no idea, but I suppose it's good to know!  Anyhoo, this Secretary orders that the "Status Crew" (oof) are sent out to deal with Cap.

Elsewhere, poor radical Jackdaw is hooked up to a machine of sorts while her Royal Whyness examines him.  This is the first time she refers to herself as Saturnine (with an "I" instead of a "Y").  She finds the li'l Elf to be kinda cute... and suggests that bringing back Brian is something she might decide to do.

Speaking of which, at that very moment - Captain Monkey is bathed in that same Junkheap Juice... which causes him to re-volve into his human form.  As this plays out, Saturnine informs Jackdaw about her plan.  Ya see, she's here at the behest of the DDC (Dimensional Development Court).  Her job is to bring the most primitive of Alternate Earths up to a certain level so that the DDC's "50,000 Year Programme" can usher the Earth Series into a new era.  I'm explaining this rather poorly... but, it is a bit abstract.

Saturnine has been tasked with "leveling up" this Crooked Earth... which takes us back to "The Push" that we heard about last chapter.  This "Push" has to do with the evolutionary Junkheap Juice - this liquid evolves things upon contact, which would accomplish the Lady's current mission.  As she's spilling these beans, Captain Britain bursts through a wall to confront her.

Jackdaw attempts to convince Brian that Saturnine is one of the good guys here... which, I mean - knowing what we know about her now, is kind of a hard pill to swallow, innit?  I suppose she's more a force of chaos than evil... but, still.  Anyhoo, this discussion is interrupted by the arrival of... oy... the Status Crew.


Another fun chapter... and a really neat bit of (alternate) world building!

I'm really digging how the information we're getting has been dealt out in dribs and drabs over the course of these first few chapters.  There's some "high concept" stuff at play here, but the way it's being delivered makes it relatively easy to digest (though, admittedly - still kind of challenging to explain... at least with my own limited abilities).

I appreciate Saturn(i)ne being depicted here as something of a nebulous entity - Brian isn't sure if she is someone he ought to trust... and, the reader likely isn't either.  That would go on to be Opal Luna's lot in life, even to our present day Ecks of Tens.  Her task here is an interesting one - leveling up this "primitive" Alternate Earth (which doesn't exactly appear to be all-that primitive... but, I suppose that's all relative) so that her bosses can usher in this "new Era".  Doing so via a weird evolutionary fluid is an interesting approach... almost too easy, and certainly too easily exploited.  Looking forward to seeing how that plays out.

This Crooked London being presented as a place without superheroes is cool as well.  Superheroes were "banned during the sixties" here.  We know that there once was a Captain UK, but no longer.  I'm assuming we'll be learning more about that as we continue on.

Adding to our punny groups, we meet the "Status Crew" here - almost certainly (I mean, c'mon) a play on "status quo"... which, when put into context, is really a perfect name for them.  I know I kinda groaned when I heard their name the first time - but, I gotta say - it's perfect!  To be fair, I often groan anytime Peter David uses puns... even though, it's almost always done creatively... and I totally love when he does it.

Overall - another great building-block chapter... really looking forward to more!

NEXT CHAPTER: Against the Realm!

X-Lapsed, Episode 150 - Marauders #17 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty

Marauders #17 (March, 2021)
"The Winds of Change"
Writer - Gerry Duggan
Art - Matteo Lolli
Colors - Edgar Delgado
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 13, 2021

Welcome, friends - to the milestone 150th Episode of X-Lapsed!

Today we're celebrating by returning to one of our favorite story beats of the HoXPoX era -- the Crucible!  And boy, do we have a lot to talk about!

Also: Great Mail... and a new segment chatting up some recent-ish news in the World of X!  We got a cancellation and a Summer Event to parse!

I want to THANK everybody for helping me get to 150 episodes - I can say with 100% certainty that I couldn't have done it without your support!  Thank you all so much!  


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

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