Friday, August 6, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 022 - X-Men #15 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Two

X-Men #15 (December, 1965)
"Prisoners of the Mysterious Master Mold!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Layouts - Jack Kirby
Pencils - Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin)
Inks - Dick Ayers
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - I have nothing to say
Cover Price: 12¢

It's time for the middle chapter of the Sensational Sentinel Saga -- and also, for the original of the Barefoot Bouncing Blue-Suited Beast!  Prepare to be... whelmed!

Also - the always interesting "Let's Visit With the X-Men" letters page, the Bullpen Bulletins, the MIGHTY Marvel Checklist... and more MMMS content than anyone could *possibly* ever want!

Tune in, you'll love it!


Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 021 - X-Men #14 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-One

X-Men #14 (November, 1965)
"Among us Stalk... the Sentinels!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Layouts - Jack Kirby
Pencils - Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin)
Inks - Vince Colletta
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - A pile of crayons, markers, and colored pencils
Cover Price: 12¢

Kicking off our three-part Sentinels Saga - with some FEAR AND HATE!

What can the X-Men do when noted anthropologist Bolivar Trask takes a page out of J. Jonah Jameson's book to assert that Mutants are a MENACE?  Well, their creepy, bald leader might decide to engage in a televised debate with him... which, might not go according to plan!

It's a fun story... and I hope you'll join me for it!

Also: The original Letters Pages, the OFFICIAL Marvel Bullpen Bulletins (featuring plenty - ie. too much - chatter on the Merry Marvel Marching Society), and the MIGHTY Marvel Checklist for cover-date November, 1965!


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 020 - Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty

Fantastic Four Annual #3 (October, 1965)
"Bedlam at the Baxter Building!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby
Inks - Vince Colletta
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - Idunno
Cover Price: 25¢

Welcome friends, to a most blessed event - it's the Wedding of Sue Storm and Reed Richards, and we're all invited... along with many of the movers and shakers of the Marvel Universe in its relative infancy!  Without hyperbole, this might just be the most important Marvel comic of its time! 

The X-Men not only show up... but get a few good shots in as well!  It's the first time I'm reading this in decades, so it's basically new to me!


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 019 - X-Men #13 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Nineteen

X-Men #13 (September, 1965)
"Where Walks the Juggernaut!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Layouts - Jack Kirby
Pencils - Werner Roth (as Jay Gavin)
Inks - Joe Sinnott
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - Only their hairdresser knows for sure
Cover Price: 12¢
Marvel POP ART Productions

Wrapping up our first two-part X-Men story - with the (final?) fate of the Juggernaut!  Listen as ol' Cain Marko gets his helmet ripped off for the first time!

Also: The always amusing 1965 X-Men Letters Page - where you can find out how much it'll cost ya to join the Merry Marvel Marching Society!


Monday, August 2, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 018 - X-Men #12 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Eighteen

X-Men #12 (July, 1965)
"The Origin of Professor X!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Layouts - Jack Kirby
Pencils - Alex Toth
Inks - Vince Colletta
Letters - Sam Rosen
Colors - Someone who may NOT want the credit this time out
Cover Price: 12¢

What terror lurks outside of X-Mansion... and why in the world did Cerebro pick up on it?!

It's the first appearance of Professor X's stepbrother, the Juggernaut... and the first time we find out (to my knowledge) that the Xavier's first name is Charles!  It's a fun one... that, reading as an adult... almost makes me sympathize for the villain!

Plus: A pretty hilarious Silver-Age Letters Page, everything Marvel for (cover-date) July, 1965 - and a plea from your humble host for dissenting opinions to be shared on the show... rather than on review aggregates that can actually HURT the show!


Sunday, August 1, 2021

X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men / Pryde of the X-Lapsed (1989)

Pryde of the X-Lapsed

X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men (1989)
Written by Larry Parr
Narrated by Stan Lee
Marvel Productions
New World Television
Toei Animation

Celebrating eleven months of X-Lapsed, with something a little different!  Today, I finally check something off my "X-Men Blind Spot" list... after thirty-odd years!  Looking at X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men for the first time ever!

It's a fun chat I had with myself... I hope you'll join in!


Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 13 - Empyre: X-Men (2020)

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Thirteen

Empyre: X-Men (2020)
(00:00:00) Empyre: X-Men #1: "[Alien] Plants vs. [Mutant] Zombies"
(00:42:12) Empyre: X-Men #2: "Growing Strong"
(01:26:28) Empyre: X-Men #3: "Staff Infection"
(02:04:37) Empyre: X-Men #4: "Un-Ring"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Gerry Duggan, Benjamin Percy, Leah Williams, Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells, & Ed Brisson 
Art - Matteo Buffagni, Lucas Werneck, Andrea Broccardo, & Jorge Molina
Inks (4) - Adriano Di Benedetto 
Colors - Nolan Woodard & Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles, 
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: November 10, 2020

A tale so tragic it took the entire HoXPoXDoX X-Book brain trust to put it together!

To say that your humble host is a bit grumpy reading the Empyre cash-in miniseries might just be underselling it.  This might be the downest you'll hear me (until we get to X-Corp, that is)!  Engage in some schadenfreude and listen to me trudge my way through this one!

*NOTE: Next Episode (14) of The Collected X-Lapsed will be an "audit", since between Amazon, Marvel(dot)com, Comixology, the Marvel Wikia, and the actual Dawn of X trades themselves... NOBODY can keep which issues appear in each volumes straight!  We'll do our best to straighten it out!

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