Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Web-Lapsed, Episode 3 - Amazing Spider-Man #77 (2021)


Web-Lapsed, Episode Three

Amazing Spider-Man (vol.5) #77 (December, 2021) [LGY#878]
"Beyond, Chapter Three"
Writer - Kelly Thompson
Art - Sara Pichelli
Colors - Nolan Woodard
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna
BB - Ziglar, Ahmed, Wells, Gleason, Thompson
Edits - Cohick, Lowe, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: October 27, 2021

Spider-Man: Beyond rolls on... and the "Beyond Baton" is passed from Zeb Wells to Kelly Thompson!  Will she be able to run with it?  Absolutely!

Today's chapter prompts your humble host to talk a bit about Flowers for Algernon, and kvetch about spoiler images on the internet... so, ya know, the usual!  This Beyond run, to this point, has been great fun... and, I encourage anyone out there who can keep up with all skatey-eight hundred issues of Spidey Marvel's pumping out every month to give it a goo!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 288 - Marvel's Voices: Identity #1 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Eighty-Eight

Marvel's Voices: Identity #1 (October, 2021)
"That One Thing"
"Personal Heroes"
"Traditional Pink Sushi"

And from Marvel's Voices: Pride #1: "When a Black Cat Crosses Your Path, You Give Them the Right-of-Way"
Writers - Christina Strain, Alyssa Wong, Ken Niimura, & Leah Williams
Art - Jason Loo, Whilce Portacio, Ken Niimura, & Jan Bazaldua
Colors - Christina Strain, Jay David Ramos, Ken Niimura, & Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Joe Sabino & Ariana Maher
Design - Carlos Lao
Edits - Brunstad, Roche, Gregorowicz, Shan, Cebulski
Cover Price: $5.99
On-Sale : August 25, 2021

Righting the wrong of... forgetting to discuss this Marvel's Voices one-shot back in October!

Today's a "Just the X, ma'am!" look at Marvel's Voices: Identity... covering three stories that are... kinda just there!  Plus, we right a second wrong when I go back to Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 to discuss the Jesse Drake story that I didn't even realize I missed!

Plus, we've got Destiny of X and X-Men Unlimited news... and, as this is the "November Finale", we're deep-diving the Sales of X for August, 2021!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Astonishing X-Men (v.3) #1 (2004)

 Astonishing X-Men vol.3 1
Gifted Part One
Joss Whedon / John Cassaday

Astonishing X-Men (vol.3) #1 (July, 2004)
"Gifted (Part One)"
Writer - Joss Whedon
Art - John Cassaday
Colors - Laura Martin
Letters - Chris Eliopoulos
Edits - Marts, Quesada
Cover Price: $2.99
On-Sale: May 26, 2004

Heyyy, howsitgoin' everybody... long time no write. Like, ya know actually write, and not just pop in once a day to promote a podcast. I figured since we're at our new Wordpress digs, I may as well give the tires a kick and see about writing an actual blog post.

But, what about?

Well, there are plenty of things I'm wanting to write about... and if not for those horrible things we call "time" and "real life", I'd be glued to my laptop all day long cranking out content in all forms. I actually quite miss the "simpler" days of Chris is on Infinite Earths... taking a random DC Comic and spending a few hours sharing it with all of you. Digging into some real obscurities... bending the old rigid rules of the blog to shoehorn a non-DC Comic into the mix. Those were some fun times. Maybe one'a these days I'll get back to it.

Can't make any promises, however.

So, whatta we gonna talk about today? Well... if you do listen to any of the X-Lapsed family of shows... First of all, thank you. Second of all, you may've heard me kvetch one or two... dozen times about my disdain for Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men run. That kvetching is usually followed up with a comment about how I haven't actually read Astonishing since it came out... and how I probably owe it something of a retrial to see if I still feel the same way about it all these years removed.

And so... with a shiny new blogging OS, and a few minutes to spare this afternoon... I figured "What the Hell?"... let's do the thing.

I hope we... ahem... survive the experience (I'm so sorry...)


Astonishing X-Men 1

Our story opens in the nightmare of a young girl named Tildie. She dreams of her mother screaming... and whatever it was that caused the screaming next coming for her. She awakens, and we can see that she's actually under the observation of Dr. Kavita Rao... who, with the benefit of hindsight, we know will eventually be a member of the X-Club alongside Doctor Nemesis, Madison "Box" Jeffries, Danger, and that dude from the Marvel Godzilla comic.

axm 1 kavita rao cassaday

From here, our scene shifts to Kitty "Don't Call Me Kate" Pryde arriving back at the Mansion for her first day in her new position as a mentor. Naturally, since this is something of a "love-letter" to the Claremont run, we get a few nods to the past. We see the classic "Professor Xavier is a Jerk" panel, as well as Kitty holding the mistletoe over Colossus's "sexy" head.

axm 1 kitty pryde professor xavier is a jerk

She phases through the wall of the main hall, and winds up making a somewhat "grand" entrance in the middle of an Emma Frost lecture to the student body. Also on the stage are Beast and Cyclops. Kitty and Emma snipe at one another before the former takes her seat. We learn that she'd missed Scott's introduction speech... which was apparently so boring that it nearly put him to sleep in the delivery. Cuz, lest we forget... Scott Summers is boring.

axm 1 cyclops beast emma frost

Emma's speech basically comes down to the fact that the humans will always hate the mutants... groundbreaking stuff, am I right? I remember thinking this was a massive step backwards from the few years of actual progressive storytelling we got from Grant Morrison. It was like "Okay, so we're back to the X-Men just being about... this." Anyway, Emma's speech crescendos with some special effects Sentinels tearing their way into the roof of the place like something out of Uncanny X-Men #281. Emma would later tell Scott that 10% of the student body were actually excited by the possibility of a throwdown with the big bots.

axm 1 sentinels

We jump to the next morning, and we're in Scott and Emma's bedroom. And, don't look now, but we're not alone -- Wolverine's here too. Remember, this is a love letter to the Claremont run... and so, we gotta have Scott and Logan fighting over Jean... even though she's, ya know, dead.

axm 1 wolverine in scott and emma's bed

Scott SHKOW's Wolverine out the window, and it looks like they're going to duke it out. Emma might just have the line of the book when she mentions how she's got superpowers, a scintillating wit, and the best body money can buy... and yet, she still rates under Jean Grey... who, lest we forget, is currently a corpse.

axm 1 even a dead jean is better than emma

From here, the "admins" get their stuff together long enough to have a faculty meeting... in Hawaii? Or, I suppose high above Hawaii. It's all an illusion... only Beast hasn't yet figured out how to make this thing work right... and so, it's as though our heroes are giant kaijus literally standing over the islands. Hey, at least it makes for an interesting backdrop, right? Anyway, the chat here is about how to make the X-Men what they once were. It's basically a response to the "black leather" Morrison era... because Joe Quesada retroactively decided that he hated all that stuff after Grant went DC-Exclusive. Now, don't get me wrong... I wasn't a fan of the black leather either... but, to me that was more about Marvel shoehorning the look of the X-Men movies into the comics than anything else.

axm 1 dur hur black leather

From here, we get "cinematic"... over the course of the next several pages, we get bits of Kavita Rao giving a speech, some boring Breakworlders maybe in the same place... maybe someplace else, and our heroes changing into their new costumes. Cyclops makes sure to say that the X-Men are going to, ahem, "Astonish".

axm 1 - they said it, they really said it

This takes us to our ending, where Dr. Kavita Rao informs the world that... stop me if you've heard THIS one before - she's found the CURE to mutants! It'd been literally DAYS since the last cure, right? Groundbreaking!

axm 1 yet another promise of a mutant cure - GROUNDBREAKING


Yeah, I still don't care for this. I can't say that it wasn't what was advertised, because it totally was. It was a throwback and a "love letter" to arguably the "Golden Age" of the X-Men. Only problem for me was, we were also coming off a pretty darn good run of X-Men comics... which Marvel and Quesada went to great lengths to bury out of personal acrimony with no real thought as to what their actual customers might feel about this. Was bringing in Whedon a good business decision? Well, since it was 2004... and not "current year", sure! But was that why Quesada did it? I'm... not convinced.

Perhaps I'm projecting... I probably am, but I remember being pretty bummed out myself when I learned that not only the X-Men... but Marvel overall was losing Grant Morrison. I was bummed, annoyed, maybe a bit angry over the territorialism and "exclusive this/exclusive that" garbage that had began to take over comics around that time... but, that doesn't mean I didn't really enjoy Grant's time on New X-Men. I didn't wanna see everything he'd built over the course of nearly a half-decade flushed down the toilet by a temper-tantrum throwing EiC.

Again... I might be projecting.

And, in fairness to Whedon('s storytelling)... no matter how hard I try, I can't divorce the story... no matter how good it might be, from the fact that it took friggin' forever for this to come out. Astonishing became the flagship X-Book on the strength of his name... and barely ever came out. Making it so the rest of the X-Books were left treading water and waiting to see what stories they could tell. Add to that, massive crossover events like House of M and Civil War gumming up the works even more... and, well... it just wasn't a great time to be an X-Fan... in my opinion.

So, with my baggage plainly laid out on the table... howsabout I actually talk about the issue in question, eh? It was... okay. I didn't love it... but, I also didn't actually hate it. I'm sure it was a "10 outta 10" of its day - because, of course it was... but, really - what does it bring to the table, outside of the star power of the creative team?

In my opinion... not a heckuva lot. Like I said during the synopsis, it felt like something of a step backwards, after years of pushing the envelope with what one could do with the X-Men - and, here we are, back with "Feared and Hated" as the be-all/end-all... and yet another crackpot talking about a "Mutant Cure". It's all very "been there, done that", isn't it?

Maybe it's comfort food... and, I can't claim that it isn't -- but, it just feels very samey, especially with such a hyped-up creator bellying up to the word processor. I remember the feeling of deflation I felt when first reading this back in '04... and, to be completely honest - I was pretty underwhelmed here as well.

Another thing I didn't much care for back in the long ago was... and, this might be heresy to some... but - I just don't like John Cassaday's art. I certainly can't say it's bad... it's just not for me... at all. I was hoping that my now-aged eyes might take more of a liking to it... but, nope - I still can't stand it.

Overall... I tell ya what, I was far more optimistic about this "Astonishing X-Men Retrial" project a few hours ago than I am now. I guess we'll see if this is something I come back to. I probably owe it to the story to give it at least a few more issues, right?

I suppose we'll see if I actually do!

In any event... it was nice to write up an actual blog post again, even if I didn't 100% enjoy the subject matter this time out!

Monday, December 6, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 287 - Hellions #17 (2022)

Hellions #17 2022 - X-Lapsed

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Eighty-Seven

Hellions #17 (January, 2022)
"Trauma Response"
Writer - Zeb Wells
Art - Stephen Segovia
Colors - Rain Beredo
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 3, 2021

It's a bittersweet day here at X-Lapsed, wherein I discuss the penultimate chapter of the always amazing Hellions!  Before we say goodbye to our team of misfits, we get a stunning shoe-drop issue, which prompts your humble host to speculate as to x-actly how this series will come to a close next month!

As always, if you're not reading Hellions... do yourself a favor and give it a try!

Plus - An x-cellent Mailbag section, and much more!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, December 5, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 286 - Excalibur #25 (2022)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Eighty-Six

Excalibur (vol.4) #25 (January, 2022)
"Come Fate Into the List"
Writer - Tini Howard
Art - Marcus To
Colors - Erick Arciniega
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Okoye, Bissa, Brunstad, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 3, 2021

Kicking off our look at the 2022 (cover-dated) X-Books with the milestone 25th issue of Excalibur... which, I'm sad to say feels just as pointless as most of the non-milestone issues of Excalibur!

Who's ready for some more fighting in Otherworld?  Me neither... but, this is an all-or-nothing sort of show.  Listener Warning: I'm fairly down on this book... not to the depths of an X-Men Green or X-Corp... but, I did NOT care for it.  If that opinion offends you or rubs you the wrong way, you may wanna sit this one out!

We DO however have a fun x-tended Mailbag Segment, featuring the return of another of our great pals!  Also, This Week in X... and tangents a'plenty!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Action Comics Daily Appendix, Episode 02 - Action Comics Weekly #602 (1988)

 Action Comics Weekly #602 Daily Appendix

Action Comics Daily Appendix, Episode Two

Action Comics Weekly #602 (April 12, 1988)
Green Lantern: “Requiem”
Deadman: “Showdown”
Wild Dog: “Moral Stand, Chapter Two: Dog Gone”
Superman: “They Can Run, but They Can’t Hide!”
Secret Six: “Look What Fell Out of the Sky Today”
Blackhawk: “Another Fine War, Part 2”
Writers – James Owsley, Mike Baron, Max Collins, Roger Stern, Martin Pasko, & Mike Grell
Pencils – Gil Kane, Dan Jurgens, Terry Beatty, Curt Swan, Dan Spiegle, & Rick Burchett
Inks – Tony DeZuniga, John Nyberg, John Beatty, & Pablo Marcos
Letters – Albert DeGuzman, Steve Haynie, Gaspar, Bill Oakley, & Carrie Spiegle
Colors – Anthony Tollin, Liz Berube, Michele Wolfman, Tom Ziuko, & Carl Gafford 
Edits – Denny O’Neil, Barbara Randall, Mike Gold, Mike Carlin, & Dick Giordano
Cover Price: $1.50

The difficult "sophomore episode" of the Action Comics Daily Appendix opens with some Christorical information about what led to the shift to ACW over at Chris is on Infinite Earths, and some of the concerns and worries I had about that shift!

From there, we talk all about the second chapters of our original six features!  We witness a Green Lantern funeral, we nearly sacrifice Deadman, we blow up a bookstore and an airplane, and we almost see Janos Prohaska's li'l Blackhawk!

It's been a blast revisiting these, I hope you're enjoying them as well!  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Original ACW #602 post:

Wanna Read Ahead?:


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, December 3, 2021

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 3

 X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode 3

X-Lapsed MasterworX, Episode Three

(00:00:00) X-Men #9: "Enter, the Avengers"
(00:36:56) Strange Tales #128: "Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch"
(01:02:32) X-Men #10: "The Coming of... Ka-Zar!"
(01:46:11) X-Men #11: "The Triumph of Magneto!"
(02:35:15) Avengers #16: "The Old Order Changeth!"
(02:59:41) X-Men #12: "The Origin of Professor X!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers, & Alex Toth
Inks - Chic Stone, Frank Giacoia, Dick Ayers & Vince Colletta
Letters - Sam Rosen & Artie Simek
Colors - ???
Cover Price: 12¢ per

In our third compilation of the X-Ploits of the Silver Age X-Men, the Marvel Universe tour continues -- pitting our heroes against the Avengers for the first of a billion times!

Also, they have their sure-to-be final confrontation with Magneto and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants... EVER!  After which, the two fan-favorites from that crew have to decide where their allegiances lay -- will Wanda and Pietro make dozens of letterhacks happy by joining the X-Men... or, will they wind up somewhere altogether un-x-pected instead?!

Speaking of letterhacks - each of the X-Men segments in this collection feature a full-blown discussion of the Letters Pages, as well as the proto-Bullpen Bulletins!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

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