Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Tools of the Trade

I ain't a special case.  If anything I'm probably a bit too "basic".

Like many young comic book fans, I dreamt of one day writing and drawing amazing stories... publishing my genius works of sequential art, and adding to the overflowingly rich industry I held so dear.  Thing of it was (and is), I can neither write nor draw.  You sit me down in front of a blank sheet of paper, and the only thing I'm going to add to it are speckles of nervous sweat.

I used to (and still do) lie to myself about my ability... pretending like I actually had some... all the while, concocting countless excuses to postpone actually doing anything.  Rationalizing and justifying my incessant inactivity as some form of "preparing".  Biding my time until everything was in place.  It's a mental trap... and one I still, thirty-odd years later, can't seem to escape from.

When I first found myself captivated by comics and the glory that is storytelling via sequential art, it was as though I was struck by a bolt of lightning.  The clouds parted and, sad as it may sound, my reason for living was suddenly made clear.  I was put here... to tell stories, to draw... to make comics.

Only, again... I'm not very good at stuff.  I could draw passably well enough... good enough for a junior high school student.  I could write stories that were good... again, for a junior high school student.  Only, I never put in the effort to improve.  Even back then, as a know-nothing 12 year old, I was too scared to find out that I couldn't.  As a know-nothing 43 year old, I still am.

And so, I made excuses for why I couldn't (and wouldn't) draw... or plot... or sketch... or, well, anything.

I borrowed half-a-copy of How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way from the public library.  I say "half-a-copy", because the thing was absolutely destroyed when I found it.  Pages missing, cover held together with masking tape.  It was one of the very few comic-related books on the shelf... as such, I'm sure it got a lotta love over the years.  I borrowed the book in hopes that I'd learn something... all it did was give me even more ammunition (as if I needed any) for putting off actually trying.

Unsatisfied with the few pages that were included in this dilapidated tome, I told myself that... if I was to be serious about this dream, I'd need to buy my own copy... a complete copy.  As if the "real secrets" to becoming a true comic book creator were only on those missing pages. Problem was, How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way carried a price tag of... thirteen dollars.  As a poor kid, who might get lunch money once or twice a week... who already earmarked those funds for actual comics... thirteen bucks may as well be a hundred.

It took some time, but I would finally save up the cash.  I remember trudging down Sunrise Highway to the Bassett Books (before Borders took them over) to make my big, would-be life-changing purchase.

[caption id="attachment_37649" align="aligncenter" width="494"] 

My water-damaged copy of How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way[/caption]

I tell ya what... I absolutely tore through this book.  Reading it over and over again until I could pretty much cite it chapter and verse.  I learned how many "heads" tall Reed Richards is... what Hank Pym's "ant's-eye view" might look like... ya know, all that stuff.  The sort of stuff that was meant to help the reader improve in their craft.  My problem was (and still is), these weren't the pages I focused on.

The pages my stupid ass became enamored with were... these:

The "tools".  The things I'd convinced myself I absolutely needed to own before I even put pencil-to-paper.  I didn't realize it then (or maybe I did), but the trap was set.  A trap that, thirty-plus years later, I still can't escape from.  I made my "shopping list", and as this was before the days of wider-internet... I had to resort to making phone calls to local art supply stores I found in the yellow pages to price out these "gotta have" items.  Almost feels like I keep adding unnecessary steps to this process, doesn't it?  What's so hard about dragging a friggin' #2 pencil across a piece of notebook paper?  Why should my lack of tools stop me from writing a script?  Why couldn't I bring myself to DO IT?  To do ANYTHING?  Why can't I do anything... even today?!

The thing with art supplies, and I'm not blowing any minds here, they were (and are) pricy.  Especially when you've convinced yourself that only the best supplies would suffice for your artistic vision and goals.  You might think that, in finally purchasing these supplies, that I'd be able to bring myself to, ya know... drag a mother-effing pencil across a piece of paper... but, you'd be wrong.  Ya see, when one buys a (relatively) expensive "tool of the trade", it's sort of intimidating.  Especially when you're as creatively limited and untalented as your humble host.  You (or I) become afraid that I'm going to, I dunno "misuse" the $5 pencil.  At least that's what you might tell yourself.

The truth is... and, this is where the "trap" widens a bit... when I'd doodle in class, using a garbage pencil and lined spiral notebook paper... I could kind of, I dunno, "excuse away" any lack of quality.  After all, I was using sub-par tools, and doodling only when the teacher wasn't looking in my direction... so, if whatever I was drawing looked crappy, it wasn't an actual indictment on my "talent".

But... now that I have the proper gear... if my work still sucked, I could no longer blame my tools.  Does that make sense?  I spent the entirety of my high school years with an empty sketchbook (several empty sketchbooks)... and (relatively) pricy pens that all but dried out before I even bothered to run 'em across a piece of paper.

But, ya know what?  Kids are fickle with their interests... and, might have a penchant for losing focus... especially when it comes to "putting in the work".  Not trying to make a blanket statement, per say... perhaps I'm just trying to make my own lazy ass feel better about squandering so much time.

What happens when the wannabe artist/writer/creator becomes a young adult?

Well, in most cases... they truly begin to explore their creative passion, and start making things happen.  In my case... well, I bought a gigantic drafting table (like almost cartoonishly big), a bunch of art how-to books, and had the same blank piece of Bristol masking-taped up ready to be drawn on... forrrrr, probably two years.  For me, it was almost as though appearing to be an artist (by having all the cool/expensive art shit) would somehow make me one.

When I finally caved in and tried drawing something... it became painfully clear to me that, I hadn't improved since junior high school... which, totally stood to reason, since I hadn't practiced at all since then.  Thing was, I was now in my early-20s... having wasted near a decade of my formative years on pipe dreams, fear, "playing the part", and inaction.

I made the difficult... well, maybe not-so difficult, decision to move away from art... to focus my "talents" on the other side of the table... writing.  Only, I ain't good at that either!  Okay, I'll give myself a bit of uncharacteristic credit.  I think I can be a decent "idea guy"... I've got some ideas that I feel have potential... it's just that, turning those ideas into stories... with a world, characters, and dialogue... is something that reaches far beyond my limited talent.

What's more... some unknown writer trying to break into the comics industry has a far tougher time than an unknown artist.  Art kind of speaks for itself.  At a glance, you can tell whether or not an artist has talent, skill, or just plain "it".  A writer though?  Well, if you're a writer trying to get noticed... you need to actually get people to read the words you're spitting out.  As someone who has spit out a couple of million on this very website, trust me when I say, that's far easier said than done.  And so, this "writer only" deal proved to be a short-lived diversion/distraction.

If I wanted to actually do this... I'd need to stop being a punk, and draw something.

But what?

I didn't know then... and, I still don't today.

And so, I went back to faking it (to myself) til I made it (which I never did).  I bought even more art how-tos... I started buying things like SKETCH, Comic Book Artist, DRAW! and Write Now! Magazines thinking they'd cause something to finally "click" in my head... or, maybe that I'd one day hit that tipping-point, where I realized how much money I was spending on these "tools" without even a single panel of art to show for it.

The only things these magazines did was... add to my shopping list.  I think it was in an issue of SKETCH where I learned that George Perez used a 0.03 pencil and would usually sketch out pages using a lap-board.  I also learned how a lot of pros used blue lead for initial layouts.  Ya know, I'd never compare myself to any actual comics pro, let alone comic book royalty like George Perez... but, damned if my stupid ass didn't spend weeks scouring the city looking for a 0.03 mechanical pencil.  I got to keep up the illuuuuusion of being a "creative" while not actually creating anything.  After all, it wasn't my fault that a damned 0.03 pencil was so hard to track down!

But, it wasn't just the art tools that kept me inactive.  It was also, of all things, finding the "right" notebook.  Now, if you'll pardon my preciosity and pretension... it was in an issue of Write Now! where I learned that... well, I can't remember which writer it was (might've been Bendis... but, don't quote me), used a Moleskine notebook for their scripts and notes.  Not just any Moleskine (which was already a not-so-easy to track down - and also quite expensive notebook), but a specific, I dunno, "model" of Moleskine (which I can't remember the specifics of).  And so, it went on the never-ending shopping list... and I wasted more time and money procuring one than I'd like to admit... though, I suppose I kinda just did.

Around this time, I was approaching my mid-20s... and I made a "deal" with myself... wherein, if I didn't have anything done by the time I turned 25, I would give up.  And, lemme tell ya... in those final months leading up to my twenty-fifth birthday I... well, I didn't actually do anything... but, I thought about it an awful lot.  Well, that's not entirely true... I did draw a LITTLE bit... enough to where, I was able to print up my own two-sheet "ashcan" of some very lazy work.  I also spent $500 on a "tabloid-sized" scanner so I could digitize my work!

I deemed this sad, last-ditch attempt a failure.  And so, at the ripe old age of 25, I pulled the plug.  It was honestly more of a relief than anything.  I focused on my day job... and kind of resigned myself to living a life where I didn't actually create anything.  Where I didn't try and leave a mark.

I'd dabble a bit here and there... did a NaNoWriMo before I turned 30.  But, that was the extent of my creative output... if I can even call it that.  Then I spent the better part of a decade writing and talking about the works of actual creative people.  I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: "Those who can... do.  Those who can't... review."

So, why in all hells am I sharing this?

Well, as I sit here today... it's as though I've been shifted back to my early 20s.  I'm not an old man by any stretch, but I can't help but to feel as though life is rapidly passing me by.  I'm in a position now where I can dedicate more and more time to creative pursuits... and, with my wonderful wife's support and blessing, decided to give it one more "go".

But... I still find myself in the same trap.

It's been every bit of 20 years since I last sat down to draw... and, while "art" in and of itself hasn't changed... the way in which art is made has.  Everything's easier now... but, also so much harder.  If I were afforded the current-year perks back when I was starting out... well, I probably still wouldn't have done anything, but -- had I actually decided to?  It would have been SO much easier.  Every art supply one might need is part of drawing software.  Self-publishing is just an upload... not scanning a page (usually in pieces), saving to a disc, and running down to Kinko's where you'd pay for every single sheet to be printed.

With all these "current year" perks... I once again found myself focusing more on the "shopping list" than actual creation.  Ordered myself a pretty bad-ass (and wildly overpriced) "artist" laptop... which, nearly a year later, I'm still far too intimidated to actually use.  Bought some bad-ass (and overpriced) artist software... which, goes on sale like twice a year... so, I "had to" wait about six months before pulling the trigger on.  Similarly, found some highly-regarded writing software (which was reasonably priced... but, does go on deep discount a couple times a year) that I had to wait for.  Months just keep piling up... while my productivity remains at zero.

It's pathetic.  Seeing all of this written out here for the first time... what's my problem?

I used to think I had a "fear of failure"... I'm starting to realize that's not true at all.  I now understand that... I'm scared that I can't even manage to fail.  Failure would be a wonderful option at this point... it would certainly beat the hell out of inactivity and procrastination.  And, I say this as someone who's spent the past two and a half hours writing this sad-sack journal entry in lieu of actually "creating" anything.

Anyway... brain-dump over (for now).  Thank you for reading.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Evergreen to Ephemeral


Hey, howsitgoin?  It's been a minute, eh?

Sorry 'bout that.

Been a bit busy with "da real life" and, to be completely honest, quite directionless creatively... even more so than usual.  While I'll admit it's been rather refreshing to step away from the mic and keyboard for a beat, I can't seem to shake the nagging feeling that I should be, ya know, doing something (at least somewhat/tangentially) creative.  On some level, every day I'm away feels like a failure.

While Chris is on Infinite Earths and X-Lapsed eventually evolved into things I actively dreaded having to do, they were still a teeny-tiny little mark I could leave on each and every day.  Something I could point to and assure myself I "existed".  Good or bad... popular or ignored, it was still something.

In an attempt to not completely abandon this creative outlet, I have been half-assed "remastering" old posts over the past few weeks.  The transition from Blogger to Wordpress was not a "clean" one.  Many of my migrated posts are janky jigsaw-versions of the originals... fonts and sizes are all over the place, images are repeated or just plain missing... many posts didn't migrate over at all, while others migrated multiple times!  The deeper I dug into the archives, the more cluster-frigged it all looked.  It honestly left me wondering if there was any saving it... or, if saving it was even worth the time investment.

One of the things about going through one's own archives, is that you get to see yourself... your words, your takes, your format evolve (or, perhaps even devolve) over time.

One of my goals in starting my own little blogging/podding corner of the internet was to create "evergreen" content... evergreen, or as close to evergreen as possible.  For awhile, a pretty long while, I think I was successful (at least in concept) in doing just that.  I was discussing comics in a way that my little articles could be read at any time and still be... I dunno, enjoyed?  On the pod-front, Reggie and I were putting out, for lack of a better term, weekly audio documentaries.  Heavily-researched, largely "evergreen" content... discussing seminal (and lesser known) moments in comics history on a very deep level.

Then along came X-Lapsed.

After Reggie's passing, I felt like I needed to do something "different".  I didn't feel right about continuing anything that might in any way resemble the Cosmic Treadmill or Weird Comics History.  I still wanted to discuss comics, I still needed to... but, it couldn't be in our old format.  The 'Mill  and WCH were (and are) sacred to me.

And so, X-Lapsed became my "brand".  And my "work" went from evergreen content that could be listened to/read at any time to ephemeral fluff that could (and would) be forgotten about as soon as it's been consumed.

I went from putting out documentaries, to hosting The Tonight Show... opening monologue and all!

But not just The Tonight Show.  It was The Tonight Show... with insane continuity and zero good "jumping on" points!  It became a show where, if you missed an episode... it didn't matter.  If you missed a week of episodes... you probably didn't need to bother coming back at all.  It was ephemeral... only "important" in the moment, and even then... largely forgettable.  Add to that my inimitable vocal talent and natural charisma... and, that's one helluva recipe for disinterest.

Over the years of X-Lapsed-ing, I feel like I kind of "lost my way".  My creative outlet became a rut... and, a "job".  I found myself caught in a trap of my own design... unable to indulge in (or enjoy) anything not having to do with an "X".  I'd forgotten how to read comics for fun.  I'd just plain lost the ability to.  Every comic I read had to be a "multitasker".  I robbed myself of one of the very few things in the world I actually enjoy... which isn't a good place to be.

Now, I want to make it clear.  I don't regret X-Lapsed.  I'll admit that for a little while I did resent it... but, I don't regret the thousands of hours (and dollars) I've dedicated to the project.  It's still a massive "body of work" to be at least somewhat proud of... impenetrable as it may be.

Not sure what's next.  I still have that voice in my head nagging at me daily that I really ought to be doing something "creative"... just, at this point, I'm not really sure what that might wind up looking like.  Hopefully it's nothing as cringy or self-indulgent as this post!

Anyway.  Just a bit of a mind-dump here to clear out some cobwebs.  Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 9, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 063 - X-Men #48 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-Three

X-Men #48 (September, 1968)
"Beware Computo, Commander of the Robot Hive!"
"Yours Truly, the Beast"

Writer - Arnold Drake
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Irving Watanabe
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

How can we miss the X-Men if they never go away?

Today we wrap up the "split-up era" for our Uncanny Heroes... just an issue after we kicked it off! This time, we're hanging out high in the desert mountains of New York City with Cyclops and Marvel Girl while they face off with a reject Fantastic Four baddie! It's not ALL bad though, once we get through with our lead feature, we get to watch Hank McCoy write with his feet for a few pages!

There's still the Mutant Mail-Box, the Bullpen Bulletins, and Stan's Soapbox gets relevant! All that, plus some discussion and interview notes about Gary Friedrich and Arnold Drake's little discussed time with the World's Strangest Teens!

X-Men #1 (1963)


X-Men #1 (September, 1963)
Writer/Editor - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby
Inks - Paul Reinman
Letters - Sam Rosen
Cover Price: 12¢

Hey, howsitgoin' everybody? Been a minute since I last wrote anything here, and while I can't make any promises that this ol' place will be anything near "regular" again, I woke up today with a wild hair to put out something (sorta-kinda) new. Over on the audio side, I've resumed my coverage of the X-Ploits of the Silver-Age X-Men in The Essential X-Lapsed. Thing of it is, I'd been away from those books for so long (the last episode of that series was in March, 2022), that I've darn near forgotten most of what came before. I mean, these stories aren't terribly memorable to begin with... add in my year-long absence from the books, and... woof. Your humble host is lost.

And so, I figured it might behoove me to re-x-plore the early days of these strange teens, and to do so in a words-n-pics sort of way. Also, maybe I can try and re-learn some of this WordPress hoo-doo... because, it's been so long since I've blown the dust off this place, that I've totally forgotten how to code it so our thumbnails all stay the same size (if anybody out there can help a fella out... please do)!

So, let's get into it, yes?


Well, first, howsabout a pre-ramble? Those are always fun, right? Okay, don't answer that...

I just wanted to briefly discuss how and why I started covering these Silver Agers to begin with. Ya see, back when I was doing (original recipe) X-Lapsed, it took me... I wanna say, seven or so months to get "caught up" with the then current X-Books. As X-Lapsed was (like most of the stupid stuff I do) an every day thing, once I was caught up... I needed something to talk about to keep the "streak" alive.

But, what?

Well, I initially planned to take a step back... like, work my way backwards through the X-Men books/era that I missed out on. Since we started this project with the HoX/PoX era, I thought it only natural to jump back to the start of the era that proceeded it, which is to say the "Disassembled/Age of X-Man/Rosenberg" run. Figured I'd call it something "clever" like Uncanny X-Lapsed. I then decided, heck... if I'm gonna go back an era, maybe it'd be smart to jump back TWO... in order to pick up with the X-Books where I had walked away, which is to say... the X-Men Blue/Gold/Red/Black era. Maybe calling that show something "clever" like X-Lapsed Prime (that era kicked off with a one-shot called X-Men Prime... no, not that X-Men Prime).

And so, I began doing my normal amount of pre-project research... which is to say (dang, I say "which is to say" a lot)... I basically dove into these 2015-2019 books headfirst. I snapped up any and all X-Ephemera from the era, copy and pasted information and interviews from comics "newz" sites... really began doing my due diligence in finding just the right amount of "Gestaltiness" to do these missing-years justice.

Then, I found myself in a very strange mindset. Ya see, it's probably quite evident to anybody whose been reading my stuff for any amount of time, but... I'm kind of obsessive. Used to be, back in the long ago, that I could recite X-Men factoids "chapter-and-verse". It's nothing to brag about or be proud of, but I knew a lot about these silly books. And here, as I was attempting to re-acquaint myself with these characters and stories, I found myself... well, kinda lost.

Usually, I can blame those sort of feelings on lazy creators or editors... but, this time? This time it was my fault for disassociating from these books to the point where I just forgot everything. I suddenly felt like I wouldn't be able to give my usual "top-quality" level of insight in discussing these 2015-2019 era X-Books. Ya see, with the "current-year" stuff... that's all pretty ephemeral, yes? We're discussing it as it happens... the story isn't over yet, and so... they kind of invite things like speculation and wild editorializing. But, a prior era... well, that's already "done", ya know? The door is closed, the story's been told... so, I kinda feel like I need to be more, I dunno, analytic with stuff like that.

Anyway, it was here that I decided I needed to go even further back. But again, how far?

I could list the eras I considered... and the "clever" titles I'd have given those shows... but, honestly I've wasted enough of your time already! Suffice it to say, I took the scenic route... and wound up all the way back to the Summer of 1963.

Before kicking off the Essentials show, it'd been every bit of 20 years since I'd read any of these issues. The Essential Uncanny X-Men black and white "phonebook" was the first Essential I ever bought, and was the first time I'd read nearly all of those early issues.

It wasn't the first time I'd ever read X-Men #1 though. First time I read that was when I was very young in my X-Fandom. I found a copy of Sons of Origins of Marvel Comics at the Connetquot Public Library. It was one of the, maybe dozen, comic booky things there... and, it was kind of a trip to see! I was shocked to learn who the original X-Men were... at the time, I honestly couldn't have imagined a more boring team! Where's Wolverine? Where's Colossus? Where's Storm?

I remember taking that bit of "trivia" to school with me the next day and blowing a few new comic fans' minds. None of us would have ever guessed these five were the originals. I remember really wanting to cut the X-Men #1 pages out of the collection and staple them together, so it would be like I actually HAD a copy of it. I was a stupid kid.

That same year, I actually found a copy of X-Men #1 at a local comic shop... it was on the wall, and was priced at (get this) $200. Two-hundred bucks! I begged for it to be my Christmas/Birthday present... but, it just wasn't to be. Could you fathom finding, even a ragged copy of X-Men #1 for two-hundo?

Anyway... howsabout I shut up so we can get into it?


We open in the study of a very exclusive private school, where sits a bald man in a Laz-e-boy. Ya know, here’s my first bit of Mandela Effecting… I could’ve sworn Professor X was in his wheelchair on this page. In fact, if you’d asked me to recreate it, I’d have 100% included the wheelchair. Anyway, he telepathically summons his four students for class... So, let’s meet them! Front and center is… Angel, who swoops in overhead, making me question just how large this study actually is. Beast hops in through a window just hanging there in this featureless void of a room. Iceman, uh, well... let me be the thousandth person who points out that he... pole dances? And Cyclops takes up the rear. They all introduce themselves to the readers.

The fellas immediately attempt to make the Professor feel a bit more comfortable by reclining his Laz-E-Boy and adjusting the afghan that covers his legs. Brown-nosers. Off to the side, Bobby sprays Hank with some slush and it looks like they’re about to engage in a bit of roughhousing. Angel soothes the sopping Beast, and now it’s time for today’s lesson. Worth noting, Professor Xavier hasn’t spoken yet… everything he’s “said” thus far has been telepathic. He is happy that the teens are able to receive his thoughts, and suggests that, eventually there’ll be no need to speak aloud to them ever again. Promises, promises. Cyclops pushes a Training Machine into this giant featureless void of a study. It looks kind of like a forklift or an order-picker, but is taking the place of the Danger Room, it seems. I think the Danger Room will be introduced pretty soon, but for now - we’ve got the forklift gimmick. Not sure why they’re training in a room with a great big Beast-sized window in it… seems a bit strange given that the makeup of the school is supposedly a well-guarded secret.

First student we see train is Beast. The room is suddenly full of trapeze-looking equipment and hoops, which he dives through and around which puts his agility and balance to the test. Upon landing, Hank asks how he did. Professor X barks that he’ll get his grade tomorrow. Dick.

Next up, it’s Angel’s turn. The room is now full of whirlydoos and whoziwatzits which Warren must avoid and evade. He barely manages to make his way through the course, nearly slipping up at the end. Xavier congratulates him on his hovering and recovering abilities.

Iceman is then given… five minutes of “free play”. Ya see, he’s the youngest of our group… and is being treated as such. So, for Bobby’s “free play”, he decides to make himself look like an actual snowman... with carrot nose, and broom, and everything…

Beast then hurls a bowling ball in his direction. The slowest moving bowling ball ever, as Bobby is able to have a full-on monologue about it AND concoct an ice arc to deflect the bauble by the time it makes it across the room! Though, in fairness, we’ve already established that this is quite the sizable room. Professor X is impressed… especially considering that Bobby is only 16 years old. We learn that he’s “a couple of years” younger than his peers, which suggests that Scott, Warren, and Hank are 18 right now.

Finally, it’s Cyclops’ turn. And his training is… well, basically blasting the bejeezus out of his fellow students. Worth noting, here he has to operate a mechanism on his visor to open it before unleashing an optic blast. And, evidently, he can control the size of the blast by adjusting the dial. First, he blasts Beast... then Angel... finally, Iceman - who had erected an ice cube shield to protect himself.

Professor Xavier looks one while his students beat the hell out of one another, suggesting that a little roughhousing is good for them to blow off steam. He then turns on a dime, and demands the stop the horseplay and return to formation - at once! Yeesh. This telepathic message is more akin to an assault… Hank claims that it very nearly bowled him over!

Xavier tells the fellas that he senses a taxi pulling up outside carrying a new pupil. A very, ahem, attractive, young lady. That’s a creepy thing to say. Worth noting, the fellas are all going to be pretty creepy toward this attractive young lady. I probably don’t need to say “this didn’t age well” over and over again, so consider this my blanket “this didn’t age well” statement. Worth noting, while Scott, Hank, and Warren are pretty psyched that they’re about to be joined by a girl… Bobby couldn’t care less. Hmm... I'm guessing this was one of the five issues of X-Men Brian Bendis bothered to read before taking the gig.

Anyway, this attractive new pupil arrives at the School… and, of course, it’s Jean Grey. Professor X introduces himself as though they’d never met before... which, of course, has been retconned away - we would later learn that Xavier met Jean as a young girl following the death of her friend Annie Whatsherface... which, only makes his apparent attraction to her all the more creeptastic. Xavier explains what the school is all about, suggesting that Jean didn’t already know. He tells her that she, like his other students, is a mutant... and that his students are called the “X-Men” due to their having Ex-Tra Powers.

It’s now time for the fellas to introduce themselves… and it’s the first time we see them in their civvies… and being addressed by their real names. Cyclops is given the name “Slim Summers” by the way, and he looks like an absolute geek. Bow-tie and plaid pants… was that EVER a style? Is it just laundry day?  Or did he lose a bet? I don’t remember when they first told us his real first name is Scott… though, I’m assuming it won’t be long from now. Angel welcomes Jean to the X-Men. It’s weird that Angel seems to be poised as the leading man here. Jean is given the name Marvel Girl, which leads to Beast trying to figure out what her powers might be. He, by the way, is drawn to look like a boilerplate Kirby no-neck goofball character. Probably also worth noting, Warren looks like he’s around 40 years old, and Bobby resembles Eddie Haskell. Scott, while not in this panel, looks a lot like Marty McFly’s dad. Scott pushes a chair over for Jean to sit in… which she uses her telekinesis to pull in closer. This freaks the fellas out, but at least now they have an idea of what she can do.

Professor X then explains more about himself and the school. He claims that when he was a younger man... and, I mean, he’s probably all of thirty here… even though he looks quite ancient, what with looking kind of like Mr. Wizard. Anyway, when he was a younger man, he was distrusted for having his mental powers. The human race was not yet ready to accept people with extra powers and abilities... and so, he decided to build a school where mutants can kind of hide out, working to help mankind in hopes that they’ll one day be accepted by them. For those of you who have checked out the (short-lived) X-Lapsed Origins series of blog posts, this sounds a lot like what we saw in Amazing Adult Fantasy #14 in the first ever Marvel-Mutant story featuring Tad Carter! Xavier also claims that both of his parents worked on the atomic bomb... and that he lost the use of his legs in a childhood accident (which we'll find out isn't x-actly the case later on down the line.

Beast then… forces a kiss onto Jean! To which, he’s hurled across the room. Well, that was bizarre, eh? If nothing else, there’s a bit of X-Trivia for us, I guess. Who was the first X-Man to kiss Jean Grey? The Beast!

Xavier continues his ramble… introducing us to the concept that there are EVIL mutants out there. Those who seek to destroy mankind... and, naturally, it’s up to them to stop it. No sooner does he say this than we shift scenes and meet one such evil mutant! In a secret laboratory near Cape Citadel, it’s… Magneto... or, the Miraculous Magneto, if you prefer. He vows to take the Earth from the humans, and refers to Mutants as “Homo Superior”. Wow, I don’t remember that being a thing from the very get-go… but, here we are! He watches via monitor a test missile being launched from the Cape, and then uses his magnetic powers to screw with it.

The big brains at NASA can’t figure out what’s wrong. The next day, the Daily Bugle Globe reports that this is the sixth failed launch. Later on that day, all sorts of metallic artillery starts going nuts! Gatling guns and tanks alike begin behaving as though they’ve got minds of their own. The troops look to the sky and see a message written in metallic dust. It reads: Surrender the Base of I’ll Take it By Force... and it’s signed Magneto... Like, Magneto is literally in cursive, which is rather precious, innit? I mean, just look at it!

Magneto then launches another missile from a silo and rockets it toward an unmanned target ship in the sea. At this point, our man tires of working remotely, and so he just saunters on in to Cape Citadel. He is naturally mocked for being dressed like a big ol’ goof... and, yeah - I probably should mention that, while he is most definitely Magneto, his helmet is a bit different than what we’re used to seeing now. The helmet, instead of having a thick “rim” or “ridge”, for lack of a better term, here has more distinct and larger horns... which, I suppose aids in the obvious evilness of the get up. Anyway, Magneto uses his powers to take over the base. As he makes his way inside, he mentions that he will change his magnetic charge from positive to negative... which, I didn’t realize was a thing he ever had to do… but, well - we’re still learning, ain’t we?

In an office, in Chris Claremont's favorite panel of the ish, Magneto, who is almost completely obscured by a word balloon, informs the Citadel bigwigs that he claims the Cape for Homo Superior. He then snags all the soldiers in a magnetic “fence” rendering them fairly useless.

Back at the School, Jean Grey tries on her costume… while the fellas all peep on her from around a corner. Yup… that's right. One of them, I think Bobby, suggests that Jean was “poured” into her suit... and yeah, it’s fairly form-fitting, I’ll give him that. Jean, upon realizing that the fellas are perving on her, tells them to back off. Hank calls her gorgeous and tells her not to get mad. This scene is cut short by a psychic command from Professor Xavier, ya see, nobody better be perving on Jean… except him! Nah, that’s not what he said... but, you can bet he was thinking it!

He actually gives the team 15 second to report to the study for a briefing. They arrive in time, and are advised about what’s going on at Cape Citadel. Magneto is identified as the first evil mutant to surface… and the X-Men are told that this confrontation will serve as their “baptism of fire”. And so, the X-Men suit up… and load into Charles’ souped up Rolls Royce. From there, they’re taken to Xavier’s private jet, which whooshes them down to… I’m assuming Florida, faster than the speed of sound... which is pretty damn quick, innit?

And so, we’re back at the Cape… and the X-Men have arrived. They introduce themselves, and are naturally mocked for their costumes. The soldiers agree to stand down and allow these weird teen-agers to do their thing. They rush into the base! Cyclops runs right into Magneto’s force field… and decides to try and blast his way through it. He nearly knocks himself out in the process, but actually manages to break through Magneto’s defenses!

Magneto pulls back, and launches five of the Cape’s hunter missiles. Which will be attracted to the X-Men by their own body heat? Worth noting, he does this by operating a control panel rather than just using his miraculous magnetic powers. Angel deftly dodges the onslaught. Bobby then hurls some ice grenades at the missiles… and actually manages to hit, and take down all but one. Wow, heckuvan arm on this kid! Even more impressive when we realize he’s only sixteen years old, am I right? Get used to me saying that, by the way... apologies in advance. The final missile is hot on Warren’s tail.

Beast swoops un below, and catches the lil rocket with his feet. Jean then uses her TK abilities to take control of the missile. She dumps it in the Ocean, where it goes boom... Killing an entire undersea ecosystem, and probably really ticking a certain Sub-Mariner off.

Magneto then hurls a bunch of metallic debris at the X-Men... which Cyclops is able to take out pretty easily with an optic blast. And so, Magneto then sets a tank of rocket fuel on fire and sends it in the X-Men’s direction. It explodes… however, before it did, Bobby… who I want to remind you is only 16 years old -- is able to erect an ice igloo shield! The X-Men, while not blowed up - are covered in a whole bunch of rubble. (The Miraculous) Magneto thinks he’s won the day.

However… from the pile of rubble shoots an optic blast! The X-Men then go on a full-frontal assault of the Master of Magnetism, which includes… well, Cyclops hitting him with another optic beam. Magneto decides here that discretion is the better part of villainy… and decides to hightail it on outta there, leaving a wake of impenetrable magnetic energy in his wake so he cannot be followed. Whatever the case… it would appear as though the day has been saved! The Cape Citadel troops refer to our heroes’ antics as “Uncanny” before telling them that the name “X-Men” will be most honored... well, I guess that’ll be nice while it lasts. We wrap up with Professor Xavier calling his students back home, and, check this out… he sorta kinda delivers THAT line: “And now, return… To Me, My X-Men!”


I still remember how weird it was to read this for the first time, having come into the X-Books with X-Men vol. 2… this was just so strange to see. As mentioned during the overlong pre-ramble, I never would have guessed that, outside of Cyclops and maybe Jean, that this would be the original team! Also, where’s Beast’s fur!  Is this a *different* Beast?  I didn’t know that he started off unfurry when I first read this! Why is Warren Worthington the Angel instead of Archangel??? What reading this issue told me back then was that… I had a LOT to learn about my favorite comics team.

And so, let's learn... or re-learn, together!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 062 - X-Men #47 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-Two

X-Men #48 (August, 1968)
"The Warlock Wears Three Faces!"
"I, the Iceman!"

Writers - Gary Friedrich & Arnold Drake
Layouts - Don Heck
Pencils - Werner Roth
Inks - Johns Tartaglione & Verpoorten
Letters - Artie Simek & Joe Rosen
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12c

With the X-Men no more, we check in with the Bosom Buddies and their Belles as they try to get tickets to the theatre! It's the return of the Warlock (not THAT Warlock... or the other one... probably not the third or fourth one yer thinkin' of either!). Also, despite the title of this ish... he's only got one face, and it's very boring!

Also: The Mutant Mail-Box, The Bullpen Bulletins... small-talk on Arnold Drake and Fabulous Flo Steinberg... and, finally, I read Professor Charles Xavier's eulogy! Join us, won't you?

Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 061 - X-Men #46 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-One

X-Men #46 (July, 1968)
"The End of the X-Men!"
"... And Then There Were Two"
Writer - Gary Friedrich
Pencils - Don Heck, Werner Roth, & George Tuska
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Artie Simek
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12c

Back behind the mic after a long hiatus... jumping back in with the Silver Age X-Men, just as they're getting set to split up! This being a Chris-show, expect the first half-hour of it to be full of stuff you probably couldn't care less about... but, once I finally get to the comics-content, it's a pretty good time! Two "ehh" stories, the Mutant Mail-Box, and Bullpen Bulletins are all here!

Huge and sincere THANK YOU for your patience and lack of new episodes over the past few months.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode 361 - FCBD 2022: Avengers/X-Men #1 (2022)

X-Lapsed, Episode Three Hundred Sixty-One

Free Comic Book Day 2022: Avengers/X-Men #1 (June, 2022)
Free Comic Book Day 2022: Spider-Man/Venom #1 (June, 2022)
"Of Deviation and Mutation"
"Let's Talk About Krakoa..."
"Lost in the Mail"

Writers - Kieron Gillen, Gerry Duggan, & Zeb Wells
Art - Dustin Weaver, Matteo Lolli, & John Romita, Jr.
Inks - Scott Hanna
Colors - Marte Gracia, Rain Beredo, & Marcio Menyz
Letters - VC's Cory Petit, Clayton Cowles, & Joe Caramagna
Design - Jay Bowen
Edits - Biro, Cohick, McGahey, Amaro, Bissa, Lowe, White, Brevoort, Cebulski
Cover Price: FREE
Available: May 7, 2022

Welcome to AXE-Lapsed!

Kicking off the X-Lapsed coverage of the Summer-into-Fall, 2022 Crossovent, AXE: Judgment Day!  Today, we're taking a look at three short subjects from two of Marvel's 2022 Free Comic Book Day offerings - two from FCBD 2022: Avengers/X-Men #1 and one story with a surprise X-Twist from FCBD 2022: Spider-Man/Venom #1!

All three stories are fun... and offer your humble host some (uncharacteristic?) optimism about the near future of the X-Books!  Also: I willingly eat a bit of crow when I admit that Marvel (and DC) finally used the FCBD opportunity to actually deliver the goods... and reward reader loyalty!

Plus: A great Mailbag section!



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Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

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