Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mister Miracle #1 (1971)

Mister Miracle #1 (April, 1971)
"Murder Missile Trap!"
Writer, Artist & Editor - Jack Kirby
Inker - Vince Colletta
Cover Price: $0.15

Well, how about that... today August 28th, would have been Jack Kirby's 99th (!) birthday!  I figure what better way to celebrate/commemorate than to talk about one of my very favorite Kirby Kreations... definitely my favorite of his time at DC Comics... Mister Miracle!  What better place to start than at the very beginning... wayyy back in 1971.

Happy Birthday to the King!


We open up with Mister Miracle being shackled by his assistant Oberon as he practices escape from a flaming cabinet trick.  Miracle feels extra motivated to get this trick right as he's noticed there's a dark-haired young man watching the exhibition from a distance.  Oberon locks his man in the cabinet and then... unloads a flamethrower (!) at it.  The young man hops the fence and tries putting out the flames with his sport jacket.  Mister Miracle bursts through the wreckage... and laments the fact that his advanced age has seemingly dulled his escape-senses.  Ya see, Mister Miracle is not Scott Free here, but Thaddeus Brown!  Scott's the onlooker.

Scott, Thad, and Oberon share some pleasantries and as they are about to part company a group of thugs emerge from a car.  They're apparently from (the hyphenated) Inter-Gang and they've got some bid-ness with Thad-eus.  Scott gets involved, and starts... well, it looks like he's beating them with his purse.  The battle is short-lived, and the good guys come out on top.  Scott helps Thad to his feet, and the elder tells the story of the man called Steel Hand.

Speaking of Steel Hand... thankfully not Sarge Steel (Hand)... we shift to a scene with him bunkered in a sealed room where his artificial mitt is getting zapped with radiation.  He received an update from one of his underlings via a "TV" (quotes theirs).  He vows that he will take Mister Miracle out himself (or by using a sniper)... and karate chops a bar of solid titanium to punctuate his point.

Brown was so touched by Scott's altruistic act that he offered his spare room to him.  Scott, unable to leave the poor old man at the mercy of Inter-Gang, agrees.  Thaddeus enters and we get his "secret origin"... he used to be The Great Thaddeus, however his (late) son Ted thought it lacked flair... and so, Mister Miracle was born.  Thad displays a great amount of fatigue... he's been relentlessly training for something he called the "Big Trap".  Scott presses the subject, but Thad doesn't really want to expound... as it's upsetting to Oberon.

Scott won't let up... his curiosity is piqued about this "Big Trap".  He tries giving some hints about eliminating any and all confounding variables that may cause his trick to be unsuccessful.  Now Thad's curiosity is piqued... he wants to see how Scott would escape the chains.  Scott's down with it... but he's gotta get something from his bag first.  After that brief detour, he's wrapped in chains, and well...

He tells Thad and Obe that he's a modern man in the age of gadgets, and shows them his magnetic repulsor doohickey.  He continues by explaining that the contents of his bag were an inheritance from his time at the orphanage.  Oberon suggests that Thad use it for the "Big Trap", but the ol' man ain't havin' it.  He will "live or die" by his own methods.  Dude's got conviction... gotta give him that!

We rejoin our pals the following day.  Mister Miracle is bound to a tree, and Oberon is set to dislodge a one-ton metal sphere from the top of a hill and send it directly into Thad's path.  All that, and there's currently a sniper with Thad in his cross-hairs.

Scott hears a loud "coughing" sound, and runs in to stop the sphere from crushing his new buddy.  He does so by blasting it with a beam emanating from his hand.  By the time he gets to Mister Miracle, it's already too late.  He's been shot!

With his last words, Thaddeus tells Scott that the "Big Trap" was conceived by Steel Hand, and it's escape-proof reputation was due to it only ending in death.  Scott rolls up his sleeve and removes a strange box from the odd metal arm-brace apparatus he wears and holds it up to Thad's ear... it lulls him into the hereafter peacefully.  Once he passes, Oberon shares the complete story with Scott.  Steel Hand and Thad met in a hospital some years earlier.  While there, they made a $10,000 wager about the "escape-proof" trap.

We flash to a few days later in Steel Hand's office (?) where he is preparing to test the might of his magical mitt by arm-wrestling a robot that can "punch holes in a battleship".  Steel Hand handily (nyuk) beats the bot.  As he celebrates with a stogie, he is shocked to find see Mister Miracle climbing through his window.  He wants another chance to escape the "big trap".

It isn't long before the Inter-Gang thugs storm the room.  It's funny, they're all brandishing ridiculously powerful rifles, but only thump Mister Miracle with the "butt" of the gun.  With him kayoed, Steel Hand issues the command that he be bound to the nose of a rocket that is about to be launched into space.  Man, Inter-Gang's got connections!

Mister Miracle touches his two index fingers together, which causes a little electrical current to start to sizzle as the rocket takes off.  Steel Hand and Inter-Gang gleefully look on while it bursts into flames.  Job well done, Steel Hand returns to his office.  Only, he finds somebody's sitting behind the big desk... Mister Miracle!

What follows is a brief bru-ha-ha, that culminates in Mister Miracle blasting Steel Hand's... steel hand off, and tying the goon up with his compact cocoon spinner!  All that's left is the crying... the police come and haul Steel Hand's radioactive rump to the slammer.


Ya know... it's been so long since I'd read this that I'd almost totally forgotten about ol' Thaddeus Brown.  Once I saw him, it all came flooding back to me, but gotta say, I was a bit thrown off for a moment there!  Love it when a comic can do that to me... doesn't happen nearly enough!

I came into Mister Miracle through the Justice League International run, so I think I've always kind of equated him with "bwa-ha-ha" antics.  Even his own mid/late-80's solo series was very lighthearted.  It's a bit strange seeing the character in a (relatively) serious story like we have here.

I also remember wondering how Mister Miracle would have worked in the Marvel Universe had the King not gone to DC during the 70's.  How weird would that have been... we might have had a Marvel Fourth World right now... that would likely be retconned into Inhumans by now, but that's neither here nor there.

I was chatting with a buddy about Kirby's post-Marvel work, and I was of the opinion that he might have lost a step in the transition.  I was looking at work like Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter and the Manhunter entry in 1st Issue Special... but, reconnecting with ol' Scott (two T's!) Free... I'd put this up with much of his Marvel stuff.

I enjoyed the story... I've always liked the way Oberon works off of other people.  During many of their later stories, I'd always gotten a bit of a Sam Beckett/Al from Quantum Leap vibe between Scott and Obe'... just really enjoy their chemistry.  I like how we learn here that "Scott Free" was a name given to him at the orphanage to give him "individuality"... it's such a simple explanation, but it really does explain away any questions of the corniness of being named after a pun.

Then we've got Steel Hand... who actually makes a few sparse appearances following this, if the DC Wikia is to be believed.  I was getting some Charlton flashbacks from the bubba... thought for a second he was going to say he was Sarge Steel Hand... and that gave me the heebie-jeebies to be sure.

Overall, a great introductory piece for a wonderful character.  The script is (surprisingly?) strong, and the art is top-level Kirby.  Definitely worth checking out.  I was happy to revisit this one to commemorate the life of the architect of so much of what I/we love.  Happy 99th, Jack!


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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Angel Love #3 (1986)

Angel Love #3 (October, 1986)
by Barbara Slate
Cover Price: $0.75

Today was a lucky day... I finally finished my Angel Love collection.  For the past year, this very issue had alluded me.  I began thinking that it was somehow rare, or was under-printed.  Hell, I can count on one hand how many times I've seen any issues of this series in the wild... so, for all I know the entire run is rare... with issue #3 being exceptionally so.  I convinced myself it just had to be due to that incredibly wacky cover!

I've been checking in with all the comics and used bookstores in the area for this bugger... and, I gotta tell ya... you get some strange looks when you ask some hipster behind the counter who's barely out of his teens if they have any issues of Angel Love.  Oh well, all's well that ends well... Let's get right to it!


We open and if I'm not mistaken this is the first time we're seeing Angel working on her art.  It's... well, something... perfectly fine for someone who draws in roller-skates.  I doubt she's a comic book artist, looks more like something that would be on a whimsical Hallmark card.  Nothing wrong with that, at all... funny thing is, these days you can get greeting cards that speak to you... back then, only Angel's speaks to her.  The Angel (drawing... not the girl) introduces herself as Halo, and asks that Angel (the girl... not the drawing) give her a cuter "Pat Benatar" nose.

Following the rhinoplasty, Halo tells Angel that she's her Guardian Angel, and that any time she's needed... all she's gotta do is draw her.  Angel's super-pleased, thinking that all her dreams will come true... Not so fast, Red... Halo didn't say nothin' about your dreams.  The surreal moment is interrupted by a ringing phone... it's Angel's friend Cindy... and if the cover hadn't spoiled you yet, she's knocked up!  This is a funny conversation... Angel's trying to interject about how her cartoon just started talking to her.  Hey Cindy, you sure this is the gal you wanna confide in?

Some time later, Angel meets with Cindy in the park.  We learn that Cindy hasn't the foggiest clue what birth control is... but she does know what abortion is!  Angel tries to reason with her... ya know, make sure she knows her options.  Why, she could carry the baby to term, and put it up for adoption.  Ya see, there's all sorts of new wave punks, hippies, and bag ladies who'd just love to have a child!

Angel even goes as far as telling Cindy that they could raise little Alice or Alex together.  Cindy looks reasonably off-put by the gesture... and reminds Angel that she's not the child's father... Jeff is!  Jeff, we learn, still doesn't know he's a dad-to-be.  Back to the abortion... Cindy's made up her mind, she's getting the procedure... this afternoon?  Yeesh, she doesn't screw... er, mess around!

Back at the pad, Wendy realizes she's missed her audition.  She's all atwitter, and runs into Everett... who, for some reason is camped out in their living room.  He plays armchair psychologist and posits that Wendy purposely missed her audition because she fears rejection.  I'll have you know sir, that Wendy doesn't know the definition of the word!  Seriously... she has to look it up... in the dictionary.

Well, hell... looks like she is afraid of rejection after all!  Angel enters the apartment and goes straight to Everett for advice about Cindy.  Wendy wonders why Angel didn't come to her... dammit, rejected again!  Wendy really is the best.

Angel spills the beans to Everett, and he's all... it ain't your decision to make Ang'.  On the sidelines, Wendy is trying to call Robert Redford... or Woody Allen.  It's great, her antics are far more interesting that Angel's problems... not just to me, but to Everett as well.  He walks away from Angel while she's still talking to see what Wendy's up to.  Turns out, she's trying to get over her fear of rejection by calling people who are sure to reject her!  The plan is inspired, and further proof that she is secretly a genius.

Later on that day, Angel accompanies Cindy to the abortion clinic.  While there, she tells her pal that she supports her decision... and she's sorry she made all those suggestions while they were in the park.  Well, now Cindy's sure she wants to keep the baby!  This is kinda funny too... while Angel's going on about how she supports the abortion and will be there for her friend... Cindy's already walked out!  She's going to tell Jeff and they'll raise this baby together!

That night, back at the apartment... Wendy is trying to call, get this... William Shakespeare.  Everett informs her that he's long dead (I didn't even know he was sick!).  Everett continues by saying he'll reject her himself if it will help her out.  Oh, don't be silly Everett... Wendy knows deep down you love her.  I mean, you're camped out in her apartment all the time... I think the jig is up, pal.  Your rappin' girlfriend knew there was smoke here.  He puts up a fight saying he doesn't love her... so, Wendy brings in Angel as a third-party.  She agrees with Everett (she must think he's always hangin' about to be with her)... Wendy (rightfully) laughs that off as well.

The jocularity is interrupted by Cindy.  She's told Jeff, and now he wants to... get this, marry her!  Well, Cindy's an 80's kinda gal... she's not gonna marry some dude just because he knocked her up!  Angel gives her all the reasons she should commit... ya know, they love each other and whatnot.  Nope, Cindy ain't hearing it.  They disconnect the call, and Angel just knows she'll be getting a wedding invitation before too long.

Angel heads into her studio... so we can start having fun again.  Wendy makes one last phone call... to Steven Spielberg... while Everett rolls his eyes.  Well, guess what... Steve answers, and has quite the pleasant chat with our Wendy!  Everett's buggin' out and Wendy retires to her bedroom, visions of ET's dancin' in her head.

We wrap up with Angel drawing Halo to fill her in on the goings on of this very busy day.  She's interrupted by Everett who won't shut up about Wendy... I'm tellin' ya, he's obsessed!  So, what does Angel do?  She starts goin' on about how she can talk to her cartoons... and they talk back.  Everett looks incredulous... and is likely thinkin' back to everything his ol' lady said about "white chicks".


Oh Angel Wendy, how I've missed you!  I can't believe it's been so long since I read the first two issues of this run.  Still a silly, but good time!

Today we cover the heavy topic of abortion... in quite a light way.  I don't have any problem with that as Angel is only a POV character here, and not the one who has to "choose".  Her friend Cindy, is written as rather fickle and terminally unable to commit to a given decision.  As strange as it is to say that the scene in the abortion clinic is actually written as comedy... it is, and maybe it's not laugh-out-loud funny, but it's certainly got charm.  It's perhaps the first scene thus far where Angel is part of the comedy.  She's been kind of the stick in the mud up to this point.

Continuing the softer/funner side of Angel... she appears to be losing her mind.  She's talking to her cartoon angel, Halo... who (it appears) only shows up for her.  This is a cute addition to the series, and allows for some (relatively) organic expository dialogue.  I did think it was really cute how proud Angel was of this drawing too... I mean, really now...

Speaking of comedy... there's my Wendy.  No follow up on whether or not her baby bird ever recovered... I'll have to assume/hope it did... maybe we'll get some "follow up" in the subsequent chapters.  Here's hoping!  Anyhoo, she's looking for rejection... not rejection from her pals, but rejection from important people in her chosen field.  It's always so much fun when she's on panel... I mean, c'mon... she tried to call William Shakespeare for a rejection.  She's amazing!

Now Everett... what's this dude doing hanging around Angel and Wendy's apartment... is his air conditioner still out?  Is his girlfriend still ticked that he's hangin' round two white chicks?  There's a story thread I'm hoping is picked up on... his lady looks like one you wouldn't want to mess with.

Overall, another fun issue of Angel Love.  Certainly not for everyone, but for some light comedy with heart you could do way worse.  For its sheer novelty, this series is one of the highlights of my 2016 retro-reads.  This is one of those series I'd say I want to be revisited nowadays... but I gotta say I'm glad this one is stuck in the 1980's.  I don't think a series like this could occur today without losing its charm and getting mired way deep in social politics.


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Friday, August 26, 2016

Superman (vol.4) #5 (2016)

Superman (vol.4) #5 (2016)
"Son of Superman, Part Five"
Story - Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason
Penciller - Doug Mahnke
Inker - Jaime Mendoza
Colorist - Wil Quintana
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Assistant Editor - Andrew Merino
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99

Figured I'd give myself a little break from the Charlton Action Heroes, and take a look at a recent Superman release.


We pick up where we left off... Superman and family arrive on the Moon.  Along their way to their final destination Jon is able to catch a glimpse of the American flag and the Apollo-15.  Superman has seen fit to take them to a place on the dark side of the Moon... deep within a crater.  To a secret facility built by Batman.

It doesn't take long for the Eradicator to arrive, and Superman sends his family away so he can take on the threat head on.  It's all for naught, as the villain isn't there for Superman... but Superboy... just as he has been for the past several chapters.  He reaches for the impure youngster, but Superman interjects... and winds up inhaled for his troubles!

From here we enter a chase scene.  Jon hits the baddie with a blast of heat vision before fleeing.  The Eradicator immediately gives chase, leaving Lois among a bat-arsenal of bat-gadgetry.  Just as the Eradicator is readying to eradicate... Bat-Lois shows up to kick some ass.

They fight for awhile, and we get a look inside the Eradicator.  Superman is there among the Kryptonian spirits... I suppose this was his plan all along, as he needs a favor from these poor lost souls who have been unwittingly powering and lending strength to their host.

As the Eradicator has bettered Bat-Lois, he again turns his attentions to Superboy.  At that very moment, he feels as though the spirits have vacated... and they have!  They are now inside Superman... and he's evacuating as well.  Now we're set for a souped-up Supes taking on the Eradicator once and for... now.


I'm afraid I'm gonna come off like a bit of a broken record here.  Still enjoying this story... but, hopeful that we have less "six-parters" in our future.  The formulaic writing-for-the-trade approach here really hurts the flow... by giving it a predictable flow.  This issue ended just about the way I figured it would... Superman and the Eradicator readying for the climactic battle... they got the "go home" from the ref, and it's time to start hitting finishers.

That having been said, there was a lot of great action here.  I enjoyed seeing Lois get all "batted up" and taking it to the Eradicator for a bit.  Jon getting a bit of time to trash-talk was a fun bit as well.  I'm still kinda confused about the spirits being inside the Eradicator... and now how they've gotten into Superman, guess it's just one of those things that happens and I probably shouldn't think too hard on it.  It's far easier to follow than last issue, that much is certain.

Doug Mahnke on art is always a treat.  I've enjoyed his take on Superman ever since his runs on Superman: The Man of Steel and JLA around the turn of the century.  He really brings it here, and is a welcome addition to the super-team.  I definitely want to mention the colorist Wil Quintana... this book looks lush.  Amazing color work here!

Overall... enjoyed it with the caveat that... it's, well, a modern-day comic book... not really written to be read on its own, sadly.  While it only took a few minutes to read it, I'll say I enjoyed those few minutes.  That, and I'm (still) hoping we eventually get some solo Superman stories sometime soon.  I don't think we've had one a single one yet.


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Thursday, August 25, 2016

The L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #3 (1999)

The L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) #3 (November, 1999)
"The Past is Always Present"
Writer & Inker - Bob Layton
Penciller - Dick Giordano
Letterer - John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist - Tom Ziuko
Separator - Digital Chameleon
Special Thanks - David Michelinie
Assistant Editor - Frank Berrios
Editor - Joey Cavalieri
Cover Price: $2.50

Ehh... why not?


We open in full-blown flashback mode.  We're watching the original Blue Beetle, Dan Garrett taking on a crew of robots being commanded by Ted Kord's evil uncle Jarvis Kord.  The flashback ends with Ted being thrown into the Elector machine... which, despite its name has nothing to do with voting nor public service.  Ted wakes up and shakes the cobwebs as he, Question, Judomaster, and Salt continue their trek toward the Avatar.

We pop in on the netherworld dimension, current home of the Justice League.  We find they are all locked in a sort of suspended animation... all of them besides a certain Manhunter from Mars, that is.  J'onn reaches out with his mind... sending an interdimensional S.O.S. in hopes that any passersby may answer the call.

We shift scenes to a hotel in the south of France.  Eve Eden is there... and she's got her eyes on a trio of turbaned men, who happen to be escorting her Uncle Yves... somewhere.  They toss the old man into a.. . closet, maybe... and reveal themselves to be hellspawn demons sent by the Avatar!  Boy are they surprised to find that Nightshade had already sniffed them out... ya see, she used her interdimensional powers to observe that none of the (identical) turbaned men had a shadow.  Ya know, I'm no Sherlock Watson or anything, but I think I'd have noticed something like that too... Anyhoo, she grabs Unc, and hops through a portal.

We get a creepy post-coital scene with Sarge and Justine.  She comments on the sheer number of bullet holes in his body, and expresses happiness that none of that mess affected his... performance.  Man, gross.  Anyhoo, she can't keep her hands off of him... couldja blame her?  Blech...


They are summoned to Command and Control where they meet Nightshade and Yves.  She asks that they keep him safe, and hops a portal back out.  While she's here (and getting paid), Justine decides to stop looking at Sarge's saggy bullet-ridden hide and looks to a radar screen.  It looks as though the Avatar is laying in wait for their "away team".  Sarge tries to abort the mission... but it's too late!

The Bug is overrun with hellspawns who absolutely tear into it.  The 'spawns also overtake Peacemaker-1, causing it to explode (!).  One beastie gets into it with Judomaster, and when it realizes it can't beat him hand to hand... it simply pushes ol' Rip out of the plane.  Could'a done that five minutes ago, chief...

As Judomaster plummets, the Avatar looks on... surprised.  The Peacemaker makes his triumphant (?) return... it'll take more than being on board an exploding jet to put him away... I guess.  He boards the Bug and begins blasting away without prejudice.  The hellspawns flee, but not before Peacemaker can tag one with a morph probe.

The battle-damaged Bug comes to a landing, and the foursome on board collect their thoughts.  They're sure that Judomaster is dead, and they seem kind of okay with it.  The Question proves to be the only one thinking straight... either that or he's already read issue-two... he's thinking there's a mole among the Peacemaker Organization.

Speaking of the Organization, back at the command post, the Avatar is "bringing it... via satellite" for ol' man Steel.  He's planning to open a gate to Hell in 72-hours.  He goes on about Holy Wars and the like... and says nobody has anything to worry about if they don't raise up arms against him.  Hmm... yeah, sounds legit.  After addressing the issue with a bunch of other old men, it is decided to finally bring the G.O.R.T. online to deal with this.  Ya see, the G.O.R.T. is the crazy GPS thing that Beetle sold for a half-billion a hundred years ago in issue one.

We shift to the Avatar's home for wayward youths... I mean, seriously, the orphans being held here look like they're having a great time!  Definitely not a "hard knock life" up here.  He's receiving some intel from Doctor Bhattacarja about the G.O.R.T. being brought into play.

After disconnecting from the Doc, Avatar turns his attentions to Captain Atom... who's still napping in the crystal.  It sucks that Cap's not gotten any action up to this point.  I wanna see how his new duds look in battle.  Anyhoo, Avatar gives him the business about how he's gonna make the superheroes and military pay, yadda yadda yadda.

He then leaves, feeling a bit weak.  He walks down what looks like a cave hallway... man his space station is diversely decorated... and takes a drink of the Soma... the Elixir of Immortality... for exhilaration and enlightenment!  He then turns his attention to his newest captive... Judomaster!  Of interest, Judomaster recognizes the evil bastard as his old sidekick Tiger!  Woop woop.


I'd say this one was about at the level of the second issue.  Better than the open, but no great shakes.  At least the second issue had that cool piece by Dick Giordano about the old Charlton days!

It's mostly action... and rather pedestrian action at that.  I'm really struggling to think of anything interesting to say here... not that I've let that stop me before!

I will give this series one thing... it's aimed at fans of the old Charlton characters.  I mean as far as I know, the last time we saw (or heard of) Judomaster or Tiger (to this point) was in the mid-1980's All-Star Squadron series.  The reveal at the end was a true "deep cut" and had I been around (and reading) during the heyday of the Charlton Action Heroes, I'm sure I'd have gasped... perhaps even audibly... okay, probably not... but still, the reveal would have mattered to me.

While this series certainly isn't for me, I will definitely give it props for staying true to its roots.  This was a series for the fans of the characters... this isn't distilled down with the hopes that a "casual" comics fan would pick it up and glom on to it.... or even a "seasoned" fan who has little to no history with Charlton, for that matter.  I really like that.  Too many books these days (and I apologize for actually typing "these days") are written for people who don't and won't read comics.  L.A.W. (Living Assault Weapons) isn't reaching for the kid who just watched Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, or the latest Avengers film... this is a comic book by fans of the Charlton properties for fans of the Charlton properties.  It revels in its irrelevance... and for that reason alone, I can't completely write it off.  Is it for me?  Hell no... but it was never meant to be.

I'll do the research so you don't have to... Tiger was Judomaster's young sidekick during the Charlton days, and would grow up to be Nightshade's martial arts instructor.  Now you know why the reveal could (in theory) mean something.


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I remember really digging this show when I was like 18... I bet I'd be embarrassed to watch it now!
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