Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - 2020 Collection

Merry X-Lapsed 2020

Merry X-Lapsed!

Merry X-Lapsed 2020 Collection
(00:00:00) X-Men #98: "Merry Christmas, X-Men - The Sentinels Have Returned!"
(00:28:52) Uncanny X-Men #341: "When Strikes a Gladiator!"
(00:57:08) Uncanny X-Men #143: "Demon"
(01:25:40) X-Men (vol.2) #109: "Ceremonies"
(01:57:41) Generation X #4: "Between the Cracks"glyni
Writers - Chris Claremont, Scott Lobdell, & John Byrne
Pencils - Dave Cockrum, Joe Madureira, John Byrne, Tom Derenick, & Chris Bachalo
Inks - Sam Grainger, Tim Townsend, Terry Austin, Rick Ketchum, Norm Rapmund, & Mark Buckingham
Letters - Joe Rosen, Comicraft, Richard Starkings, Tom Orzechowski, Saida Temafonte,
Colors - Janice Cohen, Steve Buccellato, Glynis Wein, Liquid!, Electric Crayon
Edits - Wolfman, Liebig, Powers, Jones, Shooter, Harras

Inviting you to spend a couple hours of your Christmas with me... and the X-Men!

Closing out our Holiday Week by collecting the five "Merry X-Lapsed" episodes from 2020!



(00:00:00) X-Men #98: "Merry Christmas, X-Men - The Sentinels Have Returned!"
(00:28:52) Uncanny X-Men #341: "When Strikes a Gladiator!"
(00:57:08) Uncanny X-Men #143: "Demon"
(01:25:40) X-Men (vol.2) #109: "Ceremonies"
(01:57:41) Generation X #4: "Between the Cracks"


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - Generation X #24 (1997)

Merry X-Lapsed!

Generation X #24 (February, 1997)
"Home for the Holidays"
Writer - Scott Lobdell
Guest Pencils - Rick Leonardi w/Mitch Byrd
Guest Inks - Bud LaRosa w/Jason Martin
Letters - Comicraft w/Richard Starkings
Colors - Steve Buccellato
Edits - Bob Harras
Cover Price: $1.95

Merry X-Lapsed 2021 wraps up the same way 2020 ended... with Generation X!

And, just like 2020, the Generation X Holiday Issue we're discussing... really doesn't have much to do with the holidays themselves!  Instead, the ladies of the crew head to Monet's family home in Monaco, to play a game of "Skeletons in the Closet" -- sharing tales of how and when their mutant powers manifested.  It's a bunch of largely-retconned... or contradicted stories, that almost make me want to launch a program called "The Unessential X-Lapsed"!

Also - I wax on for quite awhile about what the Holiday Season means to me... well, the "eves" of the holidays anyway.  I'd love to hear your stories as well!

I hope everyone has a warm and wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season.  Thank you all for being a part of mine!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - X-Factor #27 (1988)

Merry X-Lapsed X-Factor 27

Merry X-Lapsed!

X-Factor #27 (April, 1988)
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Walter Simonson
Inks - Bob Wiacek
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Petra Scotese
Edits - Harras, DeFalco
Cover Price: 75¢

Let's celebrate Christmas with X-Factor and those *other* New Mutants...

The watchword for today's installment of Merry X-Lapsed is... exposition, so do your humble host a favor and do NOT take a sip of spiked eggnog every time I say it!  The Simonsons work their hearts out to keep any X-Factor looky-loos who may've just popped their heads in to keep up with The Fall of the Mutants... and, well... it doesn't make for the easiest read... or, synopsis-writing experience!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - Thor #444 (1992)

Merry X-Lapsed Thor #444 1992

Merry X-Lapsed!

Thor #444 (February, 1992)
"How the Groonk Stole Christmas!"
Plot/Words - Tom DeFalco
Plot/Pencils - Ron Frenz
Finishes - Al Milgrom
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Mike Rockwitz
Edits - Macchio
Cover Price: $1.25

The Mutant Who Stole Christmas!

Merry X-Lapsed takes a step... err, giant-size leap off the beaten path today, to check in with a one-off Mutant knock-off of The Grinch, who crossed paths with the Eric Masterson Thor this one Christmas Eve!

What will we have to say about one of Thor's Lamest (in Marvel's own words) Enemies of all time?  Well, you'll have to tune in to find out... and I don't think you'll be sorry if you do!  This is a fun one!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Monday, December 20, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - Uncanny X-Men #365 (1999)

Merry X-Lapsed!

Uncanny X-Men #365 (February, 1999)
"Ghost of XMas Past"
Writer - Steve Seagle
Pencils - Chris Bachalo
Inks - Art Thibert, Tim Townsend, & Aaron Sowd
Colors - Liquid! & Monica Kubina
Letters - Richard Starkings, John Roshell, & Comicraft's Albert Deschesne
Edits - Powers, Harras
Cover Price: $2.25
On-Sale: December 2, 1998

Welcome back to Merry X-Lapsed, where we're going to pop in on the criminally (?) short Kelly/Seagle era to dig into a Christmas Carol riff with a Russian twist!  Colossus is back in the mansion after a time away... and is being haunted by both stilted dialogue, and a Ghost of XMas Past!

Who could it possibly be?  Oh, yew know...

We'll talk a little bit about this era of X-Books (without context) and discuss the power of Guilt as story motivation!  It's tons of fun for everyone... I hope you'll join me!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Merry X-Lapsed - Uncanny X-Men #230 (1988)

Merry X-Lapsed Uncanny X-Men 230

Merry X-Lapsed - Year Two

Uncanny X-Men #230 (June, 1988)
"Twas the night..."
Writer - Chris Claremont
Pencils - Marc Silvestri
Inks - Joe Rubenstein
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Nocenti & DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00

Kicking off Year Two of "Merry X-Lapsed" by checking in with the Outback Era!  Longshot is haunted by inanimate objects via his psychometric powers, which force our heroes to play Santa Claus, on... of all nights, Christmas Eve!

Also: Dazzler wishes she was dead, and Havok dresses like a janitor!

It's a fun, heartwarming... if perhaps a little too syrupy sweet, story -- but one that's definitely worth your time!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode 29 - Reign of X, Vol. 7 (2021)

Collected X-Lapsed Reign of X TPB 7

The Collected X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty-Nine

Reign of X, Volume 7 (2021)
(00:00:00) New Mutants (vol.4) #16: "One Step Behind"
(00:25:43) X-Force (vol.6) #18: "Shadows of the Mind"
(00:49:04) Cable (vol.4) #9: "Bargaining"
(01:15:52) Children of the Atom #2: "Prison Break"
(01:46:24) X-Force (vol.6) #19: "Dead of Nightmare"
(02:16:36) New Mutants (vol.4) #17: "Follow the White Rabbit"
Writers - Vita Ayala, Benjamin Percy, & Gerry Duggan
Art - Rod Reis, Garry Brown, Phil Noto, & Bernard Chang
Colors - Rod Reis, GURU-eFX, Phil Noto, & Marcelo Maiolo
Letters - VC's Travis Lanham, Joe Caramagna, & Joe Sabino
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Basso, Andrews-Ballestros, Robinson, Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $17.99
On-Sale: December 15, 2021

Continuing on our trek from #EcksofTens to the Hellfire Gala... and, killing an entire trade collection with some B and C tier titles!  You want Hickman?  Sorry 'bout that.  You want the actual X-Men book?  Better luck next time...

Here's a collection for the completionists... we'll have fun with it all the same!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

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